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    Columbus, Ohio
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  1. You’re not crazy - as the saying goes, “no” means “no.” The fact that they wore a condom is irrelevant. The fact that you were actively seeking sex from various strangers is irrelevant. They did not have your consent. The type of person who is unwilling to take “no” for an answer, who takes what they want with no regard for the feelings of others, is quite simply loathsome. And those who claim moral superiority in doing so are the worst type of hypocrites, deserving only scorn. Don’t let them make you feel bad.
  2. Although the age of consent in your state is 16, that doesn’t mean the law would be okay with the two of you engaging in a sexual relationship. Or any relationship. Rightly or wrongly, same-sex interactions are treated differently than heterosexual ones; and even if he’s old enough that a charge of statutory rape isn’t applicable, there are any number of other charges that could be applied and result in your being labeled a sex offender. I sympathize with both of you, and wish you were free to pursue this, but it’s a huge risk. Please be very careful.
  3. I’m cool either way, but prefer a hairy guy to one shaved smooth. I had the chance to play with a great guy at the local bathhouse a while back, and loved running my hands and fingers through the fur on his legs and ass while sucking on his dick. Then feeling his pubes when he slid into my hole and shared his seed - totally awesome. 🙂
  4. Am I on Twitter? Yes, far too much. So many beautiful naked men, so little time in the day…
  5. If the two of you have been friends for 50 years, I don’t think he’s going to end your friendship if he finds out you’re gay. Maybe he already knows, but hasn’t said anything because he’s respecting your privacy. On the other hand, if he doesn’t know, there’ll be a bumpy period of adjustment: not so much because you’re gay (unless he’s a homophobe to begin with), but that he’s missed the fact for half a century. No one likes to feel stupid, or worse, deceived. Telling him you love him is a whole other issue. Best friends... of course there’s love there, whether he’s ever consciously thought about it in those terms or not. He loves you as a friend, as a brother, possibly even as family. But that’s not the same as a lover, or spouse. There’s no way for me to offer good advice without knowing your friend and his circumstances: is he married? Widower? Has he talked about missing sex and affection? For that matter, I don’t know enough about your mutual history: have you been casually naked together, or jerked off together before? All of these are factors that would influence how you should or should not proceed.
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