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The phone rang next to me, waking me from my sleep "Who the fuck is phoning at this hour?" I sleepily muttered. I picked up my mobile and answered it. "Dad!" It was Laura, my daughter. She had come home from University for the Easter break, and had headed out with her friends earlier this evening. I looked at the bedside clock... 01:35 glowed back from the alarm clock... very early Saturday morning. "Uh...what's up sweety?" "Dad! Sorry, I guess I woke you, but I could really do with a lift home. We got separated as we left the night club, and I can't find a taxi or my friends anywhere." "OK honey, are you sure there are no taxis around?" "No Dad, I've been wandering the streets trying to hail one, but there is nothing around... I think I've managed to get myself lost." A note of panic in her voice helped bring me to my senses. "Where exactly are you?" "I'm in the industrial estate - all I can see are warehouses around me." The night clubs had all been moved out of the town centre after complaints from the neighbours about the noise. Still there should have been plenty of taxis waiting outside when the clubs closed. "Can you see any business names?" "Well, I'm in front of one that sounds like a removal company." "OK honey, I know the one." We had used the firm to move the family to the town five years ago. "Stay right there - I need to get dressed and then I will be right over. Probably about 15 minutes." "Thanks Dad! You're a life saver!" I hung up the phone, turned on the light, apologising to my wife and explaining the situation to her. I grabbed a pair of black tracksuit bottoms and slipped them on. No time for underwear. My trainers and zip-up sweatshirt were by the back door, and I grabbed them as I headed out into the cold and up to the garage. I stifled a yawn as I waited for the automatic garage door to open and hopped in the car. Driving through the deserted streets, I made my way out of town towards the industrial estate. Ten minutes later I started navigating the one way system that made the estate a nightmare to negotiate. Still, I used it as a rat run to get to the out of town shopping centre, so I was pretty sure how to get to the removal firm. Turning the corner, I could see the warehouse further down the street on the left. Dim street lighting illuminated the road, but it all look deserted. "Come on Laura, where are you?" I thought worriedly. I pulled up outside the warehouse. The tall double chain link fences were clearly padlocked. Still no sign of her. "OK, she's not stupid. If she isn't here, she must have either caught a taxi, or gone somewhere for shelter from the cold." Luckily I had remembered to pick up my mobile phone as I left the house. I dialed Laura's number and waited. Eventually, it rang out and diverted to the answer machine. Just then, something caught my eye. A light in the warehouse was on, and something had caused a shadow to pass in front of it. Maybe Laura had also seen the light and headed in for some shelter. I parked the car in the lay by just past the main gates. the engine. I got out and locked it. I saw that the pedestrian gate to the side was unlocked. Pushing it open, I walked up to the warehouse. The light was coming through a frosted glass panel in a door marked Office. I tried the handle, and it opened. "Hello anyone there? Laura?" I called out. The office itself was dark, but a light was coming from the main warehouse, which I could see through another door. Getting no reply, I walked over to the other door. "Anybody here? Laura?" Still no reply and no noise could be heard.I poked my head into the warehouse to see if I could see anyone. Suddenly I heard a noise behind me only for three men to jump me and gag and hood me, dragging me further inside. I was shoved onto the ground, on a packing blanket. My hands were tied behind my back. They removed my hood. I could see four men standing a few yards away looking at me. I thought I recognised the man in front. "Wasn't he one of the removal men from five years ago?" "Right, we can begin." This from the man in front. That sobered me up a bit more. "Get him up on his knees." The two other men came over and grabbed me under my arms and hoisted me up into a kneeling position. "Welcome to payback!" Something made me look over my shoulder. It was Laura. She was kneeling in the same position further along the blanket. Her hands were also tied behind her back, but she was also gagged. Her top was tight around her big breasts, her nipples jutted out through her bra obscenely, no doubt from standing out in the cold. She was wearing a short leather skirt that didn't quite reach her knees. Tearing my gaze away from her breasts, I looked at her face. A piece of tape was covering her mouth and her blue-green eyes were wide with fear. Tears were drying on her cheeks. "So, a quick introduction first." The man has walked over and stood between us. "You may not remember me, but you employed me and my men to move you into that big house of yours a few years ago." "I remember you," I said as defiantly as I could. "Good. What you might not know is what your little daughter was up to that day." "Pardon?" I looked over at Laura, but saw no change of expression. "Your little daughter is one big prick tease." "What! Look, I have no idea why you have tied us up here, but..." Before I could finish my outburst the man hit me hard across the face. "Shut up! You just keep that mouth of yours shut while explain the situation. You will have plenty of time to use your mouth later on, I promise." Coarse laughter from the other men. "As I was saying before you rudely interrupted me, that day five years ago caused us much frustration. Your daughter started to flirt with us. Now we don't mind a bit of flirting with pretty girls, a perk of the job you might say. But out of sight of Mummy and Daddy, your daughter started taking it a bit further. A bit of leg on show here, a bit of cleavage on show there, a bared midriff, a sexy look over her shoulder. And damn, she was just as hot then as she it now. Anyway, this was every time one of us carried in one of your boxes. "Needless to say, we started to get a little hot under the collar, and one of the lads decided he would see just how far she was willing to go. So up he went with the final box for her room and found her sitting up on her bed. He sat down at the foot of her bed and asked if there was anything else he could do for your precious daughter." "And you know what your daughter did then? Huh? She looked him straight in the eye and said 'I think there something I could do for you'. Now if that isn't a come on I don't know what is. Just then I had called out for my man to come and help with that dining room table of yours. So he left and came back downstairs." Once we had finished the table, and he had told us what was happening upstairs right under your nose, he and his best mate over there headed back upstairs and into her room. She was propped up on her bed in a pair of sexy panties and bra. My men looked at each other and smiled. "OK girl, how about you help us over here and relieve some of the pressure your little show has built up?" With that, they both started to pull down their shorts to reveal two growing erections. And, let's just say that these two men are not short in that department if you get my meaning." More coarse laughter. "You still have us beat there mate!" one of them called out. "True, true," he said with an evil grin on his face. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I just didn't see her as the prick tease this man was describing. I glanced over at Laura, her head was bowed now so I couldn't see her eyes. "So there they were, two large erections pointing straight out at your little girl, both men slowly fisting their pricks in anticipation. And guess what she did then? And I know because I had just joined them in the room. The little prick tease backs away onto the corner of the bed and pulls her clothes back on!” "Well, that's just not right. To be left out on the cold there, just isn't right. So the two men walked round both sides of the bed to close in on her. All they wanted was a little action. A quick suck would have done the job, and we all wouldn't be here today. But no, she starts raising her voice threatening to shout out to 'Mummy and Daddy' that the big bad men were going to rape her." "Bloody prick tease," interjected one the men. "So what were we law abiding men to do? Hell, the girl was going to ruin the whole thing, so there was nothing for it but to back away. We finished the job, got out tip from you good self..." a sneer crossed the man's face at this, "and we headed off. But we all said that what that girl really needs is a damn good fuck. Oh and your wife too. Damn was she hot. Those breasts of hers were huge!" My face reddened at this remark. My wife has beautiful large pendulous breasts that my daughter has inherited. "We'd been out on a long distance removal journey. We'd finished packing up when couldn't quite believe our luck when we were closing up the warehouse. There standing outside our very front gates was your daughter, pacing up and down trying to keep warm waiting for Daddy to come and pick her up. I recognised her immediately. Just look at her now: once a prick tease, always a fucking prick tease. I'm mean look at that top and skirt. Push up bra, to fully emphasise that big pair of firm tits, with big nipples just begging to be sucked. The spitting image of your wife." "She didn't recognise us - probably forgotten all about the men she fucked off all those years ago. But hey, what's a man to do. I asked her if she was ok, and she explained