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Everything posted by genericuser

  1. If you read the comments of the Queerty story, a bunch of guys asked: What is Grindr's liability/responsibility since Grindr didn't verify the 16 year old's age before letting him use the app, Grindr basically facilitated sex with a minor??? The scary answer: Legally Grindr or any website is NOT at all liable because of some old law.
  2. Yeah I understand that and only found out about that and the horror stories associated with that law reading the comments I linked to earlier. But here is the thing: You're 16 and already lied about your age to Grindr and the guys who lied to you. You hook up with them, it ends well. A couple days later you go to the cops-- Why? I could understand if the 16 tested poz and then went to the cops but this thing is bizarre. Doesn't make sense to me at all-- Why change your life by turning a hookup into a huge thing? How did he find out they are poz? Why couldn't he pick them out of a photo lineup at the police station 2 days after the hookup? What is the 16 year old's end-game?
  3. I saw this story on Queerty last week and I'd highly suggest you guys read the comments posted there because they bring up a lot of great points: http://www.queerty.com/hiv-positive-men-jailed-for-not-revealing-status-to-16-year-old-grindr-hookup-20130228/ From reading the comments there I'd agree that there is definitely something is fishy going on that hasn't been reported in the media. One of the commenters there laid out the dates reported in the paper and proved that the 16 year old could not have tested positive or even experienced symptoms of HIV (fuck flu) from the time they met to the day they got arrested. The 16 year old lied to Grindr and had to say he is over 18 to join, he hooked up with dudes he just met, he had raw sex with them. What makes a 16 yr old go to the cops? I mean I was doing the same shit when I was 16 but the last thing I'd wanna do is turn a secret hookup my parents were clueless about into front page news. I don't get it, doesn't make sense to me.
  4. I am not sure if this has been posted yet (I don't think it has but apologize if it was). This is one of the hotter videos I've seen in a long time: Hot boys, bareback flip fucking, toxic dialogue and guys clearly into each other (if they didn't have the dumb eyewear, the video would be perfection) You won't be able to fully appreciate it if you mute the volume because beginning at the 16 minute mark the kind of dialogue that makes my cock swell starts. Be sure to watch & listen until the very end because one of the boys says something hot in the last second. http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=SroR5-G571-
  5. I think it is a great idea, especially in light of the recent increase in HIV related arrests and prosecutions in many States in the US. Heck there is a non-HIV related trial in NYC where a guy is getting prosecuted for deviant online sexual fantasy site chats and legal file trading activity that his wife came across on his laptop and it freaked her out so she went to the police. Scary world when you can be arrested for your fantasy chats/thoughts which didn't include specific plans to commit illegal acts but merely unspecific fantasy chat. I mention this because fantasy writing about sex goes back centuries and I'd hate to see the wonderful fantasy writing shared on this site be impeded. RawTop you do a great job of looking out for all of us and squashing any trolls or shenanigans; if there is anything I can do to help lessen your burden with the coming moderation/admin nightmare, please let me know. Thanks again RawTop.
  6. The location-based hookup apps make me uncomfortable simply because having had a scary stalker a few years ago (thankfully it is now illegal for him to contact or be near me). I think anyone who has had a similar horrifying experience with a stalker would agree that it will take something unfortunate and horrible to happen to a guy using one of those location-based hookup apps that will wake people up and realize how much private, personal info we're unnecessarily sharing. Is there really a need to know that someone can know that you're 300 feet away from them and pretty much track your location as long as you're signed onto the app? That makes me a bit uncomfortable...
  7. I think you are spot-on with your analysis. In the above quoted text, there is a key phrase that many people don't pick up on "they prefer safe". Every time that I've had a guy use the words prefer safe in response the bareback or condoms question, I've found that to mean that they love bareback but since they don't know your feelings about guys into bareback or don't want to be labeled in some way that "prefer safe" works best. It only takes a couple follow-up questions or comments to discover that 99% of the guys who respond "prefer safe" want nothing more that to give or take cum deep in the ass with whomever they hookup with. "Prefer safe" is like the new code for "bareback" in my experience.
