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Everything posted by BBArchangel

  1. I shaved my pubes for years. It was practically required for bodybuilding competition, but even after I gave that up I kept shaving. And I kept breaking out. I tried different razors. I tried different shave gels and creams. Every technique I could think of or ask about. Then I just got tired of the itch and red bumps. Now I just trim down to almost nothing with a Norelco body shaver set on one - everyday. It’s almost like being smooth without the aggravation. I stilI shave my balls and ass with a razor, though.
  2. My top made clear from the beginning that he doesn’t like pushy bottoms. (Not the same as a power top). So I never tell him what to do once we start fucking. I like long sessions with multiple orgasms, hopefully for us both. Different positions or lock me up all night in the sling, it’s all great. He’s a fun, thoughtful top. But I hate too-quick jackrabbit fucks and guys who fuck like their wives were gonna walk in any minute. I’m not there only for the top’s pleasure - I want some pleasure out of it too. My top sees that I get that.
  3. I don’t always get hard when getting fucked, but I do often cum. In fact I’ll have multiple orgasms if it’s a good long fuck. It’s different though because my cum just oozes out of me instead of rocketing out. It’s all good though.
  4. I’ve been here about two weeks. Not née to barebacking (I’m on prep) but new to partying and Tina. An incredible guy introduced me to my first slam and the totally amazing sex that followed. He’s slammed me three times since and each time is more intense than theme previous one. I can’t wait to take his huge cock and load in my slammed up hole again.
  5. Manacled hand and foot while slammed in my daddy’s sling. Multiple loads from the most amazing top in the world.
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