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[DO NOT do this at home. It's rape, it's illegal, it's wrong...] Douglas was a walking, talking wet dream. He was 5-11, 160, had short brown hair, and the sexiest brown eyes you've ever seen. He was all toned muscle. No fat on that boy. His shoulders, chest, and abs were the envy of many dudes. He had been on the basketball, swimming, and wrestling teams all four years in high school, and had lettered in all three. He was every girl's dream date and more than one guy's fuck dream. Doug had no idea how sexy he was. He was completely naïve and oblivious. He had dated only a few girls and never had a serious relationship. He rarely went to parties, and, except for the communion wine, avoided alcohol. His Dad was the pastor of a large nondenominational church in Albuquerque; and ever since he could remember, Doug had wanted to follow him into the ministry. He was 19, and had just finished his freshman year at Liberty University, a Christian college in Virginia. On the long trek back to New Mexico, just this side of Amarillo, his Explorer started acting up. He pulled off the highway onto a deserted service road. Poor Doug had one other deficiency—he knew nothing about cars. He was staring vacuously at the steaming engine when a van pulled along side. Horny Chris stared at the Boy for a few moments. Doug was wearing a white tee and tight, faded Levis that highlighted his perfect Bubble Butt. Chris saw the bumper sticker: Liberty University. 'Mmmmmm. Oh my God! A good Christian boy!' Chris was somewhat of a Twink himself. He was 24, and about Doug's height and build, but had blonde hair. Oh, yeah, and Chris was opportunistic, unscrupulous, Gay and POZ. He'd been infected during a night of wild whoring at the Midtown Spa in Dallas, and felt duty bound to induct whomever into the Gay STD Hall of Shame. And he had a special weakness for pretty, young, religious boys like Doug. He glanced in the back of the Explorer and saw that it was filled with luggage. Looked like the Kid was headed home for the summer. "Car trouble?" Chris inquired. "Yeah," Doug acknowledged. "It's stallin' out and overheatin'. I tried to call the Triple-A, but my cell phone doesn't work out here." "Mind if I take a look?" "Sure," Doug said. "Help yourself." "Name's Chris," the newcomer introduced himself. "I'm Doug. Glad to meet you." Chris gave the engine a once-over. "Looks like your radiator fluid's low. It's overheated. You need to let her cool down a bit—then fill her up. I've got some water in the van." "Good," said Doug, reaching for the radiator cap. "No!" cried Chris, pulling Doug's arm back. "You could burn yourself! Give it time to cool down." Doug nodded, wiping the sweat from his brow. "Thanks, but I don't want to inconvenience you." "I'm sure you'd do the same for me." A broad grin crossed Dougie's face. "So, you go to Liberty University?" "Yeah, you heard of it?" "My cousin went there a few years ago." The so-called cousin had flunked out. "I'm studying to be a minister. My dad has a church in Albuquerque." Doug was clearly excited about his calling, while Chris's mind was already in the gutter. "Wanna join me in the van while we're waitin? Cooler in there." "Love to!" the Boy agreed. Chris smiled at the Kid's enthusiasm and wondered if the Punk would still "love to" later on. He rummaged in the back and returned with a couple open Cokes. "Thanks," Doug said, gulping down the brew. "Oh man, that tastes good. I didn't realize how thirsty I was." He took one swig and then another. Within a minute the soft drink was gone. "Whoa!" Doug exclaimed. "I think I got too much sun out there. My head is spinning." "You all right?" Chris sounded concerned. "Wanna lie back? The seat reclines." "Yeah, thanks." Doug pressed a button that eased back the seat. His eyes were drooping, and his speech was slurred. He had no clue that Chris had spiked his Coke with GHB. "Hey man, you okay?" Chris sounded far away. Doug's head was swimming. He felt dizzy. His eyes were heavy, and he had no inclination to reply. "Here, let me help you into the back so you can lie down," Chris offered, dragging the drugged young man out of his seat. Overtaxed from all the dead weight, Chris positioned the insensate Youth on an air mattress with pillows to prop him up. He busied himself setting up a video cam while Douglas flaked in cuckoo land. With preparations well in hand, Chris turned to court the oblivious Young Man. He unzipped his fly and hauled out his 8 inches. "Hey, buddy, wanna protein shake?" He ran his Dick back and forth across Doug's handsome face and over his lips, leaving a trail of Precum glistening on his new Boyfriend’s face. "Nnnnnn... " Doug moaned, barely cognizant of what was up. Chris slipped his index finger in the Young Man’s mouth, prying his jaw open, and slid his fat, dripping Cock into the dazed