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Posts posted by evilqueerpig

  1. Having gone through this thread again, I feel compelled to offer my own take.  The comments about black men in porn being unattractive or ugly gets under my skin.  For me, the 2 old sayings, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" and "beauty's only skin deep" are still true.  Nothing is uglier than hatred and bigotry.  While "bbc" may not be retired in my lifetime, if we as individuals can enlighten others, it can be a step in the right direction.

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  2. 1 hour ago, parvenu said:

    wah wah wah everything is racist - lets face it the cheap sugary drug of ''I'm offended!'' has taken over peoples sensibilities. If you come across porn you don't like - perhaps thou shalt choose another video?

    Whether you choose to accept it or not, racism is a fact of life and the thrust of this post is that there's NOT another video.

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  3. To paraphrase Capt. Renault form Casablanca: I'm shocked!  Shocked that there's homophobia in this administration!  It became obvious when Pence "all gays should be executed!" was chosen to be his running mate.  While there's plenty of ammunition, I won't denigrate the Trumpettes here.  Given the opportunity, Evangelicals would've publicly crucified Clinton for his philandering, but because he supports their agenda, Trump gets a pass.

    • Haha 1
  4. Sadly, this racism isn't isn't limited to porn, it's an issue with the QUEER community.  Whether or not it's perpetuated by porn, some buy into the stereotype of the bigdicked, dominant black male and the total bottom asian.  Also the hypermacho latins who think that kissing makes them less of a man.  My first man told me that sexy comes in all sizes, colors and shapes and that my best asset is an open mind.  Ultimately, it's up to us as individuals to be less racist in our lives, as well as in our beds.

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  5. Opening a can of worms is what I'm known to do, so here goes.  For me, the term "BBC" is just as offensive as the "n" word.  Sexy is sexy and hot is hot, no matter the complexion of the man.  Coming out to myself as QUEER, I realized I had to shed the prejudices I grew up with.  Are we not all members of the human race, again with our differences being only one of complexion?  Dominance/submissiveness is equally balanced among all of the "so called" races and the same goes for masc and fem.  What attracts me to a man is the man himself and not what he's got between his legs.  Every cock is beautiful, all shapes sizes and colors.  Nothing is uglier than hatred and bad attitude is a total turnoff.  That's my 2 cents.

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  6.     The warmth of Blackie's ass enveloped Alex's hand like a luxuriously soft suede glove.  "You should be insured by Lloyd's of London!" He said. "Blackie, everything about you can give a man pleasure!"  With deliberate gentleness, Alex rotated his hand, clockwise and counterclockwise, the responsiveness of Blackie's buttmuscles and the cum from the devil's dick providing an awesome atmosphere.  Continuing with the same motions, Alex began to gradually insert his lower arm into Blackie's ass, about 1/4 of an inch at a time.

        "Mmmmm, that's nice!" Blackie cooed, his eyes wide and grinning like the proverbial Cheshire cat. "You bring a passion to fisting!  Don't stop!  Give me more!  Work my ass!  Oooohh, take me deeper!"

        "Blackie, I haven't fisted all that many men, but I've never encountered a man with an ass like yours!" Alex exclaimed. "I'm almost in to my elbow and it feels so good!"

        "Feels wonderful for me, too!" Blackie replied. "So wonderful that I'm close to cumming and I don't wanna cum yet!  Just ease you hand out, so we can get back into bed!"

        Alex did just that and once his hand was out he was pleasantly surprised when Blackie's hole didn't gape, but closed right up.  He helped Blackie out of the sling and they kissed.


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