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Everything posted by Lurking2learn

  1. I had the most luck using Craigslist and when the shut down personal ads, my sex life took a definite downward spiral until I got up to speed with some of the other methods.
  2. Jesus, thank god that one piece of baggage I'm not hauling around... I have enough other types already. I fell elated after sex. I feel like I was born to bottom and I'm good at it so yeah... no guilt here
  3. Virtually the same fantasy for myself. I turn 55 in 6 days and I don't think it'll happen for me this year.
  4. It's not like a piece of china or some other glassware. It just depends on the angle of the dangle and if you struggle for s comfortable position
  5. I've had very limited success with this kink. Although I have mentioned it to some of the tops I've been with, only one of them has been able to piss with even a semihard cock.
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