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Everything posted by genericuser

  1. I wonder if he did overcome it... Not for nothing but the dude is a felon for unknown reasons and sketchy as fuck and if you read his twitter it makes you wonder what his deal is. He's running a fake charity and if this story was being written by any mainstream movie writer, you know that the character would be using the money from the fake charity Kill Meth t-shirt sales to buy more meth to smoke, snort or shoot into his body. Wouldn't surprise me if that's how the dude rolls.
  2. I use Forum Runner to access BZ somewhat frequently If you are considering switching to Tapatalk, that works for me too
  3. This continues to be a thought provoking discussion; I appreciate the knowledge and viewpoints that you and everyone who have posted in this thread. As the conversation has evolved, I find myself focused on a few things: (1) Something (not government mandated) is needed to significantly increase the number of people who (a) get tested ( make getting tested as regular and routine as one's 2-3 times/year dental checkups (sure it should be more often) (2) Educate people as to what a HIV- result means: Understanding the period an HIV test covers and, more importantly, what time frame it does not cover is something that people should understand; most people think that HIV- results today include any sex you had for the 3-4 weeks prior to the test and that the HIV- result means you are absolutely HIV-. (3) Repeal all criminal transmission of HIV laws and pass new legislation that makes HIV transmission criminal only in cases of rape, manipulation of condoms to render it ineffective and something to cover the malicious intent cases (criminally using a syringe of AIDS blood to assault someone and similar types), these cases are so rare they likely account for 0.001% of current charges. The law should recognize that if two adults are having consensual sex and both adults choose not to use protection, nothing criminal occurs because such a decision is made individually and both involved are equally responsible for his or her decision.
  4. On a site like this, I'd say the discussion is more honest because people make it known what they want and how they want to get it (if that makes sense)... You are right that a lot of HIV testing has gone underground and HIV isn't in the spotlight the way it deserves to be... as we discussed earlier in this thread, people don't understand the period an HIV test covers and what that means... Yes a celebrity public advocate could be the catalyst to change that but I'm not holding my breath for it to happen either.
  5. Absolutely. Look, I tend to think that quite often guys will claim to be "undetectable" because in today's society "undetectable" is appealing to the largest possible population of potential hookups (while I would never imagine that a guy would tell a tall tale about his status in order to get laid...) and a large group of HIV- guys view "undetectable" like a guy with a bad cold that is not contagious-- they believe that a guy who says he's "undetectable" = a guy who "is unable to infect me". I mention this for an important reason and that is the need for more HIV awareness, HIV understanding and self-examination (of one's own health)-- this is absolutely critical for several reasons. Frankly, those with a strong HIV understanding knows specific questions to ask to determine if a guy who claims he is "undetectable" is being honest (and he knows not to ask such questions online as it allows time to Google the answers). A guy who makes self-examination (as in one's own health) a priority knows that true status is more often "unknown" than "HIV-". A guy with HIV awareness knows that so many of his peers are ignorant to the facts and unaware of the importance to put in writing (an IM or whatever) if they are HIV+ with a hookup because it could make the difference between being prosecuted and not having to deal with that bullshit.
  6. That made me laugh. I think often it takes a medical issue being personalized/hitting home for some of the most closed minded dolts to look at something from a different perspective... I'm sure you agree that a dramatic increase in the number of people being tested for HIV and other STDs (NOT calling for government mandated testing), the shocking increase in the number of people infected would certainly personalize it for so many closed minded people who likely would personally know a loved one or friend with the medical issue.
  7. BIG TIME WORSE. I don't get why people find him attractive, especially with his fabricated "charity" that isn't a charity... Months ago back when I used Twitter I went to the Kill Meth account and noticed that there had been no Tweets in over 2 months so I posted something like "guess meth is killed; good job" and suddenly the twitter account was active again. Ducati is just a cracked out felon whose experience with the rodeo/circus must have taught him how to spot rubes because for a couple years he has certainly used his carny skills to convince the condom porn industry that he's just terrific....