Stud's mouth. With one hand on the back of Dougie's head, he began to fuck his Playmate's face. The Kid had no conception what was going down. Chris pulled his Dick from Dougie's throat, reached in his gym bag, and pulled out his Poppers. He held the bottle to the Youth's nose. "Come on," Chris coaxed. "Take a nice deep breath." The Teen inhaled, and his body shuddered. Bingo! Chris quickly switched the bottle to the other nostril and instructed Doug to sniff again. The high-as-a-kite Youngster did as he was told, and was soon floating on Cloud Nine. A low guttural moan escaped his lips. For good measure, Chris administered a couple more hits. Then he took his own half-empty can of Coke, and topped it off with whisky. He placed it to the Young Man's lips and made the young Teetotaler imbibe. Doug reflexively tried to spit it out, but Chris forced him to swallow. Having rarely consumed alcohol before, in congress with the Poppers and GHB, the Boy was totally fucked up. Chris shoved his Cock back down Dougie's throat, grabbed his ears, and began to fuck his face in earnest. When he felt his Balls begin to boil, he pulled out, jerked a few more times, and spewed his Noxious Load right onto Dougie's pretty face. Seven spurts hit Doug dead on. There was Jizz in his hair, his eyes, and on his lips and chin. Some dribbled down his tee. Chris scooped up some of the Toxic Spooge, and, with his nails, dug it into Dougie's inner cheeks and gums. "Be a good boy and take your medicine. Daddy wants so to give you AIDS." Chris slid Doug down till he lay prone and quickly re-aimed the video cam. He pulled off the Young Hunk's tee and marveled at the smooth chest, pointy Nips, and chiseled Abs. He leaned down and sucked and bit the manly Tits, nibbling at them real good. "Unhhhhh... Ooooohhh... Mmmmmm..." the inebriated Freshman moaned. Chris watched the Stud's Cock-Bulge balloon. "Oh yeah, I bet you're still a Virgin." Tweaking and twisting his Victim's Nips, he blew in his ear and licked his lobes. "Oooooh.......Noooooo...." Doug moaned, half conscious of the stimuli and how his body was responding. He may have been thinking no, but his tumescent Shaft sure as hell was nodding yes! Chris frenched him and kept up the titty torture. Within seconds Doug began to kiss him back. Oh yeah...a guy's a guy and a mouth's a mouth—Gay or Straight—it doesn't matter. Chris played tonsil-hockey with his Drugged-Up Play Thing a few more minutes. He traced his finger across the Student's lips, down to the waistband of his jeans. He tongued Doug's belly button and once again nibbled on those perky, pouty Nips. "Ahhhhhh!" Doug gasped, trying to push Chris away; but the besotted Youth was too far gone, and Chris had no trouble pinning him. He grabbed a rope from his gym bag, tied Doug's wrists above his head, then continued torturing the Cunt. He unbuttoned the Boy's jeans and slid the zipper down. Poor Dougie’s Cock was well-endowed but under-nourished, and the Kid's hard Rod jumped appreciatively as Chris slobbered on his Cock and Balls. Chris lifted Dougie's Ass and stripped his jeans completely off. Doug's legs were tanned and muscular, with a light smattering of hair. He fingered the Boy's quivering Pussy and felt it spasm beneath his touch. The Youth was totally at his mercy, his body screaming FUCK ME!—or so it seemed. With the video cam already catching every nuance of the Boy's enthrallment, Chris grabbed a digital camera and began to shoot pic after pic of the naked, aroused Nymph. Besides the carnal pleasure, Chris stood to make a few bucks off the Kid. He'd knew exactly which web sites to post the Teasers on. And the video—wow! He could make a mint off of that—once guys realized it wasn't fake. After taking several Polaroids specifically meant for DEO—Doug's Eyes Only (for Chris was fond of acronyms), he ran his hands over the dazed Teen's chiseled Bod, twisting his Nips and engulfing the Young Twink's out-of-control Joystick in the warm, wet recesses of his mouth and throat. Shit! The Kid's Precum was so saccharin and crystal clear. He couldn't wait to contaminate it with his own POZ Spooge. For on more than one occasion Chris had used the BUG to bond with another man, and Doug was just the latest to fall victim to his wiles. He placed Doug's legs on his broad shoulders and lifted his sweet, tight Target off the mattress. He slid his index finger up the Virgin Pussy and wiggled it against his Prostate. The Man Child began to buck and moan. He gave the Kid another hit of Poppers and another shot of booze. It was time to teach the Preacher's Son a lesson. Shucking off his own jeans and briefs, Chris lubed up his Dick with Jizm from the Christian's Cummy Face AND RAMMED IT UP THE VIRGIN'S ASS. Doug screamed in pain as Chris reamed his nigh unlubricated Chute. Chris fed the Youth more Poppers, which he readily accepted—perhaps because, subconsciously, he