that you were coming to pick her up. I did the gentlemanly thing and suggested she came into the warm office to wait. She would have no problem seeing you from there. And in she trotted in her leather boots, bum swinging in front of us, erections growing in our trousers." "The rest was easy. It was easy to tie her up and then wait for you to show up. Had a little chat while we waited. You know, catching up with old times. "Look, for god sake," I finally spoke up, seeing now clearly where this little charade was going, "you have got to let us go right now. I'm sorry that my daughter upset you and your men all those years ago, but I'm sure she has learnt her lesson now, and if you just let us go, we won't way anything to the police, I promise." "Fine speech, but I don't think I gave you permission to speak." And with that the man punched me hard in the gut, doubling me over. "So here is how the rest of the night is going to go. You are going to sit there and watch as all four of us take our time to fuck your daughter in every single one of her holes until she begs for more. It is the only way the little prick tease is going to learn. "Oh, and we will film the whole scene, make real sure that you and your daughter's faces are clearly visible. And if you go anywhere near the police, we will have that video onto the internet quicker that you can say 'incest' with a nice little story that you had set this whole thing up because you wanted to get into that pussy of your daughter." "We do, however, have a proposition that will hopefully spare your daughter from the pleasure we had planned for her." "What is it?" "I think that will be become clear shortly." With that the man walked over and stood in front of me. Slowly, with a wicked smile on his lips, he undid the belt on his jeans. Then the top button, and slowly he pulled down the zip. I couldn't believe what was happening. Surely he couldn't mean for me to suck him? He slowly pushed the jeans over his hips and down to his ankles. As he stood up again, I could see a large growing bulge in the front of his boxer shorts. "I think you are getting the picture." One of the men had moved off into the shadows and now came back with two video recorders mounted on tripods. He proceeded to set them up to cover the scene that was unfolding. The man in front of me was massaging his bulge, and it was slowly resolving into a full erection. A big, enormous, thick dick, whose head had started to poke out over the top of he waist band. He put his thumbs into the waist band of the shorts and pushed them down quickly. His prick sprang forward and hit me in the face. It continued to grow. "Open wide Daddy. Time to save you daughter from this monster. I bet it would rip her wide open." This was becoming a nightmare. I wasn't gay, I wasn't. I loved my wife, I loved fucking her. "Come on, you must have worked out the deal by now. It's either you, me and this beauty, or it's your red haired beauty over there and all four of us. Open wide and say 'Ah'." His prick was pulsing right in front of my nose. I looked up into his face, and took a deep breath. Slowly and opened my mouth and shut my eyes. "No, look at it while you suck me off." And with that he moved his hips forward and his prick touched my teeth. "Come on, open wide. And don't you dare bite." My teeth parted and he pushed further, my teeth scraping along the top and bottom of his prick. I closed my lips over his dick and started sucking and licking. He put his hands on the top of my head and started move my head and his hips back and forward a little amount. "Nice and slowly, and we will have you swallowing this piece of meat in no time." Please, please, this had better save my daughter. I slowly sucked and licked my first prick as the man thrust in short lengths in and out of my mouth. "Hm, not bad for a beginner. Now let's start feeding you some of the rest of this monster." Only the large head of his penis had entered my mouth, and now he was starting longer strokes, introducing more and more of its length. Soon he hit the back of my mouth making me cough and splutter. My jaws were starting to ache with the girth of his dick. The man continued to thrust in and out of my mouth hitting the back every so often. Slowly he angled my head upwards and starting angling the thrust down some more. I was now looking along the shaft, half was still not inside my mouth, up into his face. A big smile was playing across his lips. "Hello, my good little cock sucker. Now here comes the good bit... well, for me at least." With that his prick touched my tonsils and I started to gag, pulling away from him. "Oh no you don't." And he pulled my head back into towards his groin, again causing his prick to enter the top of my throat. He repeated this a few times, each time causing me to gag. "Hm, nice and tight. I'm sure your daughter's ass would have felt like this." My gag reflex started to subside and the man started bashing my throat with a little more urgency. "Ok, things are slowly coming to a head now." The other men laughed. They had moved to stand behind the man face fucking me, to have a better view, and were stroking their own impressive erections. The thrusts were becoming quicker now, and slowly my throat was accommodating the intrusion. I had stopped licking and sucking, but it was clear that it was the tightness of my throat that was now turning on my tormentor. The next thrust caught me by surprise and he pushed harder to force his prick deep into my throat. He stopped there and waited a couple of heart beats as I struggled to catch my breath. "Fuck yes," he let out in a low growl. He pulled back and let me suck in fresh air, and then plunged it straight back in. He picked up the pace now, diving deep into my bruised throat every few strokes. "Look at your daughter, now! She can't believe her eyes. Her dear Dad is sucking a huge dick like a true faggot! I wonder if it is turning her on?" I refused to look over at Laura, concentrating on trying to breathe. To my shame, my prick was fully erect now, pushing my tracksuit bottoms out from my waist. "It certainly turning you on!" He continued to fuck my face to what seemed like an age, and then suddenly pulled my head all the way forward, and let out a loud grunt. His cock broke through whatever resistance remained and buried itself deep in my throat and started to pulsate and dump streams of spunk inside my mouth. Pubic hair tickled my noise and I struggled for air, the monster completely fully inserted into my face. On and on his cock pumped. "Oh man! Yeah! I love breaking in new fuck meat." He rubbed the head of the prick in my hair and took a couple of steps back. "All yours!" he said to the other two men and sat down on a pile of blankets. "What!" I spluttered, my jaw aching as I spoke. "You promised to let us go!." "I said no such thing, and besides, my mates here also want a bit of fun." "You bastard!" I shouted, "Let us go now." "Or what?" he laughed back. The two men advanced on me and pulled me up to my feet again, carrying me over to the mound of blankets. They threw me face down pulled my tracksuit off. My hands were still tied behind my back and the blankets under me tilted my arse up into the air. One of the men knelt down behind me and pulled my cheeks apart and started greasing up my arsehole with something cold and sticky. "Get the fuck off me." I said struggling. "Shut him up will you" said the man behind me. The other man walked around in front of me and knelt down and grabbed my head and tilted it backwards. "Open wide. Time for another face fuck," And with that he plunged his prick straight in and down my throat. At the same time, a felt something warm between my cheeks as the other man started push at my arsehole. The man started thrusting forward, pushing his big prick into my arsehole. God it hurt. I could feel something tearing, he kept pushing. I couldn't scream because I was effectively gagged. The man fucking my face had started a rhythmic thrusting now, and the man buggering me started to match it. Little by little, he pushed more and more of the prick into my aching arse. And then the pain started to ease and I closed my eyes, tears forming and rolling down my cheeks puffed out by the face fucking I was receiving. In and out they both went, abusing me, fucking me, hurting me, yet beginning to turn me on. My dick was rock hard and throbbing. It was being rubbed against the rough blankets I was sprawled across, and I could feel myself getting closer to ejaculation myself. Suddenly the prick in my throat started to pulse, and more spunk shot deep inside. The man behind me speeded up and soon had his full length sawing in and out of my arsehole. "Fuck!" he shouted at the top his voice, and buried himself fully in my arse. I could feel the hot spunk gushing out and filling my bowels. "He really likes to be fucked, doesn't he!?" I rolled over and felt spunk leak from my arsehole and move down my leg. What the fuck had I become? I looked up and saw my daughter a few feet away crying her eyes out, still kneeling, with the tape across her mouth. "Right. That's the starter out of the way, time for the main course." I was too weak to offer much response to this. Of course they wouldn't let us go now. They were about to fuck my daughter and there was nothing I could do. Laura was trying to back away from the men now, obviously realising what was about to happen. She gave a muffled scream because of her gag and looked at me for help. The men simply lifted her up and marched her back in front of me. One of the men stepped up to Laura and cut her skirt away from her knickers and cut off her top, revealing a push up bra, with her breasts