  8. Those are really thoughtful, insightful words; I am sorry for the loss of your friend and really appreciate the honest words you shared. Any idea what got him into escorting/amateur porn? I was surprised to read he is a graduate of Parsons and it has me curious why he chose the route he did.
  9. I just saw this and am baffled by this guy: http://thehissfit.com/blog/2013/09/14/speed-free-trenton-ducati-the-fight-magazine/ A few things on that article: In the article Trenton Ducati Says: -I'm sorry but no one who says those words can possibly be as clean as he boasts; I have a number of friends in recovery and shared this quote with a few and their feedback matched mine. His Foundation Scam In the article it is noted that: Interesting enough there is no such non-profit organization or charity called that or run by Zach Ivey (Trenton Ducati) registered in California, New York, New Mexico or Washington (States he is affiliated with). Prison It is noted that: The article discusses at length that he was in prison multiple times but once again the reason for any of his prison terms are not disclosed. This is quite suspect to me and Ducati seems to be avoid sharing what he was convicted of in the past. The dude pockets money he generates with a phony charity and cause that he may or may not follow and has multiple prison terms yet he is the darling of the mainstream porn industry; it is baffling no one calls him out on this or the fact that he looks about 20 years older than he actually is...
  10. His tweets have often made me question if he's a active member of his #KillMeth scam or back to his old ways...
  11. If one considers the diseases in the last 50 years that went from being the "boogeyman" or a definite death sentence that today are widely viewed as common/manageable, it is clear that people's notions about certain ailments can completely change with time and knowledge. That understanding provides hope that HIV can/will someday be thought of in a new light.
  12. But it is NOT a campaign, it is a $$$ generator for one of the shadiest people in porn. Before anyone thinks I'm slandering him, understand that I use the word shady because of his federal prison past, the details of which have not been fully revealed (I can't find the specifics). For some reason he's the darling of the mainstream porn industry (I find him totally unattractive) and no one's dug into his sketchy past, questioned his curious present activities or questioned his phony campaign which is something that only seems to help his bank account and not actual people.
  13. @JizzDumpWI I think the biggest game changer on every level would be a universal push to get tested. If the number of people (gay, lesbian, heterosexual, transgender) that actually get tested significantly increases, I have zero doubt that the amount of HIV+ people would dramatically increase. Such an occurrence would shatter people's perceptions of HIV as it would be viewed as a more common ailment (like cancer, diabetes and similar potentially life-long medical issues) and less taboo in the eyes of so many.
  14. I apologize if you perceived my words to be solely directed at you or to be making any sort of assumption about you; that was not my intention. Frankly it was not aimed at you because it was clear to me that you definitely did your research before choosing PrEP and that you understand the importance of diligently taking the supplement; which is awesome. That being said, there is a great deal of conflicting data on the effectiveness of PrEP. I agree that it has the POTENTIAL to be a game-changer but there is still a long way to go for it to reach its potential. I'm sure you can agree that a major hurdle to clear is gaining the buy-in from all insurance companies. After gaining that buy-in so it's covered, the even bigger hurdle to clear is to produce an effective public relations and advertising campaign that alters the mindset of the public so they will recognize the benefits of using such a supplement and, more importantly, the need to be diligent about making it a part of their life every day.
  15. Trenton Ducati's Kill Meth scam: http://trentonducati.com/killmeth/ It's not about helping people as much as selling t-shirts to supplement his income.
  16. WOW he is super HOT!!!!!
  17. Maybe he has Tourettes syndrome or Parkinson's disease.... those could explain his facial issues and slow response time...
  18. I'm not writing that PrEP is completely ineffective, I am highlighting the fact that the results of studies analyzing the effectiveness of PrEP vary significantly. If one is considering PrEP they should read and analyze the actual studies themselves and not just rely on one impressive statistic from one study. The fact that human nature demonstrates someone is less likely to strictly adhere to taking a preventative supplement must be considered. Also, the coverage of PrEP by insurance companies is not universal.