  8. I got the impression on twitter that the bf has a bit of a crazy town vibe to him sometimes; but since I don't know him I can't say for sure. Since they did bb porn together, I'd be surprised if the bf was anti-bb. As far as Jackson, his recent rejection of all the bb stuff (not just rejecting TIM which I can kinda understand him wanting to distance himself from them bc of slammed), really seemed hypocritical to me. But that could have been part of the two lives it seems like he was living (which, thanks to your post, the two lives is clear). Definitely keep us up to date on what happens next!
  9. who saw this coming?!?!? lol
  10. I'd love to see just how nasty we could get together!
  11. Just a guess: He's probably one of the bareback porn stars whose face looks like he might have some more chromosomes than you or me.
  12. I totally get that but it still is fucked up. There are so many folks who many of us could take to the blogosphere and pull off a outing similar to what was done to Mason Wyler; but we don't and won't do that because many of us knows what it is like or had our worst nightmare to be someone in Mason's shoes and have that happen AND we are decent people. The sword sand other, similar sites really need to hold everyone that works with their parent company to a super high level of scrutiny or place everyone on a reasonable level and show fairness.
  13. He did and I shot many, many loads watching it. The whitewashing of selected bb performers and crucifixion of selected others is what is irritating.
  14. @ShaneinDC202 is me. Follow me bbboys...
  15. Jackson Taylor... Hypocrite??? Meet The Real-Life Gay Porn Couple Who Only Perform With Each Other http://thesword.com/meet-the-real-life-gay-porn-couple-who-only-perform-with-each-other.html A couple things: - They are billed as Newcomers and being "Undiscovered" talents which is quite laughable since the Sword did a HARSH piece on Jackson's TIM debut in Manfuck Manifesto... I am also pretty certain that they featured his work in his pre-bareback days. - Jackson & Trevor have done numerous scenes together for Southern Strokes (or whatever that studio was...) I remember after a bareback clip of Jackson & Trevor was posted by that studio there was a blog post specifically asking if that studio was going bareback. - Jackson often forgets to mention his bareback work in any interview he does Why is it that some performers don't get harsh treatment by the Sword and similar sites for their bareback work or history of barebacking where sites like the Sword just pretend it never happened (performers like Jackson Taylor, Shane Frost and Ethan Slade get a free pass) but others who have done or continue to do the same thing get trashed for it by sites like that??? And btw just seeing the condom in the pics from the sword just makes it so much less sexy...
  16. OMG Jack Foster, I saw your video shortly after you posted it and since then it has been my go-to video to watch when I NEED to cum. Almost always when you say "Poz this hole dude" as you shoot your load on cam, I shoot my load watching. I've told my friends about the video and everyone loves it dude! Some say they wish that they could hear the guy on the other end of the convo but I think that for some reason it is much hotter just hearing you. Would be hot to see more of you stud! Or breed u when I'm in NYC.
  17. I am in lust with both of you filth pigs!!
  18. BIG TIME!!! Total filth pig here
  19. fuck yes i swallow
  20. A ripe, cum and shit filled full butt hole is the best
  21. Sorry Seaguy, you are 100% wrong about this.
  22. I've heard rumours about his status, actually many rumours for years from people I find credible.
  23. Definitely just became my favorite new video: http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=dSWQz-G169- Although all the videos he did with @Sampiesausage blew my mind and several loads
  24. WOW VERY hot night Fuckboy20!!! Love reading your posts and they always turn me on. In reading it I noticed you only asked the first guy his status; Am I right? If so, that's so fucking HOT and congratulations on taking that next step!!!
  25. WOW VERY hot night Fuckboy20!!! Love reading your posts and they always turn me on. In reading it I noticed you only asked the first guy his status; Am I right? If so, that's so fucking HOT and congratulations on taking that next step!!!
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