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Posts posted by evilqueerpig

  1. On 7/14/2022 at 3:14 AM, PozTales said:

    So Reggie is Matt Senior's gifter, did I understand it right? In that case the bond among all character is really incredible and unbreakable! Or he's just Sam's gifter? 

    Matt, Ty and Reggie are close friends...and thanks to Reggie opening up, they're even closer.  Reggie has only gifted Carlos, his late lover and Sam, his current lover.  Will post the next update when I have the time to devote to it.

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  2.     "Very much so!" MJ said, squeezing Matt's thigh. "Having seen our dad's scorpion tats we knew it meant they're viral and it didn't take much discussion for TJ and me to agree that we'd give our cherries to the cocks that made us and since we share a birthday, yesterday was the perfect time.  After a blood exchange and toothbrushing our holes, our dads made viral love to us multiple times until we collapsed from blissful exhaustion.  If I'm not being too forward, after we recover from our viral flu, we'd like to have some fun with Sam and you!"

        Running his fingers through Sam's hair, Reggie said, "After his visit here, yesterday, Sam said he found the 4 of you fuckin sexy and I couldn't agree more.  Because you 2  young men have been so open and honest, I feel I owe you the same.  Until this moment, I've only shared this with Sam but I hope telling the 4 of you will bring us closer.  To use your dad's term, I knew I was QUEER at an early age.  My sperm donor walked out when I was 3 and I was raised by a single mother.  I came out to her at 16 and though she accepted me, she wasn't happy.  I became active at 17 and at 18 I met a guy who owned a porn theater.  He called me a triple threat, hot mouth, tight ass and big cock.  I'd prance around the theater in a skimpy jock, not turning tricks just giving the guys what they wanted to keep them coming back for more.  One night, the football coach from my old high school came in and I fucked him.  He wound up becoming my 'open' boyfriend and he got me a job in a sporting goods store.  I had a regular fuckbud who liked to parTy and I learned to do only as much as I can handle.  He introduced me to his dealer, Carlos, half Cuban, half Dominican, a total stud.  I became more interested in him than his product and I flirted with him.  One warm day, he was dressed in shorts and a tanktop, commando.  Assuring him that I wamted him and not a discount, I pulled his shorts down, got myself naked and lowered myself down on his fat, uncut cock.  Not satisfied with one load, I kept riding his cock until he was spent.  A month later, I moved in with him in an open relationship.  Though both of us were incapable of monogamy, we fell in love.  Carlos didn't want to get me in any legal trouble, so his business was kept away from me. until he became seriously ill and then he knew he wanted me to have it, so he taught me everything I know.  I became quite ill with the viral flu and Carlos insisted I share my virus with him.  When his illness caused his body to fail, I took care of him right until his final moments and he died knowing I was in love with him.  After losing Carlos, I didn't want to open my heart again, so I embraced my slutty side just fucking around.  Matt and Ty showed me the joy of 2 QUEER men in love and I began to see the possibilities of a happy, open relationship.  Sam came into my life and made himself a place in my heart and here we are in this magic house."

        Choking back tears, Matt said, "I speak for myself and Ty when I say that we always thought of you as a sweet, sexy man, but you're right when you say this brings us closer together.  Reggie, you're amazing and we're lucky to have you in our lives.  Do you really like this house?  Earlier today, Ty and I made a decision to build a new house for the 4 of us and sell our houses.  I'd like to see this house go to a man who loves it as much as we do and I think you could be happy here.  Of course, I'll give you a fair offer.  Would you be interested?"

        "Interested would be an understatement!" Reggie declared. "This house has strong love vibes, not to mention piggy vibes.  If these walls could talk and with the cams, they can, there are some hot stories to tell. Because you guys mean so much to me, I'd gladly pay market value plus 10%, for the history alone!"

    To be continued


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  3. 34 minutes ago, AlwaysOpen said:

    Probably underused because finding a navy blue polka dot hanky is impossible ! Paisley ones abound, but dots are rare. And really, those of us who grew up with the hanky code cannot see well enough to thread a needle and hem a piece of fabric from JoAnn's to make our own .lol

    True and even as a GQ, Geezer QUEER, I have a big mouth and not afraid to make it known...Bareback ONLY....NO PULLING OUT!

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  4.     The door to the garage opened and Matt announced, "We're back lover sons!" as he and Ty wheeled in carts with food.  "It's gonna be a 'b' lunch!  Brats, burgers and beers!"  Matt and Ty put the food away while MJ and TJ ran upstairs briefly.

        Returning from his bedroom, the dildo in his hand, MJ said, "Now that we know how good real cock feels in our asses, this thing is totally useless."

