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I'll say that the fucks with intimacy are the ones that are the most memorable.  The ones I remember and jerk off to years later.  It's just that it's more of a connection than the usual mediocre pump-and-dumps.  

I used to not require it, but nowdays I can't get into a fuck without any level of intimacy being present.

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"Intimacy" is akin to what I describe as a "connection", which term I use to avoid using the term intimacy.  To me, the term intimacy can carry almost any definition the user wants it to carry, and that's dangerous to men like me.  While "intimacy" can - and sometimes should - be shared between partners, lovers, life-partners, whatever - when it happens between "tricks" it can be a special moment to be treasured.  That said, don't expect it to happen often, particularly if you love the backroom, fuckjoint action.  It's not like that very special moment of "connection" I've gone on and on about, but it can be rewarding for a while too.  

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On 4/21/2022 at 9:50 AM, ErosWired said:


noun British Slang.

1. Usually considered disparaging and offensive. a contemptuous term used to refer to a gay man.

2. Offensive. an effeminate male.

Also pouf;  poof·ter   [poof-ter]  . Sometimes pooff;  poove   [poov]  .

First recorded in 1840–50; from French pouffe “puff”

Thanks.  Learned something new.


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