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Everything posted by whthole4u

  1. Part 1 - The Return of Charles – Horse Dick Leather Lord and Master and Dr Mike’s Lieutenant I first met Charles in the story posted earlier, “Dr Mike – biohazard and healer - Part 3 – Does the venom take?” This is the story of the next time I saw him and caution, is NOT vanilla, but is true to who Charles, the Leather Master is. In the final chapter of “Dr Mike – biohazard and healer” I had just finished receiving my new tattoo. My tat had healed, and I guess it was less a tattoo then a new ID – a big, black and red, angry biohazard sign on my lower back, that reached down to the crack of my ass, and was almost 9 inches wide and 9 inches high. I had not seen Dr Mike since I got the tattoo, but had seen Hank and his herpes dick, Ben from Ghana, and of course spent time with Carl at the library. No one commented on my new tat and I was sort of pissed and hurt. I thought this meant something, I thought I was special somehow – at least to Dr Mike. But, even though I had not heard from him I continued to do as he had ordered, to take as much dirty, filthy, toxic AIDs cum and dick as I could. I wanted to make him proud, proud of the man he had turned me into, and proud of my biohazard ass. The last time I had seen Dr Mike he had given me Charles’ phone number and told me, “I expect to hear from him that you have given that ass up to him.” I had seen Charles only briefly after he had brutally fucked me in Dr Mike’s office, but he appeared to be in his late 30s, early 40s, about 6”4, a good 230, he was white with curly brown hair, a big mustache, hairy chest (he had on a leather vest), leather pants with no crotch, and big black boots. His dick was tremendous, long, fat, over 11 inches and Charles was, according to Dr Mike, ‘an AIDs fucker.’ Charles also had gonorrhea, so his dick was a continuous fountain of infected drippings. I had called Charles several times, but he never answered or returned my call and frankly I was relieved as he scared the fuck out of me. The weather in DC had gotten colder and I came home after only an hour at work on a Thursday as it had started to snow lightly, but everyone freaked out and they started to shut the city down. The phone rang, and when I answered hello the man said, “This is your Leather Master boy, remember me? I raped that little hole of yours for Dr Mike and he has new orders for you. Be outside your building tomorrow morning at 5:30 a.m. I don’t care you have to work, it’s a Friday, call off and this fucking city will be shut down anyways. You stand on the sidewalk and wait, do not move you hear me. Between now and then no sex, no getting some pussy cock up there, no jacking off, and do not eat anything.” With that Charles hung up and I was left to wonder what the fuck was going on. When I got up the next morning at 4:00 a.m. he was right. We had about an inch of snow and the city was shut down. Offices were closed, schools were closed, the government was closed, so at least I did not have to miss work. I was standing outside my building at 5:30 a.m. and the street was dead. No one was out, not even the snow plows, so I waited, and waited, and by 5:45 was ready to go back in as I was freezing. But then I saw a pickup coming up the street with it’s headlights on and apparently no muffler as it sounded like a Mac truck. The truck was old, beat up, had crap hanging out of the bed and some of those big tires on it like it went offroad all the time. It pulled up, the window rolled down and this guy said through the clenched cigarette in his teeth, “Hey – Charles call you? Yeah, cool man, hop in.” I walked around the front of the truck, hopped in the front seat and looked at the driver. This guy was not Charles, not sure who he was, but he was younger then me for sure, but he had real long hair pulled back in a pony tail and was wearing a bandana to hold it back. His beard was pretty long, scraggily, and he was not handsome as it looked like his nose had been broken a few times, his teeth were bad, his denim jacket was holy and dirty, as were his jeans. He looked pretty tall, like Charles, about 6”4 but a bit thicker and more muscular, like 250 pounds. He had a beer in a cup holder that he took a swig off, tapped the ashes from his cigarette in the ash tray then looked at me and said, “Let me see it man, I want to see that tat everyone’s been fucking talking about.” “Um, we’re in the middle of the street, no I don’t think so,” I said. His hand struck out like a viper, closed around my throat, and he said, “Like I said, I want to see it, NOW.” I shook my head, undid my coat, my pants, and slid them down to my ankles and sort of turned on my side in the truck seat so my back was towards him. He let out a slow, long whistle, “Damn! Fucking hot,” as he ran his leather gloved hand over my tat and my left ass cheek. “You got me nice hard now, turn around here.” He held the cigarette between his teeth as he unzipped his pants and pushed my head towards the dick that popped out. Fuck Christ – he was huge! Just like Charles. The truck was idling in front of my apartment building and the street lights cast enough light so I could see the head of his dick was oozing heavy, thick, goo. This was not cum, looked like gonorrhea, and as I hesitated he pushed me onto his dick, I opened my mouth, and sucked on the head. He was uncut, but it was like they did it only part way as skin still seemed attached to the front of his dick head. He also had a Prince Albert piercing, a barbell, not a ring like Charles and not as thick. I licked it clean and his dick tasted like sweat, filth, and ass, and dug my tongue into the slit trying to get more of his infected jizz. He started to moan, “Fuck no boy, gotta hold off, Sir will have my ass as it is, FUCK! I cannot wait to climb up on you.” With that he pushed me off, I got dressed as he zipped up, put the truck in drive and headed off. “I’m Roger,” he said as he turned onto the main street and nodded at me. “Sir – I mean Charles – sent me to pick you up. You see I am like his hmmm…… his… apprentice I guess you could say you know what I mean? No? Well Sir is teaching me how to be a good master and he is the best. I have seen him break boys in minutes like he is going to break you – LOLOL – and he is teaching me everything he knows. He promised me that if I was good I get to break you too.” Wow, sure did not fucking expect that and was not sure what to say so I Just huddled against the cold as there was no heat in the truck and watched my breathe mingle with his smoke as Roger drove through the empty city streets. We pulled onto a small, one-block side street just off 20th and P Street near Dupont Circle. There were several gay bars in the area, but I never realized this little group of townhouses was here. I followed Roger up to a townhouse that was sort of in the middle of the block on the left, grayish in color, and one side of it fronted an alley that led back behind a bunch of restaurants that fronted P Street. At the front door Roger took out a key, let us in, and in the entryway told me to get undressed. I looked around sort of confused as we were not really inside yet and even though the front door glass was frosted, I felt exposed, but he just glared at me, so I bent down to take off my boots. As I did he reached his arm around my neck, pulled me back towards him, and started sticking his tongue in my ear and licking my neck and left cheek. At the same his other hand reached down the back of my pants, grabbed my underwear and yanked hard. I cried out, his hand covered my mouth and he kept yanking on my shorts as he tongued me. My shorts ripped as they tore into my ass crack and he continued to grab fistfuls of cloth and tug up and hard, giving me a wedgy from hell as he moved his hand and his tongue found my open mouth. His breath was awful, cigarettes, liquor, and more, but he kissed me hard, shoved my face against the exposed brick in the entryway, and finished tearing my shorts into shreds. He now stepped back, unzipped his pants, and out popped his fully hard dick. I turned to look but he pushed my face back against the brick wall, this time really hard and I felt a small trickle of blood run down my cheek as the brick cut into my face. Roger yanked on my pants, spit on my ass and was working to force his dick into my dry hole when the main door to the house opened as Roger said, “Oh fuck we are going to have some fun!” There was Charles just as I remembered him. All in leather, hairy, and looking pissed. “What the FUCK DO YOU THINK you are doing?” he asked. Roger stumbled back, pulling up his pants, “I ah was just teaching him not to mouth off to me. He ah was talking back, so I ah.” Charles took one step and gave Roger a good right hook and said, “NEVER lie to me you little fuck. You HAVE to learn to fucking CONTROL YOURSELF. Goddamn it Son, what the fuck?” Charles then turned and walked into the house. I was huddled against the wall amazed as Roger had barely flinched with that hit, even though there was a little blood at the corner of his lip. He turned to me and said, “You will pay for that.” He then pulled up his pants, told me to strip, grabbed my arm and pulled me into the house after him. We were in a hallway that ran the length of the right side of the house. About halfway down was a door on the right that he opened, pushed me ahead of him, and I went down the dark stairs. At the bottom I looked around. The wall in front of me had mirrors, as did several other walls I could see. The room was painted a dark red, almost black, the ceiling was black. As we walked to the right and the room opened up, I could see chains hanging from the ceiling, a sling, several sets of shelves with various metal and leather things on them, including one that had a bunch of dildoes and such. To the left there was a large platform bed with mirrors behind it, on the ceiling, and on the wall to the left, and the bed was covered with some sort of black sheet. There appeared to be stuff further on, but the light was too dim to clearly see. Charles was standing in the middle of the room, hands balled into fists by his side, his dick was ringed in steel with at least one big metal cock ring around his balls, pushing them out and forward as he dick looked already hard. “Kneel.” Fuck he sounded like Dr Mike when he said that. I kneeled where I was and was surprised when Roger kneeled too, but about a foot in front of me. “The last time I saw you I know Dr Mike told you I took it easy on you and so I did. Not this time. This time I will do whatever the fuck I want to you and you will take it. I will hurt you, and you will heal but you will never be the same. Dr Mike may give you choices, well he says he will, but he never fucking does right? Well, you’ve got no choices here either.” What did he mean by that? Fuck what was he going to do me? I had read shit in the papers before about crazy guys doing crazy shit to someone like cutting off a foot or something. No, that just my fear talking as my heart stared beating like 100 miles and hour and I started to sweat and shake a little. Charles could see the fear on my face and confusion as he laughed and said, “I am your Leather Lord and Master. I will use and abuse you and I have no limits and now neither do you. Once I start I will not start and now you have no choice in the matter as I am going to rape the fuck out of you. You can cry, scream, and beg and plead, which I hope you do, but it will do you no good. The door is locked, this room is soundproof, and you are now my victim. Well, mine and his if he learns to behave.” I looked at Roger, who turned slightly, looked at me, and licked at the little mark of dried blood on his lip as he smiled. Charles continued, “You will learn to give yourself, all of yourself to me or whoever else asks it when ordered. Pain is necessary as you can only truly learn by scar tissue, being ripped, torn, and used. I can promise you though that I am an expert in inflicting pain and abuse, but I will not permanently damage you. No, never that, and even if you believe what I am doing is beyond what your body can take, you will be wrong, as you WILL TAKE IT! You will learn to fear me, serve me, and fear me even more, but there is hope, for if you serve me well, you will please not only me, but Dr Mike. Do you want to please Dr Mike?” I was a bit stunned and just sat there, but Roger twisted around, slapped my face with his gloved hand and sneered, “Answer HIM!” “Yes, please, I want to please Dr Mike,” I said, my voice wavering. Charles smiled wide, reached to the side table, lit a smoke of some kind, and continued. “I am a Demon in the flesh, here to take your body and soul, all that is evil, I am the Ass Destroyer. Dr Mike wants you pushed beyond all boundaries, and believe me, you have no idea what is in store for you. I am Dr Mike’s Lieutenant and he is the one man, the only man I serve. I want a willing sacrifice and you will be willing – not now – but you will – you will give yourself totally to me. Some tops would give you drugs to make you lose control, I won’t, Jack Daniels/JD or whatever sure, but I want you to fight me, I will break you, just like I broke my Son here, but not the same way of course.” “You see, my Son here is a Master in his own right, so his training is a bit different. His dick is full of death too and until he earns the right to have some ass to call his own, for now he serves as a recruiter I guess. He works for me and when the weather is warm I send him to the back patio of the Eagle to find some unsuspecting ass like yours who is just a dick hungry queer willing to do anything to get a taste of it. He will give them a taste of it for sure, but only to get them back here. Here is where the fun starts, here is where we rape them and turn them into infected AIDs holes to be used and fucked and tossed away. You should hear them cry and scream when we tell them we are infecting them!!! Maybe if you learn well you can serve me at the Eagle too, give that AIDs hole to some unsuspecting negative top at the Eagle – give those fuckers something to take home besides a hangover.” “Here, before we begin, stand up and turn around so I can see,” Charles said. Finally, someone was going to pay attention to my tat. He said, “You know what that means Son? That means Dr Mike has made him a fucking killer, he has passed the bug and death onto some poor unsuspecting asshole. Pretty fucking amazing. I did not believe when the sick fuck told me, but seeing it is damn hot. This is one sick infected ass and today it is mine and if you are good, yours too Son.” Why did he keep calling him Son? Was Roger his Son? They sort of looked alike, but I just thought he was a friend or something. I was smiling listening to them admire my tat and when I turned back around and Charles saw my smile he closed the distance between us in an instant and wrapped his big gloved hand around my throat. My eyes bulged in fear and his spit was flying in my face as he said, “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU SMILING ABOUT? You ain’t got to shit to be smiling about yet, you are a worthless piece of as flesh and I am going to beat that pride right out of you. You may think you are a biohazard piece of ass now, but trust me, there is so much more we will infect you with.” Charles let go, stepped back as I caught my breath and he went on, “Son, you go get dressed properly.” He turned to me and said, “I have made you a special drink. Some JD and good stuff, like I said, I want you to fight me, so nothing too strong.” Roger headed back the way we came, I guess to a room that had been off to the left of the small mirrored hallway. I accepted the drink from Charles and downed it as he motioned for me to drink up. Having not eaten since the day before and being scared shitless, the stuff went right to my head. Not usually drinking liquor helped too I guess. I finished, handed the glass back to him. Charles stepped towards me, “Kneel. Lick my boots.” I looked up at him questioning, I had never done that before and frankly his boots looked pretty filthy. “Are you questioning me?” Charles said as he took his right foot, planted it firmly in the middle of my chest and kicked me over onto my back. He was standing over me now, his boot planted firmly on my gut, “I will only fucking tell you once, when I do you better not question me.” So I scrambled onto my hands and knees and started licking his boots. As I did Charles started spitting me on me, calling me worthless, telling me my tat meant nothing, I was not worthy of serving him, and until I showed I was worthy I would never see Dr Mike again. I was crushed, anything but that, I wanted – no needed – to see Dr Mike, so I decided I would do whatever it took to make that happen and began licking his boats like they contained the last drops of water in the biggest desert. Roger came back into the room as I saw his big boots come into view. Charles said, “Get on all fours, but don’t stop cleaning those boots.” I did as ordered and soon felt Roger behind me. His gloved hands were rubbing my back, my ass, he spread my ass open and dug in, driving his tongue into my hole as his beard scraped me. Charles reached down, slapped my face hard, then said, “Now the other one,” as Roger kept eating my ass. After a while Charles said, “Kneel.” I then kneeled in front of him, Roger got up and went and stood beside Charles. I looked up that them, two Leather Lords and Masters towering over me, I got scared again, but tried not to show it as I waited for my next orders. I then saw that Roger was dressed now like Charles. Leather vest, leather pants with no crotch, he had armbands on each arm and metal cockrings around his balls. He also had more piercings, some small rings piercing his ball sac running from the base of his dick down towards his ass. His balls were a lot bigger than Charles, which were pretty big, and they looked black and blue. Both of them were pretty well built and I also noticed that both of them had several tats on their arms, and chest, include a black biohazard tat peaking out from the left side just above where their hearts were. My dick started to get hard looking at them and I wanted to please them as I looked at their horse cocks again. Both of them were fairly hard and about the same size – holy fuck they were huge and both of them were dripping – gonorrhea drip. “Dr Mike told me you tested positive for gonorrhea, but I know he has not treated you and doubt he will. You see there is nothing better than an ass that smells of infection and death and we are going to make sure you never get clean,” Charles said as he stepped closer and began rubbing his dick head over my face, spreading his gonorrhea drip on my lips, chin, nose, and cheeks. I opened my mouth to lick his dick and was stunned as he slapped me hard. “Did I fucking tell you to lick me? No, now shut that mouth, I ain’t done,” Charles said he as continued smearing my face. Charles stepped back and Roger stepped over to me and repeated the process. He had a lot more drip coming out of his dick and the smell was awful and filled my nostrils as he covered my face too. My eyes were closed when he stopped as some of his drip was now on my eyelids, so I flinched a little when I felt someone grab my face between their gloved hands and then began licking me. It was Roger, could tell from the beard, and I stayed still as Roger licked my face clean of the drip they had just covered me in. He then opened my mouth with gloved fingers and started spitting in my mouth, feeding me all the toxic drip he had just cleaned off. I swallowed hard and gagged a little and they both laughed. Roger let go of my face, stood up, and now shoved his dick into my mouth. I choked as he rammed my throat, Roger slapped my face and I choked even more. I leaned back to pull away a little but he put his hands on the back of my head and started pushing me down on his cock, hard. He was trying to fuck my face as hard as he could but there was no way I could take his dick and he was clearly frustrated. Roger pushed my head back, slapped me hard and said, “God damn little fucker!” and slapped me again. This time when he slapped me he caught more of my nose than my face and I felt some blood begin to trickle out of my nose. “Fuck Son, you are still letting your nuts rule that head of yours. Take your time, he is ours and is not going anywheres and he will learn – no he will be forced – to take both of us just like we want, now clean him up,” Charles growled. Roger bent down, glared at me, fuck he was pissed, grabbed my head again between his hands and started licking at the blood coming out of my nose as he applied pressure with his right thumb. He finished, stood up, and he and Charles went back by the table, both grabbed something to smoke, which I could tell by the smell was not cigarettes, and looked at me as I stayed kneeling where I was. After a few minutes Roger went and sat on the platform bed, his dick looking huge as it bounced and twitched. Charles came back to me, “Lick my balls.” I flicked my tongue out and began licking his balls. He was very hairy, and tasted of sweat and his smell was so intoxicating. Total man funk, and I loved it. Charles slapped the side of my head as he laughed, “Damn boy, you have got a lot to learn. This is not some little cone of ice cream to be lapping, these are fucking man balls. I want you to put them in your mouth, suck on them, use that tongue, tug on them with your teeth eat those fuckers.” So I did. His balls were big and I could fit one in my mouth at a time, but not two. I licked, sucked, and squeezed each one between my teeth and pulled back when I did, stretching them out and away from Charles’ dick. Charles moaned when I did that and started rubbing my head with his gloved hand. I tugged harder, and bit down more, and Charles moaned even louder, pulling away from me, stretching his balls out even further. I was afraid I was going to hurt him I guess, but the rougher I chewed, sucked, and stretched his balls the more he moaned and the harder his dick got and the more he started dripping precum onto my face. I was whimpering with pleasure and my own dick was so fucking hard I reached down and started to jack it. I got slapped hard and Charles’ ball plopped out of my mouth trailed by a mouthful of spit. “DON’T fucking touch yourself. You WILL NOT cum unless I tell you it is OK,” Charles said as he stepped away. I was wiping the spit off my face as he grabbed his smoke and went and sat down by Roger. Now it was Roger’s turn. He put his smoke down, stepped up, said, “You better learn to please him – and me – and do it fucking right.” So I repeated what I had done with Charles, tugging on Roger’s balls with my mouth as I slurped and ate them. Roger’s were a lot bigger than Charles’ and it took me a while to figure out how to get it in my mouth, but I did and soon had him moaning. “Pull hard – yeah bite them good, pull them asshole – HARDER!” Roger screamed at me as he got more and more worked up as I bruised his balls with my mouth. “FUCK you’re making me cum – open your mouth take my CUM!!!” he screamed. I opened wide as his hot cum shot into my mouth, and down my throat. His cum was really thick and sour, but tasted so good. I then licked his dick clean as he smiled, stepped back, slapped the side of my head lightly and said, “Whew, damn, that was good. Don’t worry, I can cum again like that in no time and plan to feed you a few loads in your ass too.” Roger grabbed his smoke and sat down on the bed beside Charles who was stroking his dick. Charles got up, made me another big drink, and handed it to me. I was still kneeling and Charles bent down and kissed me hard, tastings his Son’s load in my mouth. He then let me down the drink, took the glass and went back to smoke with Roger. After a few minutes Charles said something and Roger scrambled up, got behind me, pulled my arms behind my back and lifted me up. Charles was now standing directly over me and I trembled as he looked down at me. He did look truly evil in this light and it was hot as shit in that basement, so the sweat made him glisten. Not only that but his cock was hard and was gleaming with the gonorrhea drip and precum. He slapped my face, “What do you want?” I was surprised and just opened my mouth and nothing came out. He slapped me again, a little harder, “What do you want?” This time I said, “Please fuck me.” Charles slapped me harder “WHAT DO YOU WANT?” This time I replied, “Please Sir, rape me with your big dick, I want your AIDs cum!” Charles laughed, smiled, and said to Roger, “Get him ready,” to me Charles said, “Dr Mike has taught you well.” Roger pushed me forward to the right towards the large leather swing that was hanging from the ceiling. He pushed my chest forward onto the sling and I had to step up onto the small platform under the swing to stabilize myself. Roger walked in front of me, yanked my arms forward, and put each wrist in a handcuff looped to the chains on each side. My chest and torso were on the sling as my face hung over the far edge. Roger moved the wood platform I had been standing on, so now almost all my weight was on the sling and I was barely able to balance myself on my tip toes. The sling swayed, the chains clanged as the thick links banged together. The smell of the leather was intoxicating, and the JD made me feel dizzy and fucked up. Roger came back around the front and pulled a leather hood down over my head. I could not see, but there was a hole for my nose and mouth. “Here, sniff these, good Amsterdam shit poppers,” he said, his voice muffled a little through the hood as I felt a cold glass bottle under my nose. I took several big hits, and felt them kick in and mix with the drink. My head was throbbing and chest felt tight, when I felt a pair of gloved hands running over my ass. Charles had huge hands and I remembered from before he liked rubbing my ass. This time the rubbing did not last long as he hauled back and slapped my right ass cheek. I yelped, tried to move, but lost my footing on the wood so just swung a little Charles laughed, hauled off and slapped my left side. He then continued slapping my ass, alternating sides as I tried to shift and move to get away. The next pain was 10 times worse than the slap had been. He was now using something like a stick, which I would learn later was a leather crop. I cried out a little as Charles began striping the flesh on my ass, first one side, then the next, harder and harder. I would feel the sting first, then the pain would shoot into my flesh as the burning of each whipping took hold. I was crying out, begging him to stop, pleading, and trying to move my ass out of the line of fire. But it was futile as any movement just made me swing back and forth a little and I soon realized no matter what I did I was going nowhere. I also realized each time I tried to run Charles whipped me harder. Charles stopped, leathered hands ran over the welts forming on my ass and I felt a hand against the side of my hooded head and hot breath near my mouth as a voice said, “ I am going to rape you now – you hear me – not like before, This time there will be no piss from Dr Mike to prelube you, just what you work out of my dick so you better jiggle that ass for me and make me precum. More importantly, you will bleed because I am going to fuck to hurt and that is the best lube of all.” I started to shake and shiver from fear, the cold, the drink, not sure which, but could not stop and tried to get some leverage with my feet to move with no luck, so I started to beg as loudly as I could, which still sounded a bit far away with the hood on. “Please NO, please DON’T! Please STOP! PLEASE!!!” I did not hear a reply, but felt the poppers under my nose and Roger telling me to hit them. I breathed as deep as I could and they were too quickly taken away. I needed more, but I felt Charles’ gloved hands spread my ass wide and the PA in the head of his horse dick push against my asshole. Even though I had taken a lot of dick the past several months, I had not been fucked in a few days and was naturally tight, so there was no way in hell his dick was going in me. Charles worked a bare finger in past his dick head and started clawing at my guts, then two, round and round inside my ass. I started feeling warm and knew he had made me bleed and soon felt him push his dick head a little in my hole, working it around. He pushed side to side and kept up constant pressure on my hole. I breathed a sigh of relief as this was not as bad as I feared, but when I did my hole must have relaxed a little as Charles was now lodged in my outer ring and my ass was stretched to the limit. I screamed a little from the shock and surprise as he grabbed my hips and pulled me back towards him. Again my feet lost all footing and I was hanging in mid-air as he pulled me onto his dick. The mix of blood, precum, and gonorrhea drip was doing its job and lubing his horse dick up. Charles continued to pull my ass open as he shoved into me, and I continued to yell and scream and buck and try to get away, rattling the chains with every movement to escape. Charles then seemed to push me away and I realized he was using the leverage and motion of the sling to dig deeper. When the sling came back, so did my open hole and his dick tore my ass. He was ripping me raw with his AIDs filled dick and the pain was unbelievable I now felt a hand on my face and the muffled voice of Roger who said, “Fuck boy, he has you all bloody all ready and he ain’t even started yet. Let me hear you scream for him to stop, come on now.” I obliged, or tried to, as when I went to plead again this time Charles’ dick slammed balls deep and I was ripped in half. The scream caught in my throat, the blood running out of my ass, and the heat and pain radiating from my hole was beyond anything I had experienced before. His thrusts were still small, but so painful, and every inch of that horse dick was like being cut with a knife. As happened the first time he rape fucked me, I think I passed out a little off and on from the pain as my mind was overwhelmed as my body was shocked beyond what I could handle. I was totally at his mercy. Charles was balls deep and paused, he then slapped my ass again hard a few times renewing the pain from the whipping, my ass reflexed, clinched, then let go and as it did he started slam fucking me. I was crying, screaming, and begging him to stop now. I could not take it anymore. It hurt so fucking bad. There was no joy in this, fuck Dr Mike! What was he thinking! I tried to struggle against the chains, but Charles just fucked harder as I did and I just felt like a side of beef in the slaughter house hanging off the hooks. Roger was back at my face, hand on the side of my head as he said, “Fuck yeah! You should see this shit! Of wow – he fucked you up! Damn! He’s gonna fucking cum in you – you are so getting his AIDs from this!” Roger had apparently kneeled down in front of me as he started to kiss me hard, muffling my screams with his mouth as he held my head and tongue fucked me as Charles fucked my ass. Charles was now pulling me with all his might back onto his dick and then pushing me away and pulling me back. His balls were slapping my ass and his dick was shredding my insides with every thrust. I was taking him all – his entire fucking horse dick – over 11 inches of ass destroyer, but at the time I could only see the white hot pain. My dick was not even hard as the pain wiped everything from view. Charles then stopped, the chains shuddered, and so did Charles. I could feel his dick quiver, pulse, and unload in me as he swelled and shot his AIDs cum into my bloody ass. It seemed like a few minutes as Charles’ dick continued to quiver, flex, and fill my guts as he slowly continued working his dick in my torn ass to ensure his toxic load coated my entire guts. Roger continued kissing me, forcing his spit into my mouth as he did, gnawing at my lips, scraping me with his beard. I could barely breathe, only whimper, and could not grasp what had just happened. Slowly Charles backed out of my ass and when he finally came free I could feel all the fuck juice begin running out of my hole, down my legs, and onto the floor. The pain was even worse in some ways without him in me and my ass felt abandoned, I guess. Hard to describe, as much as I wanted him to stop, I now wanted him back inside of me and whimpered even more. Roger stopped kissing me and I was left hanging there, finally able to try to relax. My reprieve was short lived as I soon felt gloved hands on my ass again, slowly running over the now fully-formed welts that covered each cheek. Slowly the hands worked back and forth and then SLAM! They started slapping my ass hard again. I yelled in surprise and pain and heard muffled laughter. SLAM! SLAM!! SLAM!!!! Back and forth, the leather stinging my already tender flesh. The gloved hands then spread my ass and I felt Roger’s bearded face push between my cheeks and nip and tongue at my shredded hole. I begged, “Please, oh fuck please don’t! I can’t really I can’t, please let me just get up a minute.” Roger laughed, I heard him say, “Now you will pay,” as his slammed his horse dick up my already torn ass. Charles had left me gaping and wounded and Roger’s dick went balls deep on the first thrust. I saw white hot pain and think I passed out a little again. I started to scream and beg, but my pleas fell on deaf ears as Roger took his turn raping me with his gonorrhea dick. Once he found his rhythm he started slapping my ass too so a new level of pain was added to the fuck. After a bit of that he leaned forward, grabbing me just above my hips and squeezed hard as he slam fucked my ass. I was crying again and it seemed like he fucked forever and never slowed down as he pummeled me, digging into my sides harder with his fingers as his dick dug as deep as he could into my guts. Finally, blessedly, Roger came and unloaded another load in me, this time in my ass, but no slow pull out for him, he just yanked his dick out, taking half my guts with him when he did. More wetness ran down my legs and I could hear Charles and Roger saying something to each other, but could not make it out. I lay in the sling for a long time, was able to stop crying, and slowly realized I had other sensations besides pain. Stay Tuned for Part 2 – The Leather Lord’s Continue Their Training and the Return of Dr Mike
  2. The library truly was like that for a while at least the few times I went years ago when I first moved here and was scared shitless - LOL- of course now wish I had feasted on all it had to offer
  3. Thanks for all of the great feedback - glad everyone liked it and yeah - would make a hot fuck flick - Paul Morris you listening :-) Working on some of the the other characters and side stories now so we shall see if Dr Mike returns
  4. Looking for masculine top men who have nice, hot loads they want to put up my ass - mild to wild - no strings - just come in, fuck, cum and cruise - mild to wild - fuck how you want
  5. Chasing the Bug – My Cuckold Boyfriend and Caribbean Salvation Part 1 - Bahamian Fuck in the Boathouse and Part 2 – Raw AIDs Dick in St Thomas Part 1 - Bahamian Fuck in the Boathouse Let me start by telling you about Richard, my ex-partner (he liked ‘husband’ because he was the top, but whatever), who is white, in his early 40’s, handsome, Ivy League education, and works for one of the most prestigious law firms in Washington, DC. So, basically he was a tight ass, but I loved him, or did once, guess in the later years it became ‘care for with a dash of tolerance and two dashes of get the fuck off me.’ I met Richard on a phone chat line about 12 years ago. I was still working through my attraction to men, and at the time, Richard was my dream. He was successful, powerful, handsome, and on our first date he showed me his rare and priceless antique maps. I know, sounds corny, but I saw passion in his eyes and heard it in his voice when he spoke about those fucking maps – and after several dates and a few fucks after spending the evening in the hot tub – he looked at me with the same passion and spoke with the same intensity to me, and about me, so I was hooked. When we met, Richard and I were on pretty much the same page sexually. He was a good 10 years older then me, but we were very compatible. However, over the years I started to get bored. Sex with Richard was like a Georgetown housewife’s scripted recipe – kiss for 5 minutes, very little tongue, suck him for about 2 minutes (with condom on) while he rubbed my head, then me laying face down while he put on a new condom and fucked me for about 2 more minutes. Over and over and over this was our sex life and frankly I was bored as fuck. I tried suggesting ways to spice things up, but Richard would have none of it, until he came upon what he said was the perfect solution – he would watch me get fucked by some other guy while he watched because he enjoyed being a ‘cuckold’ husband. Basically a cuckold is someone who’s wife is unfaithful and they have no power and are forced to submit, watch, are powerless, or whatever. I guess being a high-powered attorney all day he wanted someone else in control, so I agreed, and about once a month he would set us up with a top who would come to our house, fuck me, and Richard would sit in the fucking Queen Anne winged back chair in the bedroom jacking his dick. One would think this would be interesting or even fun – NOT! Every single guy Richard set us up with was like him – about the same age, white, dick not too big or not too small (Richard was about 8 inches, average thickness), missionary fuck, and they always wore a condom. Richard and I got tested for HIV and everything else a few times a year and no matter how much I made the argument that I wanted to try having him inside me raw or at least suck him without a condom, it was always, “No, that is too dangerous.” So I was left with two conclusions – either he was a total fucking sleaze ball fucking tons of ass on the aside – or, since was such a tight ass, the more likely option was he was an uptight asshole who would always keep those barriers between us. So much for intimacy. No matter how much I wanted to make him understand, I could never tell him that feeling his raw cock slide into me and taking his cum, was, for me, the ultimate intimacy I could imagine!!! I loved him, and his refusal was a rejection of that love – and of me – and so, overtime, I fantasized more and more about being fucked raw. Not just raw, I wanted us to be linked and so there was no excuse, every time we got tested I prayed and wished that by some miracle we both were POZ. If we were, we would not need a condom, we could be together, I could feel him deep in me breeding me with his cum. About two years ago I was laid off from my job with a business management firm. The recession had hit us hard, government spending was done and in DC that is the milk that flows from the Mother tit, so I became a true ‘housewife’, spending my days making it a happy home for Richard. Yet, no mater what I did, Richard’s idea of sex never changed, and so, I found other outlets. I first came across Machofucker.com about a month after I was laid off. Holy fuck! I had never seen anything like that. Richard thought porn was ‘dirty’ – meaning low class – so we did not own any. I was hooked. Not only did these guys fuck with abandon and enjoyment, and loudly – they fucked raw and you could see their cum!!! Oh my God I could not believe it. Thankfully they had free previews, which I downloaded to a DVD that I hid in the basement under a box of old paint cans, so I could dig it out and watch it when Richard was not home and he would be none the wiser. Well, one day I forgot to remove the DVD from the computer after I had jacked off about four times and uploaded their newest free preview. When Richard came home and logged on to watch BBC News online, the DVD spun up and on the screen came this big black dick fucking a white ass raw, and rough. Richard was aghast, said he was disgusted and wanted to puke, I tried to apologize but my dick was hard and tenting my pants, so he was even more ‘disappointed’ and said he did not know who I was anymore. I asked him again – no I begged – can we please just try something like that? Richard swore, which was extreme for him, got into his Mercedes, and left the house. So I hid my DVD, Richard came home later like nothing had happened, and so every day I fantasized more and more about how to get out of this sex hell hole I was in. I became more and more depressed – no job, no sex that I liked, Richard not caring about my needs, I just wanted out, and so began trolling websites more and more. As I explored my bareback/raw fucking fantasies I came across a couple blogs of guys who were POZ and who talked about not only fucking raw, but of chasing the bug, stealth pozzing other guys, sharing their virus and more. I could not believe it. I was sort of disgusted at first, but the more I read, the more I realized how free, how connected, how much these guys were living life how they wanted when I was doing the exact opposite. I now knew what I wanted – I wanted a man to POZ me – I wanted to chase the bug – and get it – then I would be free. I became obsessed and so wanted to try some of the things I read about like going to a bookstore, or bathhouse, but I was afraid. Afraid of Richard finding out, afraid of what would happen if I did catch the bug, afraid of seeing someone I recognized or knew, and more. Richard knew I was not happy, so he actually surprised me one day by coming home with a big envelope, which when I opened it, had two airline tickets to Orlando and an itinerary for a 7-day cruise to the Caribbean out of Port Canaveral. I had never been on a cruise, frankly Richard never took vacations so the best I got was a weekend in Atlantic City once every two years, which would end up a disaster as Richard always lost all his money and he would be depressed for days afterwards. So I was excited, at least I would get out of the fucking house and who knows, may have fun, even with Richard. More importantly, I saw this as my chance – my chance to explore what I needed – my need to get POZZED – my need to be converted – my need to chase the bug. Somehow thinking about doing this away from DC made it easier, and made it more OK. As the weeks flew by before the cruise, I visited a number of chat sites where people talked about bareback sex. I was too nervous to really speak to anyone, but did exchange emails with a few guys, including one guy on St. Thomas, one of the Caribbean islands where our cruise ship would stop. This guy’s name was James, he was about Richard’s age, had grown up in Miami, but his family was from St. Thomas so after he finished college he had gone back to St. Thomas, began a few businesses, and seemed like a nice guy. He was very friendly, our chats were never sexually explicit, so I never felt like I was cheating on Richard. He told me to keep in touch and that if it looked like I might have time, to email him from the ship and he would give me an address of this little bar he owned where we could meet up when in St. Thomas. I assumed he was into bareback sex from the site he was on – bareback.com – and he was a top, black, well hung, drank, smoked, and all the other things Richard was not. I jerked off so many times fantasizing about ‘James’ – even though I had not even seen a face picture – just only knew him from his short profile and our emails. It was finally time to go on the cruise and I could not wait. I was so tired of Richard and his controlling, I just wanted to relax and get out of the house. I was also tired of feeling worthless. I still had not been able to find a job and hated feeling indebted to him. What sort of partner was I? We caught our flight to Orlando, spent a day at Sea World, took a car to Port Canaveral/Cocoa Beach, spent a day there, and then boarded the cruise ship on a Sunday morning. The ship was huge – over three football fields long, and was a wonder. There were pools, restaurants, shopping, live shows, and more. A few guys flirted with me, including our stateroom attendant, but Richard was always by my side, so what little action I had was a quick jack off when I excused myself from the dinner table. Richard got seasick, so we had no sex at all, which I did not miss frankly. Having him on top of me was becoming something I dreaded – and hated. Tuesday morning, the ship anchored just offshore of a small island in the Bahamas. The island was owned by the cruise line but was packed with little shops, nice beaches, and lots of activities. One of those activities was parasailing. I had never been parasailing and begged and begged and begged Richard to go with me. Of course I imagined it would be like America’s Funniest Home Videos where you see someone being dragged down the beach and hitting the water face first while their swim trunks come off – but we could see them as the small boats took us from the ship to shore. They were launching off the back off small motor boats and it looked like so much fun! Once we landed on the island I ‘wandered’ over to where the map said the parasailing booth was. Richard followed, relented, and soon we were in a boat with six other cruisers. As we sped off and got settled I looked closer at the guys running the boat. There were three of them, all handsome, black, and one guy in particular was sitting on the edge of the back with his legs spread and a huge bulge in his pants. He had on an orange t-shirt, khaki shorts, white sneakers, and reflective sunglasses, so I could not see where he was looking, but his dick was due south, moist, and formed a tasty looking outline. Richard noticed my focused gaze and said, “So what? You into black men now is that it? Jesus Christ, I bring you on an amazing vacation and all you can do is ogle the local working class?” I told Richard to lower his voice and said, “Yes actually, I was looking, and thinking of you actually. Knowing how much you enjoy being a cuckold for another, who better to be powerless against than a big black man in a foreign country? What could you do? Nothing! You would be helpless, he is like nothing we have ever seen, right?” Richard’s mouth worked silently, almost like he was chewing on his words – or cow with cud – before he spoke. “Yes, true, I don’t know, but he is black!” “Yes Richard,” I said trying not to let my exasperation show, “But we are not home, no one will ever know will they. Just think, this is a chance of a life time and no one will ever know.” Richard did not say anything more, so I returned to watching to three guys running the boat hook people up, ease out the parasailing lines, and waited our turn. When it was our turn the guy I had been watching helped me first into my harness. I swear he rubbed my ass and poked his finger towards my hole when he did, and I actually moaned a little, or it was just wishful thinking and the hot sun. Richard did not notice but I hoped the guy did. Parasailing was amazing!!! We lifted off the boat in one smooth motion and lifted to about 400 feet. Wow!! Too soon our time aloft ended, we watched the rest of the cruisers do their turn and we headed back to shore. Once we docked, we got off the boat and Richard said he forgot to tip the guys, so I walked up to the shed where we had signed up. I was not paying attention, but a few minutes later Richard tapped me on the shoulder, said, “Come on,” and I turned to follow. When I did I noticed the guy from the boat that I had been watching. He was in front of us and Richard was following. What was going on? We walked along the edge of the island to a large boathouse about 100 feet away. It was dark, and hot inside and felt like it was 110 degrees, and the guy closed the door behind us and led us towards the back, about 50 feet from the front door. It was fairly dark and he and Richard stopped near a pile of parasails that were stacked like hay bails. “So man, what’s up?” the parasail guy asked. Richard said, “Like I told you, I have money, I want to watch you have sex with my husband here and I want to watch.” The guy laughed, “Yeah you said that, OK, $500.” I stood there in amazement thinking there was no way this was happening. Richard would never! Richard pulled out his wallet, counted out $500, handed it to the guy, and then pushed me towards him. I was still a bit dazed figuring out what was going on, but the Bahamian guy was not. He took the money, tucked it in his pocket, pulled his shorts down and off over his sneakers, and started undoing my shorts. Fuck yeah! I went with it, dropped my backpack, took my baseball cap off, and knelt in front of him to suck on his dick. His dick was over 9 inches, milk chocolate black, and hairy like crazy. Huge growth of hair from his balls, down his dick shaft, so unlike what I was used to as Richard kept himself clipped. I sucked his dick down anyways, which tasted of sweat and funk. Amazing! I sucked him for a while, he then helped me stand up, scooted me over to the pile of folded up parasails, and bent me over and spit on his dick and rubbed the spit up and down his hairy shaft with his hand. “Umm, excuse me, please, excuse me,” I heard Richard say, ”Um yes, stop right there please, um, do you have condoms?” The Bahamian guy laughed a little, said “Oh yes, of course,” he said, “My bag is up there by the front door, to the left on the bench, Nike bag, do you mind grabbing them for us?” Richard nodded and turned and walked away. The Bahamian guy bent over me and whispered, “Do YOU want me to wear a condom? I don’t like them.” “Um, I, shit – no, I don’t, I want you to just fuck me,” I said, this was my chance and Richard be damned. The Bahamian guy laughed, spit on his dick a few times, bent me back over, and worked his dick slowly into my hole. The sweat running down my back, mixed with his spit, made my hole nice and moist. I was being fucked RAW!!! It hurt like fuck as he fucked me and I went forward into the parasails, but it felt unbelievable. This was how sex was supposed to be, skin-skin and raw. I heard Richard say, “Stop that!” as his voice pitched high like a woman, the Bahamian guy laughed again and said, “Shut up man – he wants it – don’t you? Don’t you?” I whimpered and said, “Yes,” in barely a whisper, but that was all he needed to hear. He fucked me raw, rough, and hard and in the midst of my ecstasy I could hear Richard off to the side whimpering as well – but it was the whimper of a cuckold who had met his match and was in over his head. My ass was hurting so bad, but I found that jacking my dick helped ease the pain. I had never had to do that with Richard, so my body was flooded with new and exciting sensations and my mind was screaming ‘FUCK ME RAW – FUCK ME RAW – POZ ME POZ ME.” I did not know if he had HIV or AIDs, but I was hoping and what guys fuck raw when they don’t? I was soon rewarded with a hot thick load of Bahamian cum. The guy grabbed my shoulders, tensed, and slammed me deeper as he shot. I thought I could feel it, but had never had that sensation before so was not sure, but his yelling, “I’m cumming! I’m cumming!” convinced me. When he was done he pulled out of my ass, pulled on his pants and left the boat shed sort of chuckling. Richard was sitting on a crate looking dazed. So I pulled up my shorts, said, “Come on, let’s go,” and we walked out. Richard was quiet, too quiet, and after an hour at the beach and a light lunch he said, “I want to go back to the ship.” I asked to stop in the bathroom first and when I did I let out the Bahamian cum into the cup of my hand. I could not believe I had another man’s cum – tinged with my blood – in my hand. It was thick, white with red, and before I knew it I tipped my hand and slurped the load and juices like the finest raw oyster. It was like nectar from the gods. Back on the ship Richard did not say two words to me. He sulked, pouted, and acted like a fucking child. Even at the formal dinner he just focused on his food and not me. Fine, whatever. As we got ready for bed, Richard finally asked, “How could you? How could you let him?” “How could I let him what?” I asked? “Have sex with you like that? That is just just just WRONG. It was not right – it was dirty and wrong and I did not want him to do that!” Richard said sounding like a hysterical woman. “Well,” I said, and feeling a little courageous thanks to all the wine from dinner, “That was called fucking! That’s what men do! Real men – not cuckold pussies like you so you would know nothing about it. Good NIGHT!” With that I grabbed a blanket and laid on the floor and went to sleep. Part 2 – Raw Poz Dick in St Thomas “That was disgusting!” Richard’s words kept echoing in my mind over and over after he had watched me get fucked raw by the guy in the Bahamas. Not for me it wasn’t. Being barebacked in that boathouse was the hottest sex I had ever had and then tasting the cum that came out of my ass – damn! Made me hard every time I thought about it. The next day was a day-at-sea as we traveled to our next destination St. Thomas. I was so angry with Richard, I went to the internet café on the 8th deck, signed onto bareback.com, and emailed James to tell him I wanted to come see him in St Thomas. James was online as he replied instantly and asked me what I wanted in St. Thomas and I typed, “Right now, more than anything, I want to be taken away, away from Richard and from this whole fucked up life.” I then told him what happened in the Bahamas and since he was on a bareback site asked what he thought. James replied, “You were blessed to have a man share himself with you in that way. Very blessed. Did you enjoy it? Did you want it? Do you want it again? Was that your first time taking it raw? You POZ” When I answered yes to all of the above, and negative, James said, “That is all I need to know. Here is the address to my place. I think you NEED to come see me. When you leave the ship, go see the SkyRide tram. When you are done, there is a place to catch the taxi’s right there, ask for Andre, he knows me, he will take care of you, and you cannot miss him, he always wears a t-shirt with his name on it ‘Andre’s Taxi.’ I’ll tell him to expect you about 10:00.” The rest of the day I kept repeating James’ email over and over in my head and did my best to avoid Richard. By dinner, he felt like talking and apologizing, but for me it was too little too late, and so I read up on the excursions available in St. Thomas for tomorrow, left a list on the bed for Richard, and went to sleep on the floor again. The next day we docked in Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands, early and by 9:00 a.m. the gangway was down and everyone was disembarking the ship to see the sights. The first item on our list was the little SkyRide tram that went up to the top of the hill and was within walking distance from the ship. Richard and I still were not speaking much, but the SkyRide was pretty cool and the view was amazing. When we came down I walked into the parking lot near the ticket booth where there were several rundown taxi-buses, all of the open side variety seen in the Caribbean. I approached a driver who was about 30, had long dreadlocks, a green t-shirt, bare feet, jeans, beard, and a nice smile. “Andre? Yes, I could tell from your shirt, I…Um…Do you know where this place is?” I asked. Richard was still looking at postcards by the ticket counter. The driver smiled at me, nodded at Richard, “So, you goin here for him?” he asked. “No,” I said, “For me – I hope.” Andre laughed a hearty laugh and said, “Oh yes, yes, for you, very good, very good, Jimmy’s will love you and you will love Jimmy’s and James told me I may have a special pick up this morning, so I see, hmmm. I can get you there – 171 Altona is not far and good price – say $20?” I agreed and when Richard joined us and I told him we were going to go to a local place to grab a drink. He looked at me as it was pretty early to start drinking, but I was in no mood to hear him this morning, We hopped in Andre’s taxi-bus, and with the opened sides, you had to hang on so you did not feel like you would fall out, and they drive on the left ‘wrong side’ of the street in St. Thomas, which I found very disconcerting. Richard did not say a word until we pulled up in front of 171 Altona, a long row of two and three story tan plastered buildings that looked like warehouses. You could see a set of wooden stairs, covered mostly with vines, clinging to the backside leading up to the second floor with a couple doors for what looked like offices or apartments. The driver pulled around the block and turned into the parking lot in front. There were several trucks backed up to loading docks on one side, a couple guys unloading crates, two old, beat up cars, and Andre parked, and pointed to a door in the corner that had JIMMYS painted in gold letters on it. “Here ya are now, enjoy and I am sure I will see you agin. Here is my card – call me when you need a ride,” and then the taxi left. Richard was full of questions, “What is this place? What are we doing here?” I told him I had read about it online, everyone said Jimmys was the place to go to get local flavor and to find the best Cruzan Rum drinks. We stepped through the door, walked down a hallway that had doors leading into what looked like storage rooms or loading docks, and then stepped into a fairly large room that had several tables of various sizes and shapes, thick smoke (pot, cigarettes, and more), a small bar over in the corner, and two big guys sitting on each side of the door in tiny little gray folding chairs that sagged under their weight. They both stood up as we entered and barred our way. As our eyes adjusted I could see almost all the tables had one or more people at them even though it was not even 10:30 a.m., and as I looked at them, they looked at me. I saw a few smiles, a few blank stares, but nothing hateful. The place smelled of beer, liquor, and piss and sweat, and the ceiling fans did nothing to dissipate the heat or the smoke as they lazily spun. Richard grabbed my arm, but I pulled away, stepped to the big guy on the left of the door and said, “Hi, umm… is James here?” He was well over 6”5, 250 for sure, and just looked down at me and did not say a word. I said again, “Is James here? He is um…. I told him I would…” Just then a gentleman’s voice rose from a doorway behind the bar, “Boys, boys, let my friends in heh? What sort of host can I be if you stop everyone like a rat trying to steel cheese. Heh? Come now, come, hello, I am James and welcome to Jimmys.” James’ picture online had just shown his chest – broad, firm, dark, with a nice matt of curly hair. He was a nice looking man I thought, not classically handsome I guess, but handsome to me. So masculine, dreads to his shoulders that were colored a dark tan and pulled back behind his head, a couple earrings in both ears, broad straight nose, a killer smile, a chin beard, and when he shook my hand my knees buckled and I felt week. He was taller than me, and average build, with his shirt unbuttoned the first few buttons so I could see some chest hair and wanted to just lick it! He had on shorts, was barefoot, and had huge feet, and I immediately noticed the second toe was longer than the big toe – he had fucking wolf feet! “Welcome welcome. Now I see you made it from that wonderful ship, so please, sit, enjoy yourself, what can we get you?” Richard looked at me and asked, “Do you know him?” I just ignored him, followed James to a table near the back, dropped my backpack, and took a seat. Low level conversation began again and as I looked around I noticed everyone was male, most were in their 34’s to 60’s I guess, with a couple guys who looked like early 20s or late teens. James came back to the table with three large glasses filled with what he said were the best Cruzan Rum drinks on the island. I took a big sip – HOLY SHIT! That was strong. Richard took a small sip and gasped. I laughed out loud, took a big sip, and felt the rum warm me up, relax me, and make me smile. James laughed and said, “Good yeah?” James sat down beside me on one side of the rectangular table, dropped a pack of cigarettes down, pulled out a lighter, lit up and took several big drags blowing the smoke towards Richard. Richard glared, but James ignored him and began to chat with us asking about where we were from, what brought us to St. Thomas, how we met, and more. I was afraid he would say something about us emailing online, but he didn’t, and just kept flashing that amazing smile and I loved his laugh. So friendly and warm, so natural, unlike Richard who sounded like he was auditioning for a commercial. I sucked the first drink down pretty quickly and my head started to spin. James said, “Easy man now, take it slow, these are not something for the weak of heart, so take your time. You are in no rush, no?” He offered to bring us some food and disappeared into the back. He returned with some cold sandwiches of some kind of meat on white bread and chips. “We do not cook here, too hot, but we have a few sandwiches and little things.” James also brought another round of drinks. I started to ask James questions about him and his place as Richard pushed his chair back against the wall, sulked, and drank his rum. James told me how he started Jimmys several years earlier, it was a way to use the back part of his warehouses, and to give him and his friends and their friends a quiet place to hang out and relax and have fun where no one cared, or would mind, especially their wives. “Your what?” I asked. “Our wives,” James said and chuckled, “In St. Thomas we are all married, (and in a lower voice continued) but do not worry, that does not stop me for fucking a nice ass as much as I can.” James put his hand on my leg and squeezed, I looked at Richard who was lost in space and paying no attention. We continued to chat like that, with James’ hand resting on my thigh – not moving or pressing, just resting there and my dick got hard and I was starting to sweat from the heat, rum, and desire. Richard got up, stumbled a little down the hall once he asked where the bathroom was, so James and I were left alone at the table. James squeezed my thigh, leaned in towards me and said in a low, seductive voice, “I think you need a good fuck – a real man fuck – a fuck from a true breeder. I think you have been focused on nothing but wanting to feel my dick in your negative ass nice and raw since you walked in here with him.” I just sat there staring into James’ face, his eyes were so intense, yet warm, his smile was the hottest smile I had ever seen, and fuck yeah, he was handsome. We both turned as Richard stepped out of the bathroom and began walking back down the hall towards, so James finished by saying, “And I think I am going to breed and seed that ass deep with my Caribbean AIDS cum.” I was blushing hard as Richard sat back down and my dick was really straining in my shorts now. I lifted my rum drink and took several big gulps to try to get my focus off what James had just told me. James stood up, picked up his cigarettes, lit a fresh one, then turned to me and said, “I would like you to see my place, come with me, and we will let your friend here finish his rum.” Richard just looked up as he worked his drink and then away as I followed James down the hall that led to the bathrooms. I saw a couple bathrooms with no doors on them, a couple rooms with closed doors, one room where the door was open and it looked like a storeroom and I could see a young guy bent over some boxes as one of the older guys was fucking him. I stopped, stared, and James said, “Jimmys is a place to have fun, like I said, as long as they do not break my bottles, or fight, and the boys stop any of that, I encourage them to have fun and be freaks if they want. Unlike the mainland, there are not many places in St. Thomas where guys like me can have fun without worrying about the cops or family or someone bothering us. Like me, almost every one of the guys here has AIDS – and more – and those that don’t, like YOU, soon will.” I followed Jimmy through one of the warehouses as he explained what some of his other business was, through a small courtyard, and then up the wooden stairs we had seen earlier that ran to the walkway that extended down the backside of most of the second floor of the building. He opened the first door he came too and there was a desk, a wooden chair, a big fan, and a curtain of old tattered cloth that led into a small room with a bed. Jimmy turned around, grabbed me by shoulders and kissed me hard. I was shocked, surprised, and totally gave in as his tongue forced its way into my mouth. I slumped against him as he pulled me to his chest and kept kissing me. My knees really were week now as James’ hands ran up and down my back and his hot breath and spit filled my mouth. “What do you want?” James asked. “Uhh, I, Uhh, I should get back to Richard, ha, I ha, oh please.” I mumbled. “Please what? Please stop? No, I don’t think so. You came looking for me. You came to St. Thomas thinking about me didn’t you? Yes, I can see it in your eyes and I can see you need what I can give you. Now taste what you have been waiting for.” James then sat on the edge of the creaking old bed, slid his shorts down and laid back. His dick sprang up – a good 10, 10 1/2 inches, thick, uncut with a long hood, and dark and juicy. I could only stare as he was definitely bigger than the guy in the Bahamas. Beyond my furtive visits to websites, and the quick suck of the parasailing guy, I had not seen a black dick like this before. I knelt on the rough floor boards, leaned against the creaking bed, and slowly put my hand around James’ dick. He moaned, put his hands behind his head and said, with a smile “So now what do you want?” I just mumbled, opened my mouth, and nibbled on his hood of foreskin. Fuck! The smell of his dick was the most amazing thing, and the taste was beyond description. His balls were big, heavy, and stuck slightly to each thigh. I weighed them between my fingers, licked them over with my tongue, catching the hair in my teeth, twisting it in my mouth, having his musk wash over me. I then licked his shaft, end-to-end, side-to-side, and when I rolled his foreskin back was rewarded with a thick coating of precum. I had never knowingly licked HIV infected cum before (don’t know about the guy in the Bahamas), I so wanted taste him, but was afraid of what Richard would say. Feeling my hesitancy James gently put his hand on the back of my head and pushed my face toward his dick. The smell from his dick head made me spin and when I finally flicked my tongue out to taste his precum I lost my breath. Oh My God! That tasted so sweet, salty, sweaty, and like a man. I did not care if he was POZ and had AIDs, I knew I wanted his cum. I opened my mouth wide and began to suck him. He was a good bit bigger than Richard, so I had to find my way and through trial and error figured out how to work his dick deep into my throat. James liked it and I was moaning and begging with every swallow. I was lost in what I was doing when James started to stand up. I leaned back, James stood up, pulled me up, looked into my eyes, and said, “What do you want? I found myself saying what I had typed in my email from the ship, “Right now, more than anything, I want to be taken away, away from Richard and from my whole fucked up life.” “Is that all you want?” James asked as he took my hand and put it on his dick. “No,” I said, “I want you, I want all of you, I want all you’ve got, I want you to fuck me, please with your AIDs dick!.” James smiled, “You will get it all then.” He then pushed me onto the bed, “Get on your hands and knees.” It was sort of hard as the old creaky bed had a big indentation in the center, so I was not really even, but it pushed my ass up. James then said, “Reach around, spread that hole.” So I put my face down into the bed, took both hands, reached around, and spread my cheeks apart. James’ chin beard began digging into my sides as his tongue worked into my hole. Richard never ate my ass and while part of me was disgusted, part of me loved it and I begged for me. “Get on the floor,” James said. I was concerned about splinters because the floor was rough, unfinished, but he laid me on my back, tilted my hips up, scooted forward so my legs were held back by his arms, which he planted up by my shoulders. As he pressed forward and his face leaned down closer to mine, I could feel his dick working up my crack to my hole. James paused, looked me in the eyes and said, “I think this is the reason you came looking for me. For this moment, now tell me again, what do you need?” My breath caught in chest, my heart was racing, I tensed but I said, “I need you to fuck me, fuck me raw please. I want to be free.” James leaned back, reached under the bed, grabbed a can of something, sprayed a dirty piece of cloth off the floor and pushed it into my mouth and said “Inhale through your mouth, deep breaths, just like that, heh, OK, wait, little more, now do it again.” Whatever was on the cloth mixed with the rum to get my head good and spinning, I closed my eyes, opened them and saw James as he leaned back over me, lifted my legs back, and then he smiled. The heat coming off of him was like a solar flare, my body relaxed and when I did he punched his dick into my ass. I grabbed his upper arms and dug my fingernails into him as I screamed as loud as I could and my whole body went board stiff. I couldn’t help it, and I screamed again and James just smiled, “It’s OK, its ok, let it out, I know it hurts, I know, but you need to let me in your ass. Relax, I know it hurts, but breathe and push, yes you can, push a little, that’s OK, scream again, no one can hear you so just let it out. Notice how my dick gets harder every time you scream? Makes me know you feel it. That’s it, let me in. I am going to breed you with my AIDs cum because I know that’s what you need.” As I clung to James’ biceps for dear life, he slowly worked his dick in and out of my ass. He pulled almost all the way out, then with steady pressure pushed it in as far as it would go. He did this for a while, shifted forward a bit for better leverage as I felt the boards of the floor scratching up my ass. The next time he shifted, he then slowly pulled his dick all the way out. I let out huge breath, but was breathing fast, then just as I relaxed James slammed his dick into my ass again. The scream this time was primal, one of pain, and need. In that moment when he had pulled out I felt relief, but also emptiness, not just physical, but an emptiness in my being, so when he slammed it back in there was joy in that scream too. I was used to Richard who just fucked at a steady rhythm like a bad watch and cummed within a couple minutes. Not James. He would fuck slow, then pick up the pace, then fuck slow again, and soon his face and head and body was covered in hot beads of sweat from his workout that dripped into my face, and his eyes, so I used my hands to wipe the sweat from his eyes the best I could. James smiled again and kept working my ass and now leaned forward even more so he could kiss me. His tongue was long and hard, unlike Richard’s, which I always thought was sort of soft and squishy. He worked his tongue into every corner of my mouth while his hips and dick continued to beat my ass. James pulled back a little and smiled again and I said, “Please, do that again.” He said in a soft whisper, “What? What do you need? What do you need again?” My whole body was on fire now and blurted out, “I want you to punch fuck me again, please, I need that, and I need your cum, please you – all of you – all of you, I need your AIDS CUM!!! PLEASE!!!.” James smiled, focused on my eyes and watched my reaction as he pulled his dick all the way out in one swift move, let it twitch around the end of my now gaping hole, then slammed it back in to make me scream. “Yes, yes, please make me scream, please, make me scream.” “Is that what you want?” James asked, “You want to scream? You want to bleed for me and open up?” “Yes please, take my ass, take it, make it bleed for you,” I said eagerly. “LOLOLOL – oh, you are already bleeding for me I can guarantee it – and that’s the way it should be. Just like fucking my wife on her period but her pussy has not been this tight ever – LOL, now I am going to breed you raw, and when I fuck you know it, now get ready, because I am going to let you have it ALL!” James began slam fucking my ass then and the sweat poured off of him. I screamed, yelped, whimpered, and begged for more and soon moved my hands down onto his hips to pull him into me every time he thrust. He was now pulling out on almost every thrust and slamming back in, knocking the breath out of me each time. “Let me hear you now, let me hear your scream, that’s it, got me so fucking hard – oh fuck yeah – fuck yeah – take me – take me – TAKE MY AIDS!!! AAAAARRRRGGGGHHHHHHH!!!” James gritted his teeth and shot his cum up my ass, thrust after thrust, pushing it deeper. As his thrusts relaxed, James kissed me hard and long again, pulled away a little, wiped my forehead with his right hand, looked in my eyes and said, “That was my first load of AIDs cum in your sweet hole, but it won’t be the last.” “Thank you James, you’re right, that’s what I wanted and is what I need.” I just closed my eyes and embraced the sweat, cum, and searing pain James left me. James got up, “Damn, those boards are hard on the knees, lol.” I got up and when I did noticed a blood/ass juice stain about the size of an orange on the wood floor where I had just been. I opened my mouth to say, not sure what, when James smiled and said, “Don’t worry about that. Given what I just did I am surprised there is not more, but you know what that means?” He pulled me close and said, “That blood there is proof, proof I have given you what you wanted and need, and proof that your ass is now infected with my AIDs – LOLOL. We will leave that there as a reminder.” We got dressed and I asked James for a towel or something for my ass to wipe the cum and blood off. “No, your ‘man’ needs to learn,” James said with disdain in his voice. I was not sure what he meant, but would soon see. I followed James down the stairs, back through the warehouse and to the bar. When we got there the table where we left Richard was empty. I sat down and there were only a few guys left and they all looked my way. They were all of the older guys, appeared the younger ones had left. James went over to the door, spoke to the two big guys who had stopped us when we walked in, they looked at me, at him, the one on the right got up and slid the bolt on the door and sat back down. James came back and said, “Looks like he could not hold his liquor. They said he had a couple more drinks, and has been in the bathroom a while. Stand up, let me see how you are.” I stood up, James ran his hands up and down my legs, “You got some ass juice and blood running down your leg.” I started to apologize but her interrupted me and said, “So as you are all lubed up, I think we need to give you some more of what you need. Boys! Come over here.” I watched as the two bug guys who were standing by the door came over. James said, “Look boys, I just opened him up nice and good, but he needs something more, so what do you say? Up for taking a test spin?” The three of them laughed and before they finished they were both undoing their pants. I was nervous as there were still people at some of the other tables, but as James cleared the glasses off the table one of the big guys bent me over the table, pulled my shorts down, and rammed his dick in me. I screamed out, James laughed and said, “That’s it boys, you know you got it right when he screams, now keep it up. I want to hear those screams loud!!!” The other big guy walked in front of me and put his dick in my mouth as I lay over the table being pummeled from the back. They were not quite as big as James, but big and thick, so felt like I was the turkey at Thanksgiving. I wasn’t screaming anymore, just almost humming as I sucked one cock and milked the other with my ass. I then heard a shrieking voice, “What are you doing? Get off him! Get OFF! STOP THAT!!!!!” It was Richard. Oh damn. I tried to push up off the table, but the guy fucking me held me down, while the guy I was sucking pulled his dick out and walked to my left and behind me. Richard’s voice was more insistent and shrill. “GET OFF! STOP! GET OFF! GET..” James spoke up, “Look, I think it is time for you to leave. Yes, leave, we’re closing see. Private event and all. BOYS!” With that the guy fucking me pulled out fast, made me gasp, and when I turned around I saw Richard, wide-eyed, spit drooling from one side of his mouth, being held by the guy I had been sucking. He looked at me with disgust, hatred, confusion, fear, and no love – no love at all - and above them all was the disgust. “You see, we did as you asked, and we stopped, but I don’t think that’s what he wants, is it? What do you think? Shall we ask him?” James said, the disdain in his voice thick and heavy. Richard just shook his head as he looked at me, disgust again. I turned around, laid back over the table with my bloody ass facing his way, as James laughed louder and heartier than I had heard him yet. As the boys began to escort Richard to the door, James came up behind me, pulled his dick out and slammed me again. At that angle and already being lubed up, he went balls deep. The last sounds Richard heard as they locked the door behind him was me screaming and begging James to fuck me raw, fuck me harder, and breed me. That day began my life at Jimmys. I didn’t make it back to the ship and have not seen Richard since. I sleep to the rhythm of St. Thomas’s nights and I spend my days helping James out with his businesses, servicing his dick when and how he wants it, and making sure the guys at Jimmys always have a good time. Jimmys is a bug chaser’s paradise full of horned up men who like it raw, bloody, and AIDs filled, and when they are done with me and the other guys they go home to their happy wives. The warehouse has provided lots of stories and great places to fuck, store rooms, in the trucks, in the garage, and I even won a bet with Jimmy who said I could not get one of his ‘straight’ mechanics to fuck me. I even saw Andre the taxi-bus driver who dropped Richard and I off that first day, who was not surprised to see me there when he stopped a few days later and had to test out my ass for himself. All stories for another time. It has been over a year since I last saw Richard. He has tried calling and emailing James has said, but that was another lifetime ago, a life of being negative and chained – now I am POZ and free and full of Caribbean AIDs-filled cum.
  6. Carl – The Homeless Dick Gangbang in the Library and Matt the War Hero Apparently the main library in downtown DC was a place that a lot of homeless guys hung out when the weather got colder. More importantly for Dr Mike’s purposes (see story – Dr Mike Biohazard or healer?), there was a cruisy bathroom in the basement and a stairwell where guys fucked. When Dr Mike told me this he said, “You have agreed to do as I say, and Saturday, I want you to go down to the library and visit the reading room in the basement. I have a patient, he is homeless, a vet, who will be there as well and I have told him about you and what I expect. His name is Carl, he will meet you in front of the library at 9:00 a.m., and always wears a raggedy, long, blue trench coat. He also has an incentive as I promised him you will pay him $5 for every load of cum in your ass or mouth, but they better be mostly in your ass, so take a roll of bills with you, say $100. Anything more than that and you can make it up to him how you wish. I expect you to chase the infected cum as since these guys spend a lot of time on the streets, many hustle, many share needles, they almost all AIDs fuckers. You will serve him as you serve me. No questions, understand? Good. I will call you Monday once Carl reports in to me.” I had never really fucked with guys at bookstores and stuff, so was really nervous and did not know what to expect. I put some supplies into my backpack, a couple hand towels, small bottle of lube, my poppers, hopped a cab from Logan Circle and got dropped off at 9th and G Streets. The Martin Luther King Library is a long, low building, modern design and one that people seem to hate or love. I was not worried about its architectural integrity, just needed to satisfy doctor’s orders, so I climbed out of the cab and walked towards the main entrance. I did not see anyone fitting Carl’s description until I was almost at the front door. Carl stepped out from behind one of the columns, and he did have the long, blue and ratty trench coat on. Yes, it was cool out, but the coat was beyond disgusting. So was Carl. He was of mixed race, about 6”2, dark hair that was curly and fairly long, dark eyes, but clearly dirty and homeless and I could smell him 10 feet away. About 30 I guess and he was smoking a cigarette like he was sucking a drink through a straw. However, when he spoke I was taken aback, “Hello, my name is Carl. Dr Mike has asked me to ‘direct’ you so to speak today so here is the plan. A lot of guys use the library for a place to hang out and get warm during the day. Homelessness in America is a terrible sin, and makes God cry, but what can we do? That is neither here nor ether. You will serve me as you serve Dr Mike, do you understand? Yes? Fine – here is what I expect. I like ass, plain and simple, so I want to fuck you. You got a nice white ass on you so I want to cum. Also got friends, lots of friends in here and you brought the money right? Yes? OK, - well $5 for every load of cum. Come on, I am horny and want you to suck my dick.” Carl led me across the first floor to the bank of elevators at the back. There were a couple other people standing there too, women, who looked like they worked there, but paid Carl and me no mind and when the up elevator came, they got on. Carl and I waited and soon got on the down elevator. When the doors opened and I stepped out of the elevator bank I saw a long hallway to the left and right with hanging fluorescent lights up and down the middle of each hall. Even with all the light you could tell you were in the basement. It was still dark, damp, and cold. Carl walked down the hall to the right, and entered a small hallway to the right and a bathroom marked Women. What? I started to ask Carl and he said, “No women come down here, they know better, this is our place, now suck my cock.” I got on my knees and started to suck the nice cock Carl pulled out between the buttons in his trench coat. It was about 8, nice and fat, cut, and thick. His dick was two-toned. Light at the top, darker at the back, and I sucked and licked as best I could. Even though he was uncut his dick head had lots of cheese around it and funk, mix of sweat, old cum and probably someone’s ass. I just kept telling myself I needed his AIDs cum, so Dr Mike would be happy, so I sucked him as best as I could. Carl was hard but it did not seem to do anything for him. I stood up and bent over the dual sinks in front of the mirror and pulled my pants down. “Oh yes, that’s what I need, nice white ass, oh yes,” Carl said as he started stroking my ass cheeks. I reached into my backpack, pulled out the little bottle of lube and poppers and tried to handle the lube to Carl. He laughed, “Dr Mike said you may try that, no, the only lube you will get today is man juice, thick, infected, AIDs puss juice. So please put the back in your back and don’t bring it out again. The poppers are cool, let me do a hit.” I handed the poppers to Carl, who opened them, took a big hit, passed them back to me and returned to stroking my ass as he stroked his dick. I was worried as poppers make some tops soft, but not Carl, seemed to horn him up even more. If this was going to be a long day, I was glad the poppers were fresh. I then felt a nudge at my ass as Carl spit, and worked a finger in my hole. I guess Dr Mike taught him well as Carl started scraping my ass with his nails, which were really long, thick, and dirty. My ass was already sore, so I flinched, arched my back a bit forward, but Carl kept digging. He paused, pulled his fingers out, seemed to be inspecting them, then pushed them back in and dug harder. This time it really hurt and I cried out a little. Carl laughed, “So that’s your spot huh?” Pulled his fingers back out, looked at them again and I could see in the mirror as he smiled, licked his fingers clean, then bent forward, spit into my ass crack a few times, stood up, and eased his dick into my ass. “We’re going to get you good an infected today. Dirty up that nice white ass with AIDs snot and puss. You like that? Guess you must, or you will, doesn’t really matter either way. I’ve been fucking white ass since Boot Camp – can’t get enough of it and thanks to Dr Mike I will get plenty today. So you ready?” I nodded and said, “Yes please, I want your infected cum – please give it to me, please. I NEED YOUR AIDs.” Carl just pushed his dick into my ass, my hole opened up, welcoming his charged dick like long lost relative. Carl started moaning, and petting and rubbing my ass as he fucked, slow and steady. He had not been fucking me long when another guy, homeless from the smell and look of him walked in. I was scared, but guess Carl knew him as he stopped, stepped back, stroking his dick, and said, “Go on man, fuck him, he’s my slut today, so let the boys know. Got some good ass here.” With that the other guy unbuckled his belt, dropped his pants, and pulled out a nice black 9 or 10-inch dick. He spit on it twice, jerked the spit with his palm, then pressed it against my hole. I took a big hit of poppers, pushed my ass back and said, “Give me your black cum man!” The black guy grabbed my hips and started fucking me, while I could see Carl in the mirror stroking his cock as he watched me get some dick. The guy in my ass did not last long and before I new it he shot his load, pulled out, and left. I thought Carl would want me to suck him now, so I started to turn, but he pushed me back over the sink, dug two fingers up my ass, pulled them out, then lunged forward with his dick. Carl still had on his long blue coat with his dick pushed through the space between the buttons. He grabbed me tight around my chest, laid his head on my back, and fucked. Carl did not say a word as he fucked, just moaned and groaned as I kept us steady by leaning on the sinks. As Carl fucked me two other guys walked in. They looked rough – total street thugs with braids, Tommy Hilfiger coats, tats running up their necks, and both were well over 6”5, 6”6 and heavy and thick, and young in their late teens, or early 20s. I tried to push back afraid they would be upset by what they were seeing, but Carl leaned forward and kept right on fucking, seemingly oblivious to our new visitors. So I just looked at them in the mirror as they watched Carl fuck my ass. I hoped Dr Mike was happy. My ass hurt and this was degrading as fuck. Carl squeezed me tight and unloaded, pulled his dick out my ass, looked at our visitors and as he tucked his dick inside his coat said, “Sup fellas?” “We hear there’s fucking going on. This is our turf asshole – you know that. No fucking down here unless we get in on the action. Whatchu playin with? Whatcha deal? Who this boy?” Carl seemed hesitant, “He’s a friend of Dr Mike’s, you know Dr Mike, so don’t FUCK WIT ME!” They both laughed, and the guy closest to the door opened the door up as the other guy grabbed Carl by the shoulder of his coat and shoved him out of the bathroom. There I stood with my pants down around my ankles, in a bathroom at a library, cum dripping out my ass, as two thugs looked like they were going to beat me down. The thug closest to me said, “You like dick faggot? Betcha you do since you were all up on that nigga. He’s a fuckin bitch. I think you need to feel a real black dick, we need to get some of that and fuck Dr Mike – that asshole ain’t here, so time for us to get some good, sweet ass. Get over here, suck my dick!” I stumbled forward, bent down, and watched as the first thug unbuckled his pants and let out a big, black and thick dick. He was uncut, 9 inches at least, and smelled like Irish Spring soap. I almost laughed as he smelled sort of fruity compared to his persona, but held it in, opened my mouth and started sucking on his dick. As I started I heard Carl outside banging on the door and hollering, “You boys don’t know who you fucking with. That’s Dr Mike’s boy yo – let me in. I’m in charge of that ass. Come on mans, let me in.” Carl was sounding more street the more upset he got. The two thugs just laughed as one continued to lean against the door and hold it close while the other fucked my throat. The thug fucking my throat said, “Hmm yeah, got us a nice white bitch here I think, what do you think Lionel? I think he needs to pay our working tax if he’s going to be turning his little pussy out down here, what do you think? Turn around, I want some white pussy.” He pushed me off his dick, bent me over the sink and slammed his big black dick inside me with just the spit I had left on it and the cum already up there. I arched my back and said “OH fuck, that hurts!” The thug laughed and said, “Damn right white boy, now take this dick!” Carl had given up pounding on the door and the other thug took a wedge of wood from the corner, jammed it under the door, and then stepped closer to watch. His dick was out, and was longer and fatter than the guy fucking me. I was bracing myself against the sink, watching the thug fucking as he slammed in and out and while his mouth was moving, I could not hear what he was saying. Guess he was talking dirty, don’t know, so I looked at the other thug, the one called Lionel, with the bigger dick. He was biting his lower lip and stroking his cock as he watched his buddy fuck me, his eyes were big and hungry as he watch my ass take dick. Soon the thug fucking me started to pick up his pace. “Come on, gimme that white ass. Come on now, hmmmm. Yeah BITCHHH – come on…” and he shot his load. As he pulled out Lionel pushed him to the side and slammed his dick balls deep. I gasped as he was bigger and thicker, so I hit the poppers and braced myself again. The first guy zipped up, moved the edge of wood, opened the bathroom door and as he did I could see Carl try to step in. “Back the fuck up mother-fucka!” the thug said as he pushed Carl away and closed the door. Lionel then adjusted his footing, bent back a little, bent his knees, and angled his dick straight up into my ass walls. I gasped a little with the pain, saw him smile in the mirror, he bit his lip harder and started to pound. Lionel had skill. He did not just slam fuck, he scraped the gutz going in and coming out, angling to hit the walls hard and deep with every stroke and using his hips to leverage his motion. All the while he was biting his lower lip like he was concentrating really hard. I just hung onto the sink as my ass opened up. My ass hurt, but the pain was mixed with horniness as I started to push my ass back. “Yeah baby, that’s it – hungry for this big black dick aint ya?” Lionel said, “You need that pussy fucked good huh? I gotcha baby, got that dick to make that hole talk back – let me hear it now – talk back to me pussy – yeah that’s it now, yeah….” Lionel had hiked his shirt up and his torso had several big tats on it, and every time he slammed against my ass the skin to skin contact smacked and talked back, and my ass gasped as he pulled his dick out before shoving it back in, making juicy sounds from the cum left by his friend. “You want them babies? Want them black babies? I gotcha now, you take my fucking babies, yeah pussy – take em, take em, TAKE MY BLACK BABIES!!!” Lionel shot his nutt up my ass, pulled his dick out, wiped it off on my shirt, buttoned up, and said, “We got you here, hear me? This one was on the house, but nothins free around here. Next times gonna cost you one way or the other.” He then opened the bathroom door. The first thug was standing guard, let Lionel out, smiled and waved off at me, then closed the door. I was standing there when Carl opened the door and came back in. “Those boys don’t know who they fuckin with yo, you hear me? No they don’t. You are Dr Mike’s and I am going to tell him, going to tell him what they did.” “Carl,” I said. “Look, relax man, Dr Mike told me to take as much cum as I could up my ass and you would set me up. As far as I can see you have done just that, right? No need to get worked up.” “Yeah man, but they should not have done that. This is my scene, my play, you hear?” Carl was all worked up and stressing. “Don’t worry Carl, here let me give this to you now,” as I fished $20 out of pocket, “This will set things right, OK? Dr Mike told me to give you $5 a load, and those guys gave me two, so hear is what I owe you. So what about those two? Are they infected with the bug? What do they have?” Carl counted the money once, twice, a third time, looked at me, said, “Yeah, we’re good now. OK. OK. So here’s the deal. Dr Mike said to make sure you saw the guys who got around the most – you know? The ones who may have a little something something, and I know who they are. Some of the guys are really fucked up sick. That first guy, I don’t really know him, but those two,” Carl said with a sneer, “They are bad news. You just stay away from them and they are not ones to be asked about the bug. They will cut you for talking shit like that and just because they fucked you without a rubber, means nothing. They are dawgs – they fuck holes – period – so do not read anything into it.” I laughed, as I had their cum in my ass and frankly wanted some more, but I just shook my head, pulled up my pants, and followed Carl out the bathroom. We walked down to the right into a reading room. Carl wandered around, I followed him, and the place was dead. We went back down the hallway past the bathrooms to the other end. This reading room was larger, had a desk with a librarian, several tables, and the two thugs who just fucked me were at one of them. The first thug punched Lionel’s arm, laughed, pointed at me and said something. Lionel just nodded his head, smirked, said something and they both laughed like they had said, ‘were going to get you again”. Right then I wanted nothing more than to ditch Carl and get on my knees for these two, but Dr Mike was more important, so I kept following Carl. God damn! I wanted Dr Mike. I should not be here. I was a little pissed and angry We saw a few guys sleeping, one guy actually pissing in one of the aisles between books, and made our way to the far back. There were a several smaller tables that each had at least one person at them. Carl told me to stay by the book stacks, so I lingered as he started walking table to table and whispering to some of the men there. I tried not to be obvious, but did look as I could, causally. They were definitely all homeless. Dirty, disheveled, and I was sure they stunk. I did not see the first guy who fucked me, but as I watched Carl, the other men there started to watch me, so I turned back to the books. I was looking at a magazine that was two years old when Carl tugged at my sleeve, “Come on man, got some boys who are down.” I turned, followed Carl, and we headed back to the corner behind the tables, turned around the last stack of books, and opened a door into a stairwell. It had a big red sign on it, EMERGENCY EXIT ONLY – ALARM WILL SOUND – but nothing happened when we opened the door and stepped through. Someone had busted the latch in the door jam, so the door would not close shut. The stairs went up to the right and then there was a landing straight in front, and then the stairs went over our heads on the left. To the left in front of was a space that went back about 20 feet and created a big empty space under the stairwell that was pretty dark. I could see several small lights, apparently this was the place to go smoke, and not just cigarettes. Carl walked forward and I followed. As my eyes adjusted I could see several guys standing around in the stairwell hall, mix of races, age, sizes and looks. Some looked clearly homeless, others looked like normal guys. Here I saw the first black guy who fucked me who just nodded and smiled as we walked by and he reached out and grabbed my ass. Carl led me to a short guy standing in the corner. From the dim light he looked Latin, short, dark hair, beard and as we approached he pulled of his coat, set it on the floor, unbuckled his pants, and pulled out his dick and started stroking it. It was about 7, average thickness, uncut, and no one seemed to mind, They just kept smoking, so I knelt down, set my coat and backpack on the floor, and started sucking him. He grabbed my head, said “Si, Si, suck my pinga”, so I did. I then felt a hand rubbing my ass, so I opened my pants, slid them over my ass, and felt the cooler air in the stairwell raise goose bumps on my ass cheeks. The hand on my ass found my hole and I soon had one, then two fingers fucking me. I was bucking my ass back and then stood up. “Back that ass up!” someone said, so I did and felt pretty small dick pop in my hole. It must have been really small as that was about as far as it went, just inside my hole. It felt strange – I often did not feel real small dicks, so it was weird. Bigger than a finger but not? Hard to explain. Anyways, I focused on sucking the Latin guy and was soon rewarded with a throat full of hot cum. He pulled away and stepped out of my line of sight. I could not really turn as the little dick guy was still fucking me, but soon there was someone new in front of me. “I ah need ah some some – I ah …” This guy was clearly drunk or high so I unbuckled his belt, opened his jeans and dug for his dick. I was rewarded with a nice long dick but holy fuck it smelled. I gagged as this man was rank, but he moved his hips and pushed his dick towards my mouth. Thank God I had poppers. I took two big hits then sucked him and gagged again. God damn! He had a big dick, but the foreskin completely covered the head even when he was hard and sticking my tongue in the hole was like licking a pig’s ass. It was foul, but my goal was to get cum, so I opened my mouth wide and let him fuck my throat. In the meantime the little dicked guy had finished – I guessed – and was soon replaced by a nice size dick. This guy was a talker, “Oh honey, ain’t that pussy sweet, oh yes Sirree – that is a honey of a hole – whoo heee- ahh – yeah – that is sweet pussy – oh sweet pussy – let me in that pussy – oh pussy - - -“ The guy in my ass shot his load, loudly as he exclaimed “CUMMING IN YOUR PUSSY...” for everyone and their fucking brother to hear. When he pulled out the nasty dicked guy in my mouth pulled out, went behind me, and stuck his dick in my ass. I was nice and wet, but he was long, so I felt it when he plunged in. I lost track of which fucking nasty dick I sucked and which one fucked me. My mouth was coated with cum, ass juice, dirty dick head cheese and more. I got several loads down my throat and several in ass. When my legs got tired I knelt on my hands and knees on the floor and the guys did the same as they fucked me doggy style in the ass and filled my mouth and ass with homeless dick. I saw Carl several times standing off to the side, sucking on his cigarettes, stroking his dick as he watched me get gang banged by the homeless guys in the stairwell. I don’t know how long I was in the stairwell, but Carl tugged at my arm, “Come on man, we’re done in here.” So I got up, went to take some paper towels out of my backpack to wipe my ass, but a black hand reached out and stopped me and guided my hand to his dick. I looked and in the dim light saw it was the first guy who had cummed in me in the bathroom. “I got another load of cum for you if you want it,” he said. I did not say a word, just turned my ass around and backed up onto his dick. I was so sloppy with cum he slid right in all the way without a hitch. He wedged me into the corner under the stairs and fucked me rough. He was fighting to get that load out and grunted and was breathing hard as he fucked. I was rewarded with another hot shot of cum and this time he turned me around and made me lick him clean. DELICIOUS! His black dick was shiny and slick with juice and cum from all the guys who had fucked me. I was so horny thinking about all the infected poz cum I had hopefully taken, I sucked him deep and licked him clean. He was still sort of hard so I stood up and asked, “Can you please stick it in me again? You got a great dick and I want to taste it and lick you off some more.” He laughed a big, hearty laugh, “Yeah slut, yeah.” He fed me that shiny slimy black lollipop a couple more times – sticking it up my ass, working it around so it was nice and slick, pulling it out, then me dropping to my knees and licking it clean. I still wanted more, but the guy pulled up his pants and left, and Carl grabbed me again, “Get dressed.” As we walked back into the reading room, the fluorescent light hurt my eyes and several of the guys at the tables looked at me and smiled – oh God – please don’t tell me they fucked me! I asked Carl if I could use the bathroom and followed him back out into the hall. This time he took me into the Mens room that had two stalls, one with no door. The other one was occupied so I asked Carl, “Hey man, can you stand in front of the door for me? Watch out? Give me some privacy?” Carl nodded and stood in front of the door as I sat on the toilet, pissed, and let a flood of cum and ass juice out of my ass. Of course there was no toilet paper, but Carl grabbed a few sheets of towels from by the sink and handed them to me. I wiped off, and then headed to the smaller reading room. There was still hardly anyone there and those that were also seemed homeless. I guess the basement was where they all came. I had packed a bottled water and some snack bars, and sat at a table and offered a bar to Carl. He waved me off and looked around all anxious and jittery. “I need to run out a minute, OK, please sit here until I return.” I grabbed an old picture book off a shelf, and started flipping through it as I finished my snack. My ass felt so empty after all that dick, and I was so horny and worked up. Being ganged on by those guys was actually pretty hot and my dick was hard thinking about. I then started thinking about Lionel and his thug friend and started shifting in my chair, wishing I had their dicks in me again. A while later Carl came back, sat down, ran his hands through his hair a few times and let out a big breath. “Alright, I got someone else I want you to meet. His dick is radioactive, and bet he will infect you good.” Carl led me thought the book stacks into a section of the basement that seemed older, darker, and dirtier than the rest where we ran into a white guy between the stacks. This guy had long greasy hair, long beard, bushy eyebrows, and several coats on. Even from several feet away I could smell him. Carl motioned me over, “This is Mathew man, I knew Matt at Boot Camp and we were buds. Got shipped out at the same time and he was one of the first grunts into Kuwait, right Matt? Good man here – hero – Matt’s a hero (and then in a whisper) – but not all quite there any more.” Matt had not said a word and had sort of a blank look on his face. Carl leaned in and whispered to him, Matt looked at me, Carl looked at me, and then motioned for to follow them. We wandered down a few aisles, towards the end where there was a little dead end between book stacks. Matt started to take off his coats and Carl said, “Ok, now get undressed.” “No way man, we’re in the middle of the fucking library,” I said in an angry whisper. Carl walked up close to me, and said “Your ass is mine, just like Dr Mike said. Don’t worry, no one comes back here and I will watch out. Matt doesn’t leave the stacks, but he has a nice dick and I know he’s got the bug – you know AIDS. Fucker is sick, so now drop your pants.” I was still unsure, but set my coat and backpack on the floor and thought maybe Carl was right. I had not seen anyone down here, so what the hell. I undid my pants and pulled them down, turned around and backed up towards Matt. I felt a pair of rough, calloused hands rubbing my ass cheeks. He then stuck a couple fingers in my ass and began working them around. My hole was pretty juicy, so there was not resistance. Matt then pulled his fingers out and I felt a something larger pressing against my hole. Was he trying to fist me? No, I did not do that. I pulled way and turned and was stunned. Matt had the biggest dick I had ever seen on a white guy. Holy fucking Christ! He was even bigger than Charles, the leather master, and there was no fucking way I could take him. I started to back away and pull my pants up. Charles walked up to me, anger flashing in his eyes, he grabbed my shirt and said, “Look here now. Like I told you. Your ass is mine today because Dr Mike said so. So you need to do this, alright? Your hole is nice and open after all that dick you took. You just have to relax and not think about it. I know my man Matt is big, but he’s a fucking hero and you WILL give him your ass.” I nodded yes, turned around and bent back over and took several big hits of the poppers. I felt the pressure against my ass again as Matt tried to get his dick up my ass. I was so nervous, my hole was clenched tighter than a virgin, and it just was not happening. “I’m sorry man, I just can’t, you are so fucking huge! I just can’t – not here, not like this.” Carl waved me away and went over and chatted with Mike. I got dressed and stood and waited. Carl came over to me. “Ok, here’s what’s going to happen. Unless you want me to tell Dr Mike you disobeyed me, you will drop your pants NOW. Now get on your hands and knees on Matt’s coats there. I will let you use some of that lube you brought, but only a little, just enough to get him in.” I dropped my head, knowing I could not say no, and unbuttoned my pants again, and knelt on Matt’s coats and waited to see what would happen. Matt got up behind me and said, “I want some ass.” Carl opened the bottle of lube, I felt the cold liquid run down my crack and Carl’s fingers work it into my hole. He dug at my insides at the same time, making me moan. I then heard the bottle spit some lube out and Carl slide some up and down Matt’s dick. Matt said, “I want to fuck now.” Matt got behind me and tried slamming his dick in my ass. It would not go. I was trying to push him away as Carl pried my hand off Matt. Matt pulled me back and then slammed into me as I lost balance and dropped the poppers. I cried out, gasped, and started begging, “Please stop, no, don’t fuck me, don’t fuck me!” Carl was in front of me now, wide eyed, watching Matt fuck me and seeing me cry, and scooted behind me so he could better see Matt’s dick go in my ass. Matt was ripping me wide, but not saying a word or making a noise. I was crying out for him to stop, but he ignored me as he kept a steady pace fucking my hole. Matt was stronger than he looked and I felt impaled as his dick inched deeper and deeper into my guts. I was now blubbering, begging him to stop, but he didn’t. Even with all the pain, my dick was hard, and soon Carl scooted back around and fed me his dick. “Take that AIDs dick bitch. You’re a bitch for that AIDs dick. That AIDs dick ripping your ass! Yeah man – ripping it! Want that AIDs cum? Want that fucked up shit! Nasty ass – come on Matt – fuck him Matt – FUCK HIM!!!! Carl shot his load in my mouth and after several more tortuous minutes, Matt unloaded in me too. He did not say a word, just spasmed and pulled out, trailing blood, cum, and ass juice as he did. Carl put his hand on my shoulder, “Are you OK? Fuck that was hot man. You just got infected a true hero, ain’t that right Matt? I know it hurt, but you got to bleed to do this right, just like Dr Mike said.” That was my first visit to the library with Carl, but not my last, as Dr Mike made the library part of my regular treatment program. I saw Matt a few more times at the library, but he never fucked me again there. I did bring him home with me once though and he literally fucked me non-stop for hours in every position I could image. I did see the two thugs again, and the next time, they ram fucked me in the stairwell, and it was Lionel’s turn to leave me bruised and bloody and my way to becoming a biohazard.
