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Everything posted by kinky

  1. Got this through NKP News: State-by-State MPx vaccination info: [think before following links] https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QO55TTeO6ZKrC0yw_LvIrKU56wb1r7rX9kAW_WsLLtQ/edit
  2. It doesn't have to. If the virus can survive on surfaces for days, all it can take is a contaminated handrail on public transport, or any surface that is touched by straights and gays that has nothing to do with sex; think gyms, supermarkets, restaurants, taxi cabs, even an elevator in your apartment building. I mean the sheer number of ways it can transmit theoretically is mind-boggling, yet it's still just within the gay community. That's what's surprising to me.
  3. If that's the case, I'm surprised it hasn't spread outside the gay community.
  4. Are there any studies on MPx virus's stability outside of a human body? How long does it survive for: hours, days, weeks, months? I mean how concerned should one be when, say, holding onto the bus handrail after someone with MPx hand lesions?
  5. Sorry, what I wanted to get more clarity on is not vaccine's effectiveness but rather virus's behavior. I'll paraphrase my original question: Let's say the vaccine is 100% effective. If a vaccinated person is exposed to the virus, what happens? 1. Will the virus simply not enter the body because it's vaccinated? 2. Or will the virus still enter the vaccinated body and just "hang around" inside indefinitely without causing any illness? 3. Or will the virus still enter the vaccinated body and immediately be killed by the immune system?
  6. Q: If a vaccinated person has sex with an infected person, will the vaccinated person get infected?
  7. Is it ok to share other BB telegram groups in this thread?
  8. For the curious and the determined: A quick google search for anal tattoos brings up a Chicago-based tattoo artist named Randy Candy [www.randycandyland.com] and a fun little article on him and his anal specialty [www.okwhatever.org/topics/naughty/butthole-tattoos]. With his skills, anus-thing is possible.
  9. Are there any bottoms on here who have their poz tats somewhere in the front rather than the back?
  10. My tight virgin hole
  11. As my first post, I'll start with a humble introduction to my boypussy. Hello 👋🏻🐷
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