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Posts posted by SpectreAgent

  1. 2 hours ago, Loveitraw said:

    It's not much better in Bristol (UK). All the apps are hit and miss tbh, but I've  found that Squirt is generally better than BBRT for my local area. Even if no guys are on or looking it at least shows the busiest cruising spots. Like others have mentioned all my hookups are raw, I specify it as a preference on my profile and express it beforehand. So when things work everyone leaves satisfied. I mostly find that I am more successful if I switch off my phone and actually go out looking. This might be the age of tech but the problem with that is too many don't want to go outside.

    I’ve actually had more luck with FabGuys in Manchester than BBRT. 

    • Like 2
  2. On 4/23/2023 at 11:33 AM, VersGuyAnon said:

    It's rubbish in Brighton. The only place I've had any luck with it is London, although I imagine it would be OK in Manchester.  

    It’s bloody awful in Manchester. Mind you, most guys were barebacking in Manchester long before it became mainstream (not for nothing did we call Manchester “Bareback City”). When your unique selling point - bareback - isn’t unique, it’s a bit of a non-starter. 


  3. 10 hours ago, AirmaxAndy said:

    This is pretty mild. In a wider context I've been on the receiving end of many comments like this on the scene over the years. 

    I remember the guy on the reception to the Sauna in Waterloo told me "You'd be better off staying home with a packet of crisps. You won't get any fun in here."

    The barman at Slut Club in Hamburg who took me in hand to the dark room only to ask "What is is like to not be able to see your dick except in a mirror?"

    These get put down at the time as bitchy barbs, you try to ignore them and move on, but they they're not that harmless because they stay with you.  

    I don’t know where to start with this. I’ve never judged any guy by his looks, age, size, race or religion. To me, that’s absurd and limiting. I’m not that superficial. I can only suggest about those kind of comments that it says more about them than it does about you or anyone else. 

    It’s easy to say you should just rise above it and ignore the detractors. Not so easy to do it. But rest assured, Andy, there are plenty who do find you attractive.  So it’s their loss. 

    • Like 3
  4. 5 hours ago, BBBxCumDumpster said:

    As a New Yorker for the last 30 plus years,  I find that New Yorkers tend to be rude--but only with each other.  With visitors,  with have a bit of compassion and more than a little bit of pride in out city.  We all know the quickest way or easiest way to get to where you're going.  And we love to direct you to hidden places, places that don't appear in guide books.

    That was how I felt. I also think because it was obvious I’d done a bit of research before arriving and was clearly loving the city, I was always met halfway from the outset.

  5. 8 hours ago, topblkmale said:

    New Yorkers are very engaging people. The stereotype of people being rude actually applies to folks from Long Island and New Jersey.

    That was certainly my experience of New Yorkers. In fact, it was the people I encountered that made the visit so memorable and made me fall in love with the city. Even at JFK, where the queue through passport control was brutally long, the officer who checked my credentials was so funny and engaging that I immediately forgot all about the two hour plus wait to reach him. 

    I was with family this visit. Next time I intend coming on my own and hope to delve more deeply into the friendliness of New York guys. Or, rather, them delve deeply into me! 

    Seriously, though, I had a blast. It’s a wonderful city. 


  6. 2 hours ago, evilqueerpig said:

    As a former NYer, I couldn't agree more.  Back in '87, I spent a week in London and found the Brits to be most hospitable, friendly and right sexy.  More than 1 man suggested I stay, but my father had just recently passed and I felt I was needed back home.  Not one of my best decisions and now, being Po White Trash, dead common, in the King's English, I can't afford to relocate.  You seem to be sweet and sorted and the type to be a good lover.

    I’ve always treated everyone as I would wish to be treated myself. It makes life very straightforward! 😂

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  7. I don’t like generalising. And I’ve always found that if I treat the people in countries I’m visiting with respect and friendliness, that is what I usually get back.

    Interestingly, I was in New York for the first time last week. I’d heard all about New Yorkers’ supposed rudeness before I went but I found the opposite to be true. Everyone I encountered was friendly, helpful and funny. Still, I fell in love with NYC and can’t wait to go back. 

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  8. 1 hour ago, AirmaxAndy said:

    So, this evening I went to the Athletes party at Laboratory in Berlin. 

    the format is that you get a numbered wrist band which you charge your drinks to and pay on exit. 

    what’s new is they are allowing smartphones inside the venue. They put orange stickers over the camera lenses to stop Photography and video. The problem is this is easily defeated by peeling off the sticker.  While this isn’t a problem for most, a few visitors are having trouble and I found someone FaceTiming his boyfriend while getting railed in the sling. 

    I think that’s unacceptable behaviour. A club like lab needs to remain very private. I would t do half the stuff I’ve done in there over the years if I thought there is a risk someone was recording or broadcasting it. 

    lab says smartphones are allowed because of the need to pay for drinks … but the wristband negates that. 