  7. Dr Mike Part 4 –The Venom Takes, Scotty’s Gift, the Death Fucks – I take it and I give it Parts 1-3 posted previously - As I lay face down on the table with the whirring of the tattoo needle making its mark, branding me with my new identity, and the hands of the tattoo artist guiding his brush, painting his latest work onto my skin, I thought back over the past several months since I had met Dr Mike. Dr Mike was…. Wow, hard to put into words. Biohazard – yes. A healer – yes. Brutal – yes, but also caring and just the sounds of his voice excited me, and I found I could resist him nothing. He had taken me, shaped me, molded me, made me into his creation as he said he would. My first treatment with Dr Mike was intense, my second, when I first submitted to Charles (well, not like I had a choice) was brutal. By the time I got home in the cab Dr Mike had given me money for me, he was right, I was still bleeding a little with cum and other juices fighting to get out. I did as Dr Mike instructed and held it all in and did not take shower. Like him, I now wanted it to take. Before I was afraid, and guess I still was, but now I knew I wanted it – badly. Dr Mike’s last words before I left were, “We must make sure everything takes, and I will do whatever is necessary to ensure you become toxic. You will continue to obey and serve as your ass is mine. Now, go home, do as I said, and remember, my venom is burning in your veins, I am part of you now, and always will be.” I hoped Charles, Big Ben, and Hank were too. A toxic stew of venom, AIDs, and more. Dr Mike called me the next morning at 8:00 a.m. sounding so professional and not like the demon fucker he had been the night before, “Good morning. This is Dr Mike, yes, I am fine thank you. I wanted to follow up to see how my patient was doing this morning? Hurts to piss? Hmm – promising. What about bowel movements? Had any? No? Good, good. I expect when you do it will be painful, just do not strain or push, and do not worry if it is covered slightly in blood as you will have some raw spots in your rectum for a few days at least.” Holy fuck, Dr Mike was right. When I finally did have to take a shit it felt like glass and I had to grip the toilet with my hands to steady myself, got hot and sweaty, and thought I might pass out. But it passed – and the next time hurt less. I did have to call off work that Monday and Tuesday. I could barely walk and figured if I took it easy, maybe the venom would take better. Dr Mike called every couple of days as he said he would to check on me and beyond my body aching, I felt generally fine, except the sores in my mouth got worse and it still hurt every time I took a shit. I did not see Dr Mike or Nathan that weekend. Luckily Nathan was on travel a lot for work these days, so I did not have to make up an excuse of why my ass hurt. But Dr Mike did give me some homework. The weather had turned colder, and he said my ass needed to be used and while he had no openings in his schedule, he wanted me to go visit the local library. What? Apparently the main library downtown was a place that a lot of homeless guys hung out when the weather got colder. More importantly for Dr Mike’s purposes, there was a cruisy bathroom in the basement and a stairwell where guys fucked. When Dr Mike told me this he said, “You have agreed to do as I say, and Saturday, I want you to go down to the main library at 9th and G Streets, and visit the reading room in the basement. I have a patient, he is homeless, a vet, who will be there as well and I have told him about you and what I expect. His name is Carl, he will meet you in front of the library at 9:00 a.m., and always wears a raggedy, long, blue trench coat. He also has an incentive as I promised him you will pay him $5 for every load of cum in your ass or mouth, but they better be mostly in your ass, so take a roll of bills with you, say $100. Anything more than that and you can make it up to him how you wish. You will serve him as you serve me. No questions, understand? Good. I will call you Monday once Carl reports in to me.” I will tell that story another day, but that Saturday at the library I took a number of loads as the homeless guys took turns using my ass and mouth and getting it ready for whatever Dr Mike had in mind next. My ass was still sore before I even went down there, and afterwards it was only worse, and felt swollen, tender, and painful. I went to work Monday, but by late Monday afternoon was feeling like hell. My head hurt, I felt like I had a fever, I was nauseous, the sores on my gums were worse, it hurt to swallow, and I just needed to go home and lay down. I had been home a few hours when Dr Mike called, “Good afternoon. I just met with Carl who was quite pleased to report that he made a nice little sum of cash on Saturday. More importantly – for me and for you – is that he said while it was clear you were uncomfortable and maybe even sore, you did everything and everyone he asked. Excellent! Very good. We can’t have that hole not being worked, and while I would have preferred to have taken care of this week’s treatment myself, well… I do have other patients I must attend to.” “Now,” Dr Mike asked, “How are you feeling. Be specific, and as detailed as possible.” “I’m not sure doctor, not very well I guess, I had to come home from work, head hurts, stomach hurts, mouth hurts, damn, feel like I got beat on.” “Hmm, sounds like my treatment may be working, let me check my notes here, yes, yes, we are in the right time frame for several things to have occurred. Very good. Let me note that. Now, what other symptoms and don’t just say you hurt, be specific.” So I went through the list with Dr Mike, he asked if it hurt to piss – it didn’t, he asked if it hurt to shit, - yes like hell, he asked several other questions then said, “I will need to see you of course, but not tonight in case this is just a 24-hour bug or you ate something that did not agree with you. Yes I know you feel bad, but you need to embrace this. This is a critical stage of your treatment and we must proceed as I say. Now, call me first thing in the morning. If you are still not feeling well, I will come see, and I will take care of everything.” I tossed and turned all night, had sweats, my piss smelled wicked, and I did not feel any better – actually worse – by morning when Dr Mike called. He said he would be at my apartment by 5:00 p.m. depending on traffic and that while he did not generally make housecalls, but I was at a critical juncture in my treatment. I napped off and on and was dozing a little when the phone rang and I saw by the clock it was 4:45. I answered, it was Dr Mike, I buzzed him in and when I opened the door I saw he had someone else with him. I was a mess and was surprised, but Dr Mike just pushed past me, walked in, and the other guy followed so I closed the door. I could not help but stare. This guy looked to be about my age, and my height, about 5”10, but that was all we had in common. He was sick, wasted looking, hollowed cheeks and like a skeleton with skin on him. He also had some purplish blotches on his neck, back of his hands, Karposi Sarcoma – AIDs tag for sure. He just stared back at me and did not say anything and I noticed he barely had any whites in his eyes, it was like they were all dark, dead already. Dr Mike interrupted my staring by grabbing my hand and leading me down the hall. He found my bedroom, “Kneel,” he said. “Now, here is what is going to happen. I am confident that some of my treatment has taken. What exactly does not matter for the moment, what does matter is that we take advantage of this opportunity. Your immune system is weak and is fighting. That’s why you feel bad, that’s why you are sick. But I am going to make you better by destroying what is left so that your body has no choice but to submit. Just as you kneel before me and submit, so will the rest of you. You will feel worse before you feel better and before you become the man I am going to make you be.” “Scotty out there is dying,” Dr Mike continued, “While Charles is an AIDs fucker, he is still ‘healthy’ for all intents and purposes. Scotty is not. You saw the KS marks? They are all over his body. AIDs has got him in a death grip, and good. Yes, I know he is young, but in some bodies the venom burns like an atomic bomb and just wipes everything out quickly. He is also resistant to AZT and all other medicines, so he stopped trying. Now, Scotty has served me well as a toxic hole and source of venom, but his time has come. He is here to do me, and you, one last service – one last parting gift. Now follow me.” As I followed Dr Mike back out to the living room I tried to get my head around that. Yeah I had said I wanted the doctor to infect me, but fuck, I did not want to look like that. Damn. Maybe I just need to say no, and make him leave. I stepped into the living room and said, “I’m sorry doctor, I just, I can’t, I ummm.. well,” as I looked at Scotty, then to Dr Mike, “I am not..” Dr Mike cut me off, “Kneel.” So I did. Forgetting what I was going say. Dr Mike opened his leather briefcase, pulled out a small black case, laid it open on the table. It had some needles and other stuff in it. “Scotty, take off your coat and roll up your sleaves,” Dr Mike said. “Sit there Scotty on the couch, you – stay where you are and listen.” I looked at him as he said this and his eyes were more intense and focused then I had ever seen. I knew not to disobey so I just nodded my head a little as he continued. “I told you that Scotty had a gift for us. Scotty knows he is dying and his time is short, but he knows he has more work to do. Today, that work involves you and frankly I could not have planned this timing better if I had wanted to. This is one treatment I will definitely remember and will note in the files and thank you Scotty. You see, in a few minutes when we are done here, you are going to thank Scotty for his gift. You will take him into your bedroom and you WILL lick his whole body, you WILL swallow his spit, his piss, and most importantly, you will let Scotty fuck you. Understand? Yes, of course you do. And if Scotty wants you to fuck him you will. You will please Scotty as this may be the last time he fucks anyone.” Dr Mike laid a large needle/syringe on the table, and a length of rubber tubing. I watched not quite sure what was happening as he stepped in front of Scotty as Scotty held out his left arm. My mouth opened as Dr Mike took the tube, tied it around Scotty’s arm, turned his arm slightly as he set it on Scotty’s leg, patted the vein part way up his forearm, then stuck the syringe into the arm. Scotty did not even blink as Dr Mike drew back on the plunger and the tube began to fill with blood. When it was full, he pulled it out of Scotty’s arm, Dr Mike stepped back, looked at me, “Lick his arm.” So I did. I licked the little trail of blood that had seeped out, then gently licked the place where the vein had been stuck. A few seconds later Dr Mike pulled my head back, held up the now filled syringe, looked at me, his eyes were now wide in awe as he said, “This is Scotty’s gift. His life, his blood, his death and venom. This is Scotty’s gift to you – and to me.” “Stand up. Give me your right arm,” Dr Mike said. So I did, and he grabbed my wrist so hard I thought he would break it. “DO NOT MOVE!” Dr Mike then turned my right arm slightly, pointed the needle at a vein, and before I realized it stuck it in. I gasped a little from the sharp prick and looked at Scotty who was smiling. I didn’t what to do, so just watched as Dr Mike emptied the syringe of Scotty’s blood in my arm. When he pulled the need out, a thick trickle of blood ran out, and Dr Mike bent forward, licked my arm clean, licked the needle, then set it on the table. “You received a very special gift. I told you I would destroy you before you become the man I want, and Scotty here just helped me. Now, go thank him. I will be back in one hour.” With that Dr Mike put the stuff back into his briefcase, put his coat on, and left. I just stood there, then looked at Scotty. I was not attracted to this man at all, but I did not want to disappoint Dr Mike, so got undressed and walked back towards the bedroom. I bent over the bed and waited. I was not sure he was going to follow, but he did a few minutes later. Scotty turned on the lights and said, “Turn around and look at me.” So I did. He was not just thin, he was skeletal. The KS lesions were up and down his body, which was pretty hairless even around his dick. His dick looked pretty big, especially against the rest of his body that looked so wasted Scotty’s voice was a surprise though, a rich baritone from such a small guy, did not make sense. As I stood up, Scotty put his arms around me, pulled me closer to him, looked in my eyes for a long time, then bent in an kissed me. His kiss was passionate, yet masculine and firm. His lips felt so good, and while he was tentative at first, as I did not pull away or resist, he seemed to relax a little. His tongue soon found its way into my mouth and we started swapping spit as we kissed more passionately and I kissed him back. I started rubbing my hands up and down his body as he did the same to me, each of us moaning in pleasure. When my hand found his dick and balls I squeezed tightly, and Scotty gasped with pleasure, guess he liked that. I pulled away, got a cock ring out of the night stand, knelt, put it around Scotty’s dick which was now hard, full, and very meaty compared to the rest of him. I stood up and said, “Please, I want you to fuck me. Please.” I handed Scotty a bottle of lube, which he tossed to the side, “Sorry, Doc said no lube, you should know better. I do want a little spit though, don’t like totally fucking dry.” So I spit on his dick, turned around, placed my hands on the edge of the bed as Scotty pushed his dick against my ass. I was still sore, but my hole opened up for him and he was soon pumping hard. I totally forgot about everything else except his nice fat dick and for someone so sick, he fucked pretty hard, but he did not last long. His breathing got real heavy, “I’m gonna shoot, damn, I’m gonna shoot,…” and then he unloaded in my ass. We laid down on my bed, which smelled of sweat and stink from me being sick, but he did not seem to mind. We were facing each other and I saw his eyes looked like he had a little more life in them now. Scotty just looked at me, “Let me see your arm,” he said. I held out my arm that had taken his blood, and Scotty touched it, licked it gently, smiled, and said, “Thank you.” “Thank you? For what?” I asked. Scotty said, “For letting me live on, in you.” He then kissed me again, long, passionate, and I felt wetness against my face. I pulled back and saw Scotty was crying. I wiped his tears, pulled him closer to me, and kissed him back. At that moment I wanted nothing better than to make him feel good, not just because Dr Mike said so, but because I wanted to. Dr Mike called a little while later to say he was on his way back. I had not drunk Scotty’s piss or licked him like Dr Mike said, but Scotty said, “Don’t worry, I will tell him you did everything he wanted.” Scotty and I got up, got dressed, and sat in the living room to wait. I put my hand on his leg and leaned against him, and we did not speak, just sat there. When Dr Mike arrived he stepped into the kitchen with Scotty, I heard their muffled voices, they came out, I stood up, Scotty came over and reached out to shake my hand. I took his hand, leaned in, and whispered, “No, thank you,” and then kissed him goodbye. Dr Mike did not say anything, he just pointed towards the bedroom, so I went in, got undressed, and Dr Mike followed. He had me lay face down on the bed, and buried his face in my ass as he moaned, sniffed, licked, and ate my hole. Soon he had his dick balls deep. Dr Mike was not that big of a guy, but his weight felt good, and his dick was as glorious as ever as he pumped my ass. I could tell he was getting closer as he picked up speed and he started to say, “You did an excellent job today. Nice AIDs filled ass, man I like fucking that AIDs hole, that knowing you just got fucked by death – yeah that death cum in you – fuck - I will kill you just like I KILLED SCOTTY, FUCK TAKE ME TAKE ME….” Dr Mike rolled off and yanked his dick out of my cum filled ass, stood up, had me lick him clean, then we got dressed. When we were back in the living room Dr Mike said, “You know the routine. Do NOT shower, do not let it out, and DO NOT get fucked by anyone else. I need to know your treatment program is only what I prescribe. You still feel sick? Good and it will get worse I promise you as I want your sick body to fester, and the venom and toxic infections to spread. I expect Charles infected your ass good with gonorrhea when he fucked you. Your hole smells foul, and was hard to taste not sure if it was Scotty or your ass is oozing, but either way, I helped ensure you got another dose. With that Dr Mike left, I crawled back into bed, and was haunted by dreams of Scotty. BACK IN THE PRESENT THE TATTOOIST CONTINUED HIS WORK. THE PAIN WAS NOTHING COMPARED TO WHAT I HAD EXPERIENCED WITH DR MIKE OR WHAT WAS TO COME, AS DR MIKE PROMISED I WOULD SEE CHARLES AGAIN, THE HORSE COCKED LEATHER MASTER, SO I COULD NOT WAIT. It had been a several weeks since I had seen Scotty and when I asked Dr Mike about him, he would not give me an answer, so I stopped asking. Dr Mike was right that night when he said I would only feel worse. After another week of feeling beyond sick, missing work, and after several more ‘house calls’ from Dr Mike to feed me his piss, spit, and cum up my ass, I was over it. Trying to have sex when you’re sick is awful, but Dr Mike never seemed to mind how sweaty, dirty, messy I was, and I wanted to please him, so I let him fuck me rough and hard, and he would not have stopped anyways. He always dug his fingers around in my ass first, scraping my insides up raw to make sure I would take his venom. His new favorite position was laying on top of me and telling me how my ass was his, and he was making me his AIDs whore. I started to feel a little better, made it into the office, and was thinking I might be OK after all except for the sores in my mouth and oozing out of my ass. Dr Mike said he would test me for sure soon, but was convinced Hank’s herpes had taken in my mouth and Charles’ and Dr Mike’s gonorrhea in my ass. Dr Mike left a message on my machine, “Good morning, this is Friday, please come to the office tomorrow at 3:00 p.m.” OK, guess he wanted to fuck there, so I showed up as told and he let me in. Things had not changed since the last time, the place still looked old and dingy, the heat was way up, guess the old radiator system was hard to adjust. Dr Mike led me back to his office, “Kneel, now, today is important for two reasons. First, I will take some swabs and draw some blood so I can see exactly what you have now and have high hopes with all of the toxic juice you have taken, I KNOW you have done well. Second, Joseph is back. Do you remember him? Yes, well we treated the warts on his dick, which I would have preferred to leave of course as I do not often have that available to me on a regular basis but one step at a time. Since he was not comfortable knowing his wife would realize something was up, we have cleared him up.” “Joseph is here today. He is in the exam room waiting. He has asked about you several times and I told him if he continued to be honest with me and came to see me, I might be able to arrange another visit. This is a safe place for him to explore his ‘urges” and who better to protect him than his doctor? I believe he is now ready – ready to join us and your ass is what will make that possible. Now, stand up and get undressed. Joseph is not that big, so no JD for you today, but your ass needs to be especially bloody because you see, you are going to stealth poz him.” I looked confused. “Stealth poz, do you know what that means?” Dr Mike asked as I shook my head no, “Well, that means I have told Joseph it is OK to fuck you without a condom when he asked me if you were ‘clean.’ I did not tell him you were HIV+ or anything else, I cannot lie of course, I just told him that yes, it was perfectly OK and alright to fuck you raw. Now bend over for me, good, let me shred your hole up. I know your blood is boiling with venom now and to help ensure this takes, I had Joseph show up a little early so I could shave him. I told him it would heighten the sensation if his dick and balls were totally clean and I of course made sure to make lots of cuts and nicks in his dick shaft and on his balls, apologizing for my old razor, etc…..but what he thinks was ointment to close up the cuts was actually a little wound dressing designed to keep cuts open and inhibit platelet’s from clotting and stopping the bleeding on his dick. Nothing too obvious of course, but it will be enough to ensure that when your blood covers his dick, it WILL get in.” Dr Mike put the blindfold on me, led me into the room with the padded bench, but did not tie me down. I waited and a few minutes later heard someone come in and immediately felt a dick push into my open mouth. Joseph started fucking my mouth. As before he did not say anything or really even touch me, just used my mouth. With my tongue and mouth I tried to suck hard and stretch the skin on his dick to make sure the nicks and cuts Dr Mike had made got larger and grew. I wanted to make this happen and knew my ass would do its part. After a few minutes Joseph pulled out of my mouth, got behind me, and started to fuck me dry. Even with the regular visits from Dr Mike was ass was still sore, so I bucked a little, but then pushed my hole back for him so he could go deep and started gyrating my hips a little to make sure he hit the walls of my gutz that Dr Mike had shredded with his nails before we started. Joseph fucked faster, harder, and as he started long dicking me I could feel wetness run down the inside of my legs. It was working! This time Joseph grabbed my ass when he came, I felt him shudder, and could tell it was a big orgasm. He pulled out, I heard him say “OH FUCK!” and he left. I felt more warmness ran out of my hole and knew not to move and a few minutes later Dr Mike came in. He pried my legs further apart, poked at my hole “EXCELLENT, yes, yes, just what I wanted. Nice and bloody hole. I see a few gobs of his cum from where he pulled out, so appears you did very well again. I am pleased.” Dr Mike’s dick pounded me and I started begging “Infect me doctor, please take your ass, infect me, oh please please make me your AIDs whore – PLEASE!” I am not sure what it was, the mix of stealthing Joseph and the doctor’s dick or what, but as he said he was getting ready to shoot my own dick let off without even touching it. My ass started squeezing his dick hard and milking his cum as he shot his own nutt. Dr Mike pulled out, got down behind me and started lapping at my cheeks, and the table, cleaning up the mess made by Joseph, him, and my cum. He then walked around to the front, stuck his dick in my mouth and I could taste my all my ass had given and been given. “Stop,” Dr Mike said, so I stopped sucking as his dick rested in my mouth. It seemed like a few minutes and then I felt his dick twitch, pulse, and hot piss started pouring down my throat. I gulped and swallowed and tried not to lose a drop. When he was done Dr Mike helped me off the bench, kissed me rough and deep, then led me back to his office. He took the blindfold off, ordered me to get dressed and told me he would be in touch soon and not to fuck with anyone except Nathan until he said so. BACK IN THE PRESENT THE TATTOO GUY WAS GETTING NEAR THE END OF HIS WORK. I HAD NEVER THOUGHT OF GETTING A TATTOO, BUT DOCTOR’S ORDERS, JUST 24-HOURS BEFORE. Dr Mike had actually called and left me a couple messages the day before on my machine. He said he would be at my apartment that evening, not sure what time, but to be ready. I spent a good part of the evening waiting and he finally showed up about 8:00 p.m. It was a Friday night, and I had not seen Nathan in a few weeks and had plans to be with him, but cancelled for Dr Mike. I had not seen Dr Mike in almost two weeks as he said he was tied up with another patient. I felt sort of hurt, and my hunger for him only grew and I could not get him out of my head. I wanted to go fuck around, but he told me not to, so I was horny as hell too. So when he finally came into the apartment I had all I could do not to beg for his dick. Dr Mike sat on the couch and said, “Kneel. I have not seen you in a little while, but that does not change the fact that your AIDs ass is mine. You understand? And it always will be. I have your lab work back and while you will need to come to the office, tonight is a celebration, as your ass is now, truly, my creation and a total biohazard.” I was not sure exactly what he meant yet, so kept listening as he said, “I ran a number of labs as I wanted to confirm for the charts where we were in your treatment, so listen.” “Your viral load is off the charts! All that toxic cum from Charles, me, and everyone else has twisted your mild, original HIV into something new and wonderful. You are so infected now, your body is riddled with the toxic bug and they are replicating faster then you can imagine! But there’s more. You are positive for Herpes – thanks to good old Hank and as expected, gonorrhea too. I knew that horse dick of Charles’ would help you along. Unfortunately it appears the warts from Joseph’s dick never took, but, well, something to work on. Of course, our timing was important, which is why I could not let you rest, and thanks to Scotty’s gift, I see no need to try to start you on any drugs at the moment, but we will and not in the way you expect as I will only give you enough medicine to make you resistant and then we will switch and switch again and again.” Dr Mike then took my chin in his hands, looked at me intently and said, “You now belong to me. Your ass is mine, your whole body is mine, and your soul is mine. I will continue to treat you as I see fit.” He then slapped my face hard, bringing tears to my eyes. Grabbed my face hard and said, “You understand? Yes? Well you don’t, but you will.” And he slapped me again. “Most of your treatment will happen elsewhere and not at my office unless I come across a special prescription for you.” I must have looked crest fallen as he smiled and said, “Do not worry boy, you will see me in my office during regular hours as needed, and you will have your ass available for me when I say so. But you will continue your treatment mostly on your own as you must maintain your infection. I will give you a phone number for Charles and I expect to hear from him that you have given that ass up to him. I also want you to see Big Ben, remember him? He liked you and I think you liked him yes? Good. You will take his cum as much as you can because I plan to breed in you a new twisted strain. While you can let Nathan fuck you if you wish, he does not come first – ever – only your treatment. You will also be spending many Saturdays at the library with Carl being a slut for every dick you can take.” “Now, to celebrate, I am going to rape that ass,” Dr Mike said as he pushed me into the bedroom and spent the next few hours raping harder and rougher than he ever had, even shoving a t-shirt into my mouth so my screams were muffled as he laughed and fucked harder. As he was getting ready to shoot his third load into me, I was on my back, legs up, he was slam fucking me with his arms hooked under my shoulders and his fingers digging in as he held on. He was starting to get close when he said, “You now why I am raping you now? No? Because I am so proud, so proud of how you took my treatment, but even more proud…because…. YOUR FUCKING BIOHAZARD ASS GAVE JOSEPH AIDS!!!” Dr Mike bit into my shoulder hard as he unloaded in me. He pulled out, made me lick him clean, then left without another word. When I got off the bed and went into the living room there was a sheet of white paper with words typed on it, “2444 18th Street NW – ask for Butch – be there at noon tomorrow.” AS BUTCH THE TATTOO ARTIST WAS CLEANING ME UP, HE HAD ME STAND UP, WALK OVER TO THE MIRROR ON THE WALL IN THE BACK ROOM WE WERE IN, AND HANDED ME ANOTHER LARGE MIRROR SO I COULD EASILY SEE MY NEW IDENTITY MARK, - A BIG, BLACK AND RED, ANGRY BIOHZARD TAT ON MY LOWER BACK, THAT REACHED DOWN TO THE CRACK OF MY ASS, AND WAS ALMOST 9 INCHES WIDE AND 9 INCHES HIGH. THE TATTOO GUY LOOKED AT HIS WORK, SMILED AND SAID, “SO BOY, DOC SAYS YOU ARE NOW READY FOR SOME DEATH AND DESTRUCTION, BUT FIRST, IT’S TIME FOR MY PAYMENT.” I NODDED, SMILED, AND BENT OVER AS HE UNZIPPED HIS PANTS, SPIT, AND FUCKED SOME BEAR CUM INTO ME.