knew they helped. Chris continued to fuck Doug for the next half hour, grinding his own POZ SPOOGE into the Innocent's Ass Walls. The Kid got fucked till his abraded Sphincter was caked with Cum and Blood and Stools. In a single afternoon the straight-laced Christian Fundamentalist had been transformed into a wretched Faggot Cum Dump. The sun was setting, and Chris dragged the Youth, clad only in his birthday suit, over to his SUV, and dumped him in. He stashed two plastic gallon jugs beside the wheel well, along with an envelope containing a few choice Polaroids and a note warning that if he discussed their little affaire de coeur with anyone, he'd be the next Gay Poster Boy. Yeah—like Chris wasn't already intending to cash in; but he figured Doug would be so ashamed, he'd never tell a soul. Chris looked down at the somnolent, defiled Youth stretched across the bench seat of the SUV. It gets cool in the desert after dark, and the falling temp would wake the Young Man up for sure. He wondered, now that Doug had had his first exposure to Gay Sex, the only sex he'd ever known, if he'd cum back for more. And then there was the matter of his Special Seed. Had Chris succeeded in breeding the Boy? Alas, he'd never know. The fading roar of Chris's engine caused the inebriated Youth to stir. His eyes fluttered, blinded by the brilliant oranges of the setting desert sun. His head ached so bad. So did his Ass. He fell back asleep and dreamt erotic fantasies about some guy named Chris.
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Drew ran a website promoting Christian values. Amongst those sections most perused was on the issue of homosexuality. There was one contributer in particular, called Bruce, who frequently attacked the traditional line and admitted to being a practising and prolific gay man. Over the time he'd been contributing to the forum, Drew felt he was slowly wearing Bruce down. Bruce was online again and was more forthright than normal with comments like “how do you know unless you've tried it” and so on. But Drew wasn't able to stay long chatting to him as he had to go out to get some tickets for the Edinburgh Festival “Oh, that's a shame”, said Bruce, “so you're an Edinburgh resident like me?” and Bruce slyly thought of a devilish plan to trap Drew. “I live in the city maybe you could come over to discuss matters further in person?” Drew naively agreed to his proposition and then headed out to get his tickets. Drew arrived at Bruce's studio flat at the appointed time to discuss matters with him for the next hour. Bruce was partially erect in anticipation of what he had planned to do to dupe Drew into full blown intercourse with him. It didn't show, however, he didn't want to put Drew off before his plan was fully implemented. Bruce welcomed him in to his den. After some pleasantries, Drew and Bruce began debating over some coffee. Again, Bruce maintained you can't criticise unless you've tried it. Drew countered with examples of acts that shouldn't be done come what may. So the debating continued with Drew's coffee getting cold. Drew pointed out the dangers of promiscuous sex: “think of the diseases you can catch!” Bruce heartily agreed with that statement. Drew once again thought he was getting somewhere with him. He wondered if he could replace this half drunk cup of now cold coffee with a fresh one. Bruce offered to do a proper filter coffee for him. He was now ready to enact his plan. He percolated a full jug of coffee, far too much for the two of them. He depressed the plunger. Drew was surprised that Bruce didn't have one of the new coffee-makers. But Bruce replied how he loved plunging. When Drew was not looking Bruce unscrewed the top of the filter jug sufficiently that when it was poured it was bound to let all the contents spill out. He brought the coffee and milk jugs over and offered to pour some fresh coffee for Drew. Indeed as he did so, the top came off and plenty of coffee spilled over Drew's lap and top. Bruce apologised profusely and urgently suggested Drew took his clothes off so he could wash the coffee out on a quick wash before it stained and then he encouraged him to take a quick shower whilst they were being washed. Drew concurred and rushed into the shower, stripping off all his clothes, including his wet boxers and leaving them by the shower-room door. Drew discovered the lock wasn't working, to which Bruce apologised again that he hadn't got round to fixing it. Which wasn't true he had “fixed” it shortly before Drew's arrival. After grabbing Drew's clothes and flinging them in the washing machine, he stripped and put his own clothes in there too, He grabbed a fresh, clean towel and headed back into the shower-room. “I've brought you a fresh towel” he said and Drew thanked him. Drew was now standing in a small bathtub in the section designed for a power shower and