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[UK Sauna Slut] I Sold My Soul To TIM

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Well, I finally got it done. *A few days ago I posted about the TIM Tattoo Challenge. *Yesterday a long term ambition came true.

I had been worried about the pain of getting a tattoo, I needn’t have been. *Whilst you can clearly feel it, it’s more of an irritating tingle, than a cry-out-loud pain. *And as others I’ve spoken to had said, it’s addictive. *The tattoo took an hour, and when it was finished, I immediately wanted to have another one!

My friend came along, partly for a bit of support, but also to act as photographer and grab some memories for myself, and also, more crucially, for Paul Morris. *As soon as I got home, I emailed the photos to Paul, and later last night they appeared on the Treasure Island Media blog. *Now that TIM has published them, I can reveal them here too!

It’s official, I am now a TIM Pig. *A Morris’ Marked Man. *I am showing everyone who knows the TIM logo that I too am a loud and proud barebacker, and make no apologies for it.

Enjoy the pics guys, comments greatly appreciated!


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I've made another blog posting, but unfortunately there's a problem with the breedingzone RSS pick up to do with my blog, so its not updating here.

Please visit Confessions Of A Bareback Sauna Slut to read my latest blog posting.


Comment of Hotload84: Here is Josh's posting. It is even more interesting than his usually very interesting postings, so I've taken the liberty of inserting it here.

My routine quarterly trip to the HIV clinic in Middlesborough got off to a bumpy start today. Arriving at the train station at 930am expecting to get the 10am train up, what greeted me was a wall of chaos instead. The departure board read like some cheap christmas drama film would…

“delayed, delayed, delayed, delayed, cancelled, cancelled, delayed….”

Every platform had a standing train on it, but not a single loco had its engine running. Turns out that there was some major fault on the lines down south, and practically the entire East Coast Main Line was gridlocked. Nothing coming in; nothing going out. Bummer.

After drinking what felt like a gallon of coffee, and checking out the very limited eye candy, things finally got moving, and eventually I rocked into Hartlepool about 70 minutes later than I should have.

My friend picked me up at the station and we took a drive over to Middlesborough, stopping off enroute for a bite to eat and a catch up from his latest holiday/business trip. The lucky bugger has only just gotten back from two weeks living it large in L.A!

The hospital appointment was at 1.30pm, and we arrived pretty much smack on time. I quickly got weighed by the nurse, and was devastated to learn that I’d put on .6kg since my last visit. Fucker… i clearly need to have even more sex, so as to burn that shit off! I guess it should have been an omen for things to come.

I got settled into the chair and had a small talk chat with the consultant before knuckling down to business. My CD4 was still fairly high, but had fallen slightly, from the previous level of 971, to 906. What was really concerning though was the news that my Viral Load (VL) has sky rocketed.

The previous high was 105,000. The latest results returned with an almost 5 fold increase.. 521,000!

Over half a MILLION! That’s over half a million copies of the HIV virus in a single drop of blood. Holy shit! That biohazard tattoo that I’m planning sure would have significance right now… I’m a walking fucking biological hazard!

Naturally with that news, there was only one direction the conversation could no lead to – medication, which, it did. Nothing in depth or scary, just a fleeting preliminary chat about the benefits of going on meds now, despite my CD4 being strong still. The consultant likened it to a train track.

Imagine the CD4 indicates the length of the track – with the 350 mark being the threshold at which medically, they put you on medication. The VL would be the speed of the train. The higher the VL, the faster the proverbial train is going, the quicker the CD4 falls, and thus, the time by which I need medication medically, approaches more rapidly.

Meds don’t scare me. I know enough people on them to know what the score is. The worry of mine is one of adherence. I have a very chaotic lifestyle, my work patterns are all over the shop; mornings, evenings, weekends, varying start and finish times, one day to the next. With most of the medication, they need to be taken within a short period each day of each other… something that at the moment, I am unable to do. Not only that, but there’s other stuff going on in my life, which means that mentally, I’m not in the right frame of mind to take on the challenge of sorting this out, so that my life is more ordered. Its not as though I work a 9-5 and can pop the pill at mid night before bed each day… sometimes my bed time is mid night, the next day its 4am.

Of course the main argument for me possibly starting medication is that of prevention. I’ll discuss this more later, as its an interesting debate which is currently raging, with people from all sides of the HIV argument having differing opinions.

So how do I feel about this recent development… alarmed? A little. Shocked at the rapid unchecked progress of the virus around my body? Definitely! A 5 fold increase in 4 months is alarming. If it continues at this pace, come my next results, my VL could be millions! Scared? No. You don’t bareback like I have and not consider the outcome of your actions. I knew what I was getting into, and accepted it wholly. This is just the start of another chapter.

There’s lots to consider, and life changing decisions to be taken very soon.

The reality of living with HIV just got a whole lot more real…

One thing will remain though, my love of bareback sex. Nothing on this planet, not even HIV, is going to stop me enjoying bending over and getting pounded by guys until spunk dribbles from my hole and runs down my legs!

Edited by Hotload84
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I was positive for almost 15 years before the doctors put me on medications, and even when they did my VL never approached the figures Josh has quoted. I seem to recall the load would occasionally rise to the 85,000 - 90,000 range, generally when I was sick with some other malady, but the normal range was in the 25,000 to 35,000 range. The swiftness of the progression of the virus in Josh's system is noteworthy - I'm glad Josh is getting regular check-ups, and hope, when the doctors suggest it is appropriate to go on medication, that Josh can make the adjustments to his routine that the medications recommend.

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Thanks HotLoad84 for posting this here, and you're comments on such.

Its certainly interesting to see such a rapid progression of the virus in terms of Viral Load, but no major change in CD4. One would think that a rapid onset of the virus, would be met by either a significant fall in CD4 as the immune system became overwhelmed, OR, a checking of the VL as the immune system launched its attack against said virus.

In my case it seems my CD4 is steady and falling as you would expect (albeit a tad on the fast side (the average they look for in the UK is 50 over 12 months, where as mine has fallen 65 in 4 months)) where as the VL is relatively unchecked and multiplying at a fair rate of knots!

Its quite similar to what happened to Yeolad, the ex who is believed to have infected me. 6 months after his diagnosis (viral load 105k (like my first results)), they were forced to put him on medication.

It's certainly interesting... watch this space.....

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its well weird. 18 months since i was diagnosed. not on meds, not sure what my viral load is (but the docs not worried), and my cv4 started about 950, dipped to 800 and it has now risen. 1150 last time, and the doctor said she was baffled to why n how my cv4 is improving. theyve asked whether id agree to some tests being done, thats if my cv4 continues to go in the opposite direction to the one expected

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