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Everything posted by barebro

  1. would it be hotter to have it all or to spread it everywhere? i dunno lets try it all man I WANT TO BLOODSLAM SO FUCKING BAD and my new hottest idea is mutal biohaz tatttooing with the same needle :o:D

    1. FetishFreak


      Oh nice i have biohazard tattoo on my lower back as tramp stamp! I love your eagerness to take poz blood with tina. It sounds so hot! Tina will get you in mood to feel good abt injection of poz blood. I should be a donor considering im not taking meds! And im proud of being poz and my bf is too and we wear biohazard clothes and he getting matching tattoo. He is awesome cuz he is letting fate decide if he gets infected but he wants biohazard tattoo so i think he thinks he will be poz and i get the feeling he prefers poz guys and biohazard symbol more than me. He is getting us matching biohazard necklaces and commitment rings! He likes us to be using that symbol which is hot because i like my poz status. I think HIV is hot 🔥 The power dynamics are sexy. I'm lucky to find same type of dude who doesnt care about the stigma in fact he likes it thats why its so hot the [banned word] etc. I think its hot being in poz brotherhood. Bloodslamming is hot and id give my blood to inject in a neg sluts veins cuz i know how you feel! Its okay to poz up and get knocked up. Do it ASAP the fuck flu is hot as fuck cuz you know its that and you have to jerk off or fuck while sick knowing virions are raping your cells. 

  2. i want it all tooo sooooooooooooo bad and right the fuck now dude

  3. I think the idea is that that would destroy the fun!
  4. Dude you are seriously WICKED HOT. Good luck in your chase! Does your hubby know you're chasing or is that going to be a surprise for him? :D

  5. How's the STD hunt going? I bet your ass is all kinds of infectious

  6. I just looked it up and it's only between 0.4% and 0.7% of men that have serious systemic complications, so FUCK YAH! Keep it forever, man! I will too when I get it next.

  7. I saw a video on NKP of a guy sounding with a thick, ribbed sound. He used spit for lube. It was SOO FUCKING HOT. Is using spit bad? Is it bad in the way that barebacking is "bad?" I wanna get to where that guy was some day - big rough sound and spit for lube. Looked so intense.
  8. Hey man. I'm gay, but I'm not hitting on you, so I hope it's cool to talk. I just wanted to say I have mad respect for how you're living your life. Gono has always been a huge turnon for me since I had it and wussed out with meds. I know I'll get it again and want to keep it for as long as possible. How long have you had it? Like 6 years or something? EPIC! Do you know, is the only long-term effect that it makes you sterile (don't care), or does it get into your blood or something? Oh well, I wanna be a leaky mess for the rest of my life so I'll deal with it.

  9. I *do* believe he mentioned he had a history of mental health problems...
  10. I hope everything works out well for you, dude.

  11. I hope everything works out well for you, dude.

  12. Good luck in everything you do, dude.

  13. Hello. Lovin' this site, oink!! Can I please get my username changed to barebro? Thank you!
  14. I hope everything works out well for you, dude.

  15. College is a great way to better oneself. Good luck!

  16. So, I know in theory taking undetectable loads is safe for a neg guy, more or less. But, what if that undetectable guy has a large-gauge PA, and the bottom has never been fucked by a guy with a PA before? Still unlikely, or could happen? Hypothetically! Hypothetically, of course....
  17. So, why would someone in Iraq or Morocco want to hack this site? Theories? Religious zealotry? Do we even know if that's REALLY where they were from? Can't they hide that with proxies and what not?
  18. I get this. You're right. But I really do wish there would at least be a search option for bugchaser/giftgiver. There was an old site, I think it was ultimatebareback.com? it had this and I liked it (not much else I liked about that site though). I am also REALLY into the idea of using maps. See, I live in Montana and there's not much for piggy action here, but I have a car. I like to look at profiles for places like Spokane, Salt Lake City, etc and plan trips. Maps would help. Like, it wouldn't have to show address, just cities I guess. It would be cool to see at a glance whether Spokane or SLC has more tops, bttms, or whatever, or if perhaps Boise is an unexpected surprise. I think it would be cool to be able to see the map, and click option boxes or radio boxes to add/remove layers. Like add the blue dots for tops, remove the red dots for bttms, and I don't know, do something with green triangles. Maybe those are bugchasers. Does this make sense? I have no idea how hard this would be to implement but I think it would probably be pretty tough. But, if you have a chance, I think it would be pretty damn cool, and it would be a feature no one else has. Every other site is geared toward guys looking for hookups in their own city, not so much guys planning piggy trips. Maybe not maps, even, but something to help plan trips or compare cities/states.
  19. A good tip in general, but bbrt does something weird when you look at a picture full-size. They use javascript or something weird to disable that. You right click and the option just isn't there! This post is asking how to save the image anyway.
  20. Good luck in everything you do, dude.

  21. THat sounds like a really cool way to do it, but I can't figure it out on Firefox for Windows. Ctrl+I is bookmarks, and I couldn't find Get Info in any of the menus.
  22. I think you need to focus on what's missing with bbrt or a4a. I think that is the ability to search specifically for bug chasers and gift givers in a given area, or see them all on a map so people know how far to travel. It would be great to have this same feature for all-loads-taken cumsluts. I know this goes against you wanting it to appeal to as broad an audience as possible, but I think we already have the mass-appeal bb site - bbrt.
  23. Good luck in everything you do, dude.

  24. I'll look for something other thank fucking in this situation, like maybe just sucking the guy off or whatever. I hate condoms.
  25. Good luck in everything you do, dude.

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