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Posts posted by evilqueerpig

  1. +    With a sly grin, Matt said, "Let's go downstairs, men.  I need to make a call and my phone is in the kitchen."  Together, the 4 of them descended the stairs.  Grabbing his phone from the kitchen counter, he went into the directory and used speed dial.  "Reggie, how are you?  To say that we're great would be an understatement.  A celebration is in order and if you and Sam are free for lunch, we'd like you to join us.  Yes, he made quite a good impression.  We'll also be needing some product, I think an 8 ball should do and some points and the usual little T dick pills.  Gonna fire up the grill.  How does 1:30 sound?  Dress code is boxers only, so strip at the door.  See you then."

        "Don't worry." Ty said, reassuringly. "I know Matt as well as I know myself and this is strictly lunch.  Yes, we fuck around with other men, but Reggie is different, he's a close friend and we love him like a brother and if he's Sam's daddy, we'll surely grow to love him that way.  Matt, since we're gonna be busy for the next 2 weeks, we should stock up on food and beverages.  Let me pop back home so I can get some clothes and my wallet.  Back in 5 minutes."  With that, he exited through the patio sliders.

        MJ wrapped his arm around his dad's waist.  "If you and daddy Ty love Reggie as a brother, I'm sure MJ and I will grow to feel the same.  Of all the men you play with, he does stand out as being quite sexy and nasty and after we have the virus if it's okay, we'd like to play with him and Sam.  Naturally, our first priority is to get your virus and share it back with you dads and with each other."

        With a kiss on Matt's cheek, TJ said, "I know you'll think it's not necessary, but I need to thank you for loving my dad and giving him a happy life.  Of course, I thank you for MJ, my lover.  Since yesterday, things have changed and daddy Matt, I love you too."

        Just the, Ty came through the patio sliders, dressed in sweatpants and a t-shirt and Matt told him, "You've raised an amazing young man.  With the change in our family dynamic, I'm entitled to say that I couldn't be prouder of our son.  MJ is as much your son as he is mine and thanks to our QUEER sons, my love for you is stronger than ever.  Give me a few minutes to get dressed and we can do our shopping.  What are you young men gonna do while we're gone?"

        "We could go upstairs and make the bed" MJ said sarcastically. "Of course, if we were to sniff the sheets, they'd smell of our viral lovemaking!  Dad, in the new house, can TJ and I have that bed?  After all, it's the bed where we took our dad's virus."

        Matt and Ty looked at each other with love and pride.  "The bed of our blessed event." Matt said. "I just had this thought and Ty, I think you'll agree.  Once you young men recover from your viral flu, I'll move next door with Ty and we'll live as lovers and you and TJ can do the same.  We'll still build a new home for the 4 of us to be together as family and lovers."

    To be continued

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  2. While it's not technically racism, there is a definite intolerance and sometimes downright hatred on both sides of the circumcision spectrum.  My ex was a sexual racist, sex only with white guys and only cut white guys.  "Uncut cocks are ugly!" were his exact words.  On the other hand, when I accepted myself as a QUEER man, I shed my own prejudices.  Be they cut or intact, every cock is beautiful.  I'm more about the man than what he's got between his legs.

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  3.     Finished with breakfast and the dishes cleared, the 4 of them ascended the stairs.  "Dad, lover when we make viral love, I'd like you on your back while I lower myself onto your viral cock."  MJ suggested.  "Great idea!" TJ echoed.

        As they entered the bedroom, Matt said, "Though no less intimate, last night was about sharing our virus with you.  Since that was taken care of, from now on it's pure viral lovemaking pleasure."

        Giving TJ's ass a squeeze, Ty said, "You've seen Matt and I making love and we do use a bit of lube, just a minimum to make penetration easier and the friction of our lovemaking is enough to break it down and ultimately it's skin on skin.  I want that with you, my lover, my son."

        "Dad, my lover, I want the same with you!"  MJ exclaimed. "Before we get the viral flu, I want to know the feeling of every ridge and vein of your viral daddycock.  The same will have to be true for daddy Ty's viral cock, so if blindfolded I'll know the difference between lovemaking and fucking!"

        Matt gave Ty's earlobe a gentle nibble.  "Our son is amazingly profound and romantic.  You heard right, MJ and TJ are our sons, as well as our lovers."  From the nightstand drawer, he extracted two tubes of lube and handed one to each of the young men.  "We'll get on the bed and you men squeeze out a nickel sized portion to lube our viral cocks, anything left can lube your holes."

        On the bed, Matt and Ty were on their backs, viral cocks throbbing and leaking viral precum.  Kneeling in front of them, MJ and TJ squirted out lube and coated their dads viral cocks and the remnants went up their own assholes.  The young men straddled their dad lovers chests, lowering themselves on the viral cocks that made them.  Moans of bliss filled the air as the four of them commenced their lovemaking.  TJ and MJ pulled their dad lovers up for intimate kissing.  Rocking back and forth, their viral lovemaking was passionate.  Lovemaking sweat coated their chests, gluing them together.  Matt was the first to reach climax and Ty followed a second later.  Reluctantly, the young men rose, relinquishing the viral cocks, only to lick the remnants  of their lover dads viral cum and their own ass juices, sharing it with their lover dads in deep kisses. 

