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About Newbottom2112

  • Birthday 12/11/1968

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    Neg, On PrEP
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  1. Thank you for the great advice. We've been together for over a year. He's very dominant in his professional and social life. That's what drew me to him. I communicated to him that it wasn't something that I wanted all of the time. I even suggested role playing. Outside of the bedroom, he is the dominant partner. Even those close to us see that. There's just something about our sex life that brings out this overly sensitive or protective side of him. E
  2. First, to be clear. I believe it's the job of a true bottom to be the reief and focus of his tops pleasure. I dote on my top. Where and how he chooses to cum is 100% up to him. My orgasm isn't important to me and is his choice. Having said this, my top, my bf is very timid in bed. He takes my moaning for pain. He believes making love should be slow and tender. He never will just pound me roughly I have tried talking with him about this. My desire to sometimes get a good hard fucking. He's tried on a number occasions, but ha always backs off and ends up slowing things down It's caused a few disagreements. With him pointing out that I'm there for his pleasure. Which I agree with. And he also says he feels like he would hurt me if he let loose. How do I unleash the animal in him?
  3. As a bottom, it's never really been an issue. I'm there to provide pleasure to my top. That's what makes me happy. After he cums, it's up to him whether he wants to cuddle for awhile or wants me to clean him up and attend to any other needs he has. If I did a good job in bed, my ex would send me to take a shower and have me take care of myself in the bathroom. Other times he just enjoyed seeing me on edge (so to speak) until I would cum during sex later that night.
  4. I was in a similar situation many years ago with Dom. I never saw money exchanged but he would often give me to his friends to use. Some were ashamed f the feelings they had so it became abusive at times. If you continue down this road, be aware of your safety and understand that it most likely will not end well. Your feelings will deepen but he will only see you as a means to getting off.
  5. Wisconsin bottom here. 54 in the Waukesha, Milwaukee, Jefferson areas. Looking for older daddy bear tops in these areas for fwb arraignment.
  6. Agree 100%. I do not know why bottoms show their useless dicks.
  7. As a bottom, I agree with this 100%
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