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I have a question that has been bugging me for a while. I have noticed on many bareback sites that many men are far from in shape. I like my men to be be thin to muscular, however I have noticed that this is not the case. Is barebacking synonymous with bears??


A couple things to keep in mind:

Many people come to barebacking a little later in life. Many also become more uninhibited a little later on.

Lipodystrophy related to HIV treatment sometimes makes fat reduction a little more difficult, especially around some problem areas like the gut.

  calrockxxx said:
By "bareback sites" do you mean hookup sites or porn sites? What are these "many sites" you speak of?

Hook up sites.

  einathens said:
sounds to me like your ideal is based on guys in porn, whereas jookup sites feature guys in real life.

You can't tell me every guy in real life is a 250+ pound hairy bear with a beer gut and who doesn't look like he's ever seen a gym in his life. Because I can personally attest to that being just about all I see on those types of sites.


I don't have a six pack, but I'm not a bear. I've seen what you are talking about, but I've found there to be a mix of bears and twinks in my area. Even some muscle jocks. Now if we were to talk about what types hit on me... Yeah.. It's the bear community. I like a guy to care about his health, but there's more to a man than his looks. He can be a greek god but if he's an asshole, his looks don't matter. But no, not every guy in real life is 250+. They just may not be into bareback... :(

  mike_thieriot said:
You can't tell me every guy in real life is a 250+ pound hairy bear with a beer gut and who doesn't look like he's ever seen a gym in his life. Because I can personally attest to that being just about all I see on those types of sites.

Well, the other factor I didn't mention is that Americans generally run to the large end these days. I just saw stats that said half of Coloradans are either overweight or obese and we're one of the fittest states in the country. OP didn't say where he was, nor do you, but it's quite possible that you both live in a part of the country where guys generally are heavier.

That being said, I cruise around all over the country. And most major cities at least seem to usually have a fairly wide variety of guys. So maybe geography has something to do with it.

And it's also possible that guys who do spend a lot of time in the gym and watch their diet carefully are generally more health-conscious. In which case they may be less inclined to bareback due to the risks involved.

  einathens said:
sounds to me like your ideal is based on guys in porn, whereas jookup sites feature guys in real life.

Sorry no I like my men to to be thin to muscular. Men that are not fit just do not do it for me.

  mike_thieriot said:
You can't tell me every guy in real life is a 250+ pound hairy bear with a beer gut and who doesn't look like he's ever seen a gym in his life. Because I can personally attest to that being just about all I see on those types of sites.

Thank you my sentiments exactly,


Wow. I have traveled a lot aroun the US and outside it, and I have not seen anything like what you say. Plenty of muscular guys all over. There are more overweight, but that's always the case.


i for one don't mind a romp with a burly boy or a beefy daddy. no bony asses to bruise my hipbones.

but that wasn't the question. what i was trying to say has already been said-- we as a society are getting heavier. the number of guys who aren't built like pornstars is far greater than the number of guys who are. and this trend will continue until the pendulum swings back the other way. your ideal man is getting harder to find.

how specific are you being in your search? i think that 'hwp' is the current politically correct way of saying 'no fatties.' if you're only interested in a lean, mean breeding machine, make sure you're being clear on that point.

are you checking out siites that aren't bareback-specific? i've found that hot men of every description in every location are eager to play raw if you advertise the opportunity, can keep a secret, and don't judge them for it.


I think it is just your perception, or It's what hits you up, or what doesn't hit you up (the type you like doesn't like you) but it really is Prolly just your area. There are tons of fit sexy white guys here. Sure there are old fat guys here but I get rejected all the time for being Puerto Rican and chubby. And i mean actually chubby not fat and obese.


I totally agree. But I think it's due to the perv kinky factor: in bb or sleazy sex, attitude is sometimes more important than the body. Many guys will stick to that as their niche. Also, bear in mind that gay underground culture and individual identities are formed as a denial of the mainstream gay models: that is, muscled jocks seen in standard porn movies.

To me, very hot guys with perfect bodies tend to have the wrong attitude: too arrogant, too picky, too standard-gay. However, I like them hot, not fat or too old. Just a decent body, nice cock or balls and a perverted look. Skinny lypodistrophy usually adds some points. But I just find it disgusting that many guys will think I'll just fuck "whatever comes". No way. Or not yet.

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