  19. Noting that you have a deeper knowledge of HIV research than most and that you seem to make it a priority to maintain an understanding of the latest HIV/AIDS developments, your analysis is definitely something to pay attention to.
  20. I'd encourage you to do some deeper research into PrEP; studies have demonstrated that it is not the be all end all that it is purported to be. It also requires the individual to diligently take the medication in order to be effective and insurance covering it is not a given in many cases. You'll find that a lot of media reports the same statistics from one study while ignoring the meat of that study and every other dissenting study of the effectiveness of PrEP-- read the studies, not just the media reports and learn the whole story.
  21. It is really troublesome that one of the only "anti-meth" "campaigns" in the world of gay sex appears to be nothing more than a way for a convicted felon to make money selling t-shirts to the masses. The fact that the allegedly "clean" person who started and runs this "campaign" does nothing to help others with the revenue generated by the t-shirts he pushes; it simply goes into the guy's bank account. Yet the convicted felon who runs the scheme is the darling performer of the mainstream porn industry. It's quite sad.
  22. Thanks. Well HIV Unknown is the actual status of every sexually active person who barebacks-- unless two guys are in a relationship where they have been monogamous for circa 6 months (and after four months of monogamy both guys get tested and results show they are HIV-). Otherwise science proves that if you've been sexually active and barebacking in the past 90 days then your status is HIV Unknown; that's a fact. I've always loved bb and I didn't chase but didn't avoid exposure, I knew the risks and the eventual outcome; I'm cool with my decision. What I absolutely hate is people who choose ignorance, people who made a decision and knew the risks but after the outcome decide they're a "victim" and most of all people who can't imagine that someone would lie about their status (or lie about anything) just to get laid. I always share my status when I hookup but don't judge people who choose the 'don't ask, don't tell' route prior to bb sex. Maybe I'm sick of the endless mainstream media stories about HIV focusing on Porn performers getting HIV or some guy being criminally prosecuted for violating antiquated HIV laws and the person exposed (who in almost all of the cases chose to have bb sex w/the defendant) being labeled a "victim". It would be nice to have another Magic Johnson-type make an HIV revelation because it certainly has the potential to help alter people's perceptions...
  23. Scott's obituary confirms that the cause of death is cardiac failure. The following is from the obituary: (Note: I have chosen to not post the complete obituary out of respect for his family's privacy; instead I share selected highlights. If you want to read the full obit then Google is your friend) Those wishing to leave a condolence message can do so here: http://dooleycolonialfuneralhome.com/book-of-memories/1674822/Brewster-Scott/leave-condolence.php
  24. No apology necessary, but much appreciated. I commend you for being aware of your health and making health management a priority in your life. So many people my age and younger are ignorant of or do not manage their health issues-- which is a decision they make in their own free will and while I don't judge them for it; I don't understand choosing ignorance. Not to get too off topic but it's troublesome how decisions one makes by their own free will are completely ignored when HIV is involved; specifically I am referring to the increased prosecution of men accused of spreading HIV or potentially exposing someone to HIV. If two men hookup and they make the decision to bareback, universally known facts prove that there is the potential for exposure to HIV and/or other STDs. It's not rocket science that if one tested negative a month ago but has barebacked in the weeks before or after being tested, their HIV status is "unknown". The earliest the HIV virus will be indicated in testing is 1-3 weeks after exposure however the only test that will indicate HIV in the body that soon is the Antigen test (RNA test) which is not widely offered because it is much expensive than anitbody tests. With the most commonly used HIV tests, the Antibody or "Rapid" tests it takes 2-8 weeks (up to 2 months) after infection, most people will have enough antibodies to test positive. Unless someone is exposed from being raped against their will or via deceptive means (sabotaging the condom with intent to infect), there is no justification in criminally prosecuting someone via these HIV laws-- such prosecutions which are often sensationalized by the media only serves to demonize HIV and make it more taboo.
  25. Please don't cherry-pick one element of one of my comment and propose that is my thesis... Noting that you've been following this thread from the beginning, I would urge you to focus on the macro, not the micro and comprehend the compilation of my comments here,
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