overflowing the top. The knickers were cut off next, and then the bra, leaving her tits to hang freely, leaving her naked except for a pair of leather boots. "Wow, a natural red head!" The men were looking at the triangle of flaming ginger hair that my daughter was trying to hide my crossing her legs. "None of that now, let's see you as nature intended," pulling her legs apart, and making her stand with them a couple inches apart. "Very pretty." Laura obviously hadn't shaved, but the hairs were fine and light, and you could see her cunt through them. Damn it I thought, I'm sitting here, having just been buggered, oggling my daughter's pussy. What kind of sick pervert was I turning into? The man had shed all his clothes and was stroking his monster prick again. It was as hard as ever. He walked behind my daughter. "Well, buggering does that to a man," he laughed at his weak joke and kicked my daughter on the back of her legs causing her to fall down on her knees. He then pushed her so that she ended up on all fours, directly in front on me. I could see between her arms, her breasts dangling down, her nipples still erect and pointing up at me. Beautiful pink nipples. Beautiful breasts come to that. Oh god, fucking marvelous tits, if I'm being honest. They swayed slightly, having formed perfect domes. I loved seeing my wife like this. It would turn me on in a instant. The man had dropped to his knees behind Laura and shuffled forward until his prick touched her bum. "You have a beautiful bum lady, and it will be a joy to fuck it" he said, dipping his fingers into a tub of something. He started applying the goo to my daughter's arse. It must have been cold, because she made a start forward, trying to escape. The man obvious was working his finger into her arsehole as Laura struggled. "Whoa there little horsey, you can't run from me." With that he reached forward and grabbed a handful of my daughter's long red hair and pulled it back like a reign. Her head went back and she stopped struggling. A low grunt escaped from my daughter's throat as he worked a second finger in with the second. "Need to open you up bit honey, my monster is going to rip you open wide as it is." Tears were reforming in my daughter's eyes. The man withdrew his fingers and lined up his prick against my daughter's hole. "Now, here's what happens to stuck up little prick teasers." And with that he thrust forward and pushed his large bulbous head into her anus. Laura screamed, loud enough that the tape did little to suppress the noise. "Yeah!" shouted the man, "squeal for me!" He pulled back and thrust again, popping his prick in and out of the tight opening. Laura obliged! The man started a thrusting motion, the same one he used as he had fucked my face. In and out his dick went, and slowly but surely, more of the monster disappeared up my daughter's arsehole. The pain must have been incredible. The rocking motion had started my daughter's breasts swaying to and fro in front of me, her head held high and clear by the man's grasp of her hair. Her tits started slapping against her upper arms, and bouncing inwards and together. The slapping was now being echoed by the man behind her, having fully penetrated her, his large balls banging against her bottom with each thrust. "Oh yeah! Your daughter is a good fuck!" My own erection was forming again, wanting release. One of the other men came over and knelt next to me and started jerking his hand up and down my shaft. Right in front of my daughter's face. The chief man buggering Laura was picking up the pace now, and my daughter's sobbing had slowed to a dull grunt with each thrust and slap of her tits against her arms. The man jacking me off also speeded up. I was close. The man buggering my sweet, bad, naughty, sexy Laura gave one final huge thrust and started to come deep into her. That pushed me over the edge, and jets of spunk flew up and hit Laura on her face, tits and arms. "Oh god!" I cried out loud. "Ah, It's time to take some photos." One of the other men returned with a digital camera and had captured the moment when I had come all over my daughter while she was being buggered from behind. "Right lads, up for some more action?" The two men grinned as they turned her sideways, still on her knees and elbows, and started a repeat performance of their acts on me. They had swapped positions, so I guess Laura was about to have the cock that had been deep in my bowels served up to her to clean. The man ripped the tape off her mouth. He pinched her cheeks to open her mouth, and started feeding his dick into her mouth. The man behind her had no trouble slipping his hard cock into her gaping arsehole. Laura had lost all her fight, and stayed still as the two men started fucking her from both ends. From the side, I could see the cock entering her throat, making it bulge obscenely. Again, her breasts started swinging to and fro. "Such a beautiful sight to see a girl filled from both ends." said the man standing behind me playing the video camera over the scene. The men kept up their pace for a good few minutes, during which time Laura made no sound. Then they started to speed up their thrusts as they reached their climax. Coming closely together, they filled my daughter with their spunk, withdrew and jerk the last few drops over her back, hair and face. "Good for the skin I've heard," one of them laughed. Laura collapsed to the floor. "And now, for the main dish!" What more could he possible have in store? He turned Laura over onto her back. Her eyes were closed. "OK Dad, time for you finale! Get over here and fuck your daughter in the cunt." "No." The word came out quietly. "No? I don't think you are in any position to say no. Or put it another way, you say no, then we three will rape her cunt one after the other. And then we will find what else fits in that nice little hole. I'm sure there are ample 'toys' we could find around here. And we will keep doing this until you do fuck her. So you either fuck her now, or you fuck her later, complete with sloppy seconds." All four men laughed at this. I was pushed towards her. She had started to cry again, and I whispered, "I'm sorry,I'll pull out" as I drew closer. I was positioned between her legs, but my cock had lost its tumescence. I could see her abused anus, leaking spunk. And I could see my daughter's cunt, nestling in the triangle of fine ginger hairs. Her legs up and apart and exposed her cunt lips, and I could see her enflamed clit, and a very moist opening. "Suck Daddy's dick and get it ready for your cunt!” She shook her head only to be punched and had her head pulled forward towards my cock. She very reluctantly started to suck on it. My cock got hard again, both from the administration of my daughter's fellatio and ashamedly the tempting prospect of fucking her.I lined up my prick against her wet hole, and pushed forward. Laura, with her eyes still shut, let out a cry as I slipped ever so easily into her cunt. "Damn, she's wet" one of the men said. And she was, that first push had put my whole throbbing penis deep into my darling daughter. I felt a mix of lust and shame as she felt so good. I started pulling out and then plunged back in, a little harder than I had planned, but the little cock tease was turning me on. In and out, a little harder still. Slowly, I built up my pace. I continued to thrust in hard. Laura's eyes were open now, looking up at me, and she had started panting in short quiet bursts. I kept a steady rhythm going, fucking my daughter. Her legs still pressed up next to her side, allowed he breasts to move freely. And they started hitting me as I fucked her in and out. It felt so good. I reassured her that I'd pull out when the time came. But right then I felt a hand between my legs. I looked back, and saw the man who had been doing most of the filming moving in closer, his own monster cock was erect. Judging the moment, he pressed the head against my stretched anus. "Room for me? This'll stop you pulling out of her as I push myself into you!" he hissed into my ear, and pushed forward in time with my next thrust. He buried himself deep on that stroke, and I let out a loud cry of pain. Laura shuddered slightly. A few thrusts later, and the man was completely inside of me, filling me to bursting point, a hot fire burning in my guts. His pace matching the thrust of me fucking Laura. The three of us continued fucking for another few minutes when I felt the man started to speed up and then empty himself completely in my hole. That pushed me over the edge, jets of my sperm splattered the inside of Laura's cunt as I came again nd again inside her. Incredibly, Laura started bucking and squirming as I was dribbling my last inside her. I picked myself up and lay down on my back next to my fucked daughter. I could see the other two men had been circling the action with the video cameras, capturing every sordid detail of this incestuous violation of my daughter. The two men who had been denied access to Laura those five years ago, now demanded their cum-uppance and took turns to unload themselves into Laura's well lubricated pussy. Laura's screams were ignored as they both ploughed her forcefully. They both grunted in satisfaction as their years of frustration had come to an end and squirted their cum inside her. Laura's weeping was interrupted by my phone going off. The chief handed me the phone and told me to say I'd got lost by going down some wrong back passages, but I was on my way back with Laura now. “Looks like we've got some delicious breakfast. I fancy those juicy melons your wife has!” We were both bundled into the back of the van, they knew their way. The extent of their revenge grew larger...