        "Lover dad, this is the happiest day of my life!" MJ declared. "I have the love of three beautiful QUEER men, men I'm in love with.  TJ will agree with me when I say we've been blessed by beautiful viral lovemaking, their virus coursing through our bodies.  Lover dad Ty, my love for you is just as strong and TJ, my lover, I love you with everything I have, everything I am.  Today, I'm the luckiest QUEER man alive!"

        Almost on the verge of tears, Matt said, "We're 4 of the luckiest QUEER men alive!  This calls for a celebration!"

    To be continued


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  4.     Matt looked up and noticed the young men approaching the kitchen. "I was going to discuss this with Ty, but now that you're here it needs to be addressed among the 4 of us.  Last night, neither of you came, even with 3 lovemaking sessions.  Is there any specific reason for that?"

        Caressing his dad's cheek, MJ said, "We never thought about it causing any concern and since it has, I need to explain.  TJ and I agreed it would be better to refrain from cumming until our seed is viral, not just for us, but for you and daddy Ty too as you'll be the recipients of our viral seed."

        "We even devised a way to fight the urge." TJ said. "Anytime we get close, we think of our old High School Principal naked.  Miss Newsom didn't just fall out of the ugly tree, she hit every ugly branch on the way down.  More than merely naked Gruesome Newsom has a bald pussy with teeth!"

        Reaching down, MJ squeezed his dad's cock. "How soon can we make viral love again?  We're no longer virgins but TJ and I both love being made viral love with by the cocks that made us!"

        "The same goes for me!" TJ declared. "Being made love with was worth waiting for, but I can't get enough of you!"

        Grinning slyly, Matt said, "I want to make love with you just as much as you want it and knowing Ty like I do, I'm sure he feels the same.  Let's eat breakfast and then we'll go back to bed.  After last night, I'm surprised you two young men don't have sore asses!"

        "Oh, they're sore, but nothing a deep injection of viral daddy cream won't soothe!"  MJ said, shaking his butt seductively.

        Cocking his eyebrow, Ty said, "We've got all day and all night and all the days and nights until you young men become viral like us.  Matt, pinch me!  I can't believe our sons have given us such a loving gift."

    To be continued

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  5.     The next morning, Matt kissed MJ on the forehead, "Good morning, my son, my lover." He said.

        Doing the same to TJ, Ty asked, "Did you sleep well?  I never had a better night's sleep next to my son and lover.  His sweet deflowered ass filled with my virus."

        "I was too exhausted to say anything last night but I absolutely love getting made love to, especially giving my virginity to you, dad and being deflowered by the cock that made me, now a viral cock made it extra special." TJ said. "MJ, anything to add?"

        Stroking his dad's thigh, MJ said, "My dad, my lover, our lovemaking surpassed everything I imagined it would be.  Every time your viral cock spasmed in my ass, it was an affirmation of our love, viral pure and unbreakable."

        Holding back tears, Matt exclaimed, "MJ, you're the second man I've made love to and as my son it's absolutely amazing.  After you men are over your viral flus, TJ will be the third man I'll make love to.  Of course, our sons and lovers will make viral love to us.  Before we get breakfast started, I suggest a morning piss69."  Without waiting for a response, Matt and Ty got into position and all 4 emptied their bladders.

        "Young men, your toothbrushes are on the sink." Ty declared. "I suggest you brush a bit more vigorously than usual.  After last night's blessed event, I think a big breakfast is in order.  Matt and I will get it started.  Lover, let's get cracking!"

        In the bathroom, MJ and TJ brushed their teeth vigorously.  After rinsing, MJ said, "The look on your face when daddy Ty was making viral love to you was pure bliss and it makes me love you more.  When we first came up with this plan, I never expected the wonderful reality of sharing it with you."

        "Pure bliss is right and it was on your sexy face too!" TJ replied. "As much as I want daddy Matt to make viral love with me after our viral flu, I can't wait until we make viral love with each other!"

        MJ grabbed TJ and kissed him passionately. "Minty fresh!  We might be viral now, but it's best if we wait until we seroconvert."

        Downstairs in the kitchen, coffee was brewing, bread was in the toaster.  Ty cracked a dozen eggs into a large bowl as Matt opened sausage links and bacon.  "I need to confess something," Ty said. "I looked over at you as you were making love to MJ and the smile on your face was something I'd never seen.  Honestly, if I didn't love you and now MJ so much, I'd be jealous.  Of course, making love to TJ was just as wonderful.  I love his ass almost as much as I love yours."

