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Everything posted by Rogert

  1. I would love to have that done to me
  2. I never been gangbang before I'm trying to get in one any one interested Roger from Pontiac Michigan
  3. Rogert


    I'm a bottom having a problem I can't seem to find someone what I'm doing wrong can someone help me or give me advice
  4. I've never been gangbang before I want to do it but I can't get any takers I'm hot as hell
  5. Gangbang I never tried it before what is it like to do it
  6. Rogert


    Why is it so hard to get a hookup now a days I'm I going to the worng websites can anyone help me
  7. How can I get fucked I'm a looking guy I'm I doing something worng
  8. When you find a good lube please let me know
  9. I ask I'm not comfortable unless I ask
  10. I've been fisting for about a year on off can anyone help me get a hookup or tell me how
  11. I don't know what is going on with me I can't get a hookup can someone help me what I'm doing wrong
  12. Can anyone break me in
  13. Let's play
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