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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    West Coast, Northerly
  • Interests
    First and foremost : love hearing and feeling a guy gagging on cock. Nothing better. Choking/throttling; whipping, slapping, I just basically love submissive masochists. You can gear up (leather, rubber, harnesses etc) it doesn't matter to me. What I want is to use and abuse for my pleasure.
  • HIV Status
    Poz, On Meds
  • Role
  • Background
    Working. Saving. Not going out near as much as I used to. I will drink, but don't smoke (tobacco, that is...where I'm at, pot is legal!). I've grown into BDSM late in life and REALLY want to make up for lost time! The Dom/Sadist in me is entirely sexual, and I'm happy to play with just about any level.
  • Porn Experience
    none at all
  • Looking For
    Submissive/masochist, total bottom, able to take abuse (from mild to hard). Lean and lanky is a favorite. Smooth to moderate body hair (unless you'll submit to being shaved smooth!).

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