        "Once again lover, you know what's in my head.  Last night's blessed event was indeed life changing, but if anything, sharing it with you made our love stronger." Matt said.

    To be continued

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  6. Will the radical Right inspire a new Stonewall?  They call us the QUEER Mafia and maybe we need to act like one.  As the month of Pride is coming to an end, we must inform younger generations of how it came to be, that night in June of 1969 when the QUEER community, mostly black drag queens, rose up and literally took on the NYPD.  Sitting idle gets us nothing and if we don't have a QUEER MLK, a QUEER Malcolm X should suffice.  They'd like to see us wiped out and we can't allow that.  I'm finding it more difficult to remain a pacifist lately.  As a child of the 60's, Abbie Hoffman was my idol and if I can be half the man he was, I'd gladly take on his role.

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  7. I can honestly say my experience has been different.  My first man was 50/50 versatile and we both enjoyed topping and bottoming, along with kissing.  Actually, it led to a 3 month fling, culminating on my 18th birthday and we flip fucked before he told me it was time to try my wings and at his suggestion, I went to the baths.  Not to offend others, but when I'm into a man, I'm into the man himself, not his cock or ass and that makes it easy for me to go with the flow.  Still, there are times when I need to fuck and times when I need to get fucked.  That's me in a nutshell.

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  8.     Clearing his throat, MJ said, "I think TJ and I should be on our backs for this.  That way we can see each other's faces as we give our virgin asses to our sexy, viral dads.  We can also kiss our dads while they make viral love to us."

        "My lover is such a romantic!" TJ exclaimed. "I couldn't be any happier having MJ next to me.  Daddy Matt, I hope you think of me as your son and dad, I want you to think of MJ as your son.  Not only do MJ and I become poz tonight, we become a true family."

        Lifting his son's legs by the ankles, Matt said, "Ty, follow my lead!  Sons, look down and watch the cocks that made you open your soon to be no longer virgin holes.  Yes, there will be pain as some blood vessels get torn, but that's making fertile ground.  Even our precum is viral and it'll go directly into your bloodstream.  Before long, the pain will become pleasure as the 4 of us make love.  Ty, let's go in together on the count of three.  One, two, three!"

        "Oooowwww!" MJ moaned. "Dad as painful as it is, knowing it's your cock, the cock that made me, the cock that will make me viral, it's the most wonderful pain.  Seeing it happen is amazing!"

        "Such sweet, viral pain!" TJ cooed. "The sight of your viral cock going into my ass is even better than I imagined it would be.  Plant you viral precum in my fertile ass.   Dad, I've never loved you more!"

        "Young men, I suggest you grit your teeth." Ty said. "We'll be going all the way in, breaking more blood vessels to plant our virus in."  Along with Matt, they entered their son's asses in one continuous thrust.

        "Dad, my ass feels so good with your viral cock buried inside!" MJ cooed. "Your beautiful balls, loaded with virus!  Make viral love with me until those viral balls explode!"

        "What lucky QUEER men we are!" TJ sighed. "Side by side, our dads making viral love with us.  Never so much love in this room.  Dad, kiss me!"

        Ty kissed his son and Matt did the same.  It was a passionate, intimate makeout session.  Together they made love with their sons.  Amazingly, it was a choreographed in and out rhythm.  MJ and TJ wrapped their legs around their dad's waists, pulling their viral cocks deeper, fully participating in their lovemaking.

        For a good fifteen minutes they were lost in each other.  Beads of lovemaking sweat dripped down from their foreheads as they kissed like only QUEER lovers can.  "I'm getting close!" Ty announced, breathlessly.  "Me too!" Matt exclaimed.  Almost in unison, MJ and TJ pleaded, "Give me your virus!"  Ty's viral cock spasmed and erupted, spewing viral seed and a second later, Matt's viral cock did the same.  The dads collapsed on top of their sons and their kissing was even more intensely intimate.  Eventually, the dads viral cocks softened and eased out of the sons no longer virgin asses.  Without being told, MJ and TJ, upon seeing the blood ass juices and remnants of viral cum, both sons licked their dads viral cocks clean, licking their lips proudly.

        With tears in his eyes, MJ said, "Dad, thank you so much!  In this moment, I've never been prouder to be your son and I love you more than ever!"

        "I feel the same!" TJ professed. "Having you as my dad and now the man who made love with me for my first time, it's like a dream come true, but the reality is so much better."

        "You men have just summed up our feelings." Matt said, stroking MJ's face. "Of course, we're not done for the night.  Next to Ty, I've never made love to a sweeter ass."

        "Since you've seen us together, you must know that Matt and I are good for 3 loads." Ty said. "I've watched Matt fuck others but this is the first time I saw him making love with another man and I'm proud  to be making love with my son while it happened."

        Twice more, they made love and after the third time, Matt and Ty were spent and all 4 were exhausted.  They fell asleep quickly.

    To be continued

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