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  1. Spill the beans!
  2. Same. I rate all of them. I'd also add Jeff Allen, Damien and Titpig.
  3. Not my thing at all.
  4. Surprised at some of the comments here.
  5. He says the n-word on top of being called BigNaziCock? Be realistic. Like who you want but when it quacks like a duck...
  6. Well explained. As someone old enough to have experienced it, it's good to read about your experience firsthand. I'm British and was born in the late 70s so my experience was vastly different to yours. Europe has a very different approach to these things compared to the U.S.
  7. Were the 70s/80s really any different to the unbridled sex you can still find nowadays in saunas, cruising grounds, sex clubs?
  8. Why would there be an all gender toilet at a Mr S leather party, which I'm assuming is men only?
  9. You're bisexual/pansexual by your own admission, and your experience will be different to a gay men. The places you frequent to have sex with men are set up for men to have sex with men and not lesbians, trans women etc. This is not being unaccepting of the other letters in the community, it's just a facility set up purposely for men to have sex with men.
  10. I'm thinking more of what you Americans would perhaps refer to as small town American mothers and the vast numbers of them who are religious.
  11. A misogynistic thought? I think that's a stretch. I'm British by the way! 😀
  12. Masculinity is still separate from the very reality of being a biological man. Butch lesbians are often masculine and encapsulate this perfectly and I'm sure you wouldn't view then as potential sex partners, or perhaps you would? Those sissy guys, bottoms or fembois are still men regardless of what they're wearing or their presentation - it's all a role they're playing, regardless of whether you or I like it or not.
  13. Sex clubs all the way and cruising as a back up. There's no comparison. I'm mostly into groups and love it frenzied, hard and nasty - everyone plugging and getting plugged and of course, you don't get that experience at home. Apps are a huge waste of time for real pigs.
  14. I think women in America from what I've seen aren't exactly fond of LGBT people...
  15. Footpig here. Like 'em big, wide and ripe ideally, but clean is good though. Sometimes crave feet more than cock.
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