was enjoying the invigorating spurt of the water on him, Bruce was enjoying the view of his firm buttocks and was thinking of giving him his own invigorating spurt. He stepped into the tub and gave Drew a stinging slap on his inviting cheeks. Drew said in horror “What are you doing, get out of here!” He feared to turn round which would expose himself further to Bruce's gaze. But that only gave Bruce the time to squirt cleaning lotion on his hands ready to insert a finger up Drew's bottom. “Get off! Stop that now! Get out!” Drew responded in a feeble and shocked manner to what Bruce was doing to him. Drew felt Bruce's oily fingers sliding between the cheeks of his arse into his virginal rectum. "Stop please," Drew gasped. "I'm not gay. I'm straight. Please stop doing this." His long thin fingers were probing Drew's bottom now with a purposeful urgency. He continued as Drew felt two, three, then four fingers plunging in and out of him. What happened next shocked Drew even more, he felt his cock begin to stiffen and rise. He tried to will it down. But the feeling of those fingers in his bottom and the idea of being played with like this was turning him on. Drew began breathing harder, his cock was now rock hard and pointing upwards. "Oh God!" Drew gasped. His untouched cock began spitting out long ropes of cum. He had never cum like this ever before in his life. His cock began twitching with the final spasms. He could feel Bruce as his fingers wiggled inside his prostate to coax the last drops of spunk from Drew's aching balls. “You've just cum, now it's my turn!” Bruce exclaimed as he squirted lotion on his thick shaft and forcefully entered Drew from behind.” Drew screamed in pain and horror. “Please stop! No, no, no” was his refrain as Bruce kept slamming his cock further and further inside him.” “I do love to plunge” Bruce commented as he further violated Drew's innards. “No, No, No” Drew was continuing to say with every plunge. But again, Drew found his attitude changing and after about a minute of this pounding, he found himself aroused by this deep fucking and he started to cry out “Yes, yes, yes!” As Drew started to enjoy this thrusting more and more, he confessed to Bruce “You are right I shouldn't have criticised until I'd tried it myself.” That was all the trigger Bruce needed to go for broke, fucking Drew raw harder and faster. As he pumped his toxic seed deep within Drew's insides, Bruce too confessed “Yes, and you were right about the diseases you can catch!”
Predators and prey Michael was a good boy. He was a good pupil and always listened to his parents. He helped old people in crossing the street and was involved in his church. And Michael believed in God. Still there was a dark secret hidden in this otherwise always friendly guy. Michael fantasized of being sexually dominated by men. His parents didn’t know he was gay. To the extent either of them thought about it, both his mother and father assumed he was shy with girls, but that eventually he would grow out of it. Neither ever considered Michael might be a dick-taking faggot. Now, at the age of 18, having received his driving license, Mike felt an overwhelming urge to get fucked. The urge grew from day to day. In his mind he was ripped open by one, two, three, sometimes even four guys. He wanted to serve them with his body. He instinctively knew his role was to be on the receiving end. Living in a small village, where everyone knew each other it was impossible for Mike to stare at the other boys. He was always keeping his little secret to himself and never gave anyone the opportunity to think otherwise of him. He was the cute Christian neighbor boy, who was saving himself for the right girl. “Mom?” “What is it” his mother yelled from the kitchen. “Can I borrow the car, please?” he asked politely. His mother came into the hall. It was almost 10:00 o’clock in the evening. "Why do you need the car at this hour," she asked. "I forgot a school book at a buddy's house and I need it for an upcoming exam," Michael explained. His mother trusted Michael in all of his action and although she was worried about him, driving in the dark he convinced her, that he needed the book urgently and would be back soon. Michael’s father died two year ago from cancer. Since then he was ‘the man’ in the house. His mother smiled to him and asked him to drive slowly and to be home soon. Michael took the keys from the table and told his mother he would return soon and that he might chat with his friend a bit. Michael never mentioned a name and his mother didn't think to ask which of Michael's friends. In any event off Michael went in his mother's car. Of course his destination was not a buddy's house, but rather a cruising lot where gays met to fuck each other. He read about the place on the internet. His destination was a parking lot which adjoined a nearby forest. As he drove