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Nico heard the door knob jiggle and the front door swing open. He's home, he thought. Jumping onto the bed, Nico was almost entirely naked except for the bright orange, knee-high socks he was wearing. He positioned himself on all fours with his hole facing the bedroom door. "Babe?," Omar called from the living room. "I'm in the bedroom," Nico replied. Nico heard Omar set his keys down and walk toward the bedroom. "You slut," Omar laughed. "Care for a ride, stranger?", Nico retorted as he wagged his ass back and forth a few times. And what a perfect ass it was. On their first date, Omar had joked about Nico's ass "defying gravity." Nico then heard Omar walk into the room and unzip his pants. "How was work?" Nico asked as he arched his back, revealing the muscular dimples where his spine met his pelvis and all but advertising that he wasn't actually listening for an answer. Omar, ignoring Nico's question, placed one hand on Nico's ass. "Such a fucking hot dancer's butt you got, boy," Omar admired as he ran his left hand around the gorgeous muscular spheres, making swooping figure-eights on Nico's plump fuck cushions. "It's going to be nice watching this hot ass catch the attention of all your friend's dads at graduation." Omar loved parading his young, hot boyfriend in front of other thirsty men. Nico could hear Omar reaching into his underwear to fondle his meaty dick. "Mmmmm, is daddy getting his thick cock ready to plow open some twink hole?," Nico purred. The age gap between Nico and Omar was always a huge turn-on for them both, with Nico's 18-year-old boyishness making Omar's 36-year-old manliness stand out all the more whenever the two were out in public together. Omar, again ignoring Nico's question, landed a swift strike to Nico's butt cheek with an open palm, letting out a crisp snap. "Fuck!" Nico responded, almost whispering -- quieter than seemed proportionate with the striking his jock ass had just received. "No more questions, slut," Omar muttered as he began pressing his raw mushroom head into Nico's supple, pink hole. Omar had been calling Nico a slut since the first time Omar stuck his bare cock in his sexy little twink boy on their first date. Omar knew he'd found his new boyfriend the second Nico led him into that bathroom stall at the restaurant where they first met and let Omar stuff him full of man-seed before dessert had even been served. Not only that, Nico had never even so much as broached the subject of condoms with Omar before guiding Omar's girthy, engorged cock into his young rectum and absorbing Omar's throbbing fuckstick into him with ease. "What a fucking slut," Omar remembers muttering after unloading that first thick ropey load of DNA is this sexually precocious high school senior. It was a huge turn on for Omar that Nico hadn't even so much as asked about STDs. The little slut had no idea what kind of load he was taking and didn't seem to care. "Jesus Christ, daddy, pork me all ready," Nico entreatied as his craving for Omar's raw cock hijacked Nico's patience. Still dutifully on all fours, Nico arched his back again revealing the sculpted, lean musculature of his lower back. Omar spat on his cockhead and swirled his dick around Nico's fresh, pink hole before thrusting his pelvis forward and plunging his cock into Nico's not-quite-ready-for-it rectum. "Ow, fuck! Daddy, that hurt!" Nico let out. Omar felt his loins burn with desire at hearing his boy toy cry out in pain from an unnecessarily forceful penetration. Omar had his raw, barely lubed cock already pressing at the entrance to Nico's second hole. Nico winced with pain. "You want me to stop, baby boy?," Omar asked tenderly. "Maybe just for a second, daddy," Nico replied. "Of course, slut," Omar replied while starting to slowly pull his raw dick out. Just as his cock head was beginning to crest at the lip of Nico's hole, Omar reversed course and slammed his raw dick right back into the twink's hole without warning. "God, fuck!" Nico let out, wincing. "Tell me you want me to stop, slut," Omar barked dryly as he relished Nico's warm, tight hole. "Omar, please stop," Nico said, dropping the nicknames and taking on a more serious tone. Omar knew Nico wasn't just playing, but Omar's cock was not leaving that boy's hole. Omar slowed his thrusts but never stopped his slow-fucking. "Omar, come on," Nico insisted. Omar's thrusts picked up pace as he began plunging his shaft faster and faster into Nico. "Ow, fuck," Nico muttered. His tender hole was starting to burn from the lack of lubrication. Nico tried pulling his hips forward to get Omar's cock out of him, but as soon as Omar felt Nico trying to wiggle free, he grabbed Nico's hips and pulled the twink forcefully back onto his rock-hard cock. Nico cried out again. "Fucking take that dick, boy," Omar grunted, adding, "It's not my fault you made me do this to you." Nico gave up resisting and resigned himself to being fucked against his will knowing that Omar could not resist fucking Nico's brains out once he had his raw cock inside the twink. Nico relaxed his hole, hoping that would provide some relief from the pain of his boyfriend's raw cock tearing him open. "Apologize to me for making me do this to you, fucking slut," Omar said with a hint of disdain. "I'm sorry," Nico obliged. "You're what, you little whore?" "I'm sorry for making you do this to me, daddy." "That's right slut." Omar's cock thrusts were picking up pace, as he took advantage of his warm flesh-sleeve of a boyfriend. Omar reached around and clasped his enormous hands around Nico's throat and slowly began to apply pressure. Nico felt his airway closing under the force of Omar's grip. Omar was not piston fucking Nico at full speed. Omar's grip got tighter. It was getting to be almost impossible for Nico to breath. Nico started seeing stars. "Oh fuck yeah, slut," Omar uttered hungrily. "I'm going to fuckin choke you out while I rape you, you dumb fucking slut." Omar started grunting as he felt his balls swelling in anticipation. Omar's cock shot out a thick wad of sperm into Nico's now-compliant hole. Nico felt Omar's cock twitch inside him as he unloaded inside Nico. "Fucking whore," Omar said as he dismounted, finally releasing Nico's neck. Nico fell to the bed gulping air back into his lungs as Omar's cum sloshed around inside him. Nico gathered himself back up. "Daddy?" He said raspily, sounding upset. "Yeah?" "I'm so sorry, daddy."