  8. Part 3 just posted, glad everyone has enjoyed the story so far and hope you enjoy this part too - and stay tuned for Part 4
  9. Dr Mike – biohazard and healer - Part 3 – Does the venom take? And the Second Treatment Program (Hank returns, Joseph the married man, and Charles – the monster Horse Dick) For the next several days after my first treatment with Dr Mike, I was racked with guilt, shame, and fear. Fear most of all as I thought about what he said he had given me, and his last words kept repeating themselves over and over in my head like an awful obsession, “…remember this well – I will infect you over and over until your guts are as toxic as they can be. Your ass and mouth will take my disease and every toxic bug I can give you – be proud as I WILL make your ass a biohazard.” Yet, reliving my treatment in my mind I would find my dick getting hard and my hand stroking myself as I replayed the visit to Dr Mike’s office over and over in my head like a little movie. I even thought about it when Nathan fucked me the next time and shot my load when he started to cum and said he was breeding me. Just the words – the thought – I needed that now I guess. Every day I woke up wondering if I was going to be sick, and with every little ache or pain I started to imagine the worst. But, I did not get sick and part of me was concerned as I wanted to please Dr Mike and did not want to disappoint him. Between fantasizing about Dr Mike and my treatment, and worrying about getting sick, then worrying because I wasn’t, Nathan could tell something was up and kept bugging. “Come on, I know Dr Mike must have fucked you, right? He likes to fuck bottom so they say. Look, I know he at least sucks dick, he has sucked mine, so come on, tell me what happened? You just don’t go when the office is closed for nothing.” Nathan kept saying over and over. “I told you,” I said, “I must not be Dr Mike’s type if that shit goes on, or whatever. I don’t know, I just know all he did was talk to me about my check up results and there was some problem with my insurance, so I had to go in to get the paperwork redone that day or they would not pay my bill. That’s it man.” As I approached two weeks since my treatment, the thought of Dr Mike fucking me, taking Big Ben’s load, and just wanting more, overcame any fear I had and I knew I could not wait to see what Dr Mike had planned next for my treatment program. I got home from work on a Wednesday and there was a message from Dr Mike on my answering machine. “Hello, this is Dr Mike. I am calling to follow-up on your last office visit, so please give me a call at the number provided at your earliest opportunity.” My dick immediately got hard just hearing his voice and my ass began to ache. I grabbed a beer, got up the nerve to call him back, and as the phone hit ring number five I figured I had missed him. “Hello? Yes? Hello, hang on…. – yes, hello?” he said. “Hi Dr Mike, I got your message, and you asked me to call, so…” “Umm, yes, now who is this? Oh right, Nathan’s friend, one moment…….OK, good, I had to close the door, now let me grab my file….oh yes, right, (as he chuckled), I had expected to see you back in my office by now, so tell me, how are you feeling?” Dr Mike asked. “I’m fine I guess,” I said, “Same old same old.” “No changes? No symptoms? Headaches, body aches, breakouts in your mouth, ass, anything? NO? Damn – hmmm, now that is unfortunate,” Dr Mike said with disappointment clearly showing in his voice. “Will you be home for a bit? Plans this evening? No? Right. I will call you back shortly. Answer the phone within three rings, you understand,” and then Dr Mike hung up. I suddenly felt a pang of fear again, but also wanted him to fuck me again, so I waited. It was about 20 minutes before the phone rang, and when I answered, I heard Dr. Mike’s voice, “OK, so, I think we need to take your treatment program to the next level. I already asked you if you would take whatever treatment I provided, and so you will, with no questions. Right? Of course. I thought your body may be ready and willing to take my virus and more, but it may be you will be more difficult than I had planned. I like a challenge and do not often find one, so you will serve me well in this won’t you? I cannot hear you?” “Yes Dr, I will,” I said, as my heart was beating faster. “Now, let’s see, today is Wednesday, plan to be here Saturday at 3:00 PM. I think we will need a little discretion for this treatment, and do not make any plans for the rest of the evening. What were the rules I gave you?” Dr Mike asked. “Umm… to obey and service you, to agree to whatever treatment you say as you are the Dr and know best, and ummm…” I said as I suddenly felt tongue tied. Dr Mike cut me off, “and that you WILL NOT come here with cum in your ass unless I say – right? Make up whatever excuses you must, but you will not be fucked again after tonight until Saturday. Trust me, if all works as planned, Saturday you will take more toxic cum, venom, and poisoned fluids and will be filled. Is that what you want?” “Yes, please Dr, I want anything you give me, I promise I will do as you ask, just please please fuck me,” the desire showing in my voice. “Good. EXACTLY what I wanted to hear. Now however, back to the business at hand. Remember Hank? Of course you do, you sucked his nasty herpes dick in the bathroom. Well Hank had called me yesterday to let me know he was having a flare up. His sores on his dick are puffed up, leaking, some have scabs, but either way, he is highly infectious right now. As it appears his cum did nothing the first round, I have ordered Hank to stop by and pay you a visit.” Stop by? What was he talking about? Oh shit, no. “Hank will be at your apartment at 6:00 PM, now you will do what I say, Yes? Yes. I want you to lick Hank’s dick shaft all over, rub his dick head around the insides of your mouth, let him fuck your mouth and cum in it if he wants to. Poor Hank has not cum in days, so I expect you will be gagging on that load,” Dr Mike said as he gave an evil chuckle, “But there is more. Hank WILL kiss you and fuck you. You will do whatever Hank wants, but I have ordered him to make sure to cum in your ass as well. I want that Herpes covered and filled dick in every one of your holes as this time it WILL take. Now, Saturday, DO NOT be late.” With that, Dr Mike hung up and as I was left standing in the apartment with a raging hard dick, realizing I had about 10 minutes until Hank got there. Well Hank showed up less than two minutes later, so I buzzed him in. When Hank walked into the apartment he seemed thinner and more sickly looking then the time I saw him in the bathroom. Maybe it was just the brighter lights, I don’t know. His hair seemed longer, his scar on his face more pronounced, but there was no mistaking the bulge in his pants when he took his jacket off. I could not really tell his age, maybe mid-30s, but like a blood hound I was immediately focusing on his dick. “Whatcha you got to drink?” Hank asked in a heavy southern drawl. “Any smokes? Ah thanks, yeah those will do, prefer Marlboro, but hell, anythings better than nothing, you hear me? Now how about that drink? Yeah rums good, lots of rum, little bit of coke, was at the house getting ready to go out when the good Doc called, Think about that, what timing. Just talked with him yesterday, said he got a way to help me out here tonight. Doc always hooks me up. Whew, don’t I need to cum.” Hank barely took a breath as he spoke. “So really appreciate this man, Doc told me what I could do, you know him, rules this rules that – ha ha – but cool man, cool, whatever. So just between us you know, he has treated me too, fucking Docs a freak – ha ha – but good man – good. HMMM, damn good rum, that’s what’s killing me you know – the drink. Ain’t that AIDs shit, although that has fucked me up good too, just drink too damn much, and I say what the fuck. What THE FUCK! You know. OK, now let’s see what DOC said, oh yeah, make you suck me off. I like that, you suck really well, shot a huge wad in the bathroom. Yeah man I remember, shit, don’t forget good head like that,” Hank said as he dropped his pants while he stood in the middle of my living room with his rum in one hand and cigarette in the other. I knelt down and looked at his dick and gently touch it and moved it around. It was long and curved to the left like I remembered, but this time was really covered with bumps, and little open sores, some with scabs on them, up and down his shaft. Fuck that, no way I could suck it. I started to pull back, when Hank said, “Yeah man, and like the Doc says, do as he says, you know, or else? Now suck me.” So I started to lick his shaft, feeling the bumps and breakouts with my tongue, then when I felt like I could not take it, stuck as much in my throat as I could and started sucking. Hank began to moan, “Oh yeah boy, that’s good, just like that, fuck yeah – oh I need to cum, got a couple loads, always cum a lot you know? Ha ha yeah you do – got some more boy – got a big thick load.” I sucked Hank for a couple minutes, realizing some of the scabs that had been on his dick were now coming off into my mouth, but I just swallowed and kept on sucking. “Oh– yeah – here it comes, of yeah suck me suck me,” Hank said as he shot his first load. I swallowed as fast as I could and could not keep up. Not only was I gagging from the taste and the thought, but he shot more than anyone I ever met. That was amazing, so I focused on that, got hard, and just kept swallowing. “Good boy, yeah needed that,” Hank said. He sat in the easy chair, lit up another cigarette and asked for a another rum with a splash of coke. The guy chain smoked and within a short time had smoked three more cigarettes, but his dick was hard, so he stood up, got out of his clothes, finished up his last cigarette, and said, “Come on, I want to fuck now. You got a movie or something? Guys fucking? Yeah put it in. Yeah that’s good, like that, come on, bend over.” As I bent over in front of Hank he rammed a finger inside my ass and started digging and scraping. “Doc said you need to be bloodied up first you know? Now hang on, stay still, yeah, he said just spit, I like that, I like that a lot, now bend back over, come one now.” With that Hank started to push his dick in my ass. It hurt like hell as he dry fucked, and I was surprised when he did not last long at all. He came almost right away he said, and I was not sure as I felt nothing, but said OK, thanks, and Hank washed up and left. I went to the bathroom, dropped his load and ass juice in the toilet, brushed my teeth, used mouthwash, and took a shower. I could smell Hank on me and unlike the smell of Dr Mike, this smell disgusted me and I wanted it off. The smell of Hank lingered for the next few days and I kept telling myself there was no way I was going to go see Dr Mike, but I knew better. I had to make excuses to Nathan and told him was just busy with work and would catch him later. Come Saturday, I cleaned out and up, and was walking up to Dr Mike’s building by 2:40. I knew I was early, so sat at a bus stop for about 15 minutes, and then went into his office building. As during my last visit, the old building was quiet, but this time, almost all the lights were out and every office was closed. I had to sign in with a security guard who looked to be 25, and who was half asleep and he did not seem bother at all that someone was coming to see a doctor on a Saturday. How much did he know? I knocked on Dr Mike’s office door and he must have been waiting as the door opened right up. Dr Mike glanced at his watch, then to me, “2:58, EXCELLENT, right on time, come in.” As I stepped in I could smell him, and just being close to him I wanted him to touch me and my dick started to get hard. Damn! I followed Dr Mike back to his office, and he pointed to the floor, and I kneeled. “So far, your treatment has not taken. That is very disappointing, so I will adjust your regiment accordingly. Now, I am a little behind schedule – well at least what I hoped to be today – but none the less – first I have someone I want you to take care. His is not HIV + YET - I know I know, not my usual plan, and quite frankly while you may not understand you will later. For now, here is what you need to know. Joseph is married, in his 30s, lawyer, white, very handsome, very very conserative, nice dick and all of that. Well he found himself at the bookstore over on H Street one night after drinks after work, said he thought he was being sucked off by some guy through a gloryhole, but maybe he fucked him too, could not be sure. Well the result is poor Joseph now has warts on his dick [evil chuckle] and has come to me for help.” Dr Mike continued, “I told Joseph this is a simple thing and one I can easily fix for him, but more importantly, he should not feel ashamed and should not worry about never having sex again and to prove it, I will show him, that there are always mouths and nice asses ready and waiting. You ready?” I nodded yes and said, “Yes Sir,” Dr Mike smiled broadly and I knew I had pleased him. He motioned for me to follow, and he led me into the same exam room I was in before. “Kneel,” Dr Mike said, “Now Joseph is married as I said and still shy, so you will put this on. Have you worn a blindfold before? No? Well, hmmm…. This will be a start for you as with me, you will wear most of today while you are with me, understand? Yes, good. Now do not move. When he comes in, you work that cum out good.” My knees started hurting, but I stayed kneeling on the linoleum floor and soon heard the door open. I could hear someone breathing really heavily and the rustling of clothing, a zipper being unzipped, so I opened my mouth and waited. Soon I felt the flesh of a warm dick against my lips and I tilted my head to open further and suck it in. It was maybe eight inches, average thickness, but it did feel strange. It was all bumpy, so those must be the warts Dr Mike talked about. I licked the shaft, sucked the head, and put the whole dick in my mouth and sucked him hard. After a few minutes he tugged at my arm, so I stood up, felt for the table behind me, and bent over. I heard him quirt some lube, then he pushed against my ass, his dick popped in, and after a few minutes he shot his load, which was sort of watery and filmy, like mucus almost, and started running right out. Yuck. Anyways, he pulled out, I heard his zipper close, the door open and close, and I was alone again. I got back onto the floor, my legs were really cramping up, but I stayed kneeling and waited for Dr Mike. I then heard the door open again, and soon felt the heavy weight of a much bigger dick against my mouth. I opened as wide as I could – but nothing. I waited and waited – nothing. I was not sure what to do. “Stand up,” Dr Mike said. So I did, and he took my arm and pulled me forward as I still had the blindfold on. We went down the hall and around a corner into another room. As Dr Mike led me, the floor changed from linoleum to tile as it was much colder, and Dr Mike said, “Get your clothes off. Don’t worry about folding them, just drop them and kneel when you are done.” So I stripped, dropped by clothes, and heard Dr Mike pick them up and move them away. He then said, “Kneel.” So I did and I felt the weight of his dick against my mouth again. I opened my mouth and waited. “Have you ever tasted the warm nectar of a man’s piss? Hm? No? Well that is part of your treatment today. You will learn to accept all fluids offered, spit, cum, piss, and more, so now open your mouth wider. I then heard the sound of liquid streaming into a plastic cup, ringing loudly and echoing as it hit the plastic sides. “Now,” Dr Mike said, “I want you to take a sip from this cup, just a small one, hold it in your mouth and don’t swallow. This is my piss, but warm nectar for you. While many say piss is a sterile liquid, I believe there is transmission that occurs under the right conditions. Be that as it may, your job is to serve me as I wish, and want you to taste all of me, take all of me, feel all of me, be infected by me. Now drink more.” His piss was so warm, and tasted worse than Hank’s herpes riddled dick and cum, but I swallowed it all as he poured it into my mouth. “Get up,” Dr Hank said when the cup was empty, so I stood up, wiped my mouth off, and Dr Mike slapped my hand away from my face. “Did I tell you to do that? No. I did not. Remember, you do as I say, only as I say, now come,” as he led me out of the room. “Now take the blindfold off,” Dr Mike said and I saw we were back in his office. “Kneel, we have only just begun for today’s treatment. Do you want me to tell you what I have planned? Yes? No, I think I will wait. But what do want? What do you want,” Dr Mike asked again with a stern look on his face and his eyes bored into mine. “Please, I wanted to obey and serve you, please fuck me, I want your toxic cum, I want you venom juice, I want your AIDs!” I said, then realizing what I had just asked for. Dr Mike smile broadly, “Yes boy, you will get all of that and more. Like I said, most patients do not get past the first treatment, but you have. I am proud of your progress so far. Hank told me you served him as I required, that is good. Very good. Now let me look at your mouth. Yes, yes excellent! I see some sores forming on your gums, excellentt! I do believe Hank did his job and your mouth is now a herpes hole, which maybe just provided a nice gift for Joseph, here, suck me good with that dirty mouth.” With that, Dr Mike shoved his cock into my mouth and worked it around, scraping my cheeks, throat, and tongue for his pleasure. After a while he pulled out, “Ok,” he said, “Now get up, Hank fucked you too, yes? Bend over, let me see. Hmm, nothing obvious, but we shall see. Hard to tell now after Joseph fucked you, so maybe Hank’s dick infected your ass too – or not – no matter.” Dr Mike walked behind his desk and opened a drawer, pulled out a bottle of Jack Daniels and some glasses. “Before we continue, you need to relax a little. While you know you can fight and resist and it will do you no good, - and I hope you try – this will just help a little. Now do you like Jack? Never had it? Just beer? I could give you a pill or something, but don’t want you numb, just a little relaxed. Well, doctor’s order is to do some shots. Feel the heat. You will like it.” With that Dr Mike gave me a shot of Jack, told me to drink it with him, and I did. God damn! That was nasty. I only drank beer and immediately my head swirled and gut burned. YUCK! Dr Mike smiled. “Do another,” he said, then “And here, one more, I know, makes you gag a little, now, put the blindfold back on. I told you during your last treatment that sometimes I gave you choices. Do you want a choice now?” I said, “No Sir, no Doctor, I don’t want a choice, I want whatever you want, please, please.” I could hear the smile in his voice, “EXCELLENT! So here is the plan. I am going to fuck you and you will take it, but I will not cum in you now that is later. For now, you need to practice, practice your breathing, relaxing your hole, and taking dick. Do you want to know why? Yes, well that is NONE OF YOUR concern. You will just do as I say, how I say it. Now, come with me.” Dr Mike grabbed me by the arm and pulled me after him as we left his office. He went back to the room we were in before, I was pushed back to a kneeling position and Dr Mike said, “Now open your mouth, and drink my piss.” With that I felt him place the head of his dick on my lips and his hot piss began pouring into my mouth. I gulped, choked, and tried to swallow it all but there was no way as it ran onto my face, down my neck and chest. He then stopped, “Get up, now, we are going to make sure you are good and clean, you understand? No, no you don’t, but you will.” Dr Mike guided me forward several feet as the piss dripped off me and flooded my taste buds. I was then pushed forward onto my stomach across a padded bench. “Back up a little, let your toes touch the floor, good, now spread your legs a little. Yes, perfect, your hole is right where it should be. This room used to be used for physical therapy sessions by a previous tenant so some of the equipment they left behind has come in quite useful with a few minor adjustments. Give me your leg, I am going to put your ankle in a cuff. This will keep you in place as I don’t want you moving, now your arms – good.” I was now tied, face down, blindfolded, on the padded bench with the arms and legs secure as I waited for what Dr Mike had in mind. I soon found out as he leaned down by my left ear and said, “I have plenty more piss where that came from and I am going to clean you out. Just relax and breathe. I am going to fuck you and open you up, but more importantly, piss in you – you ever had that done? No? Well I want to you hold it until I tell you, then release it. Just let it out. I need you clean for the next part of your treatment.” With that Dr Mike got behind me and I felt his dick press into my hole. With no spit or lube, he pushed his dick into my hold and I cried out a little. I then felt him begin to piss in me. It was this hot pressure, building in my guts, going deeper and deeper as Dr Mike moaned and sighed with release. Dr Mike then started to fuck me, using his piss as lube, working it deeper up my guts. The pressure was so intense and I was starting to cramp, but Dr Mike kept fucking and I had no way to push him off or pull away. After a while, Dr Mike pulled out in one stroke and I felt his hot piss run down my as and legs and onto the bench before my hole clamped shut and cut it off. He then stood in front of me, opened my mouth with his fingers and stuck his piss covered dick down my throat and fucked it for a little while. “Damn,” Dr Mike said, “That feels good. You are becoming a good little diseased hole for me. I like that very much as you can tell by my dick. Now, I am going to guide you to my private bathroom in my office. When I close the door you may then remove the blindfold, let the piss and ass mess out, and when you are sure you are clean, knock on the door twice. I will get you when I am ready and DO NOT come out until I get you.” After using the bathroom as directed I could not believe how much piss had been up inside me. Just when I thought I was done, more came out, so it took several minutes for me to feel like I was clean, so I knocked on the door. Nothing. So I waited, and waited. It was about 10 minutes and I was getting nervous, what had happened? Did he forget about me? Dr Mike then knocked, “Put your blindfold back on and get ready.” So I did as he said, the door opened, and I felt Dr Mike grab my arm, lead me out. We stopped and he placed a glass in my hand, “Down this Jack, all of it, it’s a big shot and you better keep it down,” Dr Mike said. He took me back and tied be back down on the bench face down. He then left the room and a few minutes later I heard him come back in with someone else. I felt a large hand grab my left ass cheek and squeeze really hard, but it was not right, the hand was covered with a glove. The hand then ran up my back, to my head and lingered over my face – leather – it was a leather glove, back down to my ass and cheek again. I was not sure, but the hand seemed too big for Dr Mike. Dr Mike’s voice was then by my left ear and I felt his fingers working their way into my hole as he began to claw at my insides as deep as his fingers would go. I then felt another set of fingers begin working in beside his clawing at my insides too – these fingers were bigger, fatter, and the nails much longer. I cried out as they dug at me as Dr Mike said, “Now, remember, you will obey and submit, and frankly you have no choice. As you have proved resistant to previous treatment, I have decided your next treatment needs to be more, shall we say, extreme. My friend Charles here has a true horse dick. I am big, but even I am in awe of Charles’ piece of meet which is over 11 inches and VERY thick. Even better, Charles is a brutal nasty fucker who likes to walk around with a constant case of gonorrhea, and thanks to Charles, he and I are both sharing that little gift right now. You didn’t know that did you? You have been taking my gonorrhea filled dick and juice all afternoon. As I worked my dick in your mouth, I was pushing the gonorrhea into the sores from Hank’s herpes (evil chuckle) as I told you, I will infect you with everything I can. Charles never treats it as he is a truly evil fucker and enjoys nothing better then infecting the innocent – who care if his fertility is shit – the only pussy he fucks is man pussy and fuck is too kind a word- Charles rapes it, so you best prepare.” Dr Mike continued, “Charles has helped me ensure a number of asses received the venom they deserved. He is also HIV + of course, with a high viral load and not just HIV, Charles has full blown AIDs. He is a true AIDs fucker. You know I will only give you the nastiest and the best, and Charles is in a class of his own.” As Dr Mike’s nails continued to scrape my insides he said, “So now, I am going to leave you for Charles to enjoy. You will be hurt, you will bleed, and your ass will be torn from end to end as he cums in you and unloads his toxic cum. The blood is important and necessary as we need to ensure you have the ultimate chance for exposure. So this cannot be done lightly, but right. You WILL do this for me, and if you serve him well, I will give you my cum too. Do you want my cum boy? I can’t hear you? Yes? That’s it, beg for it. Well, do I as said, please Charles, and I will breed you too. I will make you as I see fit.” Dr Mike pulled his fingers out of my ass, and I heard the door close as he left the room. The other fingers in my ass kept working and digging and I felt fingers from Charles’ other hand join them. I was moaning and bucking my hips, trying to avoid the pain, but he was incessant. After a few minutes he pulled he fingers out, and I felt him brush against my right arm as he walked towards my head. He had on leather pants too from the feel, and as he stood in front of me, the smell of leather, sweat, and piss was overwhelming. Charles grabbed by head between his hands and said, “Oh sweet little boy, Doc has set me up good this time. Are you scared boy? You should be. Doc has told me you have never been rape fucked, well that is going to change today, you will never forget this I can assure you. I am a true Master and I could give a shit about you, what you want, feel, or need. Today is all about me, and I fuck to hurt, breed, and do what the Doc wants, which is to make sure your ass has no choice but to take our AIDs cum.” “Beg me boy, beg me not to rape you, beg your Master not to give you my nasty cum” Charles said. So I did. I begged, and pleaded, and begged some more. As I was begging again I felt Charles’s dick push against my mouth and I opened as wide as I could. I could barely get the head in my mouth not only because of his size, but he had a Prince Albert, or PA in his dick. I had seen one, but never sucked a guy who had one. I started licking the ring, which was covered in slime and crust, I figured from his gonorrhea. I licked at his piss slit, sucking in what fluid and slime was dripping out, which was a steady stream and I was not sure if it was precum, or gonorrhea, or both. I managed to get the ring, the head and some of the shaft in my mouth, and used my tongue to ‘suck’ him best I could. Charles then pulled his dick out of my mouth and stuck a couple gloved fingers in my mouth and worked them around. He gouged at my gums, tongue, and roof of my mouth and I could taste some blood. He stuck his dick back at my mouth and licked his slit some more, tasting the infected slime, and working it around my mouth with my tongue. He then pulled his dick away, and knelt in front of me. “Open your mouth,” Charles said. He then spit in my open mouth a couple times. “Swallow,” so I did. Then I felt something else pressing against my mouth and opening it. I tried pushing it away with my tongue, but Charles’ hands pushed it in and I felt him securing it behind my head as he tightened the strap. I would learn later this was a ball gag, and while I could breath, I could make little more than grunts and whines with it in my mouth. Charles knelt back down in front of me, spit on my face, then slapped me hard with his gloved hand, “You got me nice and worked up boy. Good little mouth on you and I see that ass jiggling. Don’t worry, you can try to scream all you want and it will not do any good. You are mine now, and doctor’s orders must be followed.” Charles spit a couple more times, and slapped me even harder, with his leather gloved hangs stinging my face. I then felt him move around my left to my back and his gloved hands spread my cheeks and his gloved finger dug at my hole. I was pretty wet from Dr Mike’s piss, but Charles bent down, spread my hole open and dug in with his tongue, tasting the remnants of Dr Mike’s piss leaking out my ass. He began to moan and talk dirty, “Oh boy, yeah, nice hole, see Doc opened it up a little for me, oh yeah, you ready boy. I think you need to be taught a lesson. Stop your bucking boy. Won’t do you no good you understand,” Charles said as he started slapping my ass with his right hand. “You need to be taught to serve a true Master, and that is me. Oh yeah boy, I am going to give you a lesson you will not forget.” I felt the cool of the steel PA press against my hole and the big head try to open me up. Charles spit on his dick, and the head slid in a little more. “You better breathe deep boy, once I start I don’t stop.” As I took a deep breath Charles pushed his dick through and my muffled screams were lost with the ball gag in my mouth. I tried to twist and buck my body, but with my arms and legs tied down to the sides of the bench I had no leverage at all. Tears streamed down my face and I began to literally cry as the hot searing pain rolled through my body, radiating out from ass. Charles was true to his word and did not stop and brutally pushed his dick in as far as he could, pulled it back out, pushed it back in over and over. Other times when I had been fucked and it had hurt, the pain changed, and became ecstasy, not this time. The pain was supreme and continued unabated as Charles kept fucking my ass and I think I might have even passed out a little once or twice. I knew my ass was bleeding as I could feel the warmness run out of my hole and catch between my body and the bench, but more strongly, I could feel Charles, his cock splitting me open, his PA gouging my guts, his leather gloved hands on my ass, pressing me down as he fucked me. Suddenly Charles stopped, slid his dick out of my ass, which hurt almost as much as him going in. He then unbuckled the straps and cuffs holding my legs down, and then my arms. I could only lay there as I was in shock, and Charles said, “Get on your back, Doc told me to keep you tied down, but I want to fuck you deeper than you have ever been fucked, I am gong to rape your guts boy like only a true leather Master can, so now roll over.” I didn’t move, so Charles manhandled me onto my back, my arms flopped to the side, he pulled me down the bench, grabbed a leg in each hand, pushed them back, and shoved his dick back in my hole. I thought Charles had fucked me hard before, but now he showed no mercy. Every thrust went so deep and hurt so bad, I was literally sobbing. I’m not sure if Charles was saying anything as in my head I could only heard my sobs. Charles began pulling all the way out and slamming back in and the pain now was still white hot, and like it was all I knew. Charles let go of my legs which stayed up and to the side with the pressure from his body, he leaned forward, placed his gloved hands around my throat and said, “I am getting close boy, and when I get close, I fuck to hurt, yeah boy, I am going to tear you up – fuck – yeah boy – feel your Master – feel my cock …..” With that, Charles’ gloved hands closed tight around my throat and I saw stars behind the blindfold, and then nothing. He had choked me out. I did not realize that then of course, not until I felt spit hitting my face and his gloved hands slapping me, “Come on now boy, yeah that’s it, took a little nap there didn’t you. Come on boy.” I felt Charles help me sit up on the bench. My ass was warm, wet and sticky and the pain was barely tolerable. My throat hurt and ears rang, and I had spit all over my face. Charles pulled the blindfold off me, “You OK boy, yeah you’re alright. Let me tell you, you have a nice piece of ass there and too bad you were not here when I shot my load – ha ha, but I cummed in you good for sure. Good for you that Doc opened you up before I got here. I would have really done some damage if he hadn’t, but even then, I tore you up real good. You will be sore for a while, that’s for sure – ha ha – now finish up the job and clean my dick off.” I sort of stumbled, fell to my knees, as Charles put his dick in front of my face. As my eyes continued to adjust I looked up at him. Charles appeared to be late 30s, early 40s, white, curly brown hair, big mustache, hairy chest (he had on a leather vest), leather pants with no crotch, and big black boots. His dick was tremendous, long, fat, and was covered in blood, juice, and slime. I leaned forward with my tongue and began to lick the tip and the ring and then worked my way up one side of the shaft then the other. Charles stepped back a step, “Thank you boy, I WILL see you again,” he spit in my face/eyes, slapped me once more, put the blindfold back on me then left the room. I slumped against the bench and tried to steady my breathing. The door opened and closed, “Get up,” Dr Mike said. I steadied myself, stood up, Dr Mike pushed me onto my back on the bench. “Lift your legs”, so I did. I felt Dr Mike probing at my hole, “DAMN, that horse dick ripped your ass up. Good, very good. The blood means there was lots of opportunity for the gonorrhea and his AIDs to take hold. Now hold still.” I heard a whirring sound and Dr Mike said, “I just took a Polaroid picture of your hole for the file. We will compare this to future treatment visits as I may decide that Charles needs to come back and this time, don’t hold back. Yes, he did hold back on you this time. You are not ready for all that Charles can dish out. Now, back to the business at hand.” Dr Mike then slammed his dick up my ass. After Charles, my ass was still throbbing and the pain was still intense, so Dr Mike’s dick slamming in was not so bad at all. “Tell me what you want now, tell me, you want my toxic cum? You liked Charles’ infected dick? You want my dick? My cum? Beg me, BEG ME, BEG ME…FOR…MY…VENOM!!!! OH FUCK!!!!” Dr Mike finished his orgasm, yanked his cock out, walked up by my head, turned my head to the right and stuck his bloody dick in my mouth for me to lick clean. When I was done, he had me bend over the bench as he took some wet towels and peroxide and cleaned off my ass cheeks, legs, and lower back. “You will be fine. The bleeding was nothing permanent, but I will give you cash for a cab as your ass will leak and spot for a couple days I expect. Tonight, when you get home, DO NOT shower. Do not do a bowel movement even if it feels like you have to. You don’t really, it’s just your intestines trying to readjust after the brutal fuck they just took. Understand? Good. Now I want you to call me on my private line every couple of days and let me know what is going on. OK? Good. Now get dressed.” I got dressed and followed Dr Mike back into his office. Every step hurt and I still felt dazed. “Let me look at you,” Dr Mike said, “I see Charles has left some bruises on your neck, did he choke you? Hmm, yes, well those are going to show, but not too bad. Charles knows what he is doing so those will go away quickly. I am very proud of you. You did an excellent job today and while I know the treatment with Charles may have been more than you were used to, it was necessary. We must make sure everything takes, and I will do whatever is necessary to ensure you become toxic. You will continue to obey and serve as your ass is mine. Now, go home, do as I said, and remember, my venom is burning in your veins, I am part of you now, and always will be.” Stay tuned for Part 4 – The Venom Takes and the Death Fuck
  10. Dr Mike – biohazard and healer - Part 2 – My First Treatment from Dr Mike and Big Ben As I left Dr Mike’s office after my first appointment, his words kept ringing in my ears, “My cum is more toxic than you can imagine,” and I could not wait to let him take care of me. I took the Metro to Nathan’s apartment and he had just gotten off work and was waiting for me. He wanted to hear how my visit went, and when I told him what Dr. Mike said his dick got instantly hard, he pulled my pants down and spit fucked rough saying, “Yeah, make you nice and raw, get your ready for Dr Mike, he has got some fucked up toxic cum, now take mine, take mine.” That was how we spent the weekend, Nathan spit fucking or dry fucking me as rough as he could so my ass was nice and sore and full of his load so that come Monday, whatever Dr Mike gave me would take all the better. While I always enjoyed Nathan’s fuck and the thought of his dirty seed breeding me, I could not get my mind off Dr Mike. I woke up early Monday morning and when I showered, cleaned out too. Usually never a problem, but I wanted to be extra sure with Dr Mike. Nathan swung past by place on his way to his office just to give me some of his cum to, as he said, “Get you started right today.” He dry fucked me and made my asshole even more raw, red and tender, - the sadistic evil fucker. I got to Dr Mike’s about 10:00 a.m., and still had Nathan’s load in my ass. I was nervous as hell and part of me wanted to just go back home, but the poz cum craving pig in me kept going. So with a fresh bottle of poppers in my pocket, I knocked on the door to Dr. Mike’s office and waited. The floor his office was on seemed completely empty, and as I stood there I was starting to worry that Dr Mike had lied to me or I had the wrong day, or I don’t know what. I knocked again and was just thinking about leaving when I heard the locks turn. I let out a big sigh as Dr Mike opened the door and let me in. He was dressed casually in jeans and a polo shirt, gave me a big smile, shook my hand and said, “See you made it. Come on in, come on”, as he locked the door. He headed down the hallway in his office, past the exam rooms, to the far end into his personal office. Dr Mike’s office was like the rest of the building, old, a bit run down, nothing fancy. His desk was piled high with papers, books, and there were a couple chairs and a leather couch. “So, how are you feeling today?” Dr Mike asked me. “Umm, OK, fine, thanks.” I said. He replied, “You seem a bit nervous, are you? That’s OK, but no need to be nervous, I WILL take care of you just like I promised. Here, sit down in the chair, make yourself comfortable.” I nervously sat down, watched as he went behind his desk, he grabbed a file, came back around and sat down in the chair next to me. “OK, right,” he said as he smiled, “Yes, Nathan’s friend. So how is Nathan? He still fucking you?” I blushed, which he took as a yes and chuckled a little, “I see, well look, we are after hours so to speak and I tend to leave the office jargon behind, but I can say ‘intercourse’ if you prefer?” I said, “No, sorry, just umm a little shy I guess.” Dr Mike smiled, “No worries, like I told you, no need to be shy around me about anything and like I said, I want you to be honest with me and I will be totally honest with you. Now, get undressed. Yes, you heard me, get undressed and set your clothes on the floor by the end of the couch and then kneel on the floor here in front of me.” I stood up and did as Dr Mike asked. I piled my clothes on the floor then kneeled in front of him and looked up as he continued speaking. “Now, let’s see, right, as I said I think you have a very mild strain of HIV and do you remember what else I told you? Hmmm? I told you I was not going to jerk off all weekend and that I liked to unload in assess like yours that start out with mild strains. You know why?” I shook my head no, as Dr Mike said, “Because I like to hear you beg for my toxic cum and I will give it you if you want it, but you have to want. Do you want it? I can’t hear you, do you want it?” “Yes, I think so, yes,” I mumbled. “That’s OK for now you will want it later, but right now, before we go any further, we need to come to an agreement on something. You know what is?” Dr Mike asked. He continued, “We are going to agree that I promise to take care of you and you promise that you will accept and take whatever treatment program I prescribe without question, is that understood?” “Yes, I think so, yes,” I mumbled again and looked to the floor. Dr. Mike reached down, lifted my chin so my eyes met his, “You did a good job taking your first treatment by sucking old Hank’s herpes filled dicked and I know that cum tastes nasty – that means it was full of bug and venom – but we will wait to make sure it took before I mark that off your chart. Don’t you worry, this is my personal chart for you and yes, I have a nice list here in your chart of the treatments you will take and I will probably even add a few as we go along if you do what I say and please me well. Most guys don’t make it past our first treatment together as I expect obedience, and service, and no questions asked. I am the doctor, you are the patient, and I know best, understand?” “Yes….Sir…I understand,” I said. I then shifted a little on my knees as Dr Mike stood up, set the file in the chair and said, “Undress me.” I wanted to go right for his dick, but figured I better be patient, so I stood up, lifted his shirt off over his head, folded it and set it on the other chair. I then unfastened his belt, and his pants and as they dropped to the floor Dr Mike sat back down. I could see his huge bulge in his white Jockeys, but focused on the business at hand and next untied his shoes and slipped his pants off, then his socks, and then folded them and put them on the chair as well. “Kneel,” Dr Mike said in a firm voice, so I got back on my knees, Dr Mike stood up with his crotch just inches from my face. “Now lick it,” he said. Lick what? He still had his underwear on, so I started licking his bulge through the underwear, making little spit stains as I did. My mouth was feeling dry and full of cotton and I pulled back a little, but then Dr Mike pushed my head back to his crotch, so I kept licking. After a while the outline of his dick showed clearly as my spit had made a nice wet trail around the edges. “Stand up and bend over,” Dr Mike said. So I got up, bent forward with my ass towards Dr Mike who had sat back down in the chair. I sensed him lean forward as he gently parted my ass cheeks. He then pressed his nose into my ass and took a big whiff, inhaling the smell of my sweat and more. “Did you get fucked?” he asked, his voice stern. Damn, please don’t let him stop. I started to mumble something but Dr Mike kept on, “Nathan’s cum? That bastard, I will teach him to fuck with what is mine later, but for today’s purposes, this will be considered part of my treatment program. Now let me see your hole – bend over further – come on – ahhh, yes, as I suspected, looks like has been fucking you dry – is that right? Has he been rough fucking you dry? Hmmmm, yes, your hole looks nice and ripe for exposure.” With that Dr Mike started to lick my asshole and I started to moan, my dick bobbed up and down, and the precum started flowing from the head. Fuck that felt good. I started to jerk myself off and pushing my ass back to meet his tongue, which was digging in and licking out Nathan’s cum. “Come with me,” Dr Mike said as he stood up and left the office. I ruffled through my pants, grabbed the poppers, and followed him into the first exam room and he said, “Kneel.” So I knelt on the cold, dirty white linoleum floor and watched as he adjusted the padded exam table and made it lower, and rolled a small tray table to the side. “Now, I want you to see what you will be taking this morning. This treatment will hurt, but it is for your own good,” Dr Mike said as he then pulled down his Jockeys down that were straining to keep his dick in. My eyes bulged like his shorts when his dick plopped out. I could not tell exactly how long it was for sure (always use the spread of my hand – end of pinky to end of thumb which is 9 inches to gauge) but just from looking, seemed a good deal longer than 9. It was fairly thick, but what surprised me more was how hard it looked. Every vein was straining and clearly popping up and down his shaft. He was uncut and the foreskin almost looked like a lion’s mane as it bunched up around the back of his dick head. “So,” Dr Mike said very sternly, ““I will give you my biohazard and toxic cum if you want it, but you have to want. Do you want it? Or, you may leave now if you wish to, but if you do, I will never treat you – ever, so this is your last chance. You may leave, or if you stay, and accept to be treated as I order to be you will do exactly as I say. You will take exactly what I give, how I give it, and when and where. No questions asked and there will be rules. If you follow them I will reward you with special gifts that only I can give you as I enjoy nothing better than a boy who submits and lets me treat them as I wish.” Dr Mike did not say anything more and I kneeled on the floor and tried to process what he just said my heart raced, my dick continued to stream precum, and my ass was hungrier then ever. “Please sir, I beg you, please give me your toxic cum. I want it, I do, I really do. I want anything you got, anything and will do whatever you say, I promise, please. I want your gifts, every one, I want them all,” little did I know what I was really asking for. Dr Mike smiled, “Good, now remember what I said and what you just said, the pact is made. Now sometimes I will give you a choice and today would have asked you if you wanted me to take it slow and easy with you, use lots of lube, take my time, or, do you want me to fuck you like I want to ensure my toxic cum rakes your guts and burns through your insides? But, you did not know this of course, but you did break a rule, I only fuck ass with cum in it when I say so, and today I did not say so. So you have no choice, now get on the exam table.” I started to say something as I was getting up but he turned, glared at me and said, “NO QUESTIONS.” The exam table was easy to hop onto – just about waist high – and before I laid on my back I started to open the bottle of poppers to take a hit. Dr Mike snatched them from my hand, “NO, you will only take what I give you, how I give it. Period. You will NOT do poppers. I do not like the smell, so if you must have them then leave now.” I didn’t move, so he said, “Good, now lay back, scoot down, come on further, make your ass hang over the edge a little like you did during your first visit, but further. Right, that’s it, now take a deep breath.” I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Dr Mike had my ankles in his hands and was pushing my legs back and out so that my hole was exposed. I could feel his dick head bobbing around my ass hole and started to get nervous, not sure I could take it. Dr Mike then let go of one leg, “Hold your leg back, that’s it,” as he spit into his other hand and worked a finger into my ass. I bucked my hips a little and moaned. He pulled it out, spit again, and stuck two in, and was working them around, stretching my ass ring. “Now, I am going to let go of your other leg and I want you to sit forward and brace yourself with your arms behind you. It may feel like you will slide off the table, but you won’t, I got you,” Dr Mike said as his fingers still stretched my ass. I did as he said and leaned into a somewhat sitting position with my hole hanging over the edge of the exam table and legs lifted up and out with Dr Mike’s body helping hold me up. Dr Mike then pulled his fingers out, spit on them again and this time shoved three of them in. “This spit is not going to help you much, but that will not stop me you understand? Once I start I WILL NOT stop until I have gifted you with my venom. Now, I want you to wrap your arms around my neck and hang on. This is going to hurt,” and with that Dr Mike dug his fingernails into the inside of my ass walls as he moved his fingers in and out. I flinched and tried to pull away as his fingers clawed my insides, and started to beg him, please, no. Dr Mike leaned into my ear, “I told you this would hurt, but that is only the beginning, beg all you want but I will not stop now, because now you are ready, now you are ready to experience more pain as I bring death and destruction to your ass. Your ass will burn with my acid load, you WILL TAKE MY TOXIC CUM BOY!!!” With that Dr Mike slammed his dick into my hole and I cried out and hung onto him tighter. He did not get far and pushed again, and again. It just wouldn’t go, so he yanked it out, spit a few times on his hand, rubbed it on his dick head, and slammed it in again. This time my ass could not hold back and he entered me. The pain was white hot as the damage he had done with his fingers tore even more as his dick ripped into me. Dr Mike had his hands behind me, sort of gripping my ass, pulling me into him, yet keeping me on the edge of the table as his hips thrust his dick up into my hole. I had hardly ever been fucked without poppers and could not believe how much it hurt! “What do you want boy? What do you need? Huh? What do you want?” Dr Mike said as he breathing was getting heavier. “Please doctor, please, I want your toxic cum, I want to be a biohazard boy for you, please make me, please convert me, I want it all!” I said. “You want it all? Whatever I give you boy? You want it all? Oh I will convert you alright and you will get more then you every bargained for – now here – you go – fucking – take my HIV – take my cum of death– you will take it – take it – oh fuck fuck – shit FUCK – YOU’RE DEAD!!!! Dr Mike squeezed me close, shook, trembled, and unloaded into my ass. He was right, his cum felt like acid and my insides burned. What had he just said? Take his what? Oh fuck it, I just wanted him. We stayed like that for a few minutes as his breathing returned to normal. When he finally slid his dick out of me drops of red tinged cum and ass juice dropped onto the white linoleum floor. Dr Mike looked at his red covered dick and the floor, chuckled and said, “You are no longer a virgin, welcome to the club boy.” He grabbed a paper towel out of the dispenser, wiped his dick off, tossed it in the red biohazard container, and when I stood up (wincing with pain as I did) and went to grab a towel, Dr Mike grabbed my hand, “No, I did not tell you to clean up. You are not done yet.” Not done? So I followed him back to his office with blood and ass juice and cum running and dripping down my ass and thighs. Dr Mike was drinking from a can of soda on his desk, set the can down, then came and sat in the chair. His dick was still fairly hard and mine was hurting it was so hard. Dr Mike sighed as he sat down, “Kneel here. Good. Now look at me. This is serious. You should be proud, you took that well, and I fucking loved it, and I will continue treating you, right? Right. You should also be proud as you now have some of the most toxic cum on the east coast working its way inside you right now. You know why I dug you out before I fucked? Why I fucked you as dry as I could – and trust me – next time there will be NO – spit – it was so my biohazard cum could really get up in there. I want it eating your guts and then the rest of your insides. You know those guys you saw when you came here last week – I MADE THEM – they are my creation, every sick fucker out there was mine and you will be too.” I did not know what to say, so just stayed kneeling and listened as he went on, “You are mine too and at your next check up we will see if my toxic cum is doing its work, but don’t worry, I’ll give you more again when your treatment regimen requires it.” Just then the phone rang, Dr Mike got up, went behind his desk and answered it, then sat back down. “So, while sometimes each treatment consists of only 1 prescription, for you, as your HIV is so mild, we need to be aggressive in your regimen. My HIV is type 1, like yours, and while mine is venomous in its own right, no matter how hard I have tried I have not been able to get mine to cross over with type 2. So, that requires an outside treatment source, that while rare, I of course have access to, and trust, it is rare indeed. Now wait here a minute,” Dr Mike said as he walked out of the office. I figured he had to use the bathroom and felt like I had to myself, but I stayed kneeling. A couple minutes later he came back in the room and had someone with him, a black guy, younger than me, who was real short, about 5”7, and maybe 140/150. Dr Mike said, “That call a minute ago was Ben telling he was at the Metro station and asked if I was ready for him. No no don’t worry, you don’t need to rush, you see I asked Ben to come today for you. Yes, for you. You see, I provide a comprehensive treatment program and when I cannot fulfill the prescription exactly as I want I call in another source, which may be every time, or never, depending – anyways, today, that source for you is Ben. Ben, go ahead, take your clothes off.” As Ben got undressed I was looking a little bewildered and looked back and forth from Dr Mike to Ben, damn, did Ben know what had just happened? How much else did he know? Well he must I guess. Dr Mike sat back down in front of me, “So Ben here has been one of my patients for a while, well his name is really Mike, Michael Bennet, but there cannot be two Mikes, so I call him Ben isn’t that right Ben?” “Yes, that’s right doctor,” Ben said with a pretty heavy accent. Dr Mike went on, “Ben came here to go to college a few years ago, and brought something with him, HIV 2. He grew up in Ghana and I suspect his mother had it or maybe he got it having sex or doing drugs or whatever, does not really matter. What matters is it is type 2, and Ben is going to help treat you. Now go back to the exam room and bend over the table.” As I stood up I noticed Ben was fully naked, stroking his dick, and he looked to be not quite as long as Dr Mike, but still pretty thick and his entire dick looked about the same thickness right up to the head, which seemed somehow too little for the rest of it. He also had really low hanging balls that looked sort of shiny, liked they had been polished. Dr Mike followed me into the room, I bent over the end of the exam table and heard Ben follow. Dr Mike bent down by my ear and said softly, “Now, you will take Ben just like you took me. He is going to rip you up – no spit – just my toxic cum and your own fluids as lube – so take it good. His cum is full of HIV for you. He has one of the highest viral loads I have ever seen and has never been on any medication, I won’t let him, and his sperm is just filthy with the bug. You are privileged to have this opportunity, and so, just for good measure,” Dr Mike then reached around, stuck 3 fingers in my ass and raked my insides again making me cry out, “I am going to make sure his bug takes real good, give it a chance to live, it deserves to live, and breed and infect you, both our toxic cums will merge and grow together. Now, when he is done, you just stay like this.” Dr Mike left the room, Ben got behind me, he was shorter than Dr Mike so I had to bend my knees a little, and when we has angled up he grabbed my hips and drove his dick in. I cried out as even though I was somewhat slick from all the fluids in there, it still hurt like fuck where Dr Mike had shredded my guts. Ben was a power jack fucker, no pausing, no letting me catch my breath, just slam fuck. I was grunting and moaning and trying to keep my footing as Ben fucked harder and harder and faster and faster and I thought for sure he was cumming when he yanked his cock all the way out and just stood there. I was still trying to catch my breath when he slammed back in, balls deep this time as I could feel them slapping my cheeks with every thrust. He did not last long this time and started fucking even more furiously while making little ‘aah aah’ sounds. He then stopped, eased his dick out, and I heard more juice drip from my ass onto the linoleum and each drop sort of echoed in the exam room. Ben left and I could hear him and Dr Mike speaking in the other room. Dr Mike soon came back into the room and patted me on the ass as he leaned down and said, “That was good, very good, Ben said you did a fine job and he is always more than willing to do what I say, so I am pleased all the way around. Now that his job is done, I have sent him on his way, so that you and I may finish today’s treatment.” There’s more? I was not sure I could take any more and my ass felt like I had acid eating my insides. As Dr Mike stepped behind me he asked me how I was and when I told him that he just chuckled and said, “Oh yes, I expect it does feel like acid, it is in a way. You see, not only did you take my toxic cum which I know is extremely toxic, but you took Ben’s too and I already told you about his, but there is more.” More? I started to raise up to turn around and ask what he meant just as Dr Mike put his hands on my back, pushed me back down on the table and slowly, but firmly, slid his dick back into my ass making me moan and gasp as pain flooded through me again. “Yes, there’s more,” Dr Mike continued as his fucking picked up speed and he worked his dick into my swollen ass, “You see, Ben was a two-fer, a wonderful one I helped arrange and sort of a specialty of mine as why infect with only one thing when there is so much nastiness out there to play with for me to use for my pleasure, not only is Ben HIV2 with an extremely high viral load, but……oh fuck…but ….yeah boy…but Ben also has late stage syphilis – FUCK YEAH, YOU GOT HIS SYPHILLIS CUM TOO – oh take it, take me, take me...” Dr Mike caught his breath, slid his dick out, and stood up and juices were really running down my leg now. I didn’t know what to say. Oh my god, what had I done? What had he done to me? Dr Mike grabbed some paper towels, wiped his dick off, then came over to me and wiped my ass and hole and legs off. He then tossed the towels in the red biohazard bin and walked back to his office. I had a hard time walking as my legs were cramped, and when I got there he was getting dressed. I got dressed as well, he motioned with his hand for me to sit in the chair, and when I did he opened his file again. “I expect you will feel very sick within 10-14 days if all goes well. Flu like symptoms, headache, body ache, etc…. If you do, just call my office, but call my direct line, here’s the number. I will have another treatment ready for you then as your body will be weak and that is the best time for me to ensure my strains infect you, so you WILL come prepared and this time, the rule is I want that ass fresh, no fucking for at least two days before, understand?” “Now, before you go, I want you to remember three things,” Dr Mike said as he pulled me close to him and spoke close to my ear, “My treatment is just between us now, not even Nathan is to be told, you just tell him we only talked and that is all and tell him you met Ben in the bookstore or something, I don’t care, and don’t let him or anyone fuck you for a couple days. I want my venom and Ben’s little bugs to have their chance. Two, you will submit to me right? Yes? Good. And three – remember this well – I will infect you over and over until your guts are as toxic as they can be. Your ass and mouth will take my disease and every toxic bug I can give you – be proud as I WILL make your ass a biohazard.” When I made it home I collapsed into bed, woke up later to Nathan trying to call me, grabbed a shower, called him back and told him what he had heard about Dr Mike was all wrong, nothing happened and that I had gotten all horned up, went to the bath house, had a couple hook ups and came home. I went to sleep that night with Dr Mike’s words burning themselves into me just as his virus and Ben’s were burning my guts and blood – “be proud as I WILL make your ass a biohazard.” Stay tuned for Dr Mike – Part 3 – My Second Treatment – Does the venom take?