        "I'm not sure if you 2 young men have noticed, but this dildo is the same size as daddy Ty's cock, minus the foreskin." Matt said.  "While your moms knew about daddy Ty and me being boyfriends, we didn't have enough time together, so I bought that as a substitute.  I used it maybe 3 times and put it away because it's not real cock and certainly not daddy Ty cock!"

        Gently squeezing Matt's crotch, Ty declared, "I had a different outlook.  No cock is as wonderful as daddy Matt's cock, be it a real cock or a dildo!  When we couldn't be together, daddy Matt was till in my mind, in my heart."

        Stepping into the pantry briefly, Matt emerged, saying, "Paper plates and plastic utensils should make this easy.  Ty, grab a 12-pack of beers.  MJ, TJ, bring the meat and the buns to the patio.  I'll text Sam and tell him the door is unlocked and to just walk in, strip down to boxers and join us on the patio."

        On the patio, the 4 of them sat at the table, the umbrella providing shade.  The sound of the door opening and closing announced Reggie and Sam's arrival.  As their guest stepped out to the patio, the 4 hosts stood up and hugs were exchanged all around.

        As they sat down, MJ was the first to speak.  "Reggie, the camera doesn't do you justice!  You're even sexier in person!  By the way, I'm MJ and this handsome, sweet sexy man is TJ, my lover."

        "Is there something I need to know?"  Reggie asked, shocked but genuinely curious.

        "Let me answer that." TJ said.  "Our dads weren't dating women, but they were out every night.  When we were 14, we followed our dads and when we saw daddy Matt's car in front of B & S Tavern with the rainbow flag over the door it became obvious.  Back here, we came out as QUEER to each other and we've been lovers ever since,  Our dads often entertained and we decided to put up cameras all over the house.  MJ is right, you're even sexier in person!  Do you mind that we have videos of you and our dads?"

        Grinning from ear to ear, Reggie replied, "I don't mind it at all!  Like your dads, I play with lots of men. With most of them, it's good sex, but with your dads, it's more than sex.  The 3 of us are more like brothers which takes it to another level.  Sam is my lover and the most important man in my life.  I don't think I need to tell you what wonderful men your dads are.  They have me on their payroll as a consultant to give me a legitimate job.  From what Sam said, congratulations are in order."

    To be continued


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  5. There's a QUEER/Nude beach in NYC, Riis Park, which is where I met my 1st man.  It's actually a public beach with the QUEER/Nude section located at the very end.  Some guys go into the dunes to have sex, and while the location is not visible to the beach itself, it faces the back of a home for the aged, so the older men/women get quite a show.

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  6. On youtube, there is a married older/younger Irish/American married gay couple, Queer Daze and watching them ,it's obvious they're very much in love.  Of course, they're both 'out' and there's no language barrier and Ireland is a wonderful place for them to live, but if the 2 of you aren't living authentically, it doesn't make for a healthy relationship.  People who don't support you and him as gay men do not belong in your lives.

  7. 1 minute ago, PozTales said:


    This may be a misunderstanding here, maybe we did not specific it properly:

    "Adri" and "PozCop" are the same character.

    It's like talking about "peter parker" and "Spiderman", "Farrokh Bulsara" and Freddie Mercury", "Vlad Tepes" and "Dracula", etc.

    HIV has not yet earned the right to obtain a name; a human being's life must be rescued thanks to the virus, first. 

    And regarding names, Hunter will be called in many ways. Cuck hunter, Undet, Dumpster, and even PUNCHER - stop spoilers!

    I stand corrected...and rebuked.

  8.     Alone with his lover, MJ said, "I love being made love with, having daddy Matt's viral cock taking my cherry and buried deep in my ass, kissing me.  When we first planned this, I couldn't imagine how it would change our lives.  That dildo will need to be returned as it never gave me the pleasure of a real cock!"

        "Two nasty QUEER minds thinking alike!" TJ said with a chuckle. "Sharing this with you makes me more in love with you.  Having our dads make love with us is amazing and part of me wishes we can get the viral flu quicker, so daddy Matt and you can make love with me."

        At the warehouse club, finding themselves alone in an empty aisle, Ty gave Matt's butt a gentle squeeze.  "When we first met, I never would've dreamed our lives would turn out this way.  Here we are, more in love than ever, with 2 QUEER sons in love with each other!  Life's fuckin great!"

        "Great is you giving me new reasons to fall in love with you!" Matt replied. "When we take the young men for  their ink, I'll be wanting a pic of you over my heart, after all, you've been there since our first night.  Fuck, I'm deeper in love with you by the minute!"

    To be continued

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