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Drew had put on a few pounds over Christmas and got a membership for a local gym to work off his excesses. One evening after working out he decided to relax in the sauna after an exhausting workout. There was another guy, there when he came in, so he sat at the other end of the room and rested against the wall. Drew’s eyes began to close through tiredness. "Hmm, nice cock!" the guy said and as he woke Drew from his dozing. Drew’s towel had fallen off and the guy was staring at Drew’s completely naked body. He was in his fifties sporting a scorpion tattoo and was leaning back with his towel open stroking his erect cock! Drew started to stare, it was the first time he had really seen another dick. “I'm sorry," the guy said, "but seeing your naked body just turned me on and I couldn't help myself." Whilst he spoke he never stopped wanking his cock. The guy got up and walked over and stood in front of Drew with his still erect cock pointing skywards. He thrust his hips forward, got his dick right up to Drew’s face and pushed it against his cheek and rubbed it across Drew’s face. “What the Hell are you doing?” Drew exclaimed. But this was a mistake for as he opened his mouth the other guy shoved his cock inside Drew’s mouth. He then let his dick run across Drew’s lips leaving a trail of pre-cum. He plunged his body forward again and his dick once again parted Drew’s lips a little, even as Drew tried to force them shut, and Drew quickly turned his head away. Then he grabbed Drew’s cock and wanked it to full erection. Drew blushed with his dick so aroused even as he struggled against this chunky aggressor. He pushed his foot into Drew’s stomach and Drew gasped as he opened his mouth wide, giving his assaulter the time to push his manhood deep inside him. “Shut it, and suck my dick or you’ll get worse!” the guy warned. Drew tried to turn his head away, but the scorpion guy forced himself forward as more of his dick entered Drew’s mouth. This guy has his dick in Drew mouth and he couldn't manoeuvre away from him. This guy was strong and he wasn't backing off. Then he moved back until his dick pulled back out of Drew’s mouth and was about six inches away from Drew’s face pulsating in the air. It allowed Drew to gasp for air. The guy grabbed the back of Drew’s head with both hands and pulled forward. Drew tried to pull away but his dick was right against his lips. But Drew kept his mouth closed and wouldn't open it, so the guy grabbed his hair with one hand and with his other hand plugged Drew’s nose so he couldn't breathe. Drew tried to pull away, but he couldn't and I found he was running out of breath. "Stop fighting it!," he ordered, "You want my dick in your mouth!." “Just open your fucking mouth and taste what you really want." Drew couldn't struggle much longer. He was getting out of breath and he was too strong for him. So Drew tried to grab a quick breath of air and ended up allowing the man to enter Drew’s mouth with his raging hard cock! He held Drew’s head in place and started to thrust his hips forward and back as he fucked his face. He was moaning and breathing heavily as his dick moved in and out filling Drew’s mouth and throat and then back out just behind his lips. He got a rhythm going and started to pick up speed as Drew struggled to expel his cock. He pushed in harder. "That's it take my cock!," he urged Drew as he kept thrusting in and out of his mouth, Take my dick in your mouth." Each word he emphasized with a powerful thrust of his dick deeper into Drew’s throat. Drew grabbed his hips as he started to succumb to sucking his dick. "That's it, now you're doing it." Drew was being forced to do something that I didn't really want to do, but at the same time he was beginning to enjoy the experience as his cock began to spring to attention. Drew could feel this guy’s cock swelling and he was frightened he was about to cum. He desperately wanted to escape and then thought he had indeed been rescued when the sauna door opened and another member entered. His hopes, however, were immediately dashed, when this new guy said to the other guy. “Hmm, seems like you need some help, Guy, I’ll fetch Ross.” Initially this did bring some respite for Drew as his assaulter, removed his prick from Drew’s mouth, now dripping with pre-cum and dripping off his cock like a long piece of string. “I didn’t want to cum, just yet, I’ve got better plans for you!” The guy who’d interrupted the proceedings, returned with Ross, a much skinnier man, but whose muscles rippled from all the weight-lifting he had done in the gym. Both the new guys dropped their towels and set to work on Drew. With three of them now, Drew stopped trying to fight off his assailants and prepared himself to take their cocks. The second guy shoved his cock where scorpion guy’s cock had just been but a minute before, whereas Ross went down on Drew and sucked Drew’s cock to a tumescent erection. Scorpion guy just seemed to be enjoying the scene of Drew’s further degradation. The guy who was fucking Drew’s face was in his thirties and had a great toned body from his gym work, his cock was raging hard and he looked and sounded as if he wouldn’t last long. His load flowed across Drew’s tongue and filled his mouth with cum. Drew had to swallow as there was so much. Yet some still dribbled down his face. Meanwhile, the other guy was sucking Drew’s cock expertly and Drew felt as if he was, in turn going to blow his load. Drew couldn't believe that he was about to release his cum into another man’s mouth. But it was all too much for him and Drew exploded and the guy sucking my mouth expressed his satisfaction between letting gobs of spunk fall from his mouth, “God that taste’s good!” Was this to be the end of Drew’s ordeal? But, of course, he had forgotten his original assailant and current onlooker the man with the scorpion tattoo. He was stroking his hard cock and growled, "On your knees bitch." He wasn't asking and Drew didn't hesitate to obey. His cock still glistened with pre-cum, but he didn’t at first make use of his erection. Instead he started to finger- fuck Drew. Drew got worried about his intentions. Surely he wasn’t preparing to actually fuck him bare was he? The guy who’d been sucking Drew’s cock, now slammed his cock into Drew’s mouth. “Fuck that bitch's face. Scorpion guy encouraged him",” I think I'm ready to breed him." Without further ado, Drew heard the guy spit and then felt his hard cock forcefully push against Drew’s sphincter. Drew struggled to get out of this. “Hold him down,” he ordered the other two guys. “This guy’s mine for the taking!” He pushed his cock in hard and soon he was all the way into Drew’s virgin arse. “I love breeding tight virgin arse,” he exclaimed. He was clearly highly excited about breeding Drew’s arse and was breathing very heavily and thrusting in and out faster and faster. It was excruciatingly painful for Drew taking a cock for the first time. The other two guys were both encouraging him to breed him real good. They held Drew down firmly, so there was no way Drew could escape from scorpion guy’s fucking. Then with a loud grunt, scorpion guy held his dick in place firmly. Drew realised although he couldn’t feel anything, he must now be pouring his raw semen deep inside. Indeed as he pulled out, Drew could feel spunk running down his bollocks; so much spunk had been shot inside. But there was no rest for Drew, as the thin muscle guy immediately took over and thrust his meat easily into Drew, now lubricated by scorpion’s spunk. Then Drew was horrified by what he heard him tell him. “Take my poz cum too, you faggot!” Drew had just been forced to take loads of poz cum. There was no way Drew could get away and knew he was going to receive another toxic load as this guy picked up speed and ravaged his bottom. Again Drew felt this guy tense up and hold his dick firmly inside him as he spewed his toxic cum inside. As he withdrew, he wiped his prick over Drew’s lips. “Enjoy the taste!” he insisted. The three men then left the sauna, knowing they had taught this newbie how to take dick!
