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Internet Manners


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I've found this thread interesting, mostly because one of my common astonishments is how shittily men behave to each other on online sites.

I believe in repaying a compliment with a thank-you. (Maybe it's my Southern upbringing as well.) If I see something on the guy's profile that I like, I'll usually remark on it as well. If I find the guy unattractive or unlikely to be into the things I like, I think a polite and sincere message of thanks is enough.

I'm talking about a genuine compliment. Not a wink, or a smile, or any one-button poke equivalent that involves no effort or investment of social risk—though to be honest, I'll often thank guys for those as well.

At the same time, while I think civility makes the internet an all-around more tolerable place to be (especially in its seedier haunts), I kind of think that guys have the right to be dicks online, if that's how they want to roll. I get stubborn and resentful myself when men online tell me how I should be responding to them if it doesn't match their preconceived notions; I tend to dislike online profiles that have rants in them about how rude or shady guys are on a particular site, or that read more like miniature books of etiquette than anything else. Bitch, you pay for my computer and my internet access, I feel like saying to those guys, and then you can tell me how I have to use it. But probably not even then.

But I'm going to keep behaving politely because that's just how I am, and how I was raised. I believe in the notion of sex karma or fuck karma as well, and I'd rather keep on its good side.

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  • 6 years later...

Thick, to quote Clairee from Steel Magnolias, "You was raised right!"  It's not just a Southern thing.  While some would consider NYC to be the rudeness capitol of the world, I was taught to be thankful to those who compliment me.  By the same token, I also believe in not missing any opportunities, so I do take the initiative and if I get rebuffed, I simply take it in stride and move on.  The 4 saddest words in the English language are "what might have been,"

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This is an old thread, but whatever. I think it's important not to make assumptions. One guy messaged me on an app, and I didn't reply to him within 20 minutes. I got another message going off on me for not replying. 1) I don't owe anyone anything, but 2) I was driving and in a cell dead spot. When I told him that he backpedaled and wanted to know if we could start over. Uhm, no. I'm insane enough, I don't need more insanity in my life.

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