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Sorry for my English, it's not my mother tounge so i could/would makes mistakes... this story is fiction... for now 😈😈 I plan to realise a part of it eventually... 3 people are willing to follow me. Time will tell... After chattin' with a friend of mine about my sexual deviance, he told me that i turned him on for several reasons. We started to explore his need and i got a big surprise... I was not alone with my twisted mind. He's twisted like me. Chapter 1 My friend, i'll call him Edouard (Eddy), wanted to get pozzed for a long time but he never found someone serious enough to Gift him, until we talked... Wa talked about our fantasy for 2 days on WhatsApp... describing how we'd like to proceed for his pozzing... He took me on some nasty paths that makes me hard as steel. He wants to consider me as a Jewel Wasp and him as my prey... He REALLY wants me to Make him... to Pozz him. He makes me horny like a Hornet who needs to sting his prey... he makes me become a predator, THE kind of predator i adore... EVIL. He said that he wasn't sure he wants to cross the line and he wants me to guide him at MY direction. He feels hypnotized by me, by my POZ dick, by my PA, by my twisted talk. Before working for his pozzing, we made a deal. If he accepts me as his Pozzer, that's gonna be like a sacrifice. He's gonna fuck up his health for MY pleasure and MY pride. There are some conditions he needs to satisfy for me to Reward him! A Wasp Tattoo... Emerald Green and Black (for the Jewel Wasp) it's MY Mark ! (the image at the end of this chapter) A negative blood test results. NO one to fuck him until he convert. Anonymous HIV test... until it comes back POZ and afterwards, regular blood tests to know how high the viral load will climb. when the convertion succeeds, he's gonna have to GIFT... and to get recharged. Stay off meds as long as he can (but i don't want my prey to pass away... ) Recharging me ! He agreed all of these conditions. These conditions are mine to POZ someone. I'm the Boss in MY colony! I want to create new wasps and make it grow!!! He needs me to break his Pandora's Box... to make sure he's not gonna close it anymore. He's feeling hot as Hell... and he invites me to talk in person about this. I travelled to his place and we talked, naked but we did not fuck. I wanted to control his mind like the Jewel Wasp does with its prey... so we talk about how we'd like to get sick, how i'd poz him, how i'd lay my wasp eggs inside his body... how free he'll be to be himself... and he'll be MINE! We jerked off... and we promised to get closer to the moment at our next date... He warned me that he could slow me down... step on the brakes... but i answer that i could not brake and i would push him over the precipice... He did not disagree but I still need time to control his mind completly... The job is not finish... It could take awhile but my reproductive instinct will get the job done sooner or later. When i left his place he said that he wants me to bring him to the Other side... into darkness... He wanted to be fucked by me... only me... and become an Evil to burn other people from the inside when he's pozzed. I promised him to continue to work on his mind to manipulate him, bringing him where i want him... and to sting his body with my dick to make him MINE... to start to build MY colony! He's gonna be a co-predator for the next hunt... but before, i have to finish my work with him... He will be my First Victim, my First Conquest ! I have 3 men now wating to be a part of my Colony... but Eddy will be the First and were gonna work together on the next ones.
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Before Jay, there was Anthony & Mikey. You might say that they were my “can I really do this” litmus test. I met Mikey in an M4M AOL chatroom. It turned out we were both off school and were both bored and extremely horny. He was 20 compared to my freshly-turned 18. We both looked pretty similar: tall, skinny, smooth and with dark brown hair and eyes. Perhaps discovering we looked alike led to what happened. “Are you a sub?” Mikey asked. “I’m pretty sure I am. Although it’s not like I have any real-life experience to say for sure,” I typed back. “Experience is one thing I can help with!” he replied back. With both of us being bottoms, I was a bit confused as to how he could help me. “What are you doing for lunch? Come to the mall and have lunch with me and my master.” I felt a flurry of emotions as I sat there staring at the monitor. As dumb as it sounds now, I