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To Start this whole thing started when (Role Playing) i was tricked by my Ex to do a three-way, it was fun at first, the but the other guy fucked her so hard and was so big (i couldn't believe she was taking it) he stretched her out so much that when it was my turn i was just sloshing around in her cum filled pussy, then she made me eat out my load and his load (which oh my god was so much) this was my first time eating another mans cum it was more salty then mine she kept going on "make sure you get it all" something about not wanting babies she actually had a few orgasms while I was down there, from there it got worse she kept saying I don't know how a real man fucks and my 7 inch cock didn't satisfy her "Maybe you should experience it first hand" later i found out she had planned the whole thing as part of her breaking up with me. My Ex-girlfriend's big dicked bull took her cue putting fingers in my hole while I was eating her cum filled pussy, then I felt a bigger push on my hole screamed "Wait Wait...." but he just put his weight on me and started fucking me they talked to each other like I wasn't there making fun of my "tiny" cock! (which was soft now) you'd be soft too if your girl was calling you a "pussy" while some guy you just met has his 9 inch cock in you up to your belly, it wasn't fun but I thought if I just go with it I could get out and forget the whole thing, but then something started to happen I started to feel something going on my body started to get use to the pounding and constant open and closing of my hole around this massive pole it felt good and I just wanted this huge cock to feel good too so I started to push back I here myself start to moan Evan though I could hear them both laughing I didn't care I just wanted to get all the way to the base of his monster cock show him I was better than her! I felt my insides filling up like someone turned on a water hose my stomach was filling full he was cumming so much when he pulled out it poured out of my open hole like syrup and just keep flowing out my hole onto the floor I shot the biggest load and longest orgasum of my life (I'm getting Hard thinking about it now) anyway he said now we both belong to him he had her put a cock lock on my junk because he was in charge of when I fucked and when I could Evan touch myself , in my head I thought maybe I should let a man who obviously knows what's best for me have that power, after all he took me to a place I never dreamed I'd go, the pleasure from his fucking me was not like anything I'd ever felt before sure I'd played with guys before but this really did something to me! it had to be the sheer size because I've been in 3-ways before where me and the other guy fucked each other but I've only ever had my size or smaller I'd find myself craving his big dick but never knowing when I'd be lucky enough to get it, I tell myself now that I'm Bi but I'm starting to feel like a sub , that was four months or so ago, now he just drops by my apt. (I moved out from my girls place) anytime day or night with the promise of letting me out of my cage, once he came by my job (i work commission in electronics) and said in front of at least 3 of my co-workers "Hey ,you want me to open your cock cage today?" "Then i need my dick sucked right now" I whispered to him to knock it off and walked him to the back away from people ,he said where's the locker room we can "Talk" there. still not wanting a scene I showed him where we change, he's bigger than me (6'2 blue eyes reddish hair muscle broad chested stud) before I could talk him down to doing it later he got me the mens room and pushed me into the big stall in my works bathroom, he unzipped and pulled out his fat dick which still wasn't hard but almost 8 inches, i didn't want to do it but thought if i'd just submit and suck it maybe he'd leave or at least cum fast and go before my bosses realized I was off the floor, he said he would go all had to do was suck on the head (which was pretty fat) he just wanted me to know he owned all of my holes so i was about to take his cock in my mouth, but then something changed his mind I thought I heard the door open but I didn't see anyone, he told me to pull down my pants he wanted to check to see if his favorite fuck hole i still had the cock cage on, if i was still locked, some part of me felt good to know I was his favorite that meant my ass pleased him more than any of his other fuck toys ! "Yes I'm still in my cock cage sir" he said "That's a good boy" then he bent me over and told me to put my hands on the back of the stall wall he started grabbing my balls and pulling on chastity cage to make sure I couldn't get it off, I looked back and saw him take 3 fingers wet them with spit and started playing with my hole, it felt good I forgot where I was he was finger fucking me slowly opening my ass up, I was starting to get hard in the cage it hurt my dick but my ass felt so good , I thought I heard a giggle then pain, he slammed his 9 inch man sized cock only half way in my ass I wasn't really ready! I whisper yelled "stop it oh Fuck!" and he slapped me in the back of my head and said "Shut the fuck up holes don't talk" then he pulled out and then really plowed into me. I starting to take his size he was fucking my hole so hard his balls were banging into mine , he must have bang me for a good 15 min. his cock started to get harder than before ! All of sudden he stopped, i could feel his dick pulsing his load into my ass he was convulsing and definitely unloading, in my euphoria I thought i heard him talking and then that empty feeling when he pulled out, i thought it was over but he said in a forceful owner commanding voice "Don't look over here boy, Keep Your hands on the fucking wall!" i didn't want to get slapped again , then holy shit! i felt my ass getting stretched to point of splitting something so big around, not as deep as his cock but so fat around I knew it was another guy, fuck this new guy was so hard and so big around too, he fucked me slow but with so much cum in my hole it was easier to get a good stroke going then my ass opened up around his super wide dick I could hardly breathe with every pound he got closer to bottoming out, he began fucking my ass so hard, really pounding me fucking me I heard myself loudly moan and saying incoherant things my hand were still on the wall and my dick starting to get hard in the cage again which really hurt, all of a sudden without any hands i started cumming all over my pants down around my ankles, the top of the toilet the guy is still fucking me making a slapping sound every time he fucks into me lifting me of my feet with every hammer banging thrust ,now i hear other people in the room, I'm embarrassed now but the thought of a crowd of men waiting outside to take a turn at fucking me pushes me other edge I start cumming a 2nd time in my haze I can't tell if they're laughing or cheering the guy fucking me on, when I started to shoot my ass tries to contract around this foster's Beer size cock he starts cumming and it feels like someone is emptying a enama bag inside me, he cums so much, he keeps trying to fuck me till his dick goes soft and just falls out of my now wide open gapping hole! reality slowly returns as I come out of my need to serve cock , I hear a different voice say "O.K. you can put your hands down" "I'm Done"I turn around and I'm in shock it was one of my supervisors/boss Dennis, I thought he was the super "Mr. Straight Guy" he's married/separated with 3 kids! He turns me around and presents his cock for me to clean off which Evan soft is still fat as fuck his balls are huge grey/brown hairy balls, he's a good looking 40 something I've noticed his bulge sometimes but I never dreamed it was so big around, he'd joke his wife didn't like sex with him because it hurt, but fuck I came twice ! I don't know what I like better wider like Dennis or fat and deep like my owner, my Ex-girl's Bull is long gone by now and Dennis says "i thought you might be a closet case!" "Late night shifts are gonna be fun" he puts his fat cock away and tells the other two guys who were watching hoping to get a turn at me getting fucked in the bathroom "breaks over back to work, you can get a turn later" now i just get teased all the time for being a Cock whore, guys at work just cum up to me and make me suck their cocks during breaks , I did get a 10 dollar raise on top of my commission I'm liking my job a lot better, any day of the week one of the guys i work with might take my mouth or my ass! I use to hate it but it feels so natural to serve a real men!
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- big cock
- monster dick
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This is a true story of how I took my first bareback load; I’ve embellished it for this section… I’d been barebacking for a couple of years now, mostly topping for many a demanding bottom, but occasionally I’d enjoy someone entering me bareback. I’d let them fuck me a bit, enjoying the sensation of a cock sliding inside me. But, I was always strict that they would pull out long before they were ready to shoot their spunk inside me. On my way home one afternoon, I was feeling slightly randy and stopped by a gents toilet block next to a park that I knew guys would hang out for sex. Indeed, as I entered I could see a couple of gents occupying two of the toilet cubicles and whilst I was urinating, another guy was wanking his cock at the urinal. I could see it growing before me. I responded by going over to the remaining cubicle, leaving the door open, getting my cock out and wanking it, letting the guy see my own growing manhood. He came over to my cubicle and closed the door behind me, continuing to wank his cock. I sat down on the toilet seat and started to suck on his almost fully tumescent dick. It wasn’t huge, but it was a normal sized penis, now grown to full erection under my mouth’s administration. I stood up and dropped my trousers, not quite knowing what would happen next. The other guy did. He dropped his pants and turned me round to face the toilet and then with only some spit as lube, shoved his now erect cock up my arse and started to pound it hard. At first, I was happy for him to pound away, enjoying the feel of cock sliding in and out of me bare. Conditions were cramped, but I was enjoying the ride! He kept sliding in and out for a good 5 minutes, at which point I felt that although I’d been enjoying the fucking, I didn’t want him to continue anymore as I didn’t want him to seed me. So I tried to pull away and manoeuvre myself back around to face him. His cock slipped out of me, but otherwise I remained trapped with my body still facing the toilet. With another spit on his cock, he re-entered me. I can’t say I wasn’t enjoying the forceful thrusting of this guy’s cock, but I was a little worried about where this would end up. It felt at times a little painful owing to the lack of lube, but otherwise he was going at quite a good rhythm and my arse could easily accommodate his erection. Although it felt good having his bare cock sliding within me, I got more and more concerned that he was going to come in me. So I struggled to get free of his thrusts and once again his dick popped out of my arse. But he wasn’t finished with me and I felt the tip of his cock pushing within me again as he plunged his stiff cock up me for a third time. This time he played with me, changing his rhythm, making me feel his cock rubbing inside me. Sometimes, he almost pulled right out, only to shove his cock firmly inside me again. Much as I was enjoying this, I was having growing concerns that he would ejaculate if he continued like this, so I again resisted him and tried to stop this barebacking going too far. This time, however, despite my protestations, he continued his onslaught. Pushing me against the wall and banging me harder and faster. I was unable to get away from him and feared he was going to explode within me. He fucked me forcefully and relentlessly, I could feel his cock slide in and out. I was resigned to taking my first unprotected load. Then, to my surprise, he just pulled out. There were no grunts, no feeling of spunk flooding me. I felt relieved he’d stopped and not seeded me. That was until I turned round and saw his dick head coated with spunk. He shot his load inside me and I hadn’t even felt it. He wiped his cock clean and left the cubicle, leaving me to come to terms with my first loading.