  11. Dr Mike – biohazard and healer – Part 1 – The First Office Visit *All of the other stories I have posted have been real life hook ups and connections. This story’s premise is based on real life, but it becomes fiction once I go to Dr Mike’s office as I never did get up the nerve to go.* It was my second summer living in DC and I had been poz for about a year. One of my bareback fuck buddies at the time was a guy who worked for a local non-profit group. Where I was fairly conservative in appearance, Nathan had a nose ring, tats, and sometimes a mowhawk when his head was not shaved, so we always made an unlikely looking pair when we went out. He had a nice dick and loved using his own spit or poz cum for lube when he fucked me and I took his cum every chance I could get. He was the first guy I met who was so open about his status and also got off on it and loved telling me how he was giving me his poz cum when he fucked me as he did not take any meds at all and even resisted getting treated for STDs as long as he could when he had had them. Nathan said he did not take meds because they were more toxic then the bug and he believed in alternative stuff, plus he wanted to make sure that every negative ass he fucked raw when they asked him to pull out would become infected as that turned him the fuck on. One of his tats around his belly button was a biohazard sign. This was 15 years ago so was a pretty out there thing at the time to be proudly displaying your HIV status and that you were a breeder on a mission. When we went to the leather bar or the park there was always one or two guys who knew what it meant, and then would look at me with a wink knowing I was getting his toxic loads. One day I met him at his office to grab a drink and started to rub his dick in the elevator. Nathan laughed and said, “I just cummed a short while ago, so am not really up for a quick one”. I asked, “Who did you fuck?”(we were not exclusive so just curious – voyeur in me). He said, “No one, my doctor sucked him off.” I was like what the fuck? OK, I needed to hear this story over drinks. There were a couple private practice doctors in town then that all of the guys who were poz seemed to go. Nathan went to one of them and told me this doctor – Doctor Mike - was a fucking freak and liked to suck him off every time he went to see him and the doctor did not care what was up, how sick he was, what he had or anything. The doctor had sucked him when he had gonorrhea and other stuff and even drank his piss once in his office. This doctor did not lecture about STDs or safe sex and would just hook him up with whatever antibiotics he needed. I couldn’t believe it, but asked if my friend fucked him too. Nathan told me no, the doctor was a top, but he had heard he fucked all his bottom patients that would let him and he only fucked raw, and that he supposedly had a really big dick. Nathan said he knew a couple bottoms who swore they got syphilis, gonorrhea and some other stuff from him too, and there was a rumor about a couple bottoms who had gone to him to be tested for HIV who were negative until after he fucked them. At this point Nathan laughed, gave me an evil smile, and said the doctor was just like him, a living biohazard, as were most of his patients as the waiting room was nothing but a pick up spot for raw fuckers who just swapped back and forth all the dirty seed they had. I did not have health insurance right then, so was going to a local clinic. Every visit seemed to be nothing but a lecture on safe sex, and god forbid if I asked to be tested to an STD. One time a staffer asked me if I had been fucked with a rubber, I said no and it was like I had killed a baby seal. So, I kept thinking about that doctor my friend told me about and told myself I was interested because he sounded cool, non-judgemental, and provided good care. But I was kidding myself, I had jerked off enough times fantasizing about him to know it was really because he was dangerous and I wanted to see if the rumors were true. A few months later I got a new job and 30 days after that my health insurance kicked in. I decided it was time to leave the clinic and find a primary care physician. I ended up going to a doctor who was considered ‘the best in town on HIV’, he had been on national TV, was handsome and part of a power-gay couple, well known in the community, and all that. But going to his office was like going to the prom. It was full of the young and ‘pretty A-list’ crowd, his staff was condescending and rude, there was a snack and soft drink bar, the office was decorated with fine art, and the doctor always seemed like he had more important things to be doing then being with a patient - me. I said fuck it, time to check out the nasty doctor, so I called Dr. Mike’s office and made an appointment for a late afternoon at the end of week. I must have jerked off three times the day before I saw him fantasizing about all the things Nathan had said. The doctor’s office was in the Northeast part of town in and older brick building. When I got to the office it was a total different scene than the other doctor’s. The office looked old, a bit worn down, and the crowd here looked older – and sick. There were a couple guys in the waiting room who looked gaunt and wasted and near death’s door. Almost all the rest looked like they had HIV or just looked like rough trade from the streets. I almost walked out, telling myself I am not one of them, but on the other hand, my friend said the guys who came here loved to fuck raw, so I was in. The staff at the desk, a middle-aged lady and an older guy, were very nice and polite, and as soon as I sat down a couple of the guys nodded at me, said hi, and made small talk. After filling out all the paperwork, I kept talking to a couple of the guys in the waiting room, and figured my friend was right. These were all guys willing to bareback in an instant and could tell a few seemed pretty well hung – woof! After about 10 minutes the older guy called me up to the desk and handed me a small cup and small brown bag, they needed a urine sample and he directed me the to restrooms just outside the door, down the hall to the left. I entered the door marked RESTROOMS and there was a small hallway with a men’s room on the right, ladies room on the left and a door marked JANITOR at the end. I opened the men’s room, stepped around the corner, and saw that one of the sicker looking guys was standing at one of the stalls. He was tall, thick, long, brownish hair, and had a scar on his right cheek. While I tried not stare at him, I could not help but stare at his dick as he stepped slightly back from the urinal. The thing was long, sort of skinny, with a nice head on it, and curved a bit to the left. He was stroking it hard, looked at me and said, “Do you want to suck me?” I was sort of disgusted and turned on at the same time, and asked him what if someone came in? “You can hear the outer door open so we got time to straighten up before someone comes in. Don’t worry, I’ll listen out,” he said as he kept stroking. I set the urine cup down by the sink, got down on my knees, totally forgetting I came in to piss, and started sucking his dick. His dick was already really slick from precum and spit and tasted pretty funky. I think he smoked as his spit was strong, but I sucked him hard and put my hands on his hips to steady myself. He was really thin and his hips were pretty bony and I paused a moment, realizing he must be full blown, but he had such a nice dick, I just pushed it further down my throat. After a couple minutes the guy started gripping my shoulders tighter and said “Swallow for me, swallow it all.” He then started shooting and I could barely swallow fast enough. The dude might have been sick but fuck he shot a huge load and his cum tasted rank and was real thick and heavy like he had not shot in days. He started humming a little as I kept sucking him until I had every drop. He stepped back, said, “Thanks, boy I needed that,” then left the bathroom. As I savored the taste of his poz load, I realized I had never sucked someone where the bug had totally taken over – is that why his load tasted so rank? Just thinking about it made me even a little harder and I remembered why I was in there and got up and grabbed the urine cup, went into a stall and had a wait a minute for my dick to come down a little in order to fill the cup. I washed my face off to make sure I had no cum drippings on my chin, but did not rinse out my mouth as I wanted to keep tasting his poz load as long as I could. I walked back into the doctor’s office and took the small brown bag with my urine sample up to the desk. The guy looked at me and said, “Did you find it all right?” I blushed a little, said yeah thanks, and turned to find a seat. I did not see the guy I just sucked off, but a couple of the others guys sort of smirked at me, so bet they knew and I blushed even more and sat back down. It was about 30 minutes later and I was the only patient left waiting. The older guy at the desk called me back up, then escorted me through a side door, down a hall that had several rooms with doors closed and set me in one of the exam rooms. He took my temperature, my blood pressure, weighed me, then said the doctor would be with me in a few minutes and left and closed the door. I started thinking about the guy I sucked off in the bathroom and started to get hard again and was adjusting myself when the door opened and the doctor walked in. Dr Mike was in his mid 40s I guess, about 5”11, 180, and fairly clean cut looking. He shook my hand (what a grip!), introduced himself, sat on one of those little metal rolling stools, rolled right up in front of me, then asked, “Apologies for making you wait, today was a little hectic with some last minute patients. So guy, what brings you in to see me?” Well I couldn’t tell him it was because my friend said he was a biohazard freak, so I went with the vanilla version of recently got insurance, tested poz last year, have been exploring treatment options, had seen this other doctor and was not comfortable there and a friend recommended him to me. “Who’s your friend?” Dr Mike asked. When I told him Nathan with the nose ring, he smiled and said “Oh yeah, Nathan has been a GOOD patient for a few years now,” as he sort of looked me up and down. “I know some of my colleagues have very strict opinions about certain things, but in my practice I am open to various forms of treatment and will always be honest with my patients. I also ask that you always be honest with me – help me to help you – feel free to ask me any question you want no matter how embarrassing it may seem, and I will take care of you.” Dr Mike asked me to undress down to my shorts and did a quick once over, listened to my heart, looked in my ears, asked me to open my mouth and say aaahhhh. “Now let’s chat a little about your heath and history, he said” Dr Mike asked me a series of questions and in that short few minutes had spent more time on me then the other doctor had in several visits and seemed to care about me as a patient. I was normally shy about that sort of stuff but answered all of his questions as honestly as I could. “Sorry, can you repeat the question please?” I asked, I must not have heard him right. “Do you top or bottom when you have anal intercourse?” Dr Mike asked again. “Bottom,” I said, and Dr. Mike smiled. “And when you have intercourse how often do you use protection, 100%, 50%, 25% of the time or never? And remember, I know your friend,” he said. “Humm, I…ah…well, I guess with my friend never, but with other people I don’t know, it varies I guess, but just mostly not when I am with him.” “So he cums inside you?” Dr Mike asked, and I swear he adjusted his crotch or was I imagining that. “Yeah, he cums in me,” I said as I looked down at the floor. Dr Mike responded, “Now there is nothing to be embarrassed about at all, remember what I said, and good for being honest with me. You know he is HIV positive right? He told you? Were you already positive?” I said, “Yes, but he told me after we fucked, we had been drinking.” Dr Mike smiled and asked, “Did you want him to wear a condom?” I told him, “I don’t know, no, I guess, not really, I just wanted to feel him inside me.” Dr Mike smiled again, made some more notes and kept going. “OK, so now, when was your last sexual activity?” he asked. OH SHIT, “Umm, I uh, Umm, I guess Nathan fucked me two nights ago,” I said. Dr Mike just looked at me with a stern glare, rolled his chair as close as he could, put his hands on my legs, and said again, “When was your last sexual activity?” I looked at the floor again, then him, his smile was gone, so I said, “Well, I sort of sucked a guy off in the bathroom down the hall earlier while I was waiting.” Dr Mike smiled wide and said, “Yeah that was Hank. Tall guy with the scar? I saw him right after that and he told me, like I said my patients are honest with me, just like you are being now and that’s the best for everyone. I also could also smell his cum on your breath when I checked your mouth.” Oh fuck, I was really embarrassed now, damn – but Dr. Mike just patted my leg, smiled, pushed his chair back, “Ok, now get up on the table here for me and take your shorts off.” I was too embarrassed to be turned on at this point or think about what Nathan said, so got naked and got up on the table. The room was pretty warm so my ass immediately made sticking noises on the vinyl as I got myself situated. Dr Mike rolled a small table to the side of the exam table and started to gently touch me all over my body. Usually doctors put on rubber gloves, which made me feel like even more of a pariah once I tested, but Dr Mike did not, he just slowly prodded and rubbed up and down my body. “Some people with HIV develop lumps in their lymph system, so I am checking to see how healthy you are. Looks good so far. Have you ever had any STDs? Syphilis, gonorrhea, herpes? No? Hmmm…,” Dr Mike then stepped to the counter, made a few notes and came back to me. Dr. Mike then started feeling around my crotch area, under my balls, carefully weighing each one in his hand, and then squeezed first one, the other, than both slightly. I moaned a little, he looked at me, smiled, then lifted my dick. “I see you are uncut,” as he rolled the skin back and forth several times and examined my dick. Dr Mike then said, “Please rollover,” which I did as he began running his hands and fingers up and down my back side and legs. When he got to my ass he spread my cheeks apart, ran his fingers up and down my crack, tickled the edge of my hole a little and I moaned loud that time. He seemed to pause, finished checking me, then said, “OK, now I need to check your prostate, so please get up, and bend over the end of the exam table.” As I did he sat back on his rolling stool and scooted the little table with him so that he was behind me. I bent over the edge of the table and Dr Mike said, “Now lay as flat as you can on the table, that’s it, I’m just going to use my finger and make sure everything is ok.” I soon felt his finger pushing at my hole and slide in. He was not wearing gloves, so the heat from his finger, skin on skin, made me moan again before I realized it, but damn it felt good. Dr. Mike worked his finger around inside my ass and as he did my dick started to grow. I couldn’t stop it and reached down to try to hide it. “NO, that’s OK, that’s normal for any patient, but especially one who enjoys being a bottom with anal intercourse,” Dr Mike said as he then pulled his finger out of my ass and said, OK, now hop back up on the table for me”. DAMN! I was so horny and slowly stood back up. Dr Mike scooted his chair back around in front of me and his face was almost level with my still hard dick. I tried to hide it a little by crossing my arms as he said, “I think you are in great health, and we will know more once I get all of your blood work back. While many of my colleagues suggest starting a treatment regimen right away, I do not believe that is necessary if you are still healthy and even then, like I said, there are various treatment programs.” My dick was still hard and ass was twitching, so I was having a hard time focusing but told him I understood. “Do you have any questions?” Dr Mike asked. “I have heard you can get reinfected from having sex without a condom, is that right?” I asked. “No,” Dr Mike said as he smiled, “You cannot get HIV squared so to speak. However, there is HIV-1 and HIV-2. HIV-1 is the most common and HIV-2 is rare and mostly found in West Africa. Some research shows you can pick up new strains, strains that are more intense, more virulent, more resistant, and your body may accept them or not, but if it does, it may develop its own new strain even more powerful than what you were given.” As he said that his eyes got very intense and he adjusted himself again. “I have looked at the labs from your previous bloodwork and you have a very common and what I would consider a mild strain.” Dr Mike then looked at my dick, up at me, and said, “I have one more test I want to conduct before you leave if that is OK. Is that OK?” I said, “Yes, I am happy to do whatever you want” Those must have been the magic words. “OK, now lay on your back again, here let me lower the table just a little, now scoot down all the way to the end but keep your feet on the table,” Dr Mike said as he stood up and went to the end. As I scooted down he lubed up a couple fingers this time then said, “Now lay back, spread your legs, I want to test your prostate again.” I was not sure what was going on, but did as Dr Mike asked and soon had two of his fingers wriggling around in my ass. My dick was streaming precum onto my stomach and I had all I could do not to start jerking off. I did start to moan, not realizing I was when I looked up and saw Dr Mike had a huge smile on his face now and when our eyes met he started fingering my ass faster and harder. Dr Mike then spread my legs apart more, leaned forwarded, and with his fingers still jamming my ass, he took his other hand, pulled my dick back towards him and started sucking me. OH CHRIST! That felt so good and my dick started swelling even more as his mouth work up and down my shaft as his fingers fucked my hole. I started to tremble and shake and moan and the cum started burning down my shaft as I shot into Dr Mike’s mouth. As I shot, he fingered me harder and harder until the last drop was out and my body ached from how hard I cummed. I always shot hard and far, and that one was an intense orgasm. I lay on the exam table panting, as Dr Mike stepped around, bent over my face and kissed me. As Dr Mike’s mouth covered mine and I opened up he spit some of my own cum back into my mouth! I had never had that happen before but swallowed and started swishing my tongue around his mouth looking for more. Dr Mike pulled away, wiped his mouth, his hands, then sat back down on his stool. “Go ahead and get dressed.” Once I was dressed Dr Mike stood up, got real close to me and said, “I hope you enjoyed that. Now what just happened here is between us, alright? You can tell Nathan, but no one else understand? Good.” As he kept talking Dr Mike grabbed my hand and guided it down to his dick. His dick ran down his right pant leg and was huge – oh my fucking god he was big – and HARD!! He continued, “Now, you caught me at the end of the day and I have already shot a couple loads today into a few holes that needed to be rejuiced, but want you to know you got me hard, and I do want to fuck you, do you want me to fuck you?” I just shook my head. “My cum is more toxic than you can imagine,” he said in almost a whisper as he leaned in even closer, “and I am going to give it to you. Don’t get me wrong, I breed every ass I can with my toxic cum, but I especially like boys like you who have mild strains of HIV and I can’t wait to unload in your ass. I will take care of you, so who better to fuck you raw than your doctor? I also have some other ‘treatment programs’ for you, but you did the first one already.” “What was that?” I asked. “You sucked off Hank, that big dick of his has some raw herpes sores on it,” Dr Mike said, “That’s why he likes getting sucked off in that bathroom because the light is not good and guys don’t see. But I know, I know, and now we got you marked with his herpes dick and cum, so I will take care of you and have made a note in my charts.” “I am not going to jerk off all weekend, so I think you need to come see me Monday morning and we can discuss the next step in your treatment plan,” Dr Mike said. “But isn’t your office closed on Mondays?” I asked. “Yes, but I will be here – for you,” Dr Mike said, “And Monday will be the next step in your treatment program.” As I left Dr Mike’s office that day, his words kept ringing in my ears, “My cum is more toxic than you can imagine,” and I could not wait to let him take care of me. Stay tuned for Dr Mike – Part 2 – My First Treatment Dr Mike – Part 2 – My First Treatment
  12. PART 5 - Fun at the seedy motel – the Big Man returns for the final fuck of the night *Know this part is a little long, but is the climax of the night – so enjoy. Caution for those only into vanilla sex – this may not be for you.* So, cum tally at the end of part 4 of fun at the seedy motel: 1 load in my mouth when I sucked Derrick in his car, 5 loads in my ass from Derrick in his hotel room, 2 loads in my ass from the tall guy who had watched through the window then joined in 1 load from the big guy who tore me up 1 load from Marcus in the alley 1 load from the guy just out jail who deep kissed me “TAKE MY NUTTT!!” he said as he slammed the last time into my ass. He shivered and his dick pulsed, and he yanked it out, dropped my legs, then laid on the bed beside me. Derrick’s breathing returned to normal and I started to get the feeling back in my legs. I wanted some more rock, so asked Derrick for the pipe. “Yeah, OK,” he said, got up, lit us both up, as I sat on the edge of the bed trying to get my ass and head wrapped around what had happened that night. Fuck damn – I had become a total slut for this man and still did not know shit about him. HOT!!! I was usually so fucking uptight and restrained, it was good to just totally let go and do whatever the fuck felt good and not think about it. It was now like 2:00 a.m. and we had been fucking and freaking for about 10 hours – shit – what was wrong with me, I had had my ass pummeled and yet I still wanted more, was it the rock talking? No, it was the bareback cum pig in me raising up and saying OINK!!! FEED ME!! “I need a little break, think my cum’s run dry, but my dick is still hard – damn those little pills seem to work,” Derrick said as he got on the bed beside me. Derrick turned me around on my right side so I was facing the wall by the bathroom, spread my ass a little, and slid his dick in. No spit, no lube, I was so open and wet for him I did not need it and felt some juice run out of my ass as he did. He reached down and worked a finger from his left hand into my hole beside his dick, “Fuck boy, you got a nice wet pussy now, hmmm….all the nutt up there, here lick it for me,” as he pulled his finger out and stuck it in my mouth. I licked it clean hoping I was getting some more poz cum or something from him. He stuck his finger back in my ass a couple more times and let me lick them clean. We laid like that for a while, on our sides with him behind me and his dick nestled inside my ass. The man did not get soft and seemed to have a dildo for a dick as he just never got totally soft, guess those pills did work. “I’m going to keep that hole nice and open, we ain’t done yet, no man, we ain’t done, I just need a little rest is all, you feel me? Then we’ll freak some more, as I want to see that hole WRECKED, yes I do, wrecked,” Derrick said as he had his left arm over my stomach and his head by mine on the pillows, with his dick keeping me warm in my ass. The TV was playing some old show, don’t even remember what, as I just laid there enjoying feeling Derrick’s raw cock in me, his body against mine, and the occasional run of cum and ass juice slide out my ass when he shifted. We stayed like that for a couple a hours, not really talking, just a few words here and there, decompressing I guess, and shortly after 4:30 a.m., Derrick pulled away, slid his still fairly hard dick out of my ass, stood up, and said, “Come on, now we are going to see if you’ve really learned how to give it up to a nice black bull dick.” I rolled over having no idea what he was talking about, but stood up, took the pipe from him and took several very long hits. The rush was just as intense as before and I sat back on the edge of the bed feeling the heat of the high fill my body. Derrick had picked up the phone, “Yo man, what’s up? Yeah man still got that shit going, what you doing? You good for one? Really, a couple? No rush man, you can take as long as you want to shoot. Huh? Damn fucker, alright, no no, hang on, I’ll be right up.” I had no idea what he was talking about, but Derrick sat at the table, dug into his pants that were on the floor and pulled out a little baggy. He cleared a small spot on the table and spilled a little grayish white powder out of the bag. Derrick pulled a dollar pill out of his pants, rolled it like a little straw then send, “I want you to snort this. This is the Special that Marcus gave me the discount on when you took his nutt earlier. You ever done this? No? Well OK. This shit is going to fuck you up a little, but make you feel really good, like you are floating and just chill. Now use this and bend over here, then stick one end in your nose and then sniff real hard to suck it up. Not much now, just this tiny little bit here.” So I stood up, took the dollar bill, and using it like a straw sniffed real hard and sucked up a little bit of the white power he had on the table. Fuck – that shit burned by nose, but I immediately felt it. Sort of light headed and kind of tingly and numb all over. Whoa. Derrick watched me, “Sit down, get used to it, let it take you. Now here’s what I’m thinking. The guy we freaked with earlier, the one who’s dick you tried to run from, he’s up and has a couple loads to bust. I know you can take him again, but this time I want that nigger to go all out and don’t hold back, OK? You want his nutt again? You gonna run from that bull dick again? No, I don’t think so. I think that ass of yours is still hungry and you are going to get ripped and filled and WRECKED.” Derrick started to get dressed, “Now listen up, focus boy, I want to hear you cry out when he’s fucking. That shit turns me the fuck on and turns me on good and I will give you my bull nutt again too when he’s done. You want my nutt again? Yeah? Good. I think it turns him on too as I saw how he pounded you when you asked him to stop last time, so do that too. Beg, plea, cry and scream if you want to, even if he covers your mouth again, because I am going to tell him we are going to surprise you. That you are still asleep and that I think your white pussy needs to be raped, teach you a lesson for trying to run from the dick earlier and make you know what a true pussy is used for and he should rape you as hard and nasty as he wants to teach you to serve that black bull dick, cause I want to see that shit red and puffy when he is done. Be a freak, like he can’t with no one else, you hear me? Good.” “Now, I am going to go up to his room, let him hit the pipe and get chill. In about 5 minutes I want you to snort the rest of this Special here on the table, OK? OK. Sniff it all, then lay down on the bed on your stomach. This Special is going to really relax you, so just act like you are asleep and remember what I said and do what I told you and I’ll be back in a few,” Derrick said, then grabbed his key, turned the lights off so all that was on was the TV, and left. I just nodded my head and focused on trying to keep my balance sitting there on the edge of the bed. Damn this shit was wild. I looked at my watch, and kept watching the hands go round and round until the 5 minutes was up. I went back to the table, took the dollar bill, and snorted the rest of the Special, splitting it between my two nostrils. It burned even more this time. I moved over to the bed, set the bottle of lotion on the end, and laid on my stomach, legs a little spread, and face turned towards the bathroom wall and away from the door. I felt like I was floating now and my arms and legs were tingling. I don’t know how long it was but when I focused again I realized they were in the room. I could hear their voices, but they sounded a little distant. I stayed still, part of me suddenly afraid, but that vanished almost immediately and I knew I was going to get some raw dick again and lots of cum. Suddenly I felt someone grabbing my ankles and I was yanked back towards the end of the bed rough and hard. “Get up, I said stand up,” someone growled. I staggered to my feet as two big strong hands grabbed my arms and pulled me. “Bend over, bend over bitch!” he growled. So I bent forward with my hands on the bed and I had barely done that when I felt my ass get ripped open again. HOLY FUCK! OH STOP, I cried out as I felt that monster dick rip my hole and push inside me. It felt like he was fucking me dry. I could now hear Derrick’s voice more clearly off to my right side, “That’s it, rape that white pussy. Told you it was ready and needed it. Use it man, that’s it, make it hurt. Teach it how to serve black bull dick right!” The big guy still had his hands wrapped tight around my waist and was pulling me back to meet his dick head on as hard as he could. The pain was there, and beyond belief, but at the same it did not seem like it was really me. I remembered what Derrick said and so I started to plead and cry for him to stop fucking, please don’t rape me, please stop. Derrick was right, that turned the big guy on as he pulled all the way out of my ass and slammed back in. My ass could not resist and he went deeper than I could have imagined. I was like a rag doll as he shoved his cock into me and yanked me back at the same time without mercy. I felt like I was babbling now, pleading, begging, yelping, saying no, no, no, but he just kept plowing me, over and over as deep as he could. I was then being yanked back again and pushed forward down onto the floor. The big guy dropped his full weight on top of me and I ate a mouthful of carpet as he pushed my face into the floor. I totally lost focus, and could only whimper as I felt his cock angle up and then down into the side walls of my ass. FUCK that hurt and the shot of pain brought the focus back. I managed to slightly tilt my head to the side a little under the grip of his hand on my head and started pleading again for him to stop. The pain was still there, but again sort of seemed like it was someone else, I could not really focus on the pain, just my job to do good for Derrick and keep begging for him to stop. All I could see was carpet and the bottom of the TV stand and angry shadows as the light of the TV danced off the bug guy raping my ass. He just kept slamming his dick into and dropping his weight onto, over and over for what seemed like forever. The pressure on my head increased and I could hear the muffled voice of the big guy as he said “Shit, shit, SHIT…” as he dropped his full weight on me one last time and gave me his cum. He pulled his hand off my head, “Fucking Christ – fuck,” he said as he pushed on me for leverage and got off me. I just laid there, tasting the dirty carpet in my mouth, still babbling and whimpering. I could hear voices again but could not really focus on what they were saying. Derrick then knelt down between the TV and slapped the side of my face “Hey, HEY, yeah there, come on, come one now, get up. Let me see what that nigger did to wreck that hole.” Derrick helped me and I was feeling sort of whoosy and had a little trouble, but soon found my footing. Derrick staggered me too the bathroom, “Bend over the toilet, put your hands on the toilet,” he said as I felt him take both hands and spread my cheeks. “DAMN NIGGER, you tore that pussy up, tore it up, hot damn,” Derrick said as he slid several fingers up my ass, worked them around, and brought them back out. “Here,” he said as he shoved them into my mouth. They tasted tangy and metallic and were really slimy. I sucked on them as Derrick swirled them around my mouth. “You want to look at this man, come look, look at that red angry pussy,” Derrick called to the big guy. I guess the guy said no, so Derrick said, “Come, let’s get you ready.” Ready? For what? I was not feeling as out of it anymore and as my head cleared a little it was flooded with the pain radiating from ass. Every step hurt, but I followed Derrick back out into the room. I could see the big guy was sitting at the table, Derrick turned on the lights, told me to sit on the bed, and he sat in the other chair. “Damn man that was fucking hot,” Derrick said, “You like that man? Told you you could fuck it like you want and rape that pussy. Bet you ain’t done shit like in a while huh? You want him to suck my dick while you fuck him again? Huh?” The big guy said, “No, no man, I don’t get into that shit. You can watch but like I told you, I don’t get into guys.” Derrick just chuckled a little, “Right, right, I hear you.” Derrick lit up his pipe with a big new rock, did a couple big hits then passed it to the big who did the same. The big guy handed the pipe back to Derrick, closed his eyes, tilted his back, and licked his lips a little. I looked at Derrick and started to get up to take the pipe, but Derrick said, “How you feeling? You’re head clearing up? Yeah? No, you need to do a little more Special then. Here, come over and sniff this as my man here said he can shoot a few loads and you need to let him. You want to fuck again man? Huh? Wreck and rape it again? OK. OK, so here, sniff this.” So I bent over the table and sniffed the Special he had put out. It did not burn my nose this time and I embraced the feeling it gave me as it washed down my body and my legs and arms tingled again. I looked at the big guy and his dick was rock hard and sticking almost straight up. Derrick did a hit, handed the pipe to the big guy who took a few, as I stood there watching. I think I licked my lips looking at that huge dick as Derrick got up, went behind me, turned off the lights, then as he came back said, “Get down there and suck it.” I realized my knees had some rug burn on them and were a little tender, but did not really hurt, so I got between the big guy’s legs and started to suck on his dick. As before, his dick was so long and with the angle it was really hard to get far down the shaft, but I was trying. The big guy then stood up, using his dick in my mouth to push me backwards against the bed. I lost my balance, fell back against the bed, and he used that to push his dick into my mouth further and pin me to the side of the bed with it. I choked and reached up to try to push him away. He slapped my hands away, “Don’t fucking touch me,” he said, “open your mouth, open it, you better not bite me.” The big guy then started fucking my face, forcing his dick into the back of my throat. I was starting to cough and choke, which was hard to do with that big fat dick in my mouth. I reached up again and this time he slapped my face, “God damn IT! I said don’t.” FUCK that stung. I put my hands down and just tried to breathe as I felt like I was drowning. He was now pumping my face and driving hard into the back of my throat. “Slap that pussy again, slap it man, rape that white mouth,” Derrick said. I realized he was not going to save me this time and had barely formed the thought when the big guy slapped my face again, but this time his big hand covered half the side of my head too. My ears rang, tears started running down my face again, and then SLAP – the other side. The Special seemed to be kicking in in force and again I could feel the pain, but it seemed like it was someone else. The big guy started to build a little rhythm, SLAP, slam his dick down my throat, pull out, SLAP, slam his dick down my throat. Between the Special and the slaps seemed it was getting easier to have his dick pushing in my mouth. I sure as hell could not swallow the whole thing no matter what, but it seemed to be pushing in further and I was able to gulp air in between thrusts. The big guy then yanked his dick all the way out of my mouth, grabbed my shoulders, half lifted, half threw me up on the edge of the bed. As I scrambled to get my hands stable and knees up under me, he buried his dick balls deep in one thrust. It knocked the breath out of me as he started fucking, holding my ass in place as he forced his way inside my ass. The big guy had grabbed a handful of ass flesh with each hand and was holding me in place as he fucked. Derrick said, “That’s it, yeah nigger, rape that pussy like you want, make it hurt, damn I like seeing that, that pussy is split wide open, that pussy wants it bad.” The big guy then stopped. I was panting hard and thought he must have shot his cum. The big guy leaded over my back and said, “That true? Your pussy wants it bad?” I said yes and SLAP. What the fuck? Why did he slap my face? His dick was still in my ass as he leaned closer and said, “I will ask you one more time, (SLAP) your pussy wants it bad?” I was a little confused, but remembered Derrick’s instructions and this time said, no, please stop, please don’t rape my white pussy, get off me, please, please don’t hurt it with that black bull dick! Please don’t rape my white pussy were the magic words, as he stood back up, wrapped his hands tight onto my waist, sounded like he growled a little, and started slam fucking me. I kept it up begging for him to stop and the louder I begged, the harder he fucked me raw. That big black monster dick was doing its best to rip the skin off my insides as every time he pulled out felt like my guts were going with him. I was now pleading and begging as loud as I could and Derrick’s was chiming in too urging him on. The big guys fingers wrapped even tighter around me holding me still as he raped me. “Yeah pussy, you’re going to take this cum, you better take this cum pussy, yeah!!!!!” This time when he shot his whole body quivered, spasmed, and shook, His fingers dug deeper into my waist and I yelled. It seemed to wrack him for a while, and slowly he released his grip, and backed up, pulling his dick out of my ass as he did. The blood came rushing back to my waist and even through the high of the Special I could feel where he had gripped my waist, and now my knees were even more raw then before. Derrick got up, turned on the light, and his dick was standing ready. I expected he would want to shove it right in, but he sat back down and handed the big guy the pipe again. I sat on the edge of the bed trying to breathe and suddenly aware of the empty ache in my ass. I was also wanting to taste his load and was tempted to stick my fingers up my ass to taste his hot cum. Derrick took a few hits of the pipe and adjusted his dick. I could tell he was horny as hell as he was leaking precum and I had to fight the urge to go over and lick it off the head of his dick. “Fuck nigger, that was a good one,” Derrick said, “You sure know how to rape that pussy good. What are you feeling for now? You got another one in you? Want to hit it again?” The big guy looked at Derrick and said, “Hmm, fuck, I think my nutts are dried out right now.” But I could see his cock was still half hard and I knew I wanted more. The Special was still working and I knew I could take it no matter how he fucked me. “Let’s just chill a minute then, see what you think in a minute, all good?” Derrick asked. The big guy just nodded and the Special was still playing me so I laid back on the bed, put my feet up on the edge, spread my legs a little and tilted my hole towards them. That was all it took for Derrick as he stepped over to the bed, pushed my legs back, and said, “Look at that pussy, look what your nigger dick did. You made the bitch bleed real good.” The big guy got up, stepped over, and bent down a little, “Christ, it looks bruised and tore up for sure.” I then felt a couple fingers shoved into my hole, then Derrick brought his hand around and stuck them in my mouth. YES! I was waiting for that. The metallic taste was overpowering and the gobs of cum slid easily down my throat. “Look man, you got that pussy raped nice and good and it can’t take no more can it?” Derrick said as he looked at me. I shook my head no and said please don’t, not again, and Derrick kept saying, “But looks like you could still do some damage. How about you take it one more time. I know this pussy can take it real good propped up like this, you just bust through that hole, all the way in, pull out the way out, punch fuck it.” The big guy just nodded, Derrick grabbed a couple pillows, had me scoot back a little, then put them under my hips and pulled me back to the edge of the bed. He liked it when the tall guy fucked me liked this too, so guess it was a theme. Derrick turned off the lights, the big guy grabbed my legs by wrapping his hands around my calfs, pushed my legs back so my hole was pointing up and out, and he dropped down into my hole. His cock punched through and kept going. My ass had no resistance left, just opened up and took him whole. He pulled out, aimed at my hole again and dropped his weight back onto my ass shoving his dick balls deep. I yelped and begged him to stop. He was not fucking my ass anymore, he was fucking my guts, but he kept doing what Derrick asked, would pull the way out, then drop back into my ass balls deep. I grunted, moaned, cried out and asked him not to rape me again. I spread my legs as far as he would let me, tried to push my ass up as far as I could, and let him pummel my ass, begging for him to get off me and stop. Thank God he did not listen and just fucked it like he wanted. The big guy fucked for a while, pulled out, stood up, “Yo, I’m done man,” he said to Derrick. Shit – he didn’t cum, I wanted his load again. I put my legs down and listened as he and Derrick chatted for a minute while the big guy got dressed, then he left. Derrick turned the lights on, “Get your legs up, let me see that pussy. Hold your legs back. DAMN!” Derrick ran his hand around my hole, and again, shoved several fingers up there as hard as he could. This time when he pulled them out he stuck them in his mouth, not mine. He licked his fingers like they were covered in the sweetest honey. I put my head back and waited. “You did good with him. Took it just like I asked you. That is one pussy he will not forget anytime soon,” Derrick said as he chuckled a little, “But you know that watching that shit got me horny bitch, so now you’re going to take by bull nutt.” Derrick assumed the position the big guy had and followed his example by slamming down onto my ass and burying his cock up to the balls in my ass. “Oh shit, that pussy is loose, and wet,” Derrick almost shouted. “You don’t want me to rape you too do you? Huh? No? You’re gonna take this bull nutt.” Derrick let a stream of cum loose into me and he dropped his dick in my hole one last time. He yanked out, then said, “Come here,” as he had me get on my knees and lick him clean. I tried to keep sucking on him, but he pushed me back and said, “Whew boy, that was a big nutt. Want to taste some more?” I shook my head yes, turned around, he stuck his fingers in my ass, held up his hand with his fingers spread and he and I both started to lick his fingers. Fuck that tasted good and I could feel more running down my legs as I stood there licking his fingers. It was now about 7:30 in the morning. I was coming down off the Special and the past 15 hours was catching up with me. Derrick too, as he said, “Yeah getting to be time to crash for a while. Fuck you are fun. Would love to get up in there some more, but not today. How about I give you a ride home, you can give me your number, and we’ll see about getting up again.” On the way home I could feel my ass still leaking and could not wait until I saw Derrick again. Later that day when I got up after spending several hours in bed, I realized just how sore my ass was. Not only my hole, but my cheeks had bruises on them, and I had bruises where the big guy had dug his hands into my waist. My knees were scraped up, I even had rug burn on my chest from the big guy. Wow, those men truly marked me not with just their cum, but left a nice reminder of every fuck that still gets me hard to this day. I saw Derrick several more times after that at the hotel and every time I ended up with an ass full of at least a few loads of cum, although we never did an all night session like that one again. But I did get fucked again by the tall guy, and I got fucked by the big guy too who was even rougher then this time. Maybe I’ll write about those fucks another time.