thought to myself that this would be the first “real gay thing” I had done in public. I wasn’t sure if I was suddenly admitting I might be gay, but going out on a lunch date with two gay guys seemed like a first step. “Okay. Why not!” I nervously replied. My hands were shaking so much that three simple words seemed nearly impossible to type. After I signed off, I was at at loss for what to do. Was this an actual date? Was I going to be having actual sex? What do I wear? Why was I even freaking out about what to wear? “Mikey said it was just lunch,” I mumbled to myself. I ended up quickly showering and throwing on my jeans and a simple t-shirt. As I walked into the mall, I wasn’t really sure what to do. I didn’t seem to see anyone that looked like Mikey’s pic. As I sat down on the bench near the mall entrance, I briefly contemplated that this was just a cruel joke. Maybe I was just early. Or, maybe someone was having a laugh at my expense. I sat there for what felt like an eternity, but was in actuality probably only a few minutes. “Ben?” I heard a voice from behind me before a hand landed on my right shoulder. A jolt of energy surged through me and I jumped a bit. “Sorry!” I said standing up embarrassed. It was Mikey standing in front of me. He was cuter and younger looking than his picture. “I didn’t mean to spook you,” he said with a smile. “This is your first time, huh?” he added. “Meeting other guys that is.” I laughed nervously, “That obvious huh?” “Come on. Sir is excited to meet you. To be honest, I don’t think I’ve seen him this worked up before.” Mikey led me over to this little Mexican eatery that existed outside of the food court. “This is Sir,” he said introducing me to a much older, stockier man in his forties. He had that delicate balance between beefy, muscular and chubby. With light blonde hair and piercing blue eyes, he had a certain undeniable magnetism. I was at a bit of a loss on what to say. “Hello...Sir.” It felt weird to refer to him like that. “You can call me Anthony,” he said with a chuckle. “While I appreciate the effort, you’re not my slave like Mikey is; at least not yet,” he added with another chuckle and pat on my back. We got our food and sat down at a double table with four chairs. I sat by myself on one side with Anthony directly across from me. I’m not sure, but I think that may have been the most nervous I have ever been. With people all around us, all I thought about was who did I know that was going to see me out on my gay lunch date? As we started talking about work, school and family, I became much more relaxed. It felt like we were all just friends hanging out together despite this undeniable undercurrent to the whole lunch. “Oh shit,” Mikey suddenly said while looking down at his watch. “I need to run or I’m going to be late for my Chemistry lab. It was nice meeting you, Ben. Go easy on him, Sir,” he said with a sly smile. “You know me,” Anthony quickly retorted. Mikey locked eyes with me. During that moment, I was unfamiliar with the emotion those chocolate eyes were conveying. After an intense but fleeting moment, Mikey turned his head back towards Anthony. “I do know you. That’s why I’m telling you to go easy. Ben’s a naive little lamb that I feel like I’m abandoning to a wolf.” “We’re either prey or predator,” Anthony retorted. “Don’t you agree, Ben?” I’ll admit that I was lost. There was clearly substance to their conversation that I was lacking knowledge of. “I have my own take on that subject.” “And which are you then, Ben?” Anthony asked inquisitively. “Don’t answer that, Ben,” Mikey quickly interjected. “You’re too virginal to answer that in complete honesty.” He leaned into Anthony ear and whispered something inaudible to me. “I can’t promise that,” Anthony replied. Mikey shot me another somewhat unsettling glance. Leaning over towards me, he whispered, “Sorry. I do really have to go. Otherwise, I’d stay with you.” I didn’t know how to feel in the moment. It all felt like complex layers of linguistic entendre. With Mike gone, Anthony crossed his arms flat on the table and looked at me intently. “So...prey or predator. Tell me your unique take on the dichotomy?” “Sometimes, I believe one can be predatory prey.” Anthony looked intrigued if not a bit dismissive as well. “Do elaborate.” “I’m not saying this applies to me necessarily…” I started to say. “But it totally applies to you,” Anthony interrupted with a smile. I smiled back. “Fine. In some moments, I crave something with such wanton abandon that I actively hunt for the thing that I know will hurt me...or