I've been a 'crotch watcher' since I was able to "look one in the eye". I am pretty sure that I all but went into a 'trance' when a thick, bulging crotch came into my view.... As a matter of fact, YES... I would get caught a majority of the time. The anxious/fear induced RUSH of getting 'caught looking' slowly turned into a sense of fearlessness ~ "What IF some handsome dark haired guy with a BIG bulge caught me looking? I quickly learned that 'Mr. Big Bulge' would realize that this kid was 'crotching' him... The tables seemed to turn when I realized that I had all but lost that fear of getting caught … I do admit, I felt sense of "power"... Instead of me … freakin' out getting caught … Out of the corner of my eye {focused on Crotch} I sensed he saw me looking, I would immediately look Him right in the eye as of tp say "Yeah, I was staring... at what is OBVIOUSLY an eye catcher." With the onset of puberty, my behavior became all but predatory... 😕