  13. Glad you enjoyed - caution - Part 2 includes MFM - so suggest go straight to Part 3 for '..the Straight Guy Objects' - also just posted Part 4
  14. PART 4 - Fun at the seedy motel – Dick in the alley in trade and fresh jail dick So, cum tally at the end of part 3 of fun at the seedy motel: 1 load in my mouth when I sucked Derrick in his car, 4 loads in my ass from Derrick in his hotel room, 2 loads in my ass from the tall guy who had watched through the window then joined in 1 load from the big guy who tore me up Derrick smiled, “You a freak boy. I like that. Glad I ran into you and you take some good dick. You want some more?” After the big guy tore me up, I did not think I could take anymore and asked Derrick if we could just chill for a bit. “Yeah, no problem,” he said, and lit the pipe up for us both. I opened some of the chips and food we bought earlier and was still trying to get my head around the fuck the big guy had just given me. I had had a couple rough fucks in my life, but not in years. My ass felt so empty now, and while my head was saying time to head home (it was around midnight), the rest of my body was still craving dick and cum. As I ate, Derrick opened the pack of pills he bought at the liquor store, “Told you I plan to stay hard, so these will help. May not have much cum left, but don’t you worry. You will get more and this bull dick.” I didn’t have the nerve to say no, so just nodded and finished eating. We sat around the table for a little while and Derrick lit the pipe, and took some more hits. “Come on, get dressed, let’s take a walk.” A walk? Where the fuck would we walk? There was nothing around. We got dressed, I dropped the poppers into my coat packet, and followed Derrick out the door. I was surprised to see some people still around in the parking lot but figured with what had been going on at least in his room tonight, could imagine lots of shit going down in the rest of the hotel. Derrick led the way towards the side entrance, we then turned right, and headed down a little hill. We saw several cars coming up the hill and I was surprised at the traffic. I asked Derrick about it. “Folks getting weed, buddy down at the bottom there hooks them up with that and other shit too. I want to see if he’s got some Special in, would love to see you on that shit getting some big dick.” So we walked a little further down the side street that had warehouses on both sides with the occasional alley in between the loading docks. As we got near the intersection Derrick stopped near the last alley, “Wait here a minute,” he said then kept walking. I sat on the steps by the loading dock and waited. A few minutes later Derrick came back around the corner with another guy. This dude looked young. More like a boy. He had dreds like Derrick, and about the same build but younger, maybe 20 or so. Derrick said, “This is Marcus, buddy of mine. Told him you been freaking with me and we needed some good Special shit. Told him he could fuck you if he wanted, give me a little discount or something.” I just said hi and sat there. Derrick and Marcus then stepped into the alley and Derrick said, “Come on, my man’s a working man here and got shit to do.” So I got up and followed them into the alley between the warehouses. Within 10 feet of the opening to the alley it was pretty dark and Derrick and Marcus stopped by a couple dumpsters that were there. “Bend over,” Marcus said. So I slid my pants down and bent over, placing my hands on the wall between two of the dumpsters. It was a little cool that night, and I started getting goose bumps and my dick was not hard at all. But did not seem to bother Marcus as I heard him spit, felt him wipe some spit in my ass and around my hole, then heard him spit again. Marcus pushed his dick into me and oh it felt nice. What was it with these guys barebacking? No one asked about condoms – damn – not that I was complaining, but what had I been missing? It was about the same size as Derrick’s but not as wide. After the big guy fuck this was a breeze. My ass was sore as hell, but his dick was a lot smaller, so I arched my back and pushed my ass out to meet him. “That’s nice,” he said, and kept pumping. I looked back and saw Derrick was standing a little further back, guess he was watching for anyone else. Marcus kept fucking and soon picked up his pace. “Damn,” Marcus said as he shot into my ass. He pulled his cock out and without being asked I turned around, got on my knees and licked him clean. “Good huh?” Derrick asked. Marcus said, “It’s OK, look here’s your Special, I got to get back to the corner.” I pulled up my pants and was sort of disappointed. Well fuck, he did not seem all that into it. I told Derrick I was sorry and he said “Fuck it, who cares what that youngin thinks. He shot his nutt, he gave me a discount for the Special so we’re good.” We then walked back to the motel. When we got back in the room Derrick lit the pipe for us again, and got the high going. “I liked hearing you cry out. Made me horny as fuck, you know? And damn, seeing your hole all red and swollen after my man raped it. Let me look at it again,” Derrick said. I took my pants off and bent over as he sat at the table. He ran his fingers around my hole, probing at it, sticking one, then two fingers in. I pulled away a little as I was pretty sore now. “Still nice and red, here, taste Marcus’ cum,” as Derrick held out his fingers, glistening with gobs of cum, tinged slightly pink. I slurped on his fingers and he moaned. “Hmm, yeah like it when I hear that hole being hurt, sounds of a good pussy, and gets me so fucking hard, bend over.” So I bent over the side of the bed, Derrick slid his pants down, got behind me, and shoved his dick – dry – into my ass. It resisted and he pushed harder, scraping my insides as he pushed in. “Like that? Feel that hurt? Let me hear you cry, Hmmm….” Derrick said as he fucked. Then he started like the big guy did, pulled all the way, slammed through the outer ring, pulled out and did it again. He was not as big, but I was still sore, so it still hurt and I whimpered and cried out a little each time. “Yeah, make it hurt, hmmm.” Derrick did that for a few minutes then pulled out. Damn – he didn’t cum. “You sure you still want some more?” Derrick asked, I said yes, so he said, “Alright, think I know where I might run into something. Going to see who’s around down the road a bit where some folks hang, got any more cash on you? but first, here,” as he grabbed the pipe, put in some fresh rock and lit it up. He then he got dressed, grabbed his keys and left. So I opened a beer, sat on the bed, pulled the blanket over me and watched TV. Derrick was gone about an hour and I was starting to sober up and feel tired as the rock did not last, but then I heard his keys in the door and he came in, followed by another guy. This guy was about Derrick’s size and about same age I guess. He had on just a t-shirt with a basketball logo, which seemed strange since it was not really warm out. Derrick said, “My man here just got out of DC jail yesterday. He was hanging out down off 5th Street and he’s looking to warm up, freak and make a little something. I gave him your $40 and told him what I wanted.” With that the other guy said “Hey, what’s up?” I almost laughed, I assumed he knew what was up, but said just having fun. Derrick lit up the pipe, handed it to the new guy, then to me, then he took a few hits. He then passed it around again and then back to me. We were out of Coke, so Derrick handed the new guy some change and asked him to go grab a couple from the soda machine up near the front. The guy left the room and Derrick said, “I made him show me his dick first, he’s got a big one, not as big as the other one, but big, so you gonna feel it. He said he only fucks fags for money, so that’s why I had to give him the cash, OK? OK. He’s gonna do what I like, so you open up again, here take some more hits.” I had just finished up a hit when the guy knocked, Derrick let him in, and offered him another hit. “You ready?” Derrick asked, I nodded yes, and the new guy took off his sneakers, his t-shirt, and his pants. Very nice body, total v-shaped torso, a few cool tattoos, and a nipple ring in his left nipple. Woof! His dick was already hard, so I just got doggy style on the bed and moved the bottle of lotion beside me. “No,” Derrick said, “Move down a little so I can watch, and no lotion, just want him to use spit to fuck you, you cool with that man? Like we talked about?” The new guy said, “Sure,” and I hit the poppers and braced for it. He was not as large as the big guy, but still a pretty big dick, bigger then Derrick’s for sure and while my ass was open and used, my outer ring still resisted his first push. This time there was no mercy, he forced through my outer ring, passed the second and was balls deep. I yelped really loud and swore even louder knowing Derrick wanted that, and when I did the new guy slapped my ass and said, “Shut up faggot.” What the fuck? Derrick then started in, “Yeah man, rape that faggot ass, make that hole bleed man, rape that faggot and show him who’s in charge, fuck it HARD!” The new guy then started slapping my ass hard, alternating hands, as he pushed his dick in so I could feel his low hanging balls slap my ass and then pulled it all the way out of my ass. He did the same thing Derrick had done before, pulled all the way out, slammed it back through the hole. Again, I felt like my ass was being torn, it was so dry, and every time I yelped or cried out he would slap my ass harder and say, “Shut up faggot.” Derrick kept urging him on, “Rape it, rape that white pussy for me, make that pussy bleed, come on now, slap it, fuck it, fuck that faggot!” The new guy obeyed and continued to tear me up and slam my ass, which was stinging from his hits, but at the same time was turning me the fuck on! His slaps on my ass picked up, and the new guy said, “Fucking faggot, take my cum!!!” and he shot his load. His pace slowed, but did not stop, as he worked his cum up my ass. He slowly pulled out, then he reached down, lifted my left leg, and flipped me onto my back. He scooted me back further onto the bed and crawled up on the bed, lifted my legs, and positioned his dick to go back in. Derrick said, “Alright man, how about another hit?” The new guy said, “No, I ain’t done.” His dick was not fully hard so with my legs up against his shoulders he jacked his cock a few times, it got harder, and he guided it back into my ass. DAMN! That angle hurt more than doggy style, as he forced it balls deep, then slowly pulled up, then pushed back, up then back. He leaned forward even further, wrapped both arms around my shoulders and neck and pulled me into him as he jack fucked my ass like a fucking rabbit. I wrapped my arms around him and squeezed tight, holding on for the ride, and I could only grunt and moan as his raw dick continued to make my hole open for him. The new guy then started to kiss my neck, full on mouth and tongue, which surprised me, and Derrick even more. “Alright man, OK, enough, come on, let me get some now, come on.” The new guy slowed, kissed me on the lips hard, deep, and slow, then eased his dick out of my ass. Derrick was right there, put my legs up, and slammed his dick in where the new guy had just been, working the new guy’s cum into me. He leaned down on top of me as he fucked, “Fuck yeah, bleed that pussy, mmm, tear it up for this nutt.” I could not see the new guy, but Derrick did not fuck long at all. He soon pulled off, sat in the chair, and as I sat up saw the other guy was sitting in the other chair with the damned cutest smile. Derrick offered up the pipe, so we all took a few hits and sat there a bit. Derrick got up to use the bathroom and the new guy stepped over to me, bent down, and started kissing me again. “He wanted me to fuck you like that you know? I need the money, so hope I didn’t hurt you.” I said no, I was good, but thanks. It felt really good. He smiled again and said, “You liked it?” I told him I LOVED it A LOT, he had an amazing dick and when he kissed me I just wanted him deeper and deeper as his raw cock felt so good. I did not care how he fucked as long as I had his nice black dick in my ass it was all good. He laughed a little, kissed me some more with his tongue trying to get down my throat and was trying to rub my ass. “Put your legs up,” he said. So I laid back and he quickly had my legs up and his dick buried back in my ass and his tongue down my throat again. “Can I see you, I want to see you?” he asked as he pulled away a little, looked into my eyes, and gave me that wicked cute smile again. I totally melted and I shook my head yes and then we heard the toilet flush and Derrick came back out. “Fuck man, ain’t what we agreed to. Get off,” Derrick said. The new guy kissed me one last time, taking his time before he pulled away, and stood up. Derrick reached into his pants, “Here’s your $40, think it’s time you go.” The new guy said, “Alright, can I have your number?” as he looked at me. Derrick said, “Get dressed,” and got up in the new guy’s face. With that the new guy got dressed, looked around Derrick’s shoulders at me, and left. Derrick seemed pissed. He locked the door, came over, pushed my legs back and slammed in. “Fucking pussy, you’re mine tonight, now beg for this black nutt, beg while I bleed that pussy.” Derrick then pushed my legs back as far as he could and rough fucked. He was grunting, groaning, and sweating now with every thrust. “TAKE MY NUTTT!!” he said as he slammed the last time into my ass. He shivered and his dicked pulsed, and he yanked it out, dropped my legs, then laid on the bed beside me. So, cum tally at the end of part 4 of fun at the seedy motel: 1 load in my mouth when I sucked Derrick in his car, 5 loads in my ass from Derrick in his hotel room, 2 loads in my ass from the tall guy who had watched through the window then joined in 1 load from the big guy who tore me up 1 load from Marcus in the alley 1 load from the guy just out jail Stay tuned for part 5 – the Big Man returns for the final fuck fest of the night – can I take it all?
  15. PART 3 - Fun at the seedy motel –the Straight Thug Objects “Told you I was a freak, now let’s chill a bit. Need a drink, then we’ll see about getting up.” In part 2 Derrick had just finished shooting a third load up my ass while I shot my poz cum into someone else. Derrick was sitting at the table in the motel room, which was still covered with empty beer bottles, coke cans, food wrappers, a couple ashtrays with cigarettes in various stages of being smoked, and his pipe and supplies. So, cum tally at the end of part 2: 1 load in my mouth when I sucked Derrick in his car, 3 loads in my ass from Derrick in his hotel room, 2 loads in my ass from the tall guy who had watched through the window then joined in, and “Told you I was a freak, now let’s chill a bit. Need a drink, then we’ll see about getting up,” Derrick said as he sat at the table, still naked, but his dick was clean as I had licked it clean after his load. The curtains were still open a little on the end, but I didn’t care anymore. Hell, whoever had wanted to had watched me get fucked by two different guys, watched me unload in a hooker’s cunt, and more – so screw it. I was too buzzed to care anymore. I looked at my watch and it was now about 9:30 p.m., I had been with Derrick for about 5 hours now and my week long vacation and plan on getting as much dick and cum as I could was off to an amazing start! I was not tired at all as between sleeping in late that day, and the rock in the pipe, I was wired and up. My ass was sore though, and when I sat down at the table with him realized just how tender my hole was now. But I liked it, it was “I know I have just been fucked good” sore, so I embraced it and looked forward to what else the night might bring. Derrick got up to use the bathroom, but told me to make him a Jack and Coke. The Coke was now a little warm, and the Jack Daniels bottle was now empty as I poured the last of it into a plastic cup I found by the bathroom sink. As I went to get the cup I watched a second as Derrick was pissing, a long steady stream, and right then wanted nothing more than to taste it. When he came back out, I handed him the cup with the JD and Coke, noticed his dick head looked a little wet, and knelt down and licked the remaining piss off his dick. Then sat back in the chair. Derrick gave me that evil grin again, but didn’t say anything and took a swig of his drink and lit a cigarette. I wanted to ask him about where he was from, if he was straight or what, but figured best to just keep quiet and not ruin the fun. If Derrick wanted to tell him he would, so I opened another beer, which was totally warm now. We made some small talk, about really nothing, Derrick finished off his JD and Coke, looked at the empty bottle. “Need to hit the liquor store before they close, get some more JD, beer, bag of ice, and those little pills they sell behind the counter to keep your dick hard. This good shit does that too, but I am going to keep fucking you if you can take it. Can you take it some more?” I was still horny as hell and wanted to be the biggest cum pig I could, so said hell yeah, I could handle anything he had - LOL – little did I know my mouth would get me into trouble on that one. We got into his car and as we drove out of the parking lot I noticed there were a lot more cars now then when we came in and more people standing around outside. No one seemed to pay us any mind, so we drove to a liquor store about 5 minutes away. I gave Derrick some cash, asked him to grab some chips or something too, and soon we were back to the motel. This time Derrick entered the far end of the parking lot and drove completely around the motel real slow as he looked at the cars and folks standing outside. I thought maybe he was looking for the tall guy again. He parked, we went back into the room, he made another drink, and told me to pour the ice into the bathroom sink to chill the beers that had gone warm. Once we got settled Derrick pulled his pipe out, opened the plastic bag that still had a bunch of rock in it, and said, “You ready?” I shook my head yes, finished my beer, then took my clothes off. Derrick was still dressed as he handed me the pipe, used the lighter, and let me take a few big hits. He then did the same, sat back and let it kick in a little. I was ready – I wanted his dick in me and got up to kneel in front of him to suck him again. “No,” Derrick said, “Got something else planned. Now take a few more big hits, then bend over the end of the bed.” So I took the hits, went to the end of the bed and bent over. The opening in the curtains gave a clear shot of me bent over to anyone who walked by who bothered to look. While the room lights were not that bright, they were bright enough, so I knew my white ass was being seen. Derrick grabbed his keys, “I’ll be right back,” and he left. I knelt on the floor then and laid my chest on the bed on top of a couple pillows, waiting for Derrick to return. My dick was hard thinking about him or the tall guy fucking me again. He was barely gone a couple minutes when I heard him opening the door. Derrick walked in and behind him walked in this big monster of a man. This dude was maybe a little shorter then the tall guy, but not by much, and built thick and broad like a football player. He also had a bit of a gut that stuck out through his open jacket and short buzzed hair. He looked rough – total street thug type and maybe mid-40’s. “What the fuck - that ain’t no pussy!” the new guy said. “You said you had some pussy here needing to be fucked damn it!” “Relax my man,” Derrick said, “I told you I had some good white pussy and that is some GOOD white pussy that is ready for any black dick that needs to fuck. Alright? I told you I’d take care of you, now here, just chill, sit a sec, and hit this shit. Got some good shit, so chill man, OK?” I was ready to run at that point, this dude was not happy and figured I could hide in the bathroom if I had too, but he just glared at me a second longer, then sat at the table. I didn’t dare to move to just stayed kneeling at the end of the bed as Derrick put some rock in the pipe and handed it to the new guy. The guy glared at me again, but took the pipe, several big hits, passed it back to Derrick, and I could see him visibly relax a little as the rock kicked in. He closed his eyes a little, licked his lips a few time, and said, “Got a drink?” Derrick handed him the bottle of JD and his plastic cup, the guy pored some in the cup, did it as shot, then set the bottle on the table. “Better man?” Derrick asked him. The guy shook his head, “Yeah.” Derrick handed the pipe to him again and said, “See man, good shit, I told you, now I know that shit makes a dick hard, so let the pussy suck it for you a little, it’ll feel good, telling you man, real good.” The big guy did not reply right away, just closed his eyes a little again and licked his lips then said, “Alright, but turn off the fucking lights.” Derrick got up, turned off the lights, closed the opening in the curtains, as the guy hit the pipe. “Now suck him,” Derrick said. I was still unsure about this, but the guy had taken another hit, had his head back and had spread his legs a little, so I scooted over in front of him. By the light coming in from around the edges of the curtain, and the bathroom and TV, the dude was even scarier up close. “You good man?” Derrick asked, and the big guy just grunted, so I reached up and rubbed the bulge that was showing in his pants. Fucking Christ – his dick was as big as he was! It felt like a monster! He did not stop me so I began to work at his fly and could not get it open. He then stood up abruptly scaring the shit out of me, undid his belt, opened his pants, let them drop to the floor, then sat back down in the chair and grabbed the pipe again. FUCK that dick was HUGE! Not only was it quite a bit longer than Derrick’s, but it was very thick and round with a massive head on it. I was stunned and not quite sure, but reached out, lifted it with my hands, slowly peeled the foreskin back, and started rubbing my tongue around the head. “Hmmm,” the big guy moaned. Derrick lit his pipe up and watched as I licked the head and started licking up and down the shaft. I then worked to get the head in my mouth. It was difficult at that angle, but I finally got the head in and felt my jaws scream as I opened wide to swallow as much dick as I could. I sucked him for a little while and had spit and drool running out of my mouth as I tried to manage that monster dick. As he got harder I started to gag as I went down on him, which seemed to turn him on as he began thrusting his hips a little, which made me gag even more. I started to pull my head off his dick and he suddenly grabbed my head with both hands, pushed my head down onto his dick and thrust up at the same time. His dick suddenly filled my throat my completely and I could not breathe! Tears started streaming down my face as I gagged and tried to breathe, trying to pull off, but he was not letting go, just tried pushing his dick deeper down my throat. Finally, after it felt like I was going to pass out, “Yo man, hit this shit again,” Derrick said. The big guy let go, and I pulled myself off his dick and sat back trying to catch my breath. Holy fuck – the asshole was trying to kill me! Derrick laughed a little, “Was not so bad now huh? Told you I would take care of you big man.” The big guy took the pipe, did not say anything, and did a few more hits. Derrick kept talking, “So you know man, got this pussy opened up for you, bet it could take you if you want to fuck – you know nothing feels better with this good shit then a nice hot pussy wrapped around your dick so you can bust that nutt – you feel me?” The big guy just looked at Derrick, handed him the pipe, “Yeah, OK, but you need to leave. I like to fuck a long time and I don’t want nobody watching me.” Derrick said, “Ain’t gonna happen. My room, my shit, so you either gonna do this or you ain’t.” The big guy said, “OK, but I got to piss,” and stood up and went to the bathroom and closed the door. I stood up and told Derrick I did not think I could take it, he was way too big. “You’ll be alright, you can take it, I got you nice and opened up and I know that hole is gonna like this. Here, you better do some big hits, you are really gonna need it this time. And don’t disappoint me, because I want to see that hole wide open and if you do a good job I got some more bull nutt myself to put up there.” With that, he put a big piece of rock on the pipe and had me take several huge hits. The guy was still in the bathroom, so Derrick took a hit, then handed me the pipe again, “You just open up – let him in – OK, just open up. You told me you could handle anything I had, so you better handle this.” I shook my head and was now feeling a little dizzy as the rock kicked in and the rush of euphoria made me feel hot from head to toe. Derrick squirted a big gob of lotion in his hand, reached out, and started rubbing it in my hole. I bent forward a little and he roughly shoved three fingers up my ass, then a fourth and worked them around. It hurt, but the cool from the lotion felt good. “Get on the bed on your hands and knees,” Derrick said. So I walked back to the end of the bed and got in position. The big guy came out of the bathroom, shut the bathroom light off, went to turn the TV off, but Derrick said, “No, I am going to watch. Here take another hit then you can hit that pussy, OK? OK? We’re just having a little fun and got some good white pussy for you to fucking breed. You said you needed some pussy tonight, well big man I’m taking care of that. So hit this pipe, then I want to see you fuck that white pussy like you want? You know? You just take it, that pussy ain’t going nowhere, so you enjoy it.” The big guy walked over to Derrick and I looked to the side as he stood there taking the hit. The shadow of that monster dick against the light from the window was amazing, but scared the hell out of me. I still didn’t think I could take it, but didn’t see much choice. I held the pillows under me tighter, opened the poppers and started taking big hits. The poppers mixed with the rock made me feel even more out of it. I was shocked back to reality as I felt the guy press between my legs and a stream of lotion flow into my crack. I put my head down as I heard him lube up his dick and looked to the side as Derrick was sitting there stroking his cock in the chair closest to the end of the bed. The big guy then started pressing the head of his dick against my hole. He didn’t say a word, just pushed his dick. My hole was open from all the fucking, but still resisted and the big guy pushed harder. My world exploded as that monster head popped through the outer ring and into my ass. I yelped, swore, saw stars and thought I was going to pass out from the pain, but that did not stop him, he just kept pushing his dick, trying to open me up. By reflex I tried to run from that dick and pull away, but his hands grabbed my ass and pulled me back towards him. “Yeah man, want to see you rape that white pussy good,” Derrick said, “That’s it, open that pussy up, yeah man, you fuck it like you want, bet you ain’t had pussy you could fuck like you want and cum inside of in a long time.” When did Derrick become an evil bastard? The big guy didn’t say anything, just pushed forward with his hips and pulled me back towards him with his hands. He paused, his dick did not feel like it was that far into me, but it hurt like fucking hell! He shifted his hands up around my waist, tightened his grip, pulled me back a little on the bed, then thrust hard and paused. I saw stars again, yelped even louder, and gasped as that knocked the wind out of me. I tried fumbling with the poppers and spilled more than I was able to sniff, but it helped. The big guy repositioned himself again, pulled back a little then thrust hard again. FUCK – it felt like he was literally splitting me open. I wanted to scream or cry out, but now when I opened my mouth just little whimpering gurgling sounds came out. The pause was even shorter this time as he pulled that monster cock back and thrust, pulled back and thrust. “Put some more lotion on that shit man,” Derrick said, “Then tear up that pussy.” The bastard was urging him on! Fucker. The big guy pulled his cock all the way out of me and that time the cry in my throat came out real loud and Derrick just chuckled. The big guy squirted some more lotion on his dick, I quickly hit the poppers, and then he was pushing that monster head back in. The monster dick head popped in through my outer ring, and I cried out again, loud as I could this time. He pulled all the way out and did it again, making me cry out even louder. I think that turned him on as the head felt even bigger and he pulled it out and popped it through several times real fast. I could barely breath from the pain now and managed to ask him to please stop. He paused and I thought thank God, I can’t take anymore. But Derrick said “Naw man, don’t stop. Told you, fuck that pussy like you want. I want to see that white pussy get raped and you’re the big man to do it, now bust it up.” What? Before I could say another word the big guy started fucking again. This time he was pushing in as far as he could with each thrust of his dick, which took him deeper and deeper up my ass. He blew out the second hole in my ass and kept going. I was whimpering, babbling, and almost crying out loud as he raped my ass and with the firm grip he had on my waist there was no where to run. Through the pain there was a new level of pleasure that I started to feel. While every thrust was excruciating, it was also feeling good too and I knew I was truly being fucked by a monster dick. Totally raw – skin on skin – deeper and harder then I could believe. The big guy kept fucking and I realized my ass must be loosening up for him (not by choice, but force) as he was fucking faster and deeper and the deeper he went, the more ecstasy I felt. I was starting to really get into it when he paused, pushed himself up behind me on his knees onto the bed, then pushed me forward and face down so I was laying flat. The pillows I had placed under my stomach for support were now under my hips, which elevated my hole a little. The big guy laid flat on top of me, reached around, and grabbed one ass cheek in each hand. He spread my ass open, worked his dick in my hole a little deeper, then put his hands back up near my head. His dick was hitting even deeper in the position and my whimpering and yelps of pain started to get louder. I had my head turned to the right thinking Derrick could hear me better and would stop the guy, but he didn’t. One thrust made me cry out really loud and this time the big guy moved his left arm under my neck, and covered my mouth with his hand. I could feel his breath on my ear and side of my face as he placed his head against mine and kept fucking. His mouth must have been open as I felt some spit from him dribble onto my face. He was totally raping me now so I tried to just focus on relaxing and letting him have my ass. I don’t know how long he fucked, it felt like forever as he laid on me pumping his raw dick in and out of my ass. I was having a hard time breathing between his hand over my mouth and his weight on me, but he did not seem to care. He started to moan and grunt and his fucking got a little faster and rougher. “That’s it man – breed that white pussy with that nutt – rape that nutt up there,” Derrick said, “Rape it harder, MAKE IT HURT!” The big guy’s moaning got louder and his grip on my face tightened – he then stopped fucking and started a guttural moan, “Uuhhhh, Uhhhh, UHHHHH” and started fucking harder and faster again. He was pulling almost all the way out and slamming in now and moaning ‘UHHHHH’ – he paused again and this time I felt his cock swell, and quiver as he started to shoot, “FUCK,” he said he as cummed way up in my guts. His orgasm rocked his body, and he then moved his hand away from my mouth, took his arm from under my neck and just lay on top of me breathing hard. It seemed like he stayed like that for a couple minutes as I felt his dick soften up inside me. I still felt full, but could tell he was not hard anymore. His dick slid out of my ass, he rolled off me, stood up, and went into the bathroom. I was still trying to catch my breath when Derrick said, “Told you you would take it,” and laughed a little. “Got this bull fucking hard hearing you cry like that you nasty little fuck, now just stay like that.” No problem, I couldn’t move. I heard the water in the tub running, the toilet flush, and the big guy came out. Derrick said, “Yo man, that was good huh?” The big guy was still breathing heavy and just said, “Yeah,” and proceeded to put his pants on and got dressed. “You up for freaking again later? Want to hit that pussy again” Derrick asked him. The big guy said, “Yeah, OK, if I can get some more of that good shit you got. That’ll work. I’m always horny as fuck when I wake up. If you still up, here’s my room number, should be up around 4:30 a.m.” And with that he left. Again? Fuck no. Not me. Derrick then opened the end of the curtains a little like before, walked over to the bed, “Now I’m gonna give you some more bull nutt,” as he climbed onto the bed, got on my back, and in one push shoved his cock balls deep into me. I barely flinched after the fuck I just took and the thought of him working the big guy’s cum into my guts made my dick hard and I started to beg him to fuck me, fuck me harder, please fuck it. Derrick grabbed my shoulders and fucked like there was no tomorrow. He was already close, “Let me hear you cry, take this nutt in that raped pussy, take this bull nutt, oh yeah yeah yeah…….” And Derrick shot his load. When he was finished he stood up, turned the lights on, and knelt back on the bed. He pushed my legs open, spread my cheeks, and probed at my hole with his fingers. “DAMN you’re open, and my man tore you up, nice mix of blood and cum back here. You been FUCKED!” as he laughed a little. Blood? Damn, well I was sure that whatever Derrick had and the big guy had I had too. The thought of them pozzing me even more made my dick even stiffer. What else did they give me? Derrick got off the bed, sat at the table, and I got up to use the bathroom. My ass was totally open and a mix of blood, cum, ass juice, and lotion started coming out. Damn – no wonder my ass hurt. I thought I was sore before! I finished, went back out to the room and sat at the table. Derrick gave me that evil grin, “You a freak boy. I like that. Glad I ran into you and you take some good dick. You want some more?” So, cum tally at the end of part 3: 1 load in my mouth when I sucked Derrick in his car, 4 loads in my ass from Derrick in his hotel room, 2 loads in my ass from the tall guy who had watched through the window then joined in 1 load from the big guy who tore me up Stay tuned for part 4 – Dick in the alley in trade and fresh jail dick
  16. PART 2 - Fun at the seedy motel – MfM action “How’s that ass doing?” Derrick asked. “I still got plenty of rock and I ain’t even started getting my freak on.” As part 1 of my first evening with Derrick wrapped and he asked about my ass, up my cum tally was: 1 load in my mouth when I sucked Derrick in his car, 2 loads in my ass from Derrick in his hotel room, and 2 loads in my ass from the tall guy who had watched through the window then joined in. I was wired, horny as hell, and my ass was open and I could not hold it all in anymore. I got up off the bed and went to the bathroom, closed the door, and let it out. I could not believe the mix of cum, lotion, and ass juice that came out. Felt like I had to take a big shit and it all just let out. I sat there for a minute, letting my ass relax and making sure I was done, before wiping off and joining Derrick back in the room. Derrick was sitting at the table, still naked, smoking a cigarette. “You alright?” he asked. “So, how’s that ass doing? Like I said, I plan to party and have no intention of crashing anytime soon as this shit wires me up, you feel it? I am going to freak some more bull nutt up there when I’m ready.” I did not object, but did ask for one of the sandwiches now. I noticed the curtain to the room was still pulled back a little and asked Derrick if he thought other people had seen us. “Hope so. Will make the rest of the night more fun,” Derrick said as he finished his cigarette. He got up, started to put his pants on, his shirt, and said, “Need a Coke, be right back.” He grabbed his keys, a handful of change, and bills off the table and stepped out. I finished up the sandwich, then closed the curtain, seeing people walk by was making me nervous and while I felt wired, was sobering enough to be nervous. So, I grabbed a beer and gulped it down, and opened another and tried to get that one down too. Derrick came back about 10 minutes later and I was sitting on the bed with the TV on. I had put my underwear and t-shirt on and Derrick looked at me and said, “Get ready.” He stepped back to the window and opened the curtains a little that I had closed – damn – looked at me and said, “I told you I like to be watched. Leave’em alone. Ain’t no one going to give me shit, so just chill.” I apologized, got undressed again, and watched as Derrick set the Coke cans on the table, and got undressed. Like I said, he was not handsome at all, but very masculine, and while not real cut or muscular, a nice rugged solid body, and man, what a dick! Not super long, but wide and thick. Seeing his dick again made my ass start to twitch and my dick start to get hard thinking about him cumming in me again. I felt a little bit of guilt flash again for not telling him I was poz, but he did not ask, neither did the tall guy, and I figured fuck, if they are willing to fuck raw they must be too, so thinking they gave me some poz cum made my ass throb with hunger for more. If don’t ask don’t tell can work for the Army, can work for fucking with strangers too. By now, I was also wanting to hit the pipe again. I had felt how it made Derrick and the other guy’s dick swell, and it made me relax and buzzed and horny as hell, so was anxious to get some more so I could feel his dick again. Derrick was thinking the same thing as he held the pipe up, put some rock in the end, handed it to me and smiled as I put it to my lips and he lit the end. Oh yeah, that was good. I handed it back to Derrick and without him asking, I got down onto my knees and started sucking his limp dick as he took a hit. Derrick sat back in the chair, and let the rock and mouth do their work, and his dick began to swell up and get hard. I looked up as he exhaled and the cloud of smoke around his head and the swelling of his dick in my mouth was sexy as hell. Then there was a knock at the door. I stopped, looked up at Derrick who pushed me back, “Stay there,” and got up to answer the door. He opened the door, stepped back, and in walked a woman! Holy shit – I did not expect that. Was this his girlfriend? Crap. Derrick said, “Hey girl. Come in. Sit down, let’s take care of you.” I was still on the floor, so got up and sat on the edge of the bed. The woman was about 5’4, maybe early 20s, had on a short skirt, strapped heels, a half’cut shirt and small jacket. She was pretty cute, and I guessed was a hooker from her dress and the fact she did not even react when she saw me sitting on the floor naked. She took off her jacket, sat in the other chair at the table as Derrick handed her the pipe and she took a big hit. She handed it back to Derrick and as he took a hit, she got down on her hands and knees in front of him and began sucking his dick. Fuck – what was going on? I scooted down the edge of the bed a little towards the door to give them room. Could see people occasionally walk by the window, and stop sometimes to look in where they could see the girl on her knees sucking Derrick. I was still looking at the window when Derrick said, “Now him.” The girl scooted across the floor, wrapped her hand around my dick and started sucking it. I had been with a couple women years ago, but not really my thing once I realized how much I loved dick in my ass, but between the pipe and being fucked earlier, my dick was hard and responding to her mouth. Derrick then took a big hit, stood up, and came to stand beside her as he guided my mouth onto his dick. I could see out of the corner of my eye that someone was at the window watching again, but with my head turned to the left and Derrick’s dick fucking my mouth, could not really see more than that. “Get up,” Derrick said as he pulled his dick out of my mouth. The woman sucking me stopped, she stood up and I could see she had lifted her shirt up exposing her tits, which were clearly fake as they were almost round, and looked sort of hard. “On your back, want you to take some white cock,” Derrick said to her. As she got on the bed I just looked at him and opened my mouth to object and say I did not get into fucking women and in my mind was saying, I can’t because I am poz. Derrick handed me the pipe, “Nice big hit, you will need it.” So I took several big deep hits as Derrick lit the end. “Now fuck her,” Derrick said. She did not ask for a condom and he did not hand me one, so assume raw it was. She scooted forward on the bed, spread her legs up and out, and started fingering her cunt. Her eyes were closed and I just stood there. Not really sure what to do. “FUCK her,” Derrick said again. OK, my dick was hard and the rock had kicked in, so what the hell. I put my hands on the bed on either side of her, just above her hips, leaned over her a little, and pushed my raw dick into her cunt. Having only fucked a woman a couple times before (totally drunk), I cannot say if she had a nice cunt or not, but it was warm, my dick was hard from the hit, so I started fucking her. She did not say or word or even moan, just laid there with her eyes closed. I felt Derrick behind me, heard him take a hit on the pipe and set it down. I then heard him squirt out some of the Walgreen’s lotion and felt his hand start to wiggle into my ass crack. He slid two fingers right into my hole, and was working on a third. I started to moan and as I would pull out from her cunt, would push back on his fingers. Derrick pulled his fingers out of my ass and scooted up real close behind me so I was almost falling over onto the woman on the bed. I paused from fucking her a second, and Derrick said, “You ready for some more bull nutt? Got you nice and open, so plan to shoot that nutt deep.” I tried to push up and off her and Derrick said, “No, you stay in her cunt OK, we’re gonna freak like my boy did earlier.” With that he pushed the head of his dick into my ass, and my ass opened up for him and I felt his balls kiss my cheeks as he was all the way in. Derrick started fucking my ass with only his dick touching me. I looked over my shoulder and saw he was rubbing his left nipple with his left hand and his right hand he had just out to the side like he was trying to balance on a skateboard. As Derrick fucked my ass, I fucked the cunt on the bed and tried to match Derrick’s pushes so that as he pulled back, I went into her so I got a nice long dicking from him with every thrust. Derrick kept a steady pace for a while, “Oh yeah, feel that bull nutt working in my balls,” as he now grabbed my shoulders and started pulling me back onto his dick. My ass was so hungry for that cum and every thrust of his dick was making my prostate feel like little fireworks were going off in my ass. The woman was still just laying there, so I kept fucking. I was starting to get close, and was concerned about shooting my poz cum in her, and also usually cannot get fucked once I cum, so I told Derrick we better stop as I was close. “Keep fucking her cunt, keep fucking.” So I did. I could feel my cum building up and pushed back on Derrick’s dick as hard as I could and started to beg for him to fuck me and to make me cum. Derrick fucked even harder and I was started to breathe heavy as the orgasm built, I told Derrick I was ready and he slam fucked me even deeper. I’m CUMMING. I started to unload in her cunt as Derrick fucked me. My whole body spasmed, tensed, and it felt like I was cumming buckets. Derrick just kept fucking as my ass clamped down and gripped his dick like a vise. Every thrust of his dick made me cum a little more and made my ass hurt as he punch fucked through my clenched inner ring to get deeper. Holy shit! My mind and body totally disconnected as I was pummeled by my orgasm in the front and Derrick’s dick in my ass. The woman still did not move or make a noise, just laid there as my dick continued to squirt in her and Derrick fucked me. “Oh yeah, got that bull nutt for you, that tight hole all around my dick, quivering – oh yeah, oh take this black butt – take this NUTT!!!!” as Derrick pulled me back as hard as he could onto his dick. This time I could feel his cum again as he shot. DAMN! His dick was filling my ass and his cum was going well past the second hole. Derrick’s fucking slowed, his breathing became a little more normal, and as he pulled back he pulled his still half hard dick out of my ass and I was able to stand up and pull out of her cunt. When I did I noticed drops of my poz cum all around the edges of her cunt. Derrick sat in the chair, “Lick it for me,” he said, so I got on my hands and knees and licked his dick clean. Yuck – that dam lotion tasted awful, but the tangy taste of his cum was there too. I could hear her get off the bed and when I was done and sat back, she was putting her coat on and without a word left the room. I sat up on the bed and looked at Derrick. He smiled, “Told you I was a freak, now let’s chill a bit. Need a drink, then we’ll see about getting up.” So, cum tally at the end of part 2: 1 load in my mouth when I sucked Derrick in his car, 3 loads in my ass from Derrick in his hotel room, 2 loads in my ass from the tall guy who had watched through the window then joined in, and 1 load I shot in the hooker’s cunt
