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About TashaSubmits

  • Birthday October 2

Profile Information

  • Gender
    Trans Feminine (MTF)
  • Location
  • HIV Status
    Neg, Recently Tested
  • Role
  • Background
    Never been with a guy. I want to, just haven't been able to get past my inhibitions, even with smoking an incredible amount of Tina. I've been with a lot of women though, and at some point I just started going bare all of the time. I have a straight-side pregnancy risk fetish, but I guess the same could be said about why I'm here: Impregnation fetish. My submissive femme side is slowly taking control over more and more aspects of my life, and I'll eventually be full time. I look forward to feeling what all of those women felt when I entered them bare, and also when they felt me bust balls deep against their cervix.
  • Porn Experience
    I do chatrubate sometimes, and it's SO fun. I could see myself doing porn if someone asked.
  • Looking For
    Honestly, I'd like to find a Domme to serve who would let men use me for her own enjoyment. I had that once, but we split up before we could follow through with it.

Contact Methods

  • Website URL
    [think before following links] https://the-fast-and-the-femme.tumblr.com/

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  1. Right now, I just want to meet a plug in a dirty motel , not realizing I forgot my purse at home until he had already smoked us up and gave me my sev. 

    "Oh, there's another way I can pay? I'm in, what do you want me to do? Just say it and I'll do it."

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