into the parking lot, Michael thought "Now is the time to get some action." In the forum he read about the cruising area. It was well visited and people wrote about their sex encounters which made Mike always horny. He read about the option of being fucked bareback. Mike knew about condoms, but sex was never a subject at home. He knew condoms prevent a girl of becoming pregnant, but he was not a girl. Believe it or not, but Michael was unaware of the dangers of STD’s or HIV. This was just not part of his world and although he needed cock, he was also full of doubts, if the path he walked would lead him straight to hell. He had to drive quite some miles and in the back of his mind was hoping his mom didn’t check the mileage after all. Finally he arrived at his destination. It was almost 11:00 pm. There were several other cars parked in a big parking lot. Although the parking lot was officially a rest area, none of the cars were occupied with passengers. Mike was hard. He was wearing a tight blue jeans and a blue shirt with an imprint of his school, St. Barnabas. His heart was beating so fast. He thought it would burst inside of his chest. His jeans almost did anyway, showing a nice bulge, although Mike had not the biggest gun for sure. He opened the car door and exited the vehicle. He couldn’t see anyone although the moon was shining bright. Slowly he started walking towards the forest. He felt his ass tingle in excitement. Tonight he wanted to take cocks into his arse. He wouldn’t mind if some guys would use him and although he had dreams about the only one, he knew this was impossible for him. His was expected to get married one day and have a bunch of children. But he also had this needs and for tonight he would let guys be in charge of him and his young body. Michael entered the forest and suddenly saw a first couple engaged in sexual activities. He was so horny. This was the first time, he saw two guys actually doing something. One male was on his knees and was sucking a daddy type. The bearded hunk was around 40 and observed Michael instantly. Michael was actually looking shyly at the big cock of this dark haired top but was too afraid to stand still and start jerking or so. So he continued his way deeper into the darkness while the guy who had just focused on Mike pushed the sucker away and told him to fuck off. He had set his mind on this young twink, who was obviously the first time at such a place. Maybe he was a virgin. He closed his jeans and followed Michael. Other guys had also noticed the fresh meat and like predators they surrounded Michael eye-fucking the youngster. Michael was so excited. He had the feeling he wasn’t almost able to breathe. He passed some guys on his way through the woods. Deep voices reached out to him, enticing him with open invitations, such as “Hey there young one, need some hard dick?” And “What’s up, puppy? Looking for a daddy?” and again, “Hey boy, let me fuck your tight hole.” The sweet invitations to partake of debauchery of which Michael had only passing knowledge. He was too shy to reply, but he smiled cutely at all of them and was always looking at their big bulges and that was quite inviting for all of them. Another hunk actually stopped Michael by holding him by his shoulder and asked "Are you looking for some dick? We are all here to give it good to you. All you've gotta do is to spread your legs, you little cunt." Mike looked at the front of this guy's jeans. The buttons were open already and a thick cock was sticking out of his pants. Without a word the stud increased the pressure on Michael's shoulder and pressed him down onto his knees with the simple command "Suck." “I don’t know…how," Michael replied in a quiet, reserved whisper. “Are you a fucking virgin?” Mr. Big asked loudly. Michael nodded, in abject shame. “A fucking virgin,” Mr. Big replied with a coarse chuckle, adding “You know, you're gonna taste and feel many cocks tonight, little one.” With this pronouncement Mr. Big grabbed Michael's hair, pulling him down closer too his cock. “Just open your mouth and suck my dick. And take care of your teeth. Don’t scratch me with your fucking teeth” With that Michael was got his first taste of cock. He tried to look up to this macho fucker, but sucking for the first time, took much of his concentration and so he tried to take as much of the fuck meat into his mouth. The big guy pushed his dick further into Mikes throat and he choked on his cock. This was fucking great Michael thought. He hoped he would get used hard tonight. He wasn’t able to see, but 6 other guys were already jerking off. They had all heard the news, that this fucktoy was a virgin obviously. “Do you want to take dick up your cunt?” the guy above him asked. “Yes – please” Mike answered and blushed. “I just used my last condom bitch – you got some?” he asked loudly. “No – my mom would kill me, if