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  • Gender
  • Location
    Melbourne, Australia
  • Interests
    Amyl, beats, flip-fucking, leather, piss play, rough, saunas.
  • HIV Status
    Don't Ask, Don't Tell
  • Role
  • Background
    Tall, strong, masculine guy with a thick uncut cock and an eager hole. + friendly.
  • Looking For
    Generally up for kinky play with youngish guys with big cocks, loose holes or ideally both.

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  1. I haven’t been to all of these (yet!) but would definitely recommend naked days at Xkboys. In my experience, you can expect non-stop fucking and breeding, with plenty of hot guys. I still think of the last load I sank there: in a very young, very hot North African guy. I must have been the tenth guy to breed him and he was still so grateful for another load
  2. I’ll take that as invitation …
  3. You can walk to Collingwood or get the 86 tram. It is definitely, definitely worth the trip. Wet on Wellington has two very active darkrooms
  4. @monkey2712, don’t forget Wet on Wellington too. It’s a great sauna
  5. Hope you have fun, mate! You should definitely hit the saunas.
  6. @EuRawBull, thanks for this list! I'm not sure I agree with your assessment of Australia. My experience in the capital cities is that there’s a reasonable balance of tops and bottoms. Of course, lots of bottoms would like a higher ratio of tops, but it seems to work out. As for condoms, good luck finding one in Australia nowadays!
  7. I’m not sure whether you’d be comfortable with this, but having a fair bit of alcohol before you hit the bathhouse should solve your problem. I’m guessing you went to Sauna Nieuwezijds. It’s great there. The steam room might work for you too.
  8. It really is worth finding a suitable doctor. You could try: a local sex clinic (a quick Google search suggests there are some options) a doctor whose profile mentions sexual health or prep a doctor in a gay-friendly area
  9. @HappyPozBoy, the PrEP doesn’t sound useful to you regardless. Am I missing something?
  10. Both of the bathhouses in Melbourne (Australia) have these.
  11. Again, trust the experts and not me, but some possible (and not too outlandish) problems would be drug-resistant gonorrhoea, and complications from syphilis. You’d still need regular STI tests.
  12. It’s obvious but worth saying that you should consult a doctor who regularly deals with STIs. I have no special expertise, but … As far as STIs go, you should also consider MPox vaccinations. Also, as @funpozbottom says, there are plenty of non-sexual infections transmitted by close contact. The meningitis vaccine would be worth considering.
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