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Posts posted by polyglutton

  1. On 3/30/2021 at 3:40 AM, drscorpio said:

    It continually astounds me that we are almost a decade into PrEP being available in the USA, and I regularly still have to explain it to some clueless hookup.

    I live in a rural, poor part of the US and almost none of the guys have even heard of PrEP regardless of age. 

  2. 8 hours ago, ErosWired said:

    But being murdered by a regular psychopath with no religious views or intent to extort would be fine?

    Look, dude, this question is just not reasonable to ask. You are asking us to give you advice on where to go to place yourself in significant danger, and answering may not even be permissible under the site owner’s new posting restrictions. We get this as a fantasy, but I think I reflect the rational majority here in saying that acting on it isn’t something this community can get behind.

    Not to mention racist to paint Africans and Middle Eastern men as rapey

    • Like 2
  3. On 9/29/2020 at 2:22 PM, BootmanLA said:

    When I first started hearing stories about how much misogyny there was within the gay community, some decades back, I thought surely that must be an artifact of an earlier time. But threads like this remind me it's alive and well.

    Yes, and if one looks deeply enough homophobia ultimately has its roots in misogyny. The more we dismantle the patriarchy, the more liberated and safe gay cis men will be.  Also free to be sluts 🙂

  4. 1 hour ago, pervinmt said:

    Just want some clarification for the grey areas. As far as fiction goes, is stealthing an unknowing bottom still acceptable? A lot of my stories as well as other people's contain forced/pozzing/converting fantasies for unwilling/unknowing bottoms, often leading to them becoming sick. Is this considered no longer acceptable?

    These stories really turn me on and would hate to see them go, but it's not something I would do in real life. 

    I don't love the fact that the after effect of my being sexually assaulted ended up with me eroticising this, but it is what it is. This is the only place I can come and not feel shame for being turned on by it. 

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  5. Where I live (rural, on an island) no one on the apps seems to be afraid of Covid despite tourists bringing it in over and over. Cases have stayed fairly low here throughout but never to zero and yet our little hospital only has a few beds.

     It is depressing to be turned off by so many guys who choose ignorance and selfishness; I'll have a hard time wanting to fuck any of them when this is over. 

    I suppose this is why I ultimately have come to prefer bathhouse sex because then I don't have to know anything about the ethics or values of the men and I can just objectify them. 

  6. The last time I got fucked with a dildo I had 5 anal orgasms in a row 🤩.!It was incredible, but I paid for it. Torn up without enough lube 😕 the dildo instructions said water-based lube only but with rapid dildo fucking it dries out too fast. Any lube suggestions? 

  7. On 4/24/2020 at 12:39 PM, BootmanLA said:

    Food for thought: I know I'm not privy to any of the calculations that went into figuring who could "react" to things, and how often.

    But I will note that when I first join a new forum of any sort (hobbyist, professional, "personal life" such as this, etc.) I tend to prefer to "react" (like, dislike, upvote, whatever) stuff well before I feel comfortable responding publicly. I get that a place like this really needs people willing to post and comment and discuss, and I'm sure there are other considerations that go into who can do how much and how soon, but I think it's worth considering that some people may never feel comfortable posting because they could never interact on the less-involved basis first.

    I feel the same. I've been a "new member" for years and still can't upvote anything. 

  8. 17 hours ago, justsexnowatl said:

    I honestly think the "hunt" is half the fun.  Having a guy (or guys) choose you over everyone else online or in person is an ego boost.  Even at a sex club or bathhouse with LOTS of available flesh to play with it feels like a conquest to get another fuck and especially to get the load from a top in that setting.  I have some repeat guys who I've had for years, but I don't like if it gets too frequent/clingy.  I've had fuckbuds who wanna play every week, but unless we're gonna bring in a 3rd/4th every time that's WAY too "committed" to me.  I call some guys fuckbuds who I really just play with once or twice a year....mostly as a third or for a group.  I love being on bbrt and some guy I fucked with 6 months ago asks if I wanna join him and and a different buddy! I had an 8 year BF all through my 20s.  We met as a hookup when we were 23 and 21.  We were extremely similar in looks and size, so if guys were into one of us, they were usually into both of us, which makes it easier (and less jealousy) as a couple.  It was a legit relationship but we were out in the bars and sex clubs pretty much every weekend and ALWAYS had a 3rd coming home with us or a couple swap!!  Some guys I join for a 3way or group are "protective" of their buddy's number.  They won't do a group text - I think they're afraid we'd hookup sometime without them.  I always do a group text for group sex and hope they fuck with each other and expand our circle of playmates 🙂

    I really appreciate hearing your experience and how desire works for you (and the other responses in this thread as well). I fall between c, d, and e on the earlier multiple choice posting and have had trouble understanding and not taking it personal when a and b guys aren't interested in repeats after mind-blowing sex. These posts give me a lot of perspective. Knowing that it's just a wiring issue and not a referendum on the quality of the sex makes a difference. 

  9. You're not alone. When I got together with my partner it was romantic and cerebral but not very sexual. I'm very sexual and wanted more but since he was inexperienced I just thought he needed time to discover and own his sexuality. After about 5 years I decided he was on the asexual spectrum since he only wanted sex 3-4x a year. We've always had an open relationship, and it seemed for a long time he barely took advantage of it. We've been together for 13 years now and last year he shared with me that while he is more or less asexual, he has discovered that he doesn't like having sex with the same person more than 3-4x a year. He needs that variety to be turned on. It's not something that I can relate to but it's how he is. I do still occasionally get bummed that we don't have the sex life I would like because he's very cute but I have other options and we have a polyamorous baseline and no jealousy issues so we make it work. 

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  10. On 6/2/2020 at 6:18 PM, Dirrtyboi said:

    Seeing as a fair amount of this sites members can’t even separate black men from their dicks I personally am not holding my breath. 


    Fetishising Black men as sexual predators or as phallic servants is dehumanising and rooted in racism. I lose my erection every time I come across these tropes in erotica.

    • Upvote 1
  11. On 5/19/2013 at 6:35 AM, SethChase said:

    Based on the poll results I'm in the minority here thinking that it is not a fetish.

    Unloading in a dude's ass or down his throat is the way nature intended. How can that be considered a fetish? Stopping the flow of semen is unnatural.

    But this technically defies some shades of consent and is therefore transgressive. I think transgressive sexual turn-ons safely fall under the fetish category. 

  12. On 5/15/2013 at 8:23 AM, wood said:

    . Most peoples mothers probably prefer it because it just feels so much better. I dont think many would say that a guy who is straight and prefers unprotected sex with woman to have a fetish.

    While seroconversion and pregnancy are life-changing events, only one is an actual disease. There's a really big difference. 

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