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- barebacking
- cottaging
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This is a story i have written for another site, but guessed you would like i the story here better, let me know if you like then i will post some more - greetings from Europe I was waiting in the fishtank to be processed to my cell in the general prison. The word fishtank was correct, we sat in a cage with 50 others guys, being watched by all the other prisoners who where passing by to their work, or foodhall and showers. I was one of the youngest guys in the tank, most guys there where between 25 and 50, it seemed i was the only young offender there. I did not sleep the last days, i was so tired, but fair did take the higher of me, being for the first time in prison, in a foreign country not knowing what to expect. How did I end up there? Well i dreamed about visiting New York for a long time, so finally i had arrived there, my first days i spend visiting all the landmarks in New York, like ground zero, fifth avenue, the Empire state building, Ellis Island. On Sunday i had visited the Guggenheim in the late afternoon and had a diner at a local Italian restaurant. To end the evening i had decided to have a stroll in Central Park, i never i had imagined it was such a big park. Soon i lost directions, and landed in the more dark parts of the park, fear did take to overhand from me, when a guy motioned me over to him, planning to ask him for directions, he offered me some drugs to buy from him, since i was not a user, i told him i was lost and needed some directions, and then suddenly from all sides, there was police, and i was booked as a drug user. They did not buy my story about being lost and i ended up in prison, not knowing me rights or taking a lawyer. Anyhow the lawyer the state had appointed did deliver a shit job, and i was shipped out to the nearest prison in the state. Since i have no family anymore, there was no one who could help me with my situation in my homecountry.I was sitting in the corner of the fishtank far away from other people, most guys would sit together with people of their own kind, white, blacks, hispanics with their own league. I had not really the feeling that i was fitting in. Most of the guys did freak me out, build far more bigger then me, i was not build like the most average american guys, i was a short and frail guy, while all these Americans where big guys, full of testorone, tatts and buzzcuts. I thought the most safe thing for me to do was to keep away from the others and minding my own business. I was looking out what was happening around the fishtanks, the most guys who where passing by, where scary and sometimes i tried to look away from them, just in fear and avoiding any conflicts. More fear was building up inside me, i was not sure how i could handle life when i would arrive in general population, i was working out a strategy for myself how i would cope. Little did i know about prison life in the Big America, there is no such thing as leading your own life in an American prison. Guys who where passing by where making funny signs to me, some made the international sigh for fucking, which seemed odd to me, so i was looking the other way. Others pointed to me and made signs like you and me together, just i did not understand it what they meant.The truth was that i was already being sold under the inmates, rumours had passed that i was a first timer, never been in prison before, a foreigner, and probably a victim of injustice. They could smell my fear from 5 miles, everybody there could tell i was not a fighter, i would be an easy target for everybody who would have a go with me.There was a caucasian guy passing by with a bunch of other guys, and he did notice me and stopped in his tracks. He was observing me, like i was some animal in the zoo, suddenly he was smilling to me, and i thought wow finaly somebody who is friendly to me. Soon he was chattting up his buddies, and one of his buddies did walk up to a group of guys who where standing with their backs to the metal bars.Soon they turned around, and i was watching their moves, wondering what would happen. The guy started small talk to the guys, and soon all faces moved to my directions, where they discussing me? One of the guys i did know from the first days i was in the holding cell, did move forward to the guy, and he started talking to the guy outside the fishtank. My mind was racing, what could they talk about? The guy who was with me in the holding cell had questioned me out what i was doing in an american cell, so he did know pretty well a small part of my story, was he now spilling the beans on me????To be continued I was obvious the object of discussion between the guys in the fishtank, and the guys outsides the tank, all eyes where focussed on me, i was not sure if this was a good thing, of if this would mean trouble. Somehow i would preffered that they would discuss somebody else in the tank, plenty of guys to talk about, why me???? Little did in know, being a loner, and keeping to yourself is not a good thing. You better stick with the others, and preferably with guys of your own race. In prison it is blacks and hispanics how call the shots, being white is a minority, the only whites who survives are the once who belong to the Aryan Brotherhood, and these guys where totally not my scene, i am an openminded guy, anti racist, being a multicultural guy, having friends all over the world. Guess being multicultural is not going to work in jail, soon i would find that out and learn it the hard way. More spectators where in the meantime watching me, what is going on, is this a fucking zoo???? People watching me was beginning to freak me out. The new onlookers where a group of black guys, all big guys, like they just came back from a basketball game, their arms where as thick as the upperside of my legs, and i have pretty strong muscled legs. These guys where really scaring the shit out of me. I tried to move away from their gazes, and move away to the other site of the pod, where the guards where sitting, i felt a bit more safer there. I was covering my face with both hands, and true the opening of my fingers i was trying to make out, if they where still discussing me. The guys in the fishtank where still watching me, and thee so cold friend was still talking to the guy outside the fishtank. Soon i saw that he made his move again to the group of guys and it was obvious that the guy how smilled earlier to me, was in control there. He was asking the other out about me, and in the meanwhile they where all watching me. Soon there was a discussion going between the blacks and the whites, and it was clear that they where discussing me. What was the fuck going on here. The tension was building up in me, what was my future here, how could i avoid any contact with all these people here. Soon i would find out, wardens came into the fishtank and they where calling out names, we had to line up when our name was called out, i saw that the guys outside the tank where motioned to go back to their cells, and prepare their vacant beds to the newcomers. I was hoping to have a cell to my own, i was not sure how a prisoncell looked like in the USA. The fist days of my incarcement i was always in general domitory style tier where a large number of people where sleeping aswell, on privacy means it was total hell for me, i could even not piss in a public toilet when there was another guy standing next to me, let alone having a dump, while 50 other guys where watching me. Soon i heard the warden calling out my name, everybody was watching if i would make the move into the line. When i arrived at the line, the head warden motioned me over to him, and said he would take care of me, whatever that might mean. Others where watching me, and they where discussing me, i was already thinking since i am a foreigner, they are going to treat me special here, i gave a sigh of relieve. The head warden escorted me out of the tank, and walked with me over to the general population, there i came into a large room, where there all cell rooms against the walls of the large room, in the center of the room was a kind of control room, and then you had 3 floors where they where cells. The warden escorted me to a cell in the far corner of the upper floor, i was still hoping for a cell on my own, but when i arrived at the door of the cell, my whole world crushed, there he was standing the leader of the group, who was smiling to me earlier outside the fishtank. I was not sure what to make of him. The warden spoke to my new cellie, here is your bait Rodney, as promised, make sure he keeps out of trouble, and make sure he keeps his nose clean, i will deal with you later. There i was standing in a 2 man cell left by the warden and facing the grimacing face of my new cellmate, Rodney was bunked up against the wall of his bunk, with one arm behind his head and the other hand inside his open jumpsuit, i could see his hearless chest, covered with a lot of tattoos. I had no stuff with me, just the jumpsuit i was wearing, some clothes they have given me, and then a cushion, bedsheets a cover and 2 towels. Standing there i felt intimidated by the big guy watching me, he had a vicious grin on his face, i think he could smell my fear from a mile. I was not sure what to do, should i say hi, should i shake his hand, should i keep stumm???? I never had to deal with a situation like this, and i am very bad at reading people. Rodney was watching at me intensely, he was looking at me from top to toe. Hello little foreigner, welcome to Rodneys palace, he spoke out to me, i was not sure, if he was serious or mocking me about. Palace?????? This shithole was hardly a palace, there where 2 bunks above each other, a toilet, a sink and some storage room, which was been taken for 90 percent by Rodneys stuff. Your sleep on the top pretty boy, for now at least, in the future it might change, who