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Unlike a lot of the guys in here, I usually dont have a ton of sex, dont visit bathhouses, and still use condoms quite often. When I bareback I almost always top, and ask about status. Despite these measures, like some of the other guys on here I recently decided to go on PrEP, and heres why.

While PrEP isnt foolproof it is one of the best measures that can be taken today to prevent HIV infection. Like a few people on here I was initially wary of taking a heavy medication daily when I have no direct need for it. However looking into it further, I found the cost/benefit to be in my favor. I am not in anyway a bug chaser, and do not want HIV, or any STD, but am aware that sometimes they do occur. PrEP allows me to be significantly less worried about normal sexual activity.

This last weekend for example I was having sex with a friend who was in from another city, He was fucking me when the condom broke. While he is neg and recently tested, I still find it hard to go off of anyones word. With PrEP I am significantly less worried about that kind of situation. That alone is enough of a reason for me to do it. On that same note, I also have a friend who was either either recently stealthed or somehow caught HIV through unconventional means. He didnt top or bottom raw with randoms or use IV drugs, but he still caught HIV. He then unknowingly gave it to his BF. He is 27, his BF is 23, and they will both be on meds the rest of their lives. If I can prevent that for myself by taking proactive measures now, I decided that I needed to do that.

As far as side effects go, I have not noticed a thing, and taking it at the same time hasnt been an issue for me.

My advice for anyone who is neg and wants to at least try and stay that was is to go to your doctor and get on PrEP. Its not for everyone, but for me it was the way to go.

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My boyfriend has started talking about taking it. I'm not sure if I'd recommend it for someone like him or not. He doesn't like anonymous sex, doesn't have sex with that many different guys, he's a total top, and half the time he uses condoms (but doesn't like them). So he's having sex with just a few guys who he typically knows pretty well. They've talked about status. And he's topping. IMHO I'm not sure his risk level is high enough to warrant PrEP.

HollywoodSlut - sounds like you're also pretty low-risk. How do you draw the line for when PrEP is warranted? I mean there's a real risk in just taking the meds - they're powerful and there can be side effects. Or do you just back off if there are side effects? But will the damage be done at that point?

Posted (edited)
  rawTOP said:

HollywoodSlut - sounds like you're also pretty low-risk. How do you draw the line for when PrEP is warranted? I mean there's a real risk in just taking the meds - they're powerful and there can be side effects. Or do you just back off if there are side effects? But will the damage be done at that point?

There are three main reasons for me. The first being that I tend to be most attracted to black and latin men, both of which have substantially higher rates of HIV infection than other groups. The second was that for me I needed the mental relief of knowing i had an additional layer of protection. One of my biggest fears has always been the guy that says he's neg, but really has no clue, and has a sky high viral load. I have always been very conscientious about regular testing, etc, but i know way too many people who will only go once a year, if that. Undetectable guys ive almost always been okay with because they know whats going on, but many people don't. the third is simply that I am versatile, I also enjoy getting fucked, and that is higher risk activity. And ironically as many have noted before in here, tons of "safe only" tops will try to get in you even for a bit raw, and as we all know there is risk with that too.

If side effects occur, I would go off it, but for now its the right option for me.

Edited by wood

I have also been pondering PrEP for the same reasons you have been Hollywood. For me, I am 90% top 10% bottom. As a bottom, I have a hunger for huge Black and Latino cock. I test every three months and always get the proof. I also am one of those who adheres to serosorting. I know its not perfect, however, over the last 10 years I have topped almost exclusively raw and also bottomed with only trusted buddies or recently tested partners. One note: I never seed or have intentionally sought to be bred. Then it happened. Yes, I was stealthed by a young big black cock. We met on A4A and talked for weeks. We finally met and had a ton of wine along with 420. I watched him put the condom on, felt it through most of the evening. At some point after more weed and then poppers he finished by giving me a facial. That's what I requested and that's what I got. The morning after the used rubber was on the floor and I thought nothing of it. Then he texted me a few weeks ago and told me to come over and take some more loads! I thought he had the wrong person... Nope, he admitted to pulling off the rubber while I was all poppered up and dumped two loads in me then gave me the final third load all over my face. He told me I was way to poppered up and high from the weed to notice. I DIDN'T EVEN FEEL THE BREEDING! Although I've tested neg twice over the last 6 months, I am beginning to wonder about how many are actually stealthing. I think the PrEP would give me an added level of protection. I just have so many questions a out the regimen and the idiosyncrasies of it all.

Guest JizzDumpWI

Hollywood, I'm in your camp. I "might" be having some itchy skin, then too; might be nothing. Will see how my September labs look; and decide then whether or not to continue.

But I definitely notice I am much more relaxed taking loads, getting fucked. I am careful in my dosing (pretty close to same time each morning); so I should have a good layer of protection from HIV. For me, that's a good feeling. Pretty much the same benefit fellows claim to get from being poz, without the long term potential from HIV. I can relax, take all loads... I like that feeling...

  rawTOP said:
I mean there's a real risk in just taking the meds - they're powerful and there can be side effects. Or do you just back off if there are side effects? But will the damage be done at that point?