rather to satiate my hunger. I’m not simply passive in waiting for my predator to find me. Sometimes, I’ll leave the comfort of my den, so to speak, and search for a hunter. I’ll lay out my traps rather than the reverse.” He sat that smiling ear to ear. “That’s a point if view that has never been conveyed to me before. So...the obvious question then is did you seek out Mikey so you could leave your den?” “Mikey was merely coincidence that we were online in the same room, but…” I hesitated to finish my thought. I wasn’t even entirely positive that my current thought was even actually valid or truthful to why I decided to go to lunch. “But?” Anthony probed. I felt my cock flinch in my underwear suddenly. “But, I maybe have chosen to leave my safe den to meet you as Mikey’s master.” “Really...why?” “Like he said. I don’t have experience being a real-life submissive. Perhaps, the temptation to present myself to you and see what you’d do to me was something that I craved more than I could resist.” I felt my cock suddenly become fully erect in my jeans. Whatever happened next, I knew I wasn’t going to be in control. My secret lusts that I normally kept chained and repressed were now in control. I was merely along for the ride at my desires behest. “And what did you hope would happen to you, Ben?” With people coming and going all around us, I’m a bit surprised that Anthony was able to engage me to a point where those people didn’t exist. Talking so openly about this side of me was something I never thought I would do out in the open. “I don’t like to put artificial restrictions on what can happen to me,” I playfully but honestly replied. “How can I put restrictions on things that I’ve never experienced in the flesh? Seems like I would potentially miss out on a lot of experiences that I might have enjoyed.” “But what about when you experience something bad?” “Knowing me,” I replied, “my brain is capable of transforming bad things into something enjoyable or exciting in one way or another.” “That’s what I like to hear,” Anthony said with a devilish grin. “Come. Let me show you my special, little, fortress of solitude.” I followed Anthony down the main corridor of the mall until we made a left into one of the offshoot arms containing the more boutique stores. He walked us to a nearly-hidden door that was only discernible from a push-button keypad on the wall. Pushing a series of numbers, the practically seamless door popped open. “Woah,” I said in amazement. “Kinda neat, huh? It’s the service corridor to this section of the mall. Deliveries, maintenance, and things like that all take place through these secret-ish tunnels.” I followed him down the long, cinder-block hallway with painted concrete floor. On our left, we passed a series of doors that either had a three-digit number or sometimes a store name written on masking tape below the number line. Some even had peepholes like a hotel room door. “Pretty sparse on lighting,” I said while noticing the general lack of overhead lights. “At night, when I have to stay late doing inventory for my store, it can get pretty spooky in here. Without the ambient noise of shoppers and music playing through the speakers everywhere, these areas feel more like haunted tombs.” I felt shivers run through my arms, down my spine, and all the way through my legs to my feet. I definitely felt the sudden fear, anxiety, and paradoxical sexual tension of being prey begin to course through my veins. “You know,” Anthony continued, “they have cameras everywhere else in this godforsaken tribute to capitalism except, of course, for the bathrooms and these private hallways.” Another serious round of chills flowed inside of me as we stopped next to a door on our right marked “Danger. No Admittance.” Anthony produced a key-ring burdened with countless, unmarked keys. “It does say danger,” I remarked as his fingers flipped through key after key. “I thought that hunting prey liked danger?” he responded coyly while opening the door. He extended his left arm to hold the door open while looking at me. “Well? After you.” I suppose a part of me was considering that I had bitten off more than I could chew. But, what could I do now? Turn around and run away? Mikey whispering that he was sorry to me back at the taco place was replaying over and over in my mind. Did he know this was going to happen? Is this what Mikey was whispering to Anthony about when Anthony replied that he couldn’t promise that? Did Mikey tell him not to bring me here? I felt like I was about to throw up, but I was also tired of just living a