knows, time will tell. What does he mean with this comment???? My mind was racing like crazy, how am i going to cope here???? I was making a move to go to the upper bunk, while Rodney came upright from his bunk, still with his hand in his jumpsuit, little imagiantion i needed what he was doing with his hand in his jumpsuit, it was clear he was playing with his member while watching my every move. Rodney was towering over me, the top of my head did not even reach his big shoulder, i was small compared to this giant, i did not notice how big he was earlier when he was watching me outside the fishtank. I could feel his breathing blowing into my blond hair. I felt akward now, watching this big guy towering over me, i tried to break contact by throwing my stuff to the ground, and making up my bed with the stuff they have given me. Rodney had not the intention to help me, either shifting to the side in order that i could make my bed. I tried to make up my bunkwhile Rodney was watching every move i made, it was not easy making up my bed, while he was towering over me. I tried to avoid any body contact, but he tried it in everyway possible, his hand was still deep in the opening of his jumpsuit, leaving nothing to the imagination of what he was doing. I did not dare to watch him, just to avoid that he was getting the wrong ideas about me, i pretended he was not even there. Rodney was shifting his body, and i thought finally he is going to make room for me, so that i could make up my bed, but before i did know it, he was standing with his breast to my back, forcing me in between him and the metal bars of the bed, my neck, was forced to the iron bar of the matrass of the upper bunk. I was afraid to make any move, i could feel his outlining of his dick, pushing against my back. He lowered his head, and i could feel hit hot breath against the lobe of my ear, you like that boy, you like it when i poke your back, your mine now, your are my property.This triggered my alarm, and i pulled out from him the hardway, hurting my knee on the lower bunk, i was scared shitless from my own reaction. It did not take long or his strong hand that just has been playing with his member was know aroung my throat, puttting on some severe force. What is wrong whiteboy, do you not like to be cuddled up by a big boy? He was increasing the pressure on my neck, he could have snapped my neckbone there and then, pushing me against the metal bar of the upper bunk, i had nowhere to go. You realise punk that you here with a purpose, you are my property now, i bought you, your ass belongs to me, i can do anything i want with you, you have nowhere to go. I was sweating like a pig, my fear was in my face, there was not much i could do, to hold this guy off. I spatted out, i am nobody's property, i am a free man, slavery is over, already a longtime ago i shouted out. Before i had see it coming, his fist did hit my face, at the same time i flew backwards, with my head against the wall, having a double inpact knocking myself out. Somehow i had not lost total conscious, bit my head was hurting massive, Rodney was on his knees in front of me, gripping the collar my jumpsuit, pulling me up till our face where pressed against each other, his spitt was hitting my face, listen punk, you are mine now, and if you don't like it, your ass will be sold to the black guys here, a then your ass will be as big as the hole of a sewerpipe, you get that punk, and with that he let me drop, and my head did hit the wall again, i was nearly shitting myself. Rodney did walk away angry, while i was trying to compose myself, wow this was the first incident, and i was not yet half an hour in the cell. I was trying to get up from the floor, but everything in my body did hurt. When i came up, i saw my reflection in the mirror, my face was covered in blood, his fist had made one good hit, my nose was bleeding, as well my lips, and a part of me eyesocket, as where my elbows of the impact to the floor and wall. I was trying to walk to the sink, when another guy came in, i recognised him from before, he was the one who talked to the guys inside the fishtank, and reported back on Rodney. I was already covering my face, because i was thinking he was coming to finnish the job, but instead he was laughing. Well well, i can see you and Rodney will become good friends, i already can tell. Hey by the way i am little Stevie, i did wonder why they would call him little Stevie, he had the same bulk as Rodney, before i could even drop the question, he told me that he had a dick of 28 cms, so that was why everybody could him little to mock him. Listen baby, don't piss of Rodney, you better do what he says if your dick and balls are dear to you, he rips them off with one go if you not comply to him. Here in prison the gangs have their own rules, you better belong to our gang, then being whored out to the latinos or the blacks. Clean yourself up, it is nearly chow time, you better not show up there with a bloody face, before you know it, somebody will finnish you off there. He left as soon as he had entered, and in the meanwhile i started to clean up my smashed face. Stevie did join Rodney again who was sitting with the rest of the guys, on their own plot dedicated to their gang, every gang had their on sitting place in the pod, these dedicated places where forebidden for guys from another gang. Well tell me Stevie how is the bitch doing in there??? Did you tell him to what his place is in here????? Yes i did, would never have believed that he would come against you, hihihi the bitch has balls, and he paid the cost for it. But i guess you have to work on him, because, he is tougher then he looks. Listen i paid the headwarden some dope to get the bitch in my cell, he has to pay up soon, i figured out a plan who we can speed up plans to turn this little bitch in a punk that brings us money. Tommorow when he hits the showers, make sure, there is a welcome committee, and make sure he understands what the guys wants, and then they have to increase the presurre on him, i want to make sure, he comes to me begging for protection. Rodney was making plans, Stevie would ask guys from a befriended gang, to await Tim in the showers, first they would shower, and when Tim would enter the shower cubicle, they would close into him, and start the intimidation, and use some force to make clear what they wanted.In them meantime Tim was cleaning up and checking all the damages to his body. He had severe bruises in his face, it would be clear that he would have a blue face in a few days. He was cleaning up with one of the towels with cold water, he was trying to remove the blood from face and arms, his ass was hurting like hell. He had the threat in the back of his head of Stevie that he would have to make sure, he would not show his bruises to the guys in the chow hall. Rodney, was entering the cell enjoying the view of the half naked Tim who was cleaning up at the small sink. Tim look scared into the mirror, expecting to receive other blows, but funny enough Rodney did go to his bunk with a grin on his face. Tim was checking every move Rodney made, just to be safe. Rodney was checking out Tim ass and started to grope the outlines of his dick. Rodney made sure Tim was watching him, and made sure Tim would feel that he was preying on him. Tim was disgusted with the with the attitude of Rodney, why would he not apoligize for his actions, Tim was sure that sharing a cell with this guy would not be a walk in the park, he would have to watch every move he would make, being carefull and on constant watch to make sure he was save, he could not let his guard down with this guy. Tim was getting dressed again, he had some bloodspatters on his jumpsuit, but there was nothing he could do, he would clean it during the night.The warden gave the signal that it was time to go to eat, Rodney was getting up from his bunk and turned towards Tim, listen pretty boy, sorry that i did hit you, but it was for your own good. Anyhow if you go to the chow hall, you better stay close to me, to make sure you are safe, if not others guys will see that you are available to them. A big warning to you, it is better that you watch the floor, and not into the faces of other guys, just keep to yourself, stay close to me, and you will sit at the table of my gang. Tim mind was racing, why is he now so protective about me, first he kicks the shit out of me, and then he wants to play the big brother and protect me. Tim was considering his options, he figured out, maybe Rodney was right to stay put to him, stay close and avoiding any eyecontact with other inmates. Soon Rodney did turned to the door and Tim was close behind him following his every step. The walk to the chowhall was very intimidating, Tim was very close to Rodney, and guys where making obscene remarks to Rodney and Tim, hey Rod is he your new fucktoy, did you already ride him, does he suck you off, is he your new cashmachine. Tims mind was running overtime, what where they all on about, what where they suggesting, guys where feeling him up, touching his ass, at a certain moment, Rodney, gave a kick to a guy who was feeling up the ass of Tim, do not once try to touch my property asshole, or i am going to give you the eternal smile. It seemed ages to reach the chowhall, when they finally entered the chowhall, it seemd to mike that they just entered a big market place at some exotic island, guys from all colors where sitting there at long rows of table, the hall must have given place for a thousand men, ranging from white-white to black black and all the colourschemes in between. Tim was scared to have a good look around, so he was sometimes having a peek from the corner of the eye scanning his new surroundings. Soon they where joined by Little Stevie and the rest of the gang, everybody was making remarks about Rodneys new cellie, like it seemed that Tim was deaf, and not really there.
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