she found condoms in my room”. "Your Mom?" the guy snickered. “You take it bare?” he asked loudly, so everyone nearby could hear the questioning. “Yes if course, that’s not a problem. I would love to take it raw. I will accept everyone” Michael replied and continued sucking dick. “Good boy. Very good boy. Let’s go. There is a shack nearby with a mattress inside. This is just the place we need to fuck you hard and give you some charged loads. Let’s go!” the male commanded. He dragged Michael by his arm and forced him to follow him through the woods. Michael now saw some other guys who were grinning at him wickedly. He felt like the star of the night. He knew everybody was wanting him and he was willing to accept every dick in his body. There was a glade in front of them and there he could see the booth. He was scared, but also excited. He wanted to be used. He needed cock. Tonight was the night he finally would experience what it meant to be a fagboy…
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I had tried to fuck some different men. However had trouble getting in the hole. Later meet a man than will call Ron that meet from Craigslist. First time he came over had him suck on me. I am eight inches long and average girth. He deep throated good. I shortly after shot load in his throat. Next time was around the fourth of July. Ron came over, and went into the bathroom. On this occasion used a condom (read further down on for bareback). I had the radio on to a Christian radio station. After trying was able to get in Ron. I enjoyed fucking Ron while hearing scripture and music. The next time fucked had sent message that bareback. He replied quickly. Then arrived shortly. Went to the bathroom and he on top, rode my cock bareback. For some reason not able to cum. This was a late birthday present. The next time fucked Ron we meet up and went to his house. Went to the bedroom. Ron later bent over. I unzip my pants and my hard cock is sucked on. Then Ron bends over and I slowly enter my cock into his tight ass. Then I get my whole cock in his ass bareback. Fuck for just a few minutes and cum in his ass. Then host and fuck in the living room with tv channel on a Christian Tv channel. I had a condom on. Fuck hard and mentioned that gay marriage legal. As fuck on chair then doggy style some where the condom broke. I had thought cum in condom. Instead with the condom broke had cum in Ron. Remember meet one last time. I fucked Ron with a condom on the couch. He came. Stayed in touch for awhile after but was the last time fucked. Thought I share the details of some fun times.
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I'm sorry in advance I'm a terrible writer. This post is also more of a question than a story as well. A friend took me to my first sex party, and it was as amazing as I figured it would be. Everyone was hot save for this one creepy guy who got in early. Barely anyone using condoms, only really hot guys allowed in, the whole nine yards. So I just finished breeding the DJ. He was super cute and took cock like a champ in between queing songs. I was actually complaining to him that I was so close to cumming but the guy I was topping before (super cute asian kid) came and wouldn't let me continue to fuck him, which hey I've been there I made him cum really hard I'm not surprised. More annoying was a ton of the other people bottoming were insisting on condoms and that if I came i wanted to cum inside a guy. Right away he jumped "give me 30 seconds to set some songs" and 30 seconds later he was bent over doggy begging for me load. So anyway I go to find my friend and I pass this guy who looks very familiar. Like familiar in the "ive been jerking off my cock to you since I was in ninth grade" kinda way. Well I guess that leads me to my question - Does Christian from Treasure Island Media, aka one of the hottest raw bottoms ever, live in NYC these days? Because this guy with a heart tattoo with the center kinda missing made out with me in the maize and sucked my cock a bit and then was sad I had just cum because he wanted me to breed him. I can't seem to find any clear photos of his stomach with the quick google search I did. I'm pretty sure it was him, and I'm kinda bummed I blew it. Of course the DJ had an amazing ass too so the night wasn't a total waste. I also managed to get bred by one of the biggest cocks I had ever seen by this really cute tall guy with black hair, I'm regretting not asking for his number so he could breed me more. Plus he had a cute ass that probably doesn't get a lot of attention.... Well anyway, I'm about to go do a little research and jerk off to the christian's 24 cocks in 24 hours movie. Any information anyone knows on if I'm crazy or what happened was possible would be greatly appreciated. I'm pretty sure it was him though.
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