life of fantasy. I was getting tired of imaging all the dirty things I wanted to do only to end up just jerking off by myself. I had told myself in the car on the way to lunch that I would see this through no matter what. It was just that I figured the likelihood of anything really wild transpiring was virtually nil. “Fuck it,” I thought to myself. I bent down and crept underneath Anthony’s outstretched arm into the mystery room. Looking back on that moment years later, I realize how clever Anthony was. Making me bend down and walk underneath his arm into that room subtly put me in a mindset of being below him. That seemingly benign placement of bodies forced me to enter that room as undeniable prey. My hunt had concluded, and now I was going to reap my rewards. “That’a boy,” he said as I slipped past him. Looking around the room, it appeared to be a sort of boiler and electrical room. A large boiler surrounded by hurricane fencing took up a solid quarter of the room. On the opposite side, several industrial breaker boxes were mounted against the wall. A long, wooden table sat adjacent to them. It was covered with an assortment of tools, wires, and bins containing a vast array of miscellaneous screws, bolts, and so forth. “Not really super bright,” I said while trying to adjust the red hue cast by a single, red bulb installed into a socket mounted on a side wall. “I dunno,” Anthony said pressing up against my back with his burly body. “I kind of like the red. It makes it a bit like a horror movie. Perfect for someone in your position right now.” He started kissing my neck while reaching around my waist to unbutton my jeans. It was the first time that anyone had kissed me sexually. Mentally, I didn’t know how to react. Thank god my cock was in control instead. I melted back into him and he pushed my jeans and underwear down with his thumbs. “What if someone comes in here?” I panted as the band of my underwear popped over my erection leaving it to bobble about wildly for a few seconds. “Well,” Anthony said taking my cock in his left hand and whispering into my ear from behind, “you might even have more fun. It’s just me and the janitor that have a key. It’s our little play room when we find the right…” “Prey,” I cooed as his thumb tormented my highly sensitive frenulum. “Mmmhhh,” he moaned. I turned my head and we began kissing deeply as he continued to masterfully stroke my eager cock. I imagined the countless other boys that he had done this to in this very spot. I was surprised that I began to feel jealous. I possessed that annoying personality flaw of perfectionism. It was bad enough that, in that moment, there wasn’t anything I wouldn’t do to be his most favorite prey. I worked myself out of my shoes as we continued to make out. Anthony then stepped down between my legs onto my jeans and underwear that laid around my ankles. As I stepped carefully out of those, he slipped my shirt off over my head. Soon, my smooth, white body stood naked and bathed in the blood-red light of the room’s lone source luminescence. Anthony walked in front of me and pulled on my cock to follow him. He escorted me to the cage around the boiler. By now, the once imperceptible heat the boiler continually gave off was quite apparent. As he opened the cage door’s padlock with yet another key, it was impossible not to feel the heat emanating from the steel beast. Sweat had begun to form on my arms and chest and trickle down my skin as Anthony guided me into the cage. I turned around expecting him to join me inside. Instead, he quickly closed and locked the door. “Get on your knees and press that little ass against the cage.” I climbed down onto my knees and positioned my body as requested. “ reach back at your sides and grab the fencing with your fingers.” As I did, he used long, black zip-ties to secure my wrists and hands to the fencing behind me. “Are you scared yet?” he asked. “A little,” I admitted despite my cock’s leakage indicating that I was more in a state of anticipation and submission. I suddenly felt something round and hard pushing against my asshole. I grunted in response while wondering what might be attempting to violate me. “Lean forward,” he instructed. As I put my weight forward, the zip-ties dug into skin of my wrists as they began to bear my weight. I felt what had been teasing my pucker suddenly slide inside me. I moaned in intense pleasure at the first time someone else was penetrating me. As grand as it is fucking myself with a toy, it’s a million times better when someone else is taking control of my body for