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    Versatile Bottom

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  1. I have a mail in test kit for G & C. Just had a 11 load cum dump weekend after visiting another city. Last load taken 5pm Sunday How long do I have to wait to send in the test kit. Prefer not to wait for symptoms.
  2. Fwiw, my husband had mgen 2022, as a top. Symptoms similar to gonorrhea. Took 2 months to diagnose as they don't typically test for mgen. then a month of antibiotics as 2 or 3 rounds were needed. 3 months no sex for us. I never caught it as a bottom because symptoms onset came on quick after he had a bottom over.
  3. click the doctor visits tab on goodrx website....
  4. piggy backing on displayname - goodRX now offers to give prescription scripts and virtual consult to get ED drugs. I think it's like 50 for the virtual consult then use the goodrx prescription card to get filled at your pharmacy.
  5. And i'm not sure if i ever had it as once he started showing symptoms we stopped having sex and we had not had sex after he had topped the bottom
  6. i am the bottom so i had no symptoms. BF had discharge like one would expect with gono but was neg for gono. also had leukocytes in his urine which doctor found odd. Neg for gono and chylymedia but eventually found it was MGEN. BF got it from a bottom we had over .... it took him 2 months to resolve as treatments didn't work
  7. just dealt with this new std which was a pain to get rid of Mycoplasma genitalium is also known as MG or Mgen.
  8. I'm more concerned about Gonorrhea / chlamydia - jerked off with a tricks used condom after he fucked me and now I'm feeling some tingling on the tip of my penis 48 hours after possible exposure.
  9. Anyone have any idea if one could catch any STD's from the cum in a freshly used condom. Like, 5-10 minutes fresh - not hours. Or are the bacteria/virus's that sensitive to light/air
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