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Everything posted by JessicaDiamond

  1. I prefer 6.5 to 8. I'm not a size queen but I need to feel something 💋
  2. Umm not exactly. Lol There's this n*zi cunt that my bestie and I happened to know and who fucked us over. One day, someone (who was definitely not us) wrote "if you want a good time call (her phone number)" on men's bathroom stalls around town. I totally forgot about that until just now. I wonder if they ever figured out who did that 🤣🤣🤣
  3. In the hell scape known as USA, no. Except for Nevada* *Some municipalities in Nevada have ordinances against prostitution. SMH
  4. I'm trying to get better. Some days are okay then some days either trauma, dysphoria, or depression or even all three hit. Some days I find myself standing on my bridge looking down trying to find a reason not to jump off. My list of reasons to keep going is getting longer, so that's progress 🤗🤗
  5. I've been raped. I don't really talk about it very much. The one rape I've only ever told two people what happened. I'll talk about what led up to it and the aftermath, but I don't talk about the actual rape. The other rapes I don't talk about at all, ever. Like I told my therapist Monday, talking about it gives it power. If I don't talk about it I can try to pretend that it didn't happen. But talking about the rapes gives them form, gives them power, makes them real.
  6. I get it My mental is pretty fucked too. Last year, in September, I unalived myself. Two friends that I've known since I was 14, saved me. I flat lined five times before they brought me back. Mentally, I am doing better but it can still be a struggle. Wednesday morning, I had a close call. Therapy helps, if nothing else it gives you an outlet to vent. Personally, I try to focus on the positive things in my life, like my fur babies and trying to outlive my boomer bigot uncle. I hope that you're able to get help. Please. If you need to, you can always hit me up. Be kind to yourself, love ya 🤗💋🤗
  7. I'd like to visit that haunted house 🦂☣️🔥
  8. That's a hard no on the homeless dude. As for drugs, it would have to depend. I'm recovering and have been clean for almost 7 months myself, so I honestly doubt it. My ex girlfriend was an addict but she was smoking hott
  9. Definitely 6 guys 🔥☣️🦂☣️
  10. Puberty blockers ARE reversible and completely safe. They've been used to treat early onset puberty since the mid 1980s. The first use for trans kids wasn't until a decade later. If you haven't noticed fascism and bigotry have been on the rise internationally for the last seven years. That explains your assertion about other countries "stepping back" from trans health care. Just in case you're either too unkowlegable or too blinded by ideology, let me put it in writing for you. As right wing politicians gain power in government, they make it harder for trans people in general and trans children in specific to access health care and live their lives in an effort to reduce/remove them from the population (AKA soft genocide). I hope you hold the same views for ALL medical procedures. (tonsillectomy, wisdom teeth removal, cavity removal, broken bones, eye examination, vaccinations, cancer treatments, early onset puberty, diabetic treatments, to name a few) Otherwise you'd just be a hateful hypocrite. Oh, BTW, if a minor is "too young" or "too immature" to know what their gender identity is, then they're too young and immature to know what their sexual orientation is. Just sayin
  11. True. Doctors mostly follow WPATH standards. Given the BS coming out of repuklican states, maybe we need some national guidelines. Or better yet, a Federal law saying that doctors, not politicians, should be the authority in medical decisions
  12. My ONLY regret with transitioning is that I didn't do this sooner. Childhood transition wouldn't have been an option for me, because of how I was raised. However, I wish more than anything that it was. As for puberty blockers, they were used to help treat gender dysphoria in children, without issue, since 1993. As was stated before, blockers are administered at the onset of puberty (since there is no reason to do so before that) typically around 10-12 years old. Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) typically begins at age 16, though sometimes as young as 14, and only with the recommendation of two shrinks AND the permission of said child's parents.
  13. Yes, I am a faggot. I like girls 💋🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️👭
  14. If my clitty is bigger than the guy's cock I'm gonna laugh at him. I'm not a size queen but I need to get something out of it
  15. I love it when a guy shoots his baby batter deep inside my tight, slutty ass
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