  17. Fun at the seedy motel – Part 1 “Want to go for a ride?” the guy said as he set his glass pipe on the seat and leaned towards the passenger side window. His car was an older model, pretty beat up, and he matched. From the dim light provided by the streetlamps and the fact that it was not quite totally dark yet, I could see he had a scraggly beard, dreadlocks, and some sort of dark colored jacket on, and not handsome at all, but he did have what I would call and evil grin. I had just started a week off from work and was determined to get as much raw dick and cum as I could to make up for all I had been missing due to a crazy work schedule. I had just come from getting a load of cum in my ass from some guy I met online, and while the fuck was not all that great, he shot a nice load. My ass was just getting warmed up, and I was still buzzed from the beer, so decided to walk home to see if I could find some trade along the way. I was about a block and a half down the street when I noticed this car up the street on the other side and someone was using a big lighter to smoke with as each time they turned it on, created a small glow in the front seat. I could only see the shape of person and not make out anything more, but figured I would scope it out a little. So I walked a little slower and kept watching the car and the lighter flashes. As I got closer I could see the occasional stream of smoke come out of the driver’s side window so knew he was not smoking cigarettes. Someone getting high, sitting alone, bet they were horny so my hopes were raised, my ass twitched, and a little bit of cum leaked out. At the intersection I crossed the street so I could come up on the passenger side and get a closer look. “Want to go for a ride?” he said again. Yeah, he was high for sure, and I was horny as fuck, so my heart raced a little faster as I said sure, opened the door, and sat in the passenger’s seat. He moved his pipe onto the floor under his seat, turned the car on, and pulled out. “Derrick,” he said as he held his right hand towards me. I shook his hand, told him my name, asked what was up tonight. “Nothing man, you know, looking to get into whatever, you know. You?” What do I say? Tell him I got a hot load in my ass and need some more? I went with the safer course and just said had a drink with a friend, not ready to go home yet, so needed to get out. He laughed a little, “I hear that man. You smoke?” I told him no, but cool if he did. So he kept driving for a bit. We were in a rough part of town when he turned down a side street. It was getting dark now and most of the street lamps were out. He parked the car, said “Stay in the car, I need to get something.” Then he got out, locked the car doors, and headed down the driveway between two houses across the street. Damn – I was sitting alone on a dark street, so I slid down a little in the seat and waited. After 5 minutes I was getting really nervous, but then I saw him coming back towards the car. I sat up, he got, tossed a plastic bag on the seat, smiled at me and said, “Needed some rock. This is good shit, but makes me horny as a fucking bull, You know?” I just nodded, gulped hard, and tried not to show how nervous, scared, and horny I was all at the same time. Derrick pushed his seat back as far as it would go, reached under, pulled out his glass pipe and a black shaving kit. He opened the kit, pulled some stuff, opened his bag, put a small piece on his pipe, tilted his head back a little, stuck the pipe in between his lips, flared up the lighter, and began inhaling. His eyes were closed, so I was looking around to see if anyone was watching. I didn’t see anyone, not even a car, so went back to watching him. He let out his breath and a cloud of smoke filled the car, “OHHH yeah, shit’s good. Want a hit?” I shook my head no, and he said “Later then. You want to suck my dick for me, this shit’s got me horny?” I said sure, but asked what about people seeing us. “No one will see, come on, I need to bust some nutt.” With that he set the pipe down, unbuttoned his pants, slid them down a little, and pulled his dick out. He was already pretty hard, about 8 ½, or 9, and real thick, but wide. Not really round, just wide. I leaned over, closed my mouth over the head, and began sucking. Derrick started moaning a little, grabbed his pipe, and hit it again while I sucked him. “Make it wet, yeah get that bull pipe wet,” he said, so I sucked harder, raised up a little, spit on it, licked it clean and sucked some more. Derrick soon started to moan louder, “I’m gonna cum, you better pull off, you want it ? You want…..” as he shot into my mouth. I did not even feel the first volleys of cum as it hit the back of my throat and slid down. His dick pulsed, and kept shooting a steady stream and I had all I could do to swallow and keep up. His cum was thick and tasted wonderful, and I kept sucking as I wanted every little sperm I could. Derrick pushed my head off his dick, “Whew, yeah I needed that, had not shot my nutt in days, whew.” He closed his pants up, took another hit on his pipe, as I sat back savoring the taste of his cum still in mouth. Derrick put the pipe and supplies back under his seat. “What are you going to do now?” he asked. I didn’t know what he meant, but said whatever, open to having fun. “Good, here’s what’s up. I plan to smoke my shit up tonight and like to fuck when I do. Got me a room over on New York Avenue, so how about you come back with me, keep this big bull meat hard for me. You get fucked? Good, you got a nice mouth but I want to fuck.” With that he started the car up and we headed to his motel. On the way, Derrick stopped and grabbed some beer at a store, along with a couple sandwiches. As we drove I asked him why he smoked using a straight glass pipe? I thought most people smoked rock in a bowl or something. Derrick said he liked it better, cleaner hit, and he could control the burn the way he wanted. We didn’t really talk about anything else and about 10 minutes later were at the motel. I had gone by the motel before when driving up to Baltimore before. It was pretty run down, in a sort of industrial/warehouse area, and you could usually see a few hookers lingering nearby. Derrick pulled in, drove around to the back and near the end. There were a few people lingering around the parking lot, standing by a building near the back of the parking lot, the scent of pot was heavy in the air along with piss. We grabbed the beer and food, Derrick nodded at a guy standing by the wall about 15 feet away who nodded back, and I followed him into his room. The room inside was as bad as the outside. Smelled, was old, looked dirty, but Derrick clearly did not have much stuff. I saw one duffle bag on the floor of the closet, and mostly empty cigarette packs, beer bottles, and trash. Derrick set his stuff down and said, “Pull your pants down,” as he tossed a big bottle of Walgreens hand lotion onto the end of the bed. He open his little bag on the table, pulled out his supplies, and as I stuck some lotion in my ass, watched as he put some rock in his pipe. He walked over to me, “I fuck a LONG time, so you need this good shit. OK?” I said OK but had never done this before, as Derrick handed me the pipe, slightly angled up to keep the rock in the end. “You saw me hit it, now you do the same. I will light it, you just keep it tilted back, inhale as deep and hard as you can and do NOT let it out until I tell you.” I put the pipe between my lips, he put the lighter up to the end and I could start to see smoke building up in the pipe. “Now, inhale, keep going, more, more, come on, more - - now hold it – HOLD it –hold as long as you can – you need to feel this shit – hold.” I started to cough and choke and a huge plume of smoke came out. Derrick laughed, “Not bad for your first time. Now again.” Derrick then took a few hits and as I watched him I started to get so hot and fuck the rush to my head! The room started spinning a bit and my body tingled and everything seemed more intense but fuzzier at the same time. Then it started to even out, the sensation was just intense, and my dick responded by immediately getting hard. I grabbed the lotion, put some more lube on my ass, and bent forward over the end of the bed. I could hear Derrick finishing up his hit, he then walked over and pushed the curtains a little to the side. “I like to be watched,” he said. He had taken off his clothes and his dick was at full attention. I bent back over, hit the poppers (had them in my coat from the first guy I visited) my head felt like it was going to explode, and I zoned out a bit. I came back to reality as I felt Derrick work a finger up ass. “You going to take my bull pipe? Let this black bull fuck it? Yeah, nice and tight and wet and juicy – yeah got some good pipe for you.” With that he stuck a second finger up my ass. I noticed a box of Magnums on the table, so figured he only played safe and was disappointed, and thought maybe if I asked him to fuck me raw I could just say the rock made me say that if he got upset, but as he started to rub his dick again my ass I could tell he did not have one on- fuck yeah! I was going to get his cum in my ass too and he was going to work the load I took earlier deeper up inside me. Derrick pulled his fingers out of my ass, and without saying another word, began to slowly push his dick into me. FUCK – that hurt, the width of his dick was a killer and I squirmed and pulled away a little bit. He placed his hands on my hips and guided me back onto his dick nice and slow. As he did I looked under my arm towards the window and noticed that the guy we had seen against the wall was now looking in the window, watching. I told Derrick and he chuckled and said, “Yeah, my man’s a freak, you’ll see.” Derrick started to fuck harder and angle his dick to the sides with each thrust, scraping my ass walls with every stroke. I just grunted and tried to steady myself on the end of the bed. I was feeling pretty high and had a nice big black dick up my ass, and damn that felt so good. I don’t know how long Derrick fucked, but when I focused again he was grunting, almost growling, as he started fucking harder and faster. I was having a hard time keeping my balance and he reached out, stood up, wrapped his arms around my chest and slam fucked. “I’m gonna nutt in you, want my bull nutt, huh, want my nutt, gonna nutt – oh –gonna nutt…” Derrick tensed, shook, and I could feel his cock throbbing in my ass and his hot load shoot inside me. He kept holding me as his dick fully unloaded, his breathing was hard and heavy. He then let me go, pushed me forward and slid his dick out. My ass felt so empty! Put it back! He slapped my ass, smiled, “Feel good in there? You want more huh? Don’t worry, I got lots of nutt up in this bull pipe.” I just smiled, Derrick walked over, slid the chain off the door and the guy who had been looking in the window stepped in. This guy was pretty tall, like 6’5, real thin, torn up jeans, torn up coat, could not tell if he was homeless or just very causal. He took his jacket off and had tats up and down both arms. I just stood there while he and Derrick started talking. Derrick handed me a beer, told me to sit, so I opened it up as he and the new guy sat at the table. They both took out pipes, the other guy had one with a bowl, and started taking hits. Derrick said, “Come here, take some more.” So I did as before. He lit it and guided me and this time I did not choke. The tall guy put his pipe down, walked over to the bed, grabbed the pillows, brought them towards the end, “Lay on your back, put your ass on these,” he said. So I got up on the bed, laid on my back with the pillows under my hips. He got up on the bed on his knees, spread my legs, lifted my legs up, and started to push into my ass. His dick was like him, long and skinny, and a good bit longer than Derrick’s. My ass did not resist, and he slid in pretty easily as Derrick’s cum must have lubed me up really well. Derrick just sat the table watching, taking a hit now and then, and his dick was standing straight up in his lap as he watched the tall guy fuck me. The tall guy now had my legs pushed way back towards my shoulders and was jack fucking my ass. He was also really verbal. “Take this nigger dick bitch, good bitch, open that hole, come on now, open that tight white pussy. You want this nigger dick in you? Huh? Want me to fuck you? Huh bitch? Fuck that white pussy, yeah bitch.” At first I did not say anything, but then said yes, please fuck my white pussy, and that made him harder, and he got louder, and fucked deeper. My ass was making slurping noises each time he thrust in and out and as he angled himself up with his feet, his full weight was behind every push into me. His eyes were closed like he was concentrating real hard and his dirty talk did not stop, as he called me a bitch and white pussy. In that position, I now noticed he had tats all over his chest too, and some on his neck. I tried to move my arms, but had no leverage so looked back at Derrick who was now stroking his dick as he watched. The guy on top of me picked up the pace and I started begging for his cum. Derrick started egging him, “Come on nigga, fuck it, nutt up in there, come on nigga.” “OH OH OH – take my cum BITCH!!!” and the tall guy slammed balls deep and unloaded. He stayed still for a few seconds, breathing hard. His dick was still pretty hard, but slid out as he pulled off me, he got off the bed, stood up, “Damn, fuck – nice sloppy hole. Get on your hands and knees.” What? The man just shot. I told him I had to piss and needed some beer, so got up and went to the bathroom. I could barely walk as my legs were all cramped, but took a nice long piss. I now had cum and ass juice just running down my leg. I wiped my ass a little to make sure I was still ‘clean’, and clenched my ass to keep as much juice in as I could. I went back into the room and sat on the edge of the bed and gulped a beer as Derrick and the tall guy sat at the table getting their pipes ready. They both took a hit, then the tall guy grabbed his dick, pointed it my way, and said “Suck it.” So I got on my hands and knees and started sucking his dick. They put the pipes down, Derrick passed the tall guy a sandwich, and they started eating and chatting as I sucked the tall guy’s dick. My knees hurt so bad so had to get up, sat back on the bed and drank another beer. Derrick offered me a sandwich, I passed, and soon they were done, and Derrick was motioning me over to the table with the pipe his hand. I took a couple big hits and felt it kick in even more intensely then before. Derrick and the tall guy both took hits, then both stood up, Derrick turned me around and shoved his dick up my ass as the tall guy pushed my head down towards his dick. I put my left hand on the table to steady myself as Derrick fucked my ass and the tall guy fucked my throat. I could taste a mix of lube, cum, and ass juice on the tall guys dick as he had not wiped it off after fucking me, just let it air dry which left a film of fuck covering his dick. “Fuck it – yeah fuck it,” the tall guy said to Derrick as he reached over, grabbed his pipe, and started hitting it while I kept sucking him. As he inhaled I swear his dick got a good inch longer, damn, that shit did go right to their dicks. Derrick then reached forward, pulled me off the tall guy’s dick, and turned, and walked me the couple steps to the bed with his dick still in my ass. “Get on your knees,” Derrick said, so with him still inside, I got on my knees up on the bed and got doggy style and he started fucking. “Yeah feel that nutt up in there, hmmm.” I was feeling no pain, just intense, hot pleasure of that raw dick pushing their cum deeper inside of me as I begged for him to fuck me – I just wanted more cum – as much as they could give me. “Let me hit it,” the tall guy said, so Derrick pulled out and the tall guy started fucking me – hard. Again, he was getting very verbal and nasty and I was loving it! I heard Derrick take a hit, then he stood beside the tall guy, the tall guy paused, and I heard him take a hit with his dick still in my ass. Again, felt like that big dick grew another inch as it was inside me – and I started pleading for him to fuck me harder. Derrick laughed and said, “Now let’s freak.” I thought we were, so just kept focusing on the dick in my ass. The tall guy paused again and I thought Derrick was giving him another hit, but I turn my head and did not see him. The tall guy moaned and grunted a little and pushed against my ass, but it did not feel right. I twisted as far as I could to see what was up. Derrick was behind the tall guy and was sticking his dick in the tall guy’s ass while the tall guy had his dick in my ass! Fuck! Derrick said, “Now we’ll get some nutt up in that white hole,” as he started to push in and out of the tall guy’s ass. The tall guy pushed his ass back to meet Derrick’s dick, which pulled his dick out of my ass and as Derrick pushed forward into the tall guy’s ass, the tall guy’s dick would go balls deep into me. It took a couple strokes, but they soon found a rhythm and I was being deep dicked by the tall guy as he got deep dicked by Derrick. The tall guy was losing it, and was almost hollering, “Take it bitch, take the dick, take these nigger dicks, fucking white pussy – take it take it!” He was digging into my sides with his fingernails as he slam fucked me, “AAAHHHHH fuck AAAHHHHH fuck,” and he started to shoot. This load felt like alcohol had been dumped into my ass – my hole burned with his cum as he gave me second load, Derrick kept fucking him. The tall guy stopped pumping, and pushed back off my ass. Derrick yanked his dick out of the tall guy’s ass making him grunt, got behind me, pulled me back onto his dick and started fucking. I was begging for his cum and for him to fuck me harder. Derrick must have been close already. “You want it?” he said, “You some more bull nutt? Want some more nutt in that juicy pussy? Fucking pussy fucking take my nutt – here it comes – here it COMES!!! Derrick unloaded in my ass again. As I was still burning from the tall guy’s load, I’m not sure how much he shot, but he grunted, moaned, groaned, and made it sound like a lot. His dick softened a little and he slid out, I rolled over and laid on my back to catch my breath. When I sat up Derrick and the tall guy were both sitting in the chairs by the table, Derrick smiled and said, “Told you my man was a freak,” then laughed. The tall guy laughed too, stood up, and started to get dressed. His dick still looked wet and slimy from fucking me, but he just put his pants on and did not even wipe it off – hot! He was taking my ass juice with him! He put his coat on, said, “Catch you man,” to Derrick, and left the room. “How’s that ass doing?” Derrick asked. “I still got plenty of rock and I ain’t even started getting my freak on.” Stay tuned for part 2.
  18. I have a straight, black fuck buddy who I see once or twice a week. Met him on the street one night (may write about that story another time – included sucking him in an alley while he smoked a crack pipe), he came back and fucked me at my place, said it was ‘good pussy’, and has been giving me his loads for a few years now on a regular basis. Anyways, since we met he has asked me to pick him up some packs of cigarettes, or could he have a $20 here or there, and have been happy to oblige. In return – besides all the hot cum he has shot up my ass – at least two loads per visit – he has introduced me to some of his straight friends who on a Friday night wanted a hole to unload in when they were drunk, girl out of town, or whatever. He has a nice thick, 9 inch dick, but sadly none of his friends have been so lucky, so I kept asking him what about his big dicked friends? Those guys with a true Big Black Cock (BBC) with nice thick loads. He would always say, “Well when Bud or Thomas get out of jail, they got real big dicks, they’d fuck you.” I asked what they were like, and he said both guys were in and out of jail most of their lives, real rough types, but good guys, and when I asked how he knew what their dicks were like he said he had fucked girls with them before. One time he watched Thomas fuck some girl down the street and she screamed like hell when he stuck it in her ass, and another time he and Thomas hustled on a white guy and both fucked him, so he knew Thomas had a big dick. I was hooked. I finally gave up and believed Bud and Thomas were a figment of his imagination. But, this past Thanksgiving my friend called and said, “Hey man, Thomas is out, he’s here, you want to meet him?” Of course! Come on down, and in about 45 minutes they showed up. My friend and Thomas walked in, we introduced ourselves, my friend took me to the kitchen, asked for a $20, and then left. He said Thomas would take care of me. So I went into the living room, Thomas was sitting on the chair watching the straight porn I had going, with his coat still on. He was in his early 50s, nice looking, I asked if he wanted a drink, made him a rum and coke, went back in and he had stripped off his clothes, sitting in the chair naked smoking a cigarette. Damn! He had a huge, uncut cock that just flopped between his legs and rested on the front of the chair. The thing was a nice dark brown, soft, but looked heavy and meaty and I could only stare and drool a little as I felt my ass twitch. My friend came through on this one! I set my beer down, handed him the drink, and asked if I could suck it. He just nodded and looked back at the TV, so I got on my knees, lifted his heavy dick, felt the weight of it fill my hand, slid the skin back on the head and bent over and started licking and sucking on it. Thomas did not say a word, just kept smoking and sipping on his drink, but his dick started to respond – filling out thick and fat and swelling to over 10 inches, really hard. I do not claim to be a great cock sucker – and prefer to have it up my ass – but was giving it my all. After about 10 minutes my jaw ached and knees hurt so I asked if he was close. “No, I only cum when I jerk off,” he said. Fuck – I wanted his load and asked if he wanted to fuck. He said OK, so I got on my hands and knees in front of the TV, hit the poppers and waited. Thomas got up, did not even ask for a condom even though they were sitting on the side chair, and worked his raw dick into my ass. He was not real hard anymore, but he stuffed it in, so while my ass felt full and it felt good, his dick just felt squishy – thick and squishy with not much movement. He was moaning though, and seemed to like it, so I hit the poppers and just knelt there and let him fuck. He moved and fucked for a good 20 minutes then pulled out and sat down. I asked if he had cum and he said again he could only cum when he jerked off. I was pretty disappointed. The fuck was not all that for me and I did not even get his load. So he washed up and left. Several times over the last weeks Thomas has called and asked if he could come by. They let him out of the half way house, moved him into his own place, and he started calling saying he was lonely and did not have any movies or anything, did I want some company? I said sure, come over, hoping the next time would be better. The next time he fucked me I got him hard by sucking him again, bent over the bed this time, he stuffed it in and was pretty hard at first, but then he reached around and squeezed my chest and went limp. “Sorry, I like titties,” he said. I told him no worries, if he was not into it I understood. But then he would call again a few days later and ask to come back. When I asked him why when I did not think he was into me he said, “When you suck my dick I don’t recognize it. Gets so hard. Your ass is so warm too and feels good. I want to try again.” I asked him if he liked fucking guys and he said he always had a boy in jail he fucked, but he could never cum fucking him. It was just to get stuff, and he liked pussy, he was straight. OK – whatever. So, after trying cock rings, asking him to hold it all week, missionary style, and a few other things I had pretty much given up. When he called this week I said no, think we tried, thanks, but he said again he wanted to try my ass and I just could not resist another chance to suck on his fat dick, and this time I had a new plan. I was determined to take his load this time no matter what. I had jerked off so many times thinking about that BBC cumming inside me it was driving me crazy. That ex-con dick and thick cum shooting in my ass – damn I wanted that. I told Thomas to call about 7:00, got home early from work and called a fuck buddy to come give me a load about 5:30. He has about 9 and figured being a little open would make it easier for Thomas’s big cock later. Got two loads, my buddy bounced, and Thomas showed up at 7:00. This time I had a drink for him, two cock rings, and a Viagra. That dick was going to get hard! I helped him undress and took off his work boots, put his favorite gangbang flick in, made him a drink, handed him the blue pill and worked the two cock rings down around his balls. I got on my hands knees and tasted how salty and sweaty his dick was. God the weight of his dick – just big fucking piece of meat! Dicks like that are rare but feel and taste so good. The pill did its magic and after a bit his dick was swollen and fatter then ever, but I kept sucking and he started moaning. I stood up, told him to stand up, and moved the arm chair in front of the TV facing sideways and asked him to sit back down so he could see the video by turning his head slightly to the left. I moved a chair with the poppers, lube, and towels beside us, bent over and sucked on his dick some more. Thomas was rock hard and so I worked some lube into my ass with my left hand while I sucked on him and jerked his dick with my right. I then stood up, wiped my hand on a towel, took a big hit of poppers, turned around, and backed my ass down onto his dick. As my ass slid down his shaft he moaned. I held my breath as his big head pushed my hole open and I pushed hard down onto his dick. I wanted to feel him all the way inside me hard as he could be no matter what and thank the fuck the poppers were a fresh bottle. That dick hurt! But fuck he filled me up. I took another hit of poppers, set the bottle on the side chair, put my hands on the arm of the chair for balance, pushed his legs wide apart with mine to give me space, and started riding his dick up and down – bouncing down to his balls then pulling up as far as I could without it popping out and plunging back down again. Thomas just put his head against the back of the chair as I rode his dick and started to make little moaning noises. I didn’t care what he was doing – that big black dick was fucking me deep and splitting my ass and I wanted more – wanted it deeper. I was practically on my tip toes to get high up on his dick before dropping back down, working his dick deeper and deeper into my ass as I rode him. The heat from the poppers made my head tight and dizzy and the heat from his dick in my ass was beyond incredible, and I grabbed the arms of the chair harder and moved up and down his dick. I was a pig in heat with that awesome fat cock in me, and became a pushy bottom for sure. Thomas was not moving – just sitting there letting me bounce up and down on his dick however I wanted and I was riding him hard. I was not interested in a long session, I just wanted his cum and his dick as hard as I could get it, so I kept pushing myself up and dropping down onto his dick harder, faster, harder and faster. After a little while my legs and arms started to get tired, but Thomas started to make little “Ah Ah Ah” sounds every time I dropped back down onto his dick. That’s like farmer Joe saying, “Pig pig pig, time for dinner!” – I picked up the pace with a renewed burst of energy and was slam fucking him with my ass. “OH BITCH!” Thomas yelled in my ear. I could feel his muscles tighten up, his breathing get quicker, and his dick started to unload in my ass. Fuck yeah he was cumming in me! I had his prison dick in my ass and taking his cum! I bounced even harder on his dick as I wanted every little drop. It seemed like it took him a while to unload and soon he began to whimper, “Stop, oh oK stop, stop, ah ah, stop.” Damn. So I just stopped as I sat all the way back down on his dick, feeling his dick start to soften up inside me, and his breathing try to get back to normal. In one stroke I lifted myself off his dick as it made a big plopping sound, which made him gasp a little. I turned and looked at him. Thomas’ eyes were closed, his head turned to the side and he was breathing heavy. But his dick was glistening with thick globs of cum and juice, so I put my hands on the chair arms, bent over, licked the head a little which made him moan and quiver, then stood up and went to the bathroom to wash off. Thomas may have the big dick, but this bottom is in charge and that BBC is my bitch now!
  19. Writing my last story on here (real life experience) horned me up, so I called one of my straight buddies who likes to fuck. He was not in, so hung out here for a bit then he called and wanted to come by for a quick dirty one - his code for two loads no condom. Come on man! I had a straight gang bang flick playing when he walked in and the lube all set up. He stripped, sat in the chair, lit a cigarette and started stroking. Once he got a little hard I knelt in front of him, put a cock ring around his dick, and sucked until he got nice and hard - just over 9 and pretty thick. He likes to pretend he is fucking a girl's ass, so I don't really say much except making wimpering sounds and ooh and aahs. "I'm ready," he said, so I got on my hands and knees on the ottoman in front of the TV, he lubed his dick, stuck it in and fucked and shot a nice load. He pulled out, wiped his dick off, sat back and smoked some more until the next ass fuck scene came up, then repeat and load #2. He pulled up, washed off and booked out. Got two nice hot loads to keep my ass warm this evening.
  20. I was visiting London my freshman year in college on the way to Gibraltar. As I left the tube station I noticed that it was raining as it had been all day. I strolled along Earl’s Court Road in a casual manner. As I approached the local drug store, I noticed him. He was tall, about 6’4, with a gorgeous face. He wore a long gray overcoat, and the type of hat one would expect on a gangster. As I passed him I shot a quick glance his way, my eyes met his and they were temporarily locked on his face. I quickly turned away and started walking a bit faster as I rounded the corner and turned it, I glanced back over my shoulder and met his gaze once more. My heart leaped with excitement and fright at the same time. I was excited to think that he was following, and yet scared. What did he want? I was hopeful. I soon reached my hotel and started up the steps. I looked down the street and saw him approaching. A smile enlightened my face as I made my way inside. I got my key and started up the stairs. I looked out the front door and saw him looking in. I bounded up the set of stairs, my heart thumping hard with excitement. “Will he stay out there?” I asked myself. I hoped with all my heart. I changed quickly. I was planning to go out to a local favorite nightclub, the Hippodrome. I proceeded back downstairs and out the door. I couldn’t see him, but I was sure he was there. As I neared the corner I turned around and saw his ominous, stalking figure a few yards away. A smile of joy burst across my face, and I immediately wondered if he had seen it. Before I knew it he was walking beside me. “You’re late” he said. “For what?” “That’s cute, real cute.” he replied. My thoughts suddenly coursed through my mind. Was he waiting for someone and mistook me as them? A drug deal maybe? I didn’t know what to expect next. We entered the tube station, it was still raining, and fell into light conversation. As we talked I realized what a neat guy he was. He was very friendly, and a lot of fun. I then suggested we go to Mickey D’s (McDonalds) for a coke. He said sure but that he didn’t have any money. “That’s OK” I said. “I have extra.” We chatted about 45 minutes more over our cokes. It was terribly freezing in there, so he suggested we ‘seek warmer shelter’. I said sure and we left. We walked along Earl’s Court Road and towards my hotel. It was automatic. He asked what the hotel would think if they saw someone coming inside. I said nothing as long as he was with me. We went up to my room and kept talking. We discussed his hair (a mess), his and my high school lives, he played football and liked to make 'touchdowns' wink wink, our parents’ views of things and in general, his acting interests, people he knew, gold fish, etc… then it happened. He pulled me close to him and kissed me only like a man could. It was so right. For the first time I was totally at peace. As I lay in B’s arms, and he in mine, it was the best. I asked why B followed me. B said, because J’etait tres cute. My backpack, my sneakers matched, I had a cute walk, my baby blues, and also my smile. I was also cute because when B told me that it embarrassed me. B said he could see fear in my eyes, and that turned him on too. As I lay on B we’d look into each other’s eyes. B kept playing with my hair and said I was even cuter when it was messed up ☺ God I wanted B so bad and told him, “I just want to make you feel good.” My ears, my head, on B’s face. B’s tongue in my ears. I kept coming on strong kissing and rubbing on him, and then letting up. B said I was driving him crazy. He knew that’s what I wanted. Then I said no, can I touch it? I reached down and rubbed his dick through his pants. At the time I had seen a few dicks, but this one seemed huge. I can’t say for sure how large it was, just always remembered him as ‘big’. Soon B started getting physical. We kind of wrestled, but he was so much stronger then me and I was soon pinned face down on the bed. Before I knew it my pants were on the floor along with everything else and B was laying on my back, pressing me face down into the bed. The heat coming off his body was so intense – not just the throbbing heat from his dick, but all of him. Not to mention the heat in the hotel was on full blast with no way to adjust, so the sweat on both our bodies built up quickly. He nestled his dick in the crack of my ass and I could feel the precum leaking out it of it like, a thick steady stream, which got worked up and down my crack every time he moved his hips. His hands gripped mine firmly as he held my arms forward by my head and kept kissing me. Soon he started moving his hips further up so he was raised a little and placed the head of his dick on my cheeks outside of where my hole was. I tensed up as I had never been fucked, and told him I did not think I could take it. “Trust me,” he said, “I will take care of you, just let me in, relax, and let me do this.” I said OK, and could feel his dick leaking even more, and the head sticking to my ass. He spit on his hand, reached back, and gently stuck a finger in my ass. I tensed again and he kept whispering in my ear, telling me to let, go, let him take care of me. I was soon wiggling my ass and pushing back on his finger. I had never felt anything so amazing in my life and was so horny and just wanted to feel him inside of me. He lifted his hips up a little more, sat back, spread my ass cheeks wide, and then leaned in and started licking my ass. I started to moan, oh fucking god that was good, and began to buck my hips and shove my ass back into his face, which made him moan. I closed my eyes and felt and intense new heat rise on the insides as his tongue darted in and out of my hole, licking and slurping, harder and harder he pulled my cheeks apart. He leaned forward again using one hand to keep my checks spread and put the head of his back against my hole, reached up and grabbed both my hands again and settled his weight back onto me. I could feel his cock so hard and twitching as he whispered, “Just breathe deep and relax, this is gonna hurt only for a second, but I will take care of you, you gonna let me take care of you? Make a touchdown in your ass? You want to please me don’t you?” I said yes, please, please, pl..and before I could finish the word I felt a searing, burning pain as he pushed his dick into my ass. Fuck that hurt! I started to cry out, but he slid his hand over my mouth, said “Shhhh, it’s ok, I got you, shhhh.” As he started to pump his dick in and out of my ass in slow easy strokes. “Oh please me, yeah please me, give me your ass now, relax, take it, yeah please me, ” he kept saying over and over again as he pushed deeper into my hole with every thrust. I was grunting and moaning in a mix of incredible pain and something new. It was not joy, but a need, a hunger, I just wanted him to fuck me harder and deeper, and had never felt anything to intense, so right, I felt so whole at that moment with him inside of me. I just closed my eyes and listened to him tell me to relax, keep my hands by my head, and then he started to say, “Yeah that’s it, yeah that’s it, relax for me, relax, oh fuck yeah, that’s it.” Then he started to make this guttural moan, he grabbed my hands hard and started thrusting his hips as hard as he could. I could only lay there as his orgasm built and built and his breathing got harder and harder, he straightened, tensed, and I could feel his cock unload in my ass. Oh fuck – I could feel his cum!! I could feel his cum inside me. He just collapsed on top of me, breathing heavy, and I had all I could do to breathe with his weight and the rush of pain coming back as he stopped fucking. I started to ask if he was ok, but he just slid his hand over my mouth again and said, “Shhh.” He was still inside me and the pain in my ass now was more than I could stand, I just needed to get him off me, but he started to move his hips again, and his dick lengthened and filled back out. The fullness of his dick made the pain subside and my need for him grow and the heat built up again inside me as I needed him to fuck me again. Just then he leaned up on his arms, yanked his dick out in one pull, which made me lose my breath, and stood up and opened the window above the bead. I could see his dick was dripping and wet with cum and juice and I did not want to think with what else. He said, “We need it a little cooler in here. Now get on your hands and knees and scoot towards me.” I didn’t know what he meant, so he pulled my legs around, half yanked and scooted me onto me hands and knees, and leaned down over my back. “Do you want me stop?” he asked. No but I told him I didn’t think I could take it hard like that again. “Do you want me stop?” he asked. “Do you want me to take care of you like I want?” This time I told him, no, please don’t stop, just take care of me, please don’t stop. B leaned down and stuck his face in my ass again. I melted. I moaned, I groaned, I started bucking my hips back to him. After a few minutes he said, “Stand up." Shit, what did I do. So I stood up, he pulled me close, looked down into my face and said, “I want you to taste us.” He then leaned in and tongue kissed me hard. Fuck – his mouth was just in my ass – gross! I tried to pull away and he just kissed harder, forcing spit and juice into my mouth, making me swallow and taste us. It was like sweat, and sour, and just funk and musk, mixed with his kiss, and I was confused. My head was revolted, but my dick was standing hard and dripping precum. He then pulled away, guided me back onto the bed, and began eating my ass some more. He was soon moaning and grunting, leaned over my back, and said, “You gonna take care of me again? Let me take care of you?.” I just shook my head yes and tensed knowing what was to come. As his cock entered my ass again I arched my back as it seared with every inch. He push my back down with one hand, and grabbed my shoulders with the other to pull me back towards him as he pushed forward. I asked him to please use some lotion or something as it burned. “I make all the lotion you need, and said I would take care of you, and you told you you would let me do that like I wanted, now relax and let me in,” he said. He kept slowly pulling almost all the way and slowly pushing back in. Little by little the searing pain gave way to that same heat and need and I started to push back to meet his dick. He then pulled almost all the way out again, leaned over, and said, “You ready to please me? Let me take care of you like I want?” I told him yes, and was begging for him to put his dick back inside me. B then moved both hands to my lower back, pushed my back down, and pushed his dick all the way in. My breath caught in my chest as he just stayed there a second. Then he pulled almost all the way out again, waited a second then pushed all the way back in as I fought to breath. With each stroke he picked up the pace, and soon moved his hands back, grabbed my ass cheeks, pulled them wide, and started to pound in and out, harder and harder. “Take my dick! Please my dick! Take it! You want this dick? Take that dick! Take IT!” as he slammed into me over and over. I could barely breathe was started to beg for him to fuck me, fuck me harder, please take me, please take me. And he did. He just kept slam fucking, telling me louder and louder to take it, and with every thrust could feel him slam against my ass and pull my cheeks apart as far as he could. “Take my cum, Take my CUM, TAKE MY CUM!!!!” he bellowed, dug into my ass cheeks and slammed me harder then he had before. His whole body quivered and shook and I could feel my insides fill with his load. He stayed like that for a minute, then his dick softened, and plopped out. He turned me around, “Suck it, taste us.” So I cleaned him off and savored the taste of his load and my ass. Well B had several touchdowns that night. He fucked me on my back and made me shoot, and kept fucking me after I had cum, and fucked me in several other positions and every time seemed more intense than the last. It wasn’t until we decided to go to sleep that I realized the hotel window was still open – oh shit! Everyone must have heard! B just chuckled and said he hoped they enjoyed it as much as he did. Neither one of us could sleep so we just laid in bed and talked. We got up a few hours later, I ran downstairs and grabbed us some breakfast rolls and when I came back up he was standing outside the shower naked and stroking his dick. He told me to get undressed and help him shower, and he fucked me again in the shower. By now there was no pain, just the wondrous joy of a man filling me up and I met him thrust for thrust as I pushed my ass back for him to fuck. When we were all dressed B said it smelled like two men had been fucking. It was beautiful. I threw all the blankets in the corner and hoped the hotel would not charge me for the stains. That was the night I became a man. The night a man from Alabama picked me up in London and taught me what it was like to be truly satisfied and made me know what I needed.
