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versmetropig last won the day on April 7 2023

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About versmetropig

  • Birthday 11/06/1962

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    New York City burbs
  • Interests
    versatile: oral, anal, rim, pnp & bb with all. leather, ff (top), toys, groups, 3-ways, 1on1, B/D (top), anal play, w/s can be added to the menu.
  • HIV Status
    Poz, On Meds
  • Role
    Versatile Top
  • Background
    Native NY'er, 5th generation NYC family, background mostly Irish with some German.
  • Porn Experience
    Was a model for 1992 version of "New Joy of Gay Sex". Posed for several photographers for porn mags and photo books.
  • Looking For
    couples or groups for chemmed bb play - will do one-on-ones sometimes, but he must be vers as I like to top and bottom during a session. (Have a husband for 33 years, completely open sexual relationship.)

More Info

  • BarebackRT Profile Name
    pnpversmetropig on NKP

Contact Methods

  • Website URL
    [think before following links] [think before following links] https://pnpversmetropig.newtumbl.com/

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  1. No longer on bbrt? Did a search and nothing came up with the name you have listed

    1. versmetropig


      Yes, I have kind of fallen away from that site, my apologies, it had just gotten so quiet on there - I'm on NKP (Nasty Kink Pigs, just in case...) as "pnpversmetropig" (same name on tumblr and newtumblr) or you can email me at jpnyack@gmail.com - sorry about that! What'dja wanna' know? 😉

    2. versmetropig


      Having been a member of both for long periods (over a decade each), I have to agree on IRL meetups and NKP, over the years I actually met up with a number of guys from the site, BUT it was never an immediate "how about today" or "how about now" site - the messages do not always get delivered immediately and trying to hook up "now" on NKP is almost impossible... but it does work for me for planning ahead. I started out 20 or so ago on Manhunt, but it was always hard to be clear about enhancements on that site, and was frankly too vanilla for me... I kept an account there long after it ceased to be useful and finally let it go dormant about 5 years ago. BBRT was indeed my best platform for same day meetups, but those dropped from frequent to almost non-existent during the Pandemic and since I was a paid member most of the time, it seemed wasteful. Might need to set up again. Also, my account there was probably like 15 years old and though I still look good, I do NOT look like I did back then when I was still posing for magazines and coffee table books - I always added recent photos, but never took down my professional ones... some guys ignored the recent ones and I began having to make a point about "you've seen my recent pics, RIGHT?" 😁

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