    I spoke to the staff about it but didn’t want want to be too much of a Karen about it and get on and enjoy myself. 

    and yes, the hairy Yugoslavian body builder was awesome so this is not sour grapes

    Am I being unreasonable ?

    I think you’re being entirely reasonable. I’d just find it so off putting. (And did you get the body builder’s number…?) 

    • Like 1
  9. 21 hours ago, AlwaysOpen said:

    Here is another hot little story from 10 years ago,  now I need those fine UK members to direct me to this Trades Hotel, and if you happen to have a discount code...lol

    It may be a story but, trust me, Trades Hotel in Blackpool is very real. And although nothing like that ever happened to me there, it is - or was - possible to be the good time had by all there. I haven’t been since the pandemic but even before that I felt the hotel had somewhat declined and diminished. What is once had was a sleazy uniqueness which has now been diluted by other hotels in the town. I’ll always have a soft spot (pun intended) for dear old Trades, though. I’ve had some wild nights there in the past. 

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  10. I go several times a week and have a fairly healthy diet (low carbs, high in protein, no sugar  and no processed rubbish). I only changed to living this way a couple of years ago when I was staring down the barrel at 60. I do it for myself, not because I’m gay. But I can honestly say I’ve never felt better in my life. The gym I go to is very straight, although there is one cute young gay guy I see there regularly. 

  11. 1 hour ago, pervinmt said:

    I'm an ex-smoker. But I love a top with a cigar! Cigarettes are still a turn on for me too. Especially if it's with some tattooed piece of white trash. (I have a weakness for that😈) It's double hot if they're smoking while I suck or get fucked by them. 


    I mean, what’s not to like there…? 😂

    • Like 1
  12. I contracted MRSA while in hospital for routine treatment in 2019. It nearly killed me and there were four nights when my mother was told they couldn’t guarantee I’d be there the next morning. I actually remember very little about it because it practically put me in a coma. Although I do recall waking up briefly to see the hospital chaplain by my bed. 

    So, yeah, it’s a nasty one. 

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  13. 5 hours ago, Spunkinmyarse said:

    Do bottoms have power? Absolutely, and in equal measure to tops! I’ve never been one to buy into the “I’m just a worthless hole” mindset- sure, I know some guys do and fair play to them- but for me, when I adopt that role, it’s just part of the game. Deep down, I know I’m every bit as worthy as any of the tops that fuck me, and that when it come to the power stakes, we’re an equal match.

    Sometimes, when a top cums and collapses on top of me, weak, drained, and ready to go home, I feel very much like I’m the one who has the power, as I mentally plan my next conquest while he catches his breath…

    I’m a firm believer that tops need bottoms just as much as bottoms need tops… and therein lies the beauty of all that we do on this site!


    Definitely. A mate once put it like this to me: “If it wasn’t for bottoms, tops would be wandering around with their cocks out wondering what to do next.” 😂

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  14. Volume can also be an issue. I played with a very cute Irish guy a couple of years back. But as he’s very deaf, he was loud. Very loud. Window shattering/floorboard vibrating loud. And that was before he reached his climax. I recall being a tad distracted, fearing what the neighbours must be thinking. But he was so lovely and well-endowed that I thought “fuck it, let them listen”. 

    • Like 2
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  15. 9 hours ago, badjujuboy said:

    And as someone who has spent time in the UK… I’m a sucker for the Brits… whether it’s RP, Cockney or Brummie and my mood. 🙂

    That’s interesting because over here the Brummie accent is often voted the least attractive. I don’t mind it at all, although I’ve reached the age where all I can ask is that he can stand unaided and has most of his own teeth. So the accent is negotiable!

    I’m in New York next month, so I’m intrigued by what effect my (slightly northern) British accent will have. 

  16. I suppose if the voice of a guy you fancy is annoying, you can always gag him…

    Seriously, I agree with most of what has been said already. It’s particularly disappointing when the audio output doesn’t match the visuals.

    Although, as someone has already said, the flip side is that a guy’s voice can also be a real turn on. Myself, as a Brit, I’m a sucker (in every sense) for an American accent. 

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  17. 2 minutes ago, AirmaxAndy said:

    Kinda. Booked a room at trades but also booked a room at premier inn in parallel so I had somewhere nice to sleep and leave my valuables….

    That was very sensible. If you don’t keep your wits about you, valuables do have a habit of going walkabout at Trades. It was much worse years ago when they had an all-night licence and every guy in Blackpool piled in after all the other clubs and pubs closed their doors and any old scally could be prowling the corridors. But that also meant any old scally could come into your room and the corridors were teeming with horny guys of all ages looking for sex. So, swings and roundabouts and all that. After they lost their all night licence, it all quietened down. 

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