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Posts posted by evilqueerpig

  1. I'm likely opening a can of worms and provoking the MAGA crowd, but I need to post this.  In the wake of George Floyd being lynched by knee, I can no longer remain silent.  We in the QUEER community need to support our black brothers and not just with words.  Those of you who can, participate in peaceful protests, making your presence known by wearing pride attire or carrying signs reading "Queer lives 4 Black lives"  Let's never forget what "Stonewall" started for us.  Stand up, speak out, take a knee.

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  2. Back when I lived in Brooklyn, LURE was my haunt.  The bartender would comp me my first beer and the rest of the night, I drank from the tap.  He said I was good for business.  As you can guess, I flagged yellow right!

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  3. My first man was the proverbial hairy beast.  We met on a QUEER/nude beach and when he emerged from the water, it was LUST at first sight.   Picture a cross between Al Parker and Al Pacino, covered in black fur down to his toes.  The fact that he was a sweet man just completed the package.

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  4. It was the night of my 18th B'day.  After a 3 month fling with my first man, he suggested I go to the baths to try out my wings.  I didn't approach him because he was black, but because he was sexy.  We made out for a bit before I took him to my room where he fucked me and then I returned the favor.  The baths became my home away from home and the 2 of us became regular fuckbuds.

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