their own enjoyment. “Someone is an eager beaver,” Anthony teased while pushing a push-broom’s wooden handle deeper and deeper inside me. “Watch that little guy just swallow this up like it was candy. Does that feel good?” “Fuck yes,” I moaned as sweat dripped from my body onto the floor below. “Mikey didn’t care for this part of his initiation,” Anthony said as he began semi-roughly plunging the handle in and out of my ass. It was that tenuous line of being close to being in pain and crying out and moaning like a slut desperate for more violation “Initiation?” I moaned as my ass began to rock against the rough fencing. Anthony said nothing. I only felt him remove the handle and then press something thick through my impromptu cage. I heard his belt buckle hit the floor and then the rattle of the fencing as his grabbed it. A moment later, his cock was forcing my hole open. “Oooohhh fuck,” I moaned while feeling my restrained hands beginning to tingle. Anthony began what I can only describe as hate-fucking me. “Ooohhh god...ohhh fuck me,” I cried out into the sauna-like room. As he continued to pummel my ass, my mind would drift back to Mikey at the Mexican place. It almost seemed as if he didn’t want me to experience this carnal bliss. Was he jealous? Was he worried that he’d be replaced by me? It didn’t seem like he was jealous. I just couldn’t put my finger on what took place twenty minutes prior. I could hear Anthony grunt over the bubbling and grinding of the boiler a few feet in front of me. “Dumb...ungh...fucking...faggot...unnggghhh…slut.” “What?” I moaned as his cock felt like it was a steel I-beam sliding in and out of me. He didn’t answer. I could only hear more grunts, the sound of my ass being pounded, and the rattling of the fencing like a wild animal was trying to tear its way out of it. As it felt like I was about to pass out from either the heat or the anal throttling I was receiving, the crazed rattling of the cage stopped. Anthony let out a long, deep, animalistic growl. I stayed nearly motionless on my knees leaning forward while picturing my hands purple from lack of circulation thanks to the zip-ties. It took Anthony over a minute before he finally pulled out of my achingly, sore hole. A few seconds after that were the two quick snips of my bindings holding me in place. I fell forward onto the floor staring at my right hand. Every so slowly the pins and needles sensation dissipated and life began to return to my extremities. I rolled over onto my back and stared up at Anthony who was standing with his semi-flaccid cock in his hand. What do I even say in such a moment? Even if I had something primed and ready, it didn’t matter. A stream of hot piss shot forth from the tip of his dick and began spraying my chest. I felt hot, salty droplets of the spray hitting my face as his stream slowly moved upwards. Was he expecting me to? I opened my mouth just as his deluge reach my chin. Suddenly, his salty nectar was pouring into my mouth. Do I? Is he going to want me to? Swallow this? My mind was racing as his piss quickly filled my open maw. I didn’t have time to debate this any longer. I quickly gulped down his warm offering. I immediately began coughing. Anthony laughed as he let his remaining bit of piss rain down on my own cock. “You’ll have to get used to drinking piss if you want to be a proper slave,” he said as he snaked his cock back into his pants and zipped them up. Anthony opened the cage to the boiler and tossed my clothes onto my piss-soaked body. “You can see yourself out. I need to get back to work,” he said coldly before turning away and existing the room. “Wow,” I said aloud in the empty room. “Discarded like a used condom.” The words leaving my lips suddenly clicked. I sat up and looked down between my legs. My ass was leaking his cum out onto floor. “Oh shit...I am the discarded condom.” I scooped up some of his leaking seed with two fingers from my left hand and laid back down. I slipped both cummy fingertips into my freshly fucked asshole and began jerking off with my free hand. Maybe it was stench of piss that I now reeked of and also continued to taste, or maybe it was the overall feeling of being successful prey, but I was quickly squirting my own cum onto my stomach. I laid on the filthy floor a while longer—almost reveling in my state of unbridled debauchery. I had stuck to my promise in the car on the way to the mall. I finally lived out a fantasy no matter what. I smelled like old piss; was sweating like a roasting piglet; and felt completely drained physically and mentally. I