  21. My Three Way With Two Barrio Boys This is a related story to Barrio Boy Gives Me a Load posted earlier. I was still grappling with the raw pig inside of me wanting to get out and with the exception of a lover I had about that time who only fucked me raw (we both had tested negative just before meeting), I still played safe except for the occasional hook up, usually when I was having some beer and feeling less inhibited. But oh the guilt after! I had gone back to the streets around the clubs on North Main in San Antonio a few times to see if I could meet the guy that had fucked me raw in a parking lot again, but never did. I did hook up with a couple other guys, but nothing memorable, they all played safe and the only real excitement was not knowing if they were gay, bi, or what and that they appeared to be from the West Side of the city. There was one car I remembered seeing several times, a dark blue/black Chevy Caprice. I thought the guy driving looked Hispanic, about my age, mid-20s, he usually had a bandana around his forehead, cigarette in one hand, and he would drive by slow, look, but never stopped or gave any indication he was interested. It had been a few months since I had been to those clubs and things got crazy as the Latin singer Selena had just been murdered. One of her clothing stores was on Broadway Blvd, which was two blocks from my house and people from all over Texas descended on the store, which became a makeshift memorial to Selena. The street and parking lots up and down Broadway was filled with cars, people playing her music, just hanging out. The day after it happened I decided to walk over to see the crowds and what was going on. As I got to the end of my street I stopped in the parking lot there of this little convenience store and to check out all the people. Almost as soon as I walked into the parking lot I noted the first car – it looked just like that Chevy I had seen by the clubs and had two guys sitting on the hood with a six-pack between them and I could swear one of them was the guy I had seen drive by on the street before by the clubs. So I stood off to the side and just watched them and everyone else for a while and finally went into the store and grabbed some beer. I came back and then walked up by the car and stood just off to the left so I could get a better look at them. The guy closest to me – the one I thought I had seen before - did look about my age, short buzzed cut hair with a blue bandana around his forehead, clean cut face, he had on a white tank top with big yellow pit stains, some pretty cool looking tats on his arm, and seemed pretty built, about 6’1, maybe 180 or so. The other guy with him looked about 10 years older, long hair pulled back in a pony tail, pretty thick mustache, no shirt, but also had some tattoos on his arms. I was on my third beer when they caught me looking at them. Fuck – I wanted to run I was so embarrassed, but just nodded and said “Hey, what’s up?” The guy closest to me said they were just hanging and I could set my beer on their car if I wanted. I said thanks and introduced myself and the younger guy said his name was ‘Santos’ and introduced me to other guy but all I caught was “…my cousin..” as I was too busy staring at the bulge in Santo’s pants. With his leg hanging over the side of the hood, the jeans were stretched tight across his thigh and his cock clearly showed running down his thigh. DAMN! My ass got wet right then with lust – and again – I got caught looking. He didn’t say anything, just turned back toward the street and the crowd while I blushed. So, I just stood there and chatted with Santos and his cousin for a while, drank the rest of my 6-pack, and Santos offered me some of his beer. His cousin barely said two words to me, gathered he spoke mainly Spanish as he would say stuff to Santos in Spanish, but little in English to me, so I focused my attention on Santos. I had figured my lust was a lost cause, so was just enjoying hanging out, and watching the crowds come and go from across the street at Selena’s store. “You live near here?” Santos asked. I was off in lust land looking at his dick again, couldn’t help it. I came back to reality and said yeah, just up the street on the next block and hey, if you guys want a break from the heat (it was only about 80 and about 3:00 in the afternoon, but we were all sweating, so… figured what the hell) you’re welcome to come hang out a bit. Santos said he had to take a piss, then chatted with his cousin some, who shook his head yes, and it seemed like I had company. I first ran into the store, grabbed a case of beer, hopped in their car, and we drove to my house. I showed Santos the bathroom (I wanted to watch so bad), took the beer to kitchen, then sat down in the living room with his cousin. His cousin just smiled, and worked on his beer, so I turned on the TV. As Santos walked back into the living room he was adjusting his dick in his pants – damn – I could not help staring again. This time he did not seem to notice but his cousin sure did. Crap, last thing I needed to do was get grief from some straight dudes in my own house. Santos and his cousin then started speaking in Spanish to each other about something, and I just gulped my beer down and tried not to get scared. Santos then said, “You want to party man?” I said sure, we can hang out. Santos and his cousin chatted some more, Santos asked if I had any cash as his cousin would go get some food and stuff as he was hungry, so I gave them $80 and said my treat, and his cousin left. As soon as his cousin left Santos asked if I had any movies. I said yeah and knelt down my TV cabinet to see what I had. He came over and stood by as I pulled tapes out, his dick was inches from my face if I turned right, so it was hard to focus. As I pulled tapes out he reached down and grabbed one – some gay porn. Oh fuck – but he just handed it to me and said “This one.” Hmmm, did not expect that, but yes Sir! I popped in the VCR tape, got it going and when I turned around Santos had his pants around his ankles just standing in the middle of my living room with a big old dick pointing straight west! “Suck it for me,” he said, so I scooted over on my knees and started sucking him. He was uncut, and long, one of the longest dicks I had ever seen, but not that fat. His dick was so hard the skin was stretched way back down his shaft and the veins on his dick were sticking out rough and hard. I then realized he had on a LEATHER COCKRING – wow – one of those kinds that have snaps, looked like it was choking his dick, and his balls looked red and angry. Focus – so I just kept sucking him all the while worrying about his cousin who could come back anytime and as the spread between my thumb and pinky is 9 inches and his dick went beyond that, figured he was a good 10, 10 ½ and then started to worry as not sure I could take something that big. “Get some lotion,” Santos said. Huh? I was so focused on his dick, barely heard him, but scrambled up, ran to the bedroom, got a bottle of Vaseline Lotion, some condoms, a towel and the poppers and practically ran back hoping he had not left. He was standing in the same position, facing the TV with his big hard dick looking even harder. I handed the lotion to him with the condoms, bent over and started hitting the poppers. I was ready for him to ram it in, but was scared and excited as I wanted it so bad. Instead I felt his hands on my ass as he knelt behind me and spread my cheeks. His tongue started licking the outer edges of my ass. One cheek, then the next, each lick getting a little closer to my crack. I was in heaven already and started to moan. “You like that Pappi?” Santos asked. Oh yes, please don’t stop, please don’t stop, I started to beg. He kept on licking and then started slurping with his tongue getting closer to my hole and if not for his hands on my hips I would have been jumping all over the place with the excitement his mouth was causing. His tongue then pushed into my hole and I leaned forward more to try to open up. I could not stop moaning at that point as getting my ass ate makes me want to get fucked so bad and this man knew what he was doing! Just when I thought I could not take it anymore and might actually cum, Santos stood up, I heard him squirt some lotion and for a brief second asked in my mind if he had put on a condom? Fuck it – I did not care and right then wanted to feel him cum in me more than anything. So I hit the poppers. Again I expected him to just push his dick in, but he didn’t. He slid a finger up my ass, which made me jump, He pushed it in and pulled it out a little, then worked a second one in. I was not used to being fingered as it often just hurt, but this felt good and I started to moan some more and then heard myself say “Please fuck me, please fuck me.” Damn – was that my outside voice? Santos said, “What do you want?” So I just started repeating – begging – please fuck me, please fuck me. His fingers left my ass and I heard the lotion again. This time it was his dick for sure so I bent over, put my right hand on the coffee table to brace myself, took a big hit of poppers and said again, “Please fuck me.” Santos obliged me as I felt his dick push against my hole and slowly begin to slide in. Fuck – it hurt a little, but I wanted him so badly I started pushing back as I wanted him all inside of me. Another hit of poppers, I felt the warmth of his dick and pushed back again. This time Santos moaned and I felt the leather cock ring and his balls hit up against my ass. He stayed like that for a little bit, just buried in my ass, then he started shifting his hips to the side, pulling out a little and pushing in, slow and easy. Small little circles each time pulling out a little further. I was jerking myself hard and was so horny feeling his cock like that. He reached out, pushed my hand off my dick and said “No, just feel me.” I never got fucked without jerking my dick, but held back and what an amazing feeling. Him slowly grinding in and out of my ass. He soon picked up the pace and started doing a straight shot in and out of my hole. Each thrust he would pull back, go balls deep, grunt, pull back, and go balls deep. Faster and faster and now his hips and whole front were slapping up against my ass each time he buried his cock. He then put his hands on my shoulders and I felt him tense up and he shot his load. His legs shook, he grunted, moaned, and said something in Spanish I had no idea what, but hoped it was good. Once he stopped, he just stayed like that and I felt his dick begin to soften and it then slowly slid out my hole. Hot cum began running down my leg and I knew then he had not put the condom on – and I loved it. I wanted his cum. I went to the bedroom to get another towel and when I cam back Santos had his pants pulled up, but had left his tank top off, and was looking through the pile of movies. He stopped the gay porn that was playing, popped in a straight porn, then stood up, came over to me, and started kissing me. My knees literally buckled and I felt weak still feeling the hotness of his cum leaking out my ass and then his kiss. He pulled off my mouth, looked at me, “Did you like?” I had a huge goofy grin and laughed as I replied it was awesome, and thank you. We both grabbed our beers and sat back on the couch. Santos kept leaning over to kiss me and every thrust of his tongue made my dick hard and ass ache to feel him inside me again. By now the cum leaking out my ass had made a wet spot in my shorts, so I could feel the wetness as a reminder of his load. About 10 minutes later his cousin came back, walked in, saw the porn playing, lotion and condoms on the coffee table, he looked at Santos, then me, set the food on the coffee table, and said something to Santos in Spanish. Again I had no idea what they were talking about but within seconds his cousin had sat down, was taking his shoes off, and pulling his pants down. I looked from Santos, to him, back to Santos who just smiled and said “He’s wants to fuck you – ok?” Yeah OK! His cousin’s dick was a good 8 inches, fatter than Santos’, and also uncut. I went over to suck him, but he just turned me around, spit on his hand, rubbed the head of his dick, and pushed it in as I was already full of Santos’ cum. Whew – I hit the poppers, caught my breath, and looked over at Santos who was just watching. The cousin did not last long and fucked faster faster then tensed and shot. He yanked out, slapped my ass, and said “Good – hmmm – good.” I now had two loads of cum trying to run down my leg, so grabbed the towel, tried to mop myself up, while the cousin got dressed and Santos watched. We then all sat down in the living room and busted open the Mexican fast food the cousin had brought and made small talk, but did not speak a word about them fucking me. But with every bite of food I kept thinking about their cum in me and hoping I would get more. We finished dinner and it was still early, only about a 5:00 p.m., so I figured they would head out, but Santos said, “You ready to party?” I thought we had been, so not sure what he was talking about but said sure. His cousin reached into his pants, brought out a bag of white powder, smiled at us, then got down to partying. I had never done that before, but figured what the hell and joined in. Before I knew it I was on my knees taking turns sucking on their dicks as they sat on the couch watching the porn. My knees were getting sore, so I grabbed a pillow off the couch and put it under my knees as Santos and his cousin spoke to each other. His cousin got up, pushed the coffee table away from the couch, walked behind me, I heard the lotion squirt, he then sort of bent down and plopped his dick into my hole and started pumping while I continued to suck Santos. WOW! That felt amazing. I didn’t know if it was from partying or just never having had a dick in that position before, but my ass felt hot and tingly and it felt like I could feel every square inch of his cock, as well as Santos’ dick in my mouth. This time the cousin fucked rough and hard and I had bruises on my hips the next day where he and Santos had grabbed a hold of me and dug in when they fucked that night. My jaw was starting to hurt, and my knees hurt, so I said I needed to stand up and pulled off Santos’ dick and his cousin pulled out and stepped back. I asked them if they wanted to go to the bedroom and Santos said sure, but let’s take another hit. So we partied a little more, drank a little beer, and I led them back to the bedroom suite. The cousin walked straight into the bathroom to piss, and Santos and I laid down on the futon mattress on the floor. Santos laid me on my side, pushed my right leg forward over my left, and pushed his hard dick into my hole. It did not even hurt this time, just felt like a very hot poker going up my ass. It was so hot and for a second afraid something was wrong. I started to push away, and he wrapped his arms around me, leaned over my shoulder, and started licking my ear. DAMN – I melted again and relaxed. About then his cousin came back, knelt on the futon by my head and stuck his dick in my mouth. Santos kept deep dicking my ass while his cousin fucked my mouth. The cousin grabbed both sides of my face and started to really fuck my throat. I choked a little and my eyes started to tear up as he fucked harder and faster and harder and then shot in my mouth. His cum tasted awful. Very musky, rank, and strong, but I swallowed every drop and sucked harder until he pulled out and laid on his back on the futon and closed his eyes. His chest was covered in sweat and was breathing hard as I ran my hand over his torso feeling the sweat as Santos kept fucking me. Santos then said “Get on your knees.” So, I pulled off his dick and scooted onto my hands and knees beside his cousin who was still laying there with his eyes closed. Santos pushed his cock back in my ass and was long dicking me. Pulling almost all the way and going all the way back in. Nice long, slow and steady strokes. The poppers seemed to have stopped working and my insides felt like they were clenching up. I asked if we could take a little break and Santos yanked out in one pull, stood up, and headed to the living room. Fuck – I blew it, I thought. He’s pissed. The cousin was still laying there on the futon, so I got up and followed Santos to the living room. He was sitting on the couch and I asked if he was OK, and if he was mad I asked for a break. “No, no, it’s good man,” he said, and so we partied a little more. His cousin soon joined us and we kept watching the porn, partying, and drinking. Soon the cousin’s dick was hard again and I went to get on my knees to suck him, but he kept me standing and turned me around, so my ass was towards him. He then guided me to sit down onto his dick, which went in easy as hell as I was pretty opened up by then. Santos was sitting beside us so I reached over and started stroking his dick. The cousin’s cock felt so good and I started riding up and down as hard as I could and he started to moan. He moaned louder and louder and then shot another load up my ass. Fuck yeah!!! His hot cum started dripping out my ass and my hole throbbed, and it felt so good. Condoms were the farthest thing from my mind at that point and I just wanted more – more raw dick, more cum, and more cum. Santos then grabbed my hand, pulled me towards him and so I slipped the cousin’s dick out of my ass and stepped over, and backed down on Santo’s cock. DAMN – forgot how long he was and in that position felt like he was way up in my guts. Santos started thrusting his hips and pushing his dick up into me. My hole was wet and sloppy from all the cum and was making squishy noises. He held my hips/ass hard and dug his fingers in as he fucked me. The cousin the got off the couch and went to the bathroom. When he came back he knelt in front of me and put my dick in his mouth. WHAT THE FUCK? I was the bottom and had never had a top want to suck me – oh fucking hell that felt good. His mouth on my dick and Santos in my ass. I was in total bliss and soon said “Oh stop, please stop, I’m going to cum – no – I can’t get fucked after I cum, no stop.” Neither one stopped, Santos fucked harder as he held my arms by my side now and the cousin sucked my dick. I could feel the cum start up my dick and it wouldn’t stop, I couldn’t stop it, and started to shake, twitch and literally convulse as I blew my load into the cousin’s mouth and started moaning and groaning louder then before. My ass clenched up and wrapped tight around the dick in my ass, and this set Santos off as he grabbed my hips/ass, dug his fingers hard into my flesh and moaned and groaned as he shot his cum up my ass. Once he stopped shaking, he turned my face to the side and leaned forward and kissed me deep and hard and filled my mouth with his spit as he kissed me. I could barely breathe. We detangled from each other, I stood up, and excused myself to use the bathroom. I could not hold it in anymore and so much cum and juice came out of me, I could not believe it. I washed my face, went back to the living room, and Santos and his cousin were both sitting on the couch now, naked, passing the party supplies back and forth. I sat on the chair, and joined in. I’m not sure what time it was, but it was dark out, and we spent a while more in the living room with Santos or the cousin fucking me for a few or having me suck their dick, then partying some more, drinking, making small talk, and watching porn. What we talked about I have no idea, even the next day it was sort of a blur, but they did not shoot any more loads, and I was sort of disappointed as while the fucking felt good, I knew I had become a cum hound and just wanted to taste and feel their hot loads. As it got later we ended back up in the bedroom with me on my stomach on the futon and the cousin fucking me. My ass did not hurt anymore, I was too fucked up, and was just enjoying feeling the cousin and Santos. While the cousin fucked me, Santos laid beside me kissing me, from rough and hard, to gentle and sweet, and my mouth was getting fucked by his tongue harder then my ass was by the cousin’s dick. At some point I passed out, or fell asleep, and the next thing I remember is hand covering my mouth and feeling someone’s body move onto my back and shove their cock into my ass. Santos. I could not really move my head, but peering to the right could see the cousin was sleeping on the other side of the bed. Santos kept his right hand over my mouth, put his head down against mine and started nibbling and licking on my left ear. I was feeling more sober by then as my ass hurt – not in a good way – felt like I had been torn up and started to fidget and try to shift a little. Santos just pressed his body harder onto me and pushed his torso a little more forward so his dick pushed deeper and straight down into my hole instead of just going in level. This hurt even more and I started wimper. His grip on my mouth got tighter, his left hand was on my left hip pushing me down, and he angled himself a little to the right and thrust even harder. Right then I wanted him to stop, I could not take any more, but he held me tight and fucked harder, and harder, and harder. He leaned into my ear and said “Yeah baby, give it to me, yeah baby. Open that hole. Yeah baby,” as he fucked harder and harder. Between my whimpering and Santos slamming into me I was sure the cousin would wake up, but he kept sleeping. I had no choice but to lay there and take the fucking Santos was giving me and after a while the pain gave way as my dick got hard and my body responded to Santos being inside me. I realized how much I was craving the feeling of his raw dick in my ass and started moaning and trying to push back on him to meet his thrusts. Santos pumped harder and faster and when he shot I could feel him unload in my ass. It felt so warm. He then slid off my back and onto the futon by my right side next to his cousin. His hand was still over my mouth and I started kissing his hand as he relaxed and soon he was asleep. I laid there with my ass throbbing feeling the heat of Santos as he lay beside me and hearing his cousin snore on the other side. We all got up the next morning and I made some breakfast as Santos and his cousin took turns showering. When the cousin was in the shower Santos held me close and gave me a long, deep kiss. I asked if he had a good time and he said, “Oh yeah Pappi.” I told him I had fun too and hoped I got to see him again. Santos just kissed me some more and smiled. I saw Santos almost every Friday night after night for several months. I never knew if Santos was his first name or last, where he worked or lived (besides on the West side), or even his phone number. It was all about the dick, ass, and cum and just small talk. He always called me, and always showed up on Friday with his cock ring on and his dick hard and throbbing and ready to cum in me and he usually gave me 3 or 4 loads over the course of the night/next morning. A couple more times his cousin showed up too and we would do an all night party and fuck three-way session. They never asked me if he could come by, guess it was something they worked out as he would just show up when Santos was there and jump right in and give me some dick and cum. Those two boys would wear my ass out on those nights, but every time Santos made sure his was the last cock and load I would get – usually by waking me up in the middle of the night with his cock sliding up my ass and his hand over my mouth as he whispered in my ear, ““Yeah baby, give it to me, yeah baby. Open that hole. Yeah baby” until he flooded my hole with his cum.
  22. Barrio Boy Gives Me a Load I was living in San Antonio and the gay rodeo came to town, so went with a group of friends to see all the cowboys, hangout, and have fun. We spent all afternoon at the rodeo and then moved to one of the gay country western bars off North Main where there were several gay bars and clubs. My friends were ready to leave, but I had had a few shots of tequila and was having a blast so said I would grab a cab if I didn’t get lucky. Well, not sure what was in the air that night but I was having no luck with the cowboy crowd and said fuck it, time to go home. I headed out of the club and decided to walk a bit and turned right onto the side street instead of left to North Main. I had barely gone a block when this car slowed down beside me and this Mexican guy leaned over and asked through the open window (in a very heavy Spanish accent), “Wanna ride?” I was pretty buzzed by then and could smell the strong pot aroma coming out of his car, but looked around, and said “Sure, thanks man.” As soon as I sat in the car he started driving. He did not ask me where I lived and I did not really care. We drove for a couple minutes when he handed a joint to me and asked if I wanted to smoke. I said no, but did not mind if he did and wanted some company. He sort of looked at me sideways as he drove and I could not tell what his was thinking, but he said “OK” and kept driving. He soon pulled into a parking lot of a store and hopped out. I started to look around realized I had no fucking idea where I was, but again, did not really care. He hopped back in the car and handed me a bottle of tequila in a brown paper bag and gave me a wicked smile. He also set a bag on the back seat that I could see had beer in it. I then realized he was sort of hot. Nice thick mustache, wavy dark hair, about my age, and damn those eyes. He started driving again and I took a swig of tequila. Damn that shit burned! He still did not say anything but soon pulled down a side street that was a bit darker and took several more turns, and I started realizing I was not seeing any cars, it was getting darker and darker, and I had no idea where I was. I started to get scared and thinking fuck, what if this dude was out to rob me or some shit? But wouldn’t he have done that already? Damn! I don’t know. He stopped the car and I looked around. Appeared to be a bunch of warehouses – west of downtown as I could see the city off to my right, and not another person or car in sight. I truly was lost, but the tequila made me say what the fuck – whatever. He turned the car off, looked over at me and gave me a crooked smile and I melted. He turned the radio on to a Spanish music station, pulled out the joint, and lit up, took a big hit, smiled again, sat back in the seat, closed his eyes and let it take. I was still sort of confused and not sure what was up, so took another swig of tequila. I realized I was really buzzed now, maybe a little drunk, so should even it out and asked if I could have a beer. He said sure, reached back and grabbed me one. I was swallowing the beer trying to get my head a little clear when I glanced at him and saw he was rubbing his crotch. Or was I just drunk? No he was rubbing his crotch. He put the joint between his lips, arched his body out and unzipped his pants, and this fat uncut dick flopped out. He grabbed the lighter, lit up, looked at me and gave me that smile again. OK, I knew what was up now. I leaned over, gently rolled his foreskin back, and started sucking his dick. I heard him inhale deep and then felt the smoke wash over me as he exhaled. I just kept sucking. He tasted sweaty, clammy, and somewhat sour, but strong, damn his dick smelled and tasted good. He had a long foreskin that I was able to nibble on and lick each time I went down on him. He had not washed in a while for sure, but once I licked him good, liked the taste and wanted to taste him more. I soon realized I had to piss – bad – so opened the door, got out, stood near the back of the car close to the building and started to piss. I had dropped my shorts and soon felt a hand touching my ass. I looked to my right and he was standing beside me with his dick half hard, pants dropped, and a huge stream of piss flowing out his cock. FUCK that made me hard. He finished, I got on my hands and knees and started to suck him again. I sucked him for a while, then I felt him push me down by my shoulders. We were in a parking lot and it was rough, there was gravel, my knees were already hurting, but he pushed me onto my back, lifted my legs, spit on his hand, rubbed his dick, then pushed his dick against my ass – HARD. It took my breath away when he popped through my hole, and so I wrapped my arms around his neck and felt his weight as he started pumping my ass. Part of my brain was asking what the fuck was I doing, I should ask him to stop and put on a condom, where was I, etc… but my ass took over and I just gave in and felt him ride me. I wanted him to breed me so bad. He fucked hard. Every stroke he came almost all the way out (and a couple times he did come all the way out) and then slammed back in. He did not say a word, but held me tight and grunted and moaned with every thrust. I held my arms tight around his neck and loved the smell of his hair and skin as his dick. I was so out of it – between the tequila and dick in my ass I was floating in bliss and am sure had a big old grin on my face. After a while he pulled out, got on his knees, looked at me, smiled again, grabbed my hand and pulled me up as he stood up. He then bent me over and in one stroke buried his dick back up my ass. He pumped it hard and I just held on feeling his fat uncut dick slide in and out. Soon he started to grunt and say something in Spanish. I had no idea what, but hoped it was good. His dick swelled, he grabbed me in a bear hug, and I felt him unload in my guts, and I begged “Please cum in me, please cum in me!”. It felt like his dick spasmed and twitched forever. He yanked his dick out and stood there looking at me. I knelt back down on the pavement and licked and sucked on his dick to clean him off. Fuck he tasted good. He pulled out of my mouth and sat back in the car, lit up another joint and relaxed back into the seat. I climbed back into the passenger’s side and he still did not say much. Just smiled at me and about 5 minutes later, closed his door, started the car, and began driving. Soon we were back near the clubs and I told him he could just let me out any place. When my friends asked how my evening was and I told them, they said yeah, a lot of barrio boys from West San Antonio did the drive by, pick up thing, around there just to get a nice hole to fuck as they knew the drunk gay boys always gave it up. I went back to that block several times after going to the clubs, hoping I would see him again. I never did, but did end up doing a hot three way with two barrio boys one night. That’s a story for another time.
  23. First Dirty Fuck from a Nasty Top I was in Houston for a few weeks doing some work and staying at a motel just off the freeway and south of downtown on the 59 Freeway. There was a video store in a strip mall near the intersection of Bellaire and Hillcrest that had some adult video booths in the back. No glory holes, but the doors locked so had founds lots of action there when I had lived in Houston before. My first night back in town I had some beer then decided to go see what action there was. It was fairly quiet and not much going on and was about ready to go when I saw this older guy who was in his 40s from what I could tell, who had on jeans, cowboy boots, big buckled belt, cowboy hat, medium cropped beard and mustache, and a thick wad of tobacco under his lip – total country boy redneck look. He was about 6’1 and over 200, so as I liked tops bigger than me, started to follow him around. He did not seem all that interested in me or anything else going on, so I went back to a booth and watched some movies. I had decided to give up and leave when the door opened and the cowboy guy looked in, looked around the hall, then stepped in my booth and locked the door. He didn’t say anything, just stood there watching the video and started rubbing his crotch. I went over, kneeled in front of him, and started licking his dick through his jeans and soon had a nice wet spot going. He took off his belt, laid it on the bench, opened up his jeans and slid them down. He was not wearing underwear and out popped this big old uncut dick, which was not even fully hard yet. My head was full of the odor of unwashed dick, piss, and sweat, mixed in with the smell of cigarettes and beer that was coming off him. He just kept staring at the video so I rolled the skin back on his dick and started to lick around the head. The head was HUGE! Most guys their head is smaller and their dick tapers and gates fatter closer to the shaft. Not him, it was a big and blunt at the end just as fat as the rest of his dick and I could barely get my mouth around it. When I tried sucking I gagged a little which turned him on as he grabbed my head and started pumping my throat, making me gag even more as he got fully hard, about 9 inches and thick. Spit was running out of my mouth, my throat hurt as he hit the back with every thrust, eyes were burning and knees sore, so I stood up to catch my breath and wipe my mouth off. He kept watching the video, but turned me around, reached around and unbuttoned my denim shorts, pushed my shorts down and pushed me to bend over. I wiggled the bottle of poppers out of my pocket and started to hit them thinking he was just going to jerk off on my back as that seemed to be all he was doing. But, then I heard him spit, felt of a wad of juice in my ass crack and he slid his fingers up and down my ass then shoved two in my hole. I jumped a little, but pushed back and then realized he meant to fuck and did not think there was anyway I could take that huge head. I stood up to turn around to tell him and he just pushed me back over with his right hand as his left kept working his fingers in my ass, all the while I could feel his hard dick against my hips and right ass cheek. That went on for a while and I figured that was all he was into. He spit a few more times and I realized it must be tobacco spit as I remembered the wad he had in his mouth. He then yanked his fingers out, pushed me forward a little, lined his dick head up with my ass and started to push – hard. I started to pull away, but he grabbed my hips and kept pushing. My hole could not take his head, it was just too big, but he did not say a word, just kept pushing, so I did a big hit of poppers. Suddenly his head popped through my asshole and fuck – the shock took my breath away! Once it was in he started to fuck balls deep at a steady rhythm and would spit on my ass crack every few strokes until it got nice and wet and started making slopping noises. Being bent over all I could see was his cowboy boots and jeans around his ankle, so I braced myself, hit the poppers, and grunted as he fucked. He fucked at a steady pace for what seemed like forever and I was getting more and more sore and my legs were cramping. I tried to stand up, but he just stepped forward a few steps pushing me ahead of him so my head was now at the wall right under the video screen. He did not stop fucking and barely made a sound. I was breathing hard trying to take it and thinking I was going to pass out when he started to fucker faster and grabbed the sides of my ass hard, his fingers digging into my flesh. I felt his cock swell and twitch as he unloaded in my ass. He yanked it out with a plop, turned me around and stuck his dick in my face. I tried to shy away, but he held the side of my head and pushed his dick into my mouth. I could taste cum, juice, and was afraid there would be a little shit, and started to really gag. He just stuck his cock back in my mouth, worked it around a little, then pulled it out and hauled up his jeans. “Got a pen?” Those were the first words he had said and I said yeah, reached in my backpack, took out a pen and paper and handed it to him. He wrote the name down of a motel out by the highway just up from where I was staying and a room number and the name Chris. “I’ll be there about 8:00, drive a blue truck, bring some Corona.” He then put his belt back on and walked out of the booth. I sat in the booth for a while recovering and no one else seemed to be around, still too early I guess, so I wiped off and went back to my motel. I was still debating what to do as my ass was fucking sore, but also aching to be filled, so I went to the store, bought a case of corona and some lime juice and drove to the motel he had written down. I got there about 10 minutes to 8:00 and there were a few cars on that side of the motel, and the only trucks were a couple big trucks they use for roadwork off to the back of the lot. He had said about 8:00, so I sat in the car, opened a beer, and waited. I had just finished my second beer when a blue pick up pulled up beside me. It was pretty beat up, had tool boxes and stuff in the back, and could not tell if he was driving or not as it was so close to my driver’s door. I heard someone get out, then saw him as he walked around the front. He just looked at me, unlocked the door to his room and stepped in leaving the door a little open. I figured that was my invite, so got out, grabbed the beer, went in, and closed the door behind me. It had been only about 4 hours since the fuck in the video booth, but as soon as the door was closed he grabbed me and started kissing me hard. He reeked of beer and cigarettes and must be drunk I thought. He threw his hat onto the bed closest to the door, sat down, and said “Pull these off.” So I knelt and pulled his cowboy boots off, and worked his jeans off as he laid back on the bed. I tried to take his socks off and he pulled his foot away. Once his jeans were off he stood up, took his shirt off and just had a t-shirt on. He smelled thick of sweat and as there was no air conditioning on in the room, could see him starting to sweat even more. He turned the TV on, switched to a channel playing porn, grabbed one of the beers and slammed it. He grabbed another and sat on the edge of the other bed. I was still standing by the other bed with his boots and jeans and not sure what to do or what was going on, so grabbed a beer and sat down on the edge of the bed closest to the door. I was nervous and drinking as fast as I could and had to piss, so asked if I could use the bathroom. He pointed to his left, so I went to take a piss. I was just finishing up when the door to the toilet opened and he was there. I was between him and the tub with no where to go so tried to back up. He pushed on my shoulder making me go my knees and stuck his dick in my mouth. I started to lick and he said, “No, hold still.” I had recently experienced my first time with water sports, so had an idea what was coming. He dick lay on my tongue sort of quivering and then I felt the hot piss. Fuck that tasted horrible! I wanted to gag, but kept swallowing as some of it started to spill out the sides of my mouth and down my chin onto my shirt. He pulled out of my mouth, shook it a little, then went back out into the room. After a couple more beers he stood up between the beds just in front of the nightstand that was between. He set his beer on the nightstand and lit a cigarette, looked at the TV and started stroking his dick, which was getting hard. So I knelt in front of him and started sucking it. Same as before, he did not say anything, just would pick the beer up occasionally with one hand, his cigarette with the other, and watched the TV as I sucked him. I was getting tired and my teeth scraped his dick and I felt him smack my cheek with his right hand, but still he did not say anything. My jaw ached, so I started to lick him – damn he was hard. I finally had to stand up, sat down on the bed, and grabbed my beer to catch my breath. He just stood where he was watching the video with his hard dick sticking out while I slammed a beer. He spit on his dick a couple times and looked at me, so I stood in front of him, hit the poppers, and bent over. I heard him squirt out some lotion from a bottle that was sitting on the bed stand, felt some squirt on my ass, then felt his cock push against my hole. While it did not go right in, it was easier then the first time, but still made me gasp a little when it popped through. He fucked steady and methodical without saying a word, but he would slap my ass with his right hand every few thrusts, each one getting a little harder. I just grunted and tried to take it. I soon started to feel like I had to piss or shit or something, and tried to stand up. He pushed me back down so I asked if we can stop a second as I thought I had to use the bathroom. “What do you need to do?” I think I have to shit I told him. “Really? Hmmm – get on your back.” I said what, no, sorry, I can’t, I need to use the….but he pushed me onto my back onto the bed by the door, lifted my legs and slammed his cock in. “Oh yeah, hot pussy, hot pussy.” He had my legs pushed back and all his weight thrusting in my ass. I was trying to squirm but he pinned me with his arms on my shoulder and my legs wrapped inside his arms, so I had no leverage. He then leaned all the way over, kissing me hard, then started saying “Oh yeah, hot pussy, hot pussy.” He would kiss me hard for a while, then put his head to the side of mine whispering that over and over. His sweat was dripping into my face, burning my eyes. Every thrust he went balls deeps and with the pain I pretty much kept my eyes closed, but soon I was mumbling “please fuck me, please fuck me.” I was not used to taking long fucks and the pain started to become unbearable. I then started to smell something – fuck – my ass was messy, what do I do, what can I do, will he be mad? He must smell it too, why isn’t he stopping? I tried pushing against him but was so cramped from him having my legs back by my shoulders and had no leverage could barely move. I could now feel it running down my ass and the smell was much worse. He just kept thrusting and saying, “Oh yeah, hot pussy, hot pussy” and kissing me. After a while he started fucking faster with big, long, slamming strokes. His kisses became even rougher with his tongue going down my throat and his spit running out the sides of my mouth. He was pulling all the way out and slamming back in now as he kissed me and I could barely breathe with him on top and the pain. He then tensed and started grunting and moved his arms around my neck pulling him up to his chest while shoving deeper and unloaded. He was breathing hard, but with one movement pushed off me and yanked his cock out with a big squishing sound. I still had my eyes closed, but suddenly felt his hand on my head, he turned it to the side and pushed his cock against my mouth and into my throat. I gagged from the horrible taste and realized he had stuck his shitty dick in my mouth! He was fucking my mouth and I was gagging and trying to pull away and sit up. I finally managed to wiggle off it just as I felt everything coming up and leaned over the bed to the side by the door and puked. Oh fuck! I then rolled back over and he told me, “Sit up.” I sat up as I wiped my mouth and my eyes, and he said, “Now you cleared out, clean it off good.” He stuck his dick back in my mouth as I could barely lick it still feeling sick from what just happened. He pulled his cock out, grabbed some towels, threw them at me, so I cleaned up the puke and went to the sink to wash off. He came up behind me and said, “No”, he stopped me from washing my ass off, told me to sit back down and drink this, as he handed me a beer and a towel to sit on. I guzzled that one and grabbed another. I had never had a dirty fuck like that and only played when I knew I was clean. I was queasy, but my dick was still hard, so did not know what was going on. He just sat on the other bed drinking his beer and watching the TV. After a few minutes I tried to apologize and said I was sorry and tried to explain that nothing like that had ever happened and he just got up and walked into the bathroom. “Come here.” So I went in and he was standing by the toilet, so I knelt in front of him and took his piss and this time he pulled out before he was done and wet a good part of my shirt and then he want back into the room. I went and sat back down smelling like his piss, tasting his piss, the smell of his sweat and cigarettes and kisses still filled my nose, feeling my dirty ass. We sat like that for a while so I figured I better go. I got up and grabbed my pants and he said, “No, stay here, I’ll be right back.” He got dressed and left the room. About 5 minutes later he came back, got undressed again, and pulled out a joint. “Guys upstairs had it, they’re part of my road crew working on the freeway project. Smoke with me?” I told him thanks, but no, I didn’t smoke and should go. He said, “No, just drink some more beer, weed makes me horny.” Fuck – if he was not horny before, I did not think I could take any more and felt sick and told him so. He had lit up and just looked at me and smiled and took another hit. I spent the next several hours alternately drinking his piss, and him pinning me on my back to fuck my shitty ass. Each time as soon as he got inside he started saying, “Oh yeah, hot pussy, hot pussy” and kissing me rough and hard. My lips felt raw. Each time it was messier, smellier, and took him longer to cum. By the time we were done I was totally drunk and could barely stand from all the fucking. He told me he was in town for couple months, and wanted my number. I told him I was just in town for a few weeks but gave him my motel info. A couple days later he called about 6:00 pm and said, “Bring some beer.” When I got into his room he was naked and watching a video and was hard, so I got undressed and just bent over the other bed. He moved around so he was facing the TV, grabbed the lotion and fucked. Hurt like hell as I was still sore and the huge thick head just tore through my hole. He cummed pretty quickly that time. “You got hot pussy for me?” he asked. It took me a minute to figure out what he was talking about – or at least what I thought he was talking about – and I asked if he meant dirty? He did not say anything, just rubbed his dick, and I said no, sorry, didn’t think so. I started to get dressed and said, “Call me when you do, and bring the beer.” I told him usually early morning, so he said he would call me as he would be out with the crew. The next morning the phone rang about 5:30 am, it was him asking if I had some hot pussy for him. I said yeah, so he said he would be there in a few minutes, so leave the door ajar to my room and lay on the bed on my back. I was not sure about leaving the door ajar, but was able to unlatch and open just past the catch so it was ajar but not really open and laid back and waited. Soon the door opened. I heard him get out of his pants, he climbed onto the bed, lifted my legs up, spit in his hand a few times, and pushed his head in. Thankfully I had hit the poppers before he got there and put lube up my ass as every stroke burned. Even this early in the morning he reeked of sweat, cigarettes and beer. He started kissing me and saying, “Oh yeah, hot pussy, hot pussy.” I could smell the shit and it was uncomfortable as he fucked and pushed it back in further. Like usual it took him a while to cum and this time when he pulled out I begged please, I don’t like that, can’t lick it. He did not say anything, just got up, got dressed and left. We repeated this routine for the next few weeks. He would call and then come by every morning between 4:00 and 6:00. A few times he would feed me his piss first, but usually just got down to a shitty fuck. I had to go back home to San Antonio, but made it back to Houston for a couple more weekends before he left town. He never talked about himself or said more then he did those first few times, and each time I was disgusted, sick to my stomach, but left hard and my ass aching for his big headed dick to fuck me more.
  24. Bottom guy in DC looking to get stuffed Christmas weekend and basted with as much man juice Christmas weekend as I can - cum, piss, spit, bring it on. Just have 8 inches or more - thick is great too.
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