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Everything posted by JayR

  1. Guys, join a flash mob #GayLivesMatter (or #glm). Read more about it here - [think before following links] https://keyou.one/news/today-blm-tomorrow-glm-support-flashmob-gay-lives-matter It aims to stop violence outbreaks against the community, an alarming percentage of which end up with murder. Don’t stay indifferent. Share this statement, make a repost, participate, spread the word and help saving lives of the LGBTQ people!
  2. stay home and enjoy webcam 😉
  3. have you discussed the status of your relationships during your partner's trip? 🙂
  4. Never happened to me but sounds interesting 🤪
  5. I see some of you are so lucky to have all these hookups during your working days hehe I can't remember any cases of that kind in my life 🙄
  6. u guys are all so sweet 😉
  7. hmm I've never used twitter but now interested 🙃
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