wondered if I should just continue to lay there naked and available. Maybe Anthony would return for seconds later. Or, maybe the janitor would suddenly walk in and see me splayed out and vulnerable. Part of me envisioned the janitor coming in and disposing of my clothes. He could keep me caged up and naked next to the boiler forever. I’d be their secret, permanent sex toy trapped in the mall. Countless people would go about their business outside that door never knowing that I was inside and being kept prisoner. I had to stop thinking such delightful thoughts or I’d end up needing to rub another load out. Besides, I wasn’t even sure what time it was. I should get my ass home before anyone else beat me to it. I desperately needed a shower...but maybe after I slipped the toilet brush in my bottom and had one more quick orgasm reliving the day’s adventure. I didn’t see Mikey online for a couple of weeks. I sort of assumed I’d hear from Anthony. Mikey surely gave him my email. I began to wonder if I was that bad of a fuck that I really was being tossed aside like a spent rubber. What had I done wrong? Was I that unworthy to be another slave in Anthony’s harem of boys? “Hey,” the instant message announced itself with a ding. “Dude!” I replied equal parts excited and pissed. “WTF?!?!” “I know...I know...I’m so sorry, Ben.” “Wait…for what? This feels like for something more than ghosting me.” “I told him that I didn’t want him to do what he did. That’s what I whispered to him. That’s why I apologized for having to leave to you. I told him that you were” “Okay...what are you talking about?” “I help, Sir...I help him find new boys like you that are maybe a little naive but are eager to be dirty.” “Okay…” “He likes to do what he calls his ‘initiation’ with them.” “Right. He said you hated yours but he didn’t say anything more. He just started fucking with a broom and then with know…” “Yah...I know. He does that to every new boy I find for him.” “Oh…” I felt truly unimportant and not remotely special. “Ugh...he likes to convert innocent guys like you.” “Into his slave. Yeah. So, I didn’t pass his initiation. It sucks.” “Have you been sick lately?” “What? No lol I’ve been sad at being ghosted by you two, but no, I’ve been fine otherwise.” “Well, then you didn’t pass the initiation. Be glad. Listen, I gotta go. Be safe. You seem like a nice guy. I’m sorry you ended up in that situation.” What situation was he talking about? What was I missing? “I mean I had a great time. There’s nothing to be sorry about, Mikey.” Undeliverable. He had signed off. I never heard from Mikey again, and I avoided the mall. I was too embarrassed at the thought of running into Anthony. I was a disappointment to him when I thought everything went well. But, a couple of weeks after I last talked to Mikey, I was chatting with a new guy. Somehow my adventure with Mikey and Anthony became the topic of conversation. “Oh, bro! I know Anthony and Mikey!” “Okay, so give me insight to what I did wrong.” “Seriously?” “Yes!” “Dude...Mikey lures...well recruits may be more fair of a word...he recruits guys for Anthony to bareback.” “Right. He fucked me bareback.” “And you haven’t gotten sick?” “What the fuck? Mikey asked me too. Why is everyone concerned?” “Because he has AIDS and isn’t on any meds. His initiation is breeding negative holes and giving them his super viral loads. That’s their thing. How did you not know?” How the fuck would I know? It was the first time we talked. I was completely new to the gay community on AOL at the time. I laid in bed that night remembering every thought, feeling, taste and smell of my time in the boiler cage. As much as I tried to resist an erection thinking about what had happened, I couldn’t stop myself from reaching under the covers to pleasure my cock. I thought about how hard he fucked me with the broom and then his cock. He must have been so excited at the chance to flood a virgin hole. I shot my load while realizing that I happily scooped up his cum and finger-fucked my own sore hole with his poz seed. I realized that was one of my best orgasms laying there covered in his piss while fingering myself. As I licked the cum from my fingers safe at home in bed, I started to imagine my own cum was now tainted. It could have happened. Hell, I did everything inadvertently to make it happen. I slid into the chair behind my desk after locking my bedroom door. My fingers quickly started typing away in an IRC channel dedicated to poz men in my city. The bug had bitten me.
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