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Dick shitting bottoms, love them or hate them?

Bottoms w/ Dirty Holes: Love 'em or hate 'em?  

115 members have voted

  1. 1. Bottoms w/ Dirty Holes: Love 'em or hate 'em?

    • I always HATE shit on my dick
    • An occasional small accident is understandable
    • Shit Happens: I don't really care one way or the other
    • Shit on my dick can be a turn-on sometimes
    • I love it dirty - My dick looks good in brown

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I'm with all you guys on this one. I always douche, Hell I do a lite douche almost every day before I go to work. Not for sex just to be extra clean.

For sex though I do a complete clean out for sure specially if its planned. If its impromptu I tell the guy, I have to shower first and most are cool with that and will wait a short amount of time, from my expiereience. If I happen to run into issues while cleaning out I get out of the shower and tell him things are not going well and we can do it another time or he can wait a bit longer for me to get things under control.

I've also done the Immodium thing once or twice too after a good clean out. But like others have said accidents do happen and sometimes its just extra water that hasn't been gotten out and other times its shit. Take each situation as it comes. If you stick your dick in and you smell shit right away you know the bottom didn't bother to douche. When I topped it was an instant mood killer and I was done.


I dont mind at all if my dick comes out at the guys ass and it has some shit on it. Accidents happens. I admit that its for me a little bit turn on when i notice that my dick is not completle clean after anal sex. Hopefully someday that slut will take that dirty cock to his mouth and clean it good.

Sometimes when my ass has been fucked a cock hasnt come out from my ass completle clean, but only one guy has stopped fucked my ass becuase of that. I usually take a shit before i give my ass for guy. But if guy ask me to clean his dick with my tongue after anal sex, it would not propably be problem for me, but nobody havent asked my to do that.


On Adam4Adam's store section they have a shower enema that makes clean out a snap. I only do washed out bottoms. The longer it's been since your last bowel movement the more likely the brown will happen. When washing out, it is also important to use warm water rather than cold. My bottom guy when he comes over fills and purges 3 times. We play a little then he goes back to the toilet to do a last "force out" to get rid of residual water. Then it's game on.


Its a fine line with shower shots. Just that little bit too much can put a lot of water deep in your bowels, causing brown water later on.

There's no panacea, and what worked last weekend may not work this weekend.


One problem is finding a top unexpectedly and you don't have a chance to properly clean out. I've found tops in the middle of the work day and there was no way I could really clean out before heading to their place.

  HungLatinDom said:

Accidents are understandable. Claiming to be clean when it is absolutely obvious you did not bother (i.e. I stick half my head in there and it comes out covered in brown) is not.

Totally agree. I can easily forgive accidents. If I like you it's no biggie and we'll hook up again. But I still hate the smell and mention so beforehand. If it's clear that the other guy lied and / or just didn't care, he can go fuck off.

Sex should be about both guys having fun, not one guy satisfying his needs at the expense of the other. If you don't want to clean out, find someone else. Just like I will find someone if your preferences don't match mine.

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