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Posts posted by evilqueerpig

  1. I can vouch for British hospitality.  Was in London for a week on holiday in May, 1987 and never spent a night alone.  Given the current situation in the US, I wish we'd never fought that stupid war.

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  2. There's something about a man with a sweaty/musky hole that makes my mouth water and given my long tongue, I can give men maximum pleasure, even rimming to climax on occasion.  I've earned the nickname RIMBO!

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    • Haha 2
  3. Bernie Sanders has NEVER registered as a Democrat, so the DNC shouldn't have allowed him to run for the Dem nominee, either in 2016 or this year.  If the "Bernie or bust" crowd hadn't sat out the 2016 election, the selectoral college might've not been a factor.  As for the orange moron, the RNC willingly hopped into bed with him like a $20 hooker.  We need to take the Senate back and if he's not defeated, Moscow Mitch can be relegated to the dungheap of history.  For all their false piety, the evangelicals backed a serial adulterer, just to further their antigay, antiabortion agenda.  Biden is far from perfect, but anyone is preferable to the paranoid narcissist who currently occupies the oval office.

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  4. I don't know if autism makes you immune from racism, but I agree it gives you a unique perspective.  Are there other gay men locally who share your feelings?  Even if it's 2 or 3 of you, your presence at a local protest can make a difference and signs showing support from the gay community will surely be welcomed.  Of course, you need to adhere to social distancing and wear masks.  Hope this is the answer you seek.

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