The manufacturers claim that any kidney problems caused by the tenofovir component "resolve on cessation": a year after nearly dying from tenofovir poisoning (Fanconi's syndrome) I have no "end date" for the multitude of supplements I have to take. The osteopenia (thinning, softening bones) I take enough calcium supplements for that I've given up on my PA as it needed the limescale removed at least every two weeks. The ankle I broke in March last year when it all started is still broken, though I can walk on it, but need a stick for balance and in unfamilar places.

I'm reminded of early ritonavir dosages where even the doctors denied any effects on the libido. I was taking 800mg per day and would rather have had a cup of tea than getting fucked rotten. I'm sorry rawTOP, I know I go on and on about this, but we're only just beginning to realise the effect of the earlier HIV drugs: this evening I bumped into the woman who's about fourth or fifth from running the UK's main HIV charity (she's an old friend I hadn't seen in years). I made a comment about my diabetes, she responded with an anodyne comment about diseases of old age, I said "high dose ritonavir, ddi and d4t". Her comment: "Yep that'll wreck your pancreas."

Newer drugs are much safer, but we're beginning to see problems with tenofovir: my reaction was pretty rare, but I know a number of guys who have had to move off tenofovir because of its side effects after a few years. I'd suggest doing a serious risk assessment before going for truvada as PrEP and then regarding the truvada as a stopgap measure until something better and less toxic comes along - pretty much how us poz guys got through the nineties...


One must have the ability to get the medication and I have heard that for many the cost even with insurance covering part is astronomical. So I think Most will weigh their cost to take it against the benefits of taking it. I guess it all depends on ones financial situation and health insurance plan. Does anyone know of medicaid paying for it because many will become eligable for medicaid on 10/01/13 under Obamacare.

  • 3 weeks later...

Small update, been on about a month and a half here, and really nothing to report. I haven't really increased the number of partners I have had, and I still used condoms with the guys i usually use condoms with. The one thing i did do with one fuck buddy who is undetectable is let him stick in in raw for a couple strokes before he rubbered up. I haven't had any side effects, and really its been easy to deal with.

As far as adherence to taking the medication, I have never missed a day and usually take it within +/- 1 hour each each day. One day I forgot and took it about 5 hours later than usual but that's it.


I'll always admit when I've changed my mind and I have on PrEP. Providing special attention is paid after a few years (by which time hopefully there'll be something be better) to the possibility of kidney damage and osteopenia, I'm in favour. What's swung it for me is the number of kids, sorry "young adults" on Grindr etc with a Daddy fixation and their abominable level of HIV knowledge. The broken off conversations don't bother me ("aids is nasty" <block>), I've got thicker skin that that: what does worry me is that these young men are going out and getting fucked with knowledge that approximates ours in 1982.

PrEP is coming up for approval in the UK soon, I believe, if it hasn't already. Certainly we've now got PEP. I just look forward to less toxic drugs being used.

  • 2 weeks later...

Does anyone know how long it takes before your system builds up immunity? Do you have to be on PrEP for at least a month for the drugs to be at the 95% efficacy rate? Any ideas or experiences?


The same drug is used for PEP (post exposure prophylaxis) and has to be started within 72 hours of exposure. But that's an emergency measure. Bearing in mind I'm not a doctor, just a prescription drug whore (as a friend once described me on a PwHIV-only board), I'd go with the caution of making it a month, or at least a couple of weeks minimum. After a month any immediate side effects are going to have shown up, so if you get through the first month, I'd say you're good to go. But please keep up with the bloodwork, especially the kidney function tests. Damaged kidneys are no fun at all.

Good luck, and any potential side effects, get thee to thy doctor!

  • 2 weeks later...

just went for my three month checkup. Got bloodwork done, but no results for a few days.

Still neg as expected, partially because of the PrEP, also because I haven't been having that much sex now that the summer is over.


i've been barebacking for a few months, only about 12 loads. just recently tested NEG. our main medical university in Sydney, Australia is attempting to get funds from our Federal Gov't to begin trails for PrEP. i was told last week my name is down as a user.

Guest JizzDumpWI

My ID doc indicated my protection started immediately. But I would have to stick with it, much like a course of PEP. My round of retesting is two weeks from now.


So for the first time since I started PrEP, I had a hookup where hopefully it helped me.

last week I hooked up with a regular fuck buddy, but i have always topped him before. Hes a really sexy toned mid 20's light skin black guy. So while while he is mostly a bottom, he has a really nice thick dick on him that's always rock hard. I was in a bottoming mood, so I hit him up and went over to his place. I knew I wanted fucked, but even with the PrEP, I usually don't let guys nut in me. Anyway he starts, and damn if he isn't one of the best tops I have ever felt. He then gave me some poppers which i normally hate, but this time it sent me over the edge, and I was in heaven. He fucked me for a good 25 mins and ended up nutting in me three times in that time span!! We passed out, but i woke up hard in the middle of the night so I fucked him then. When the sun came up, I woke up and fucked him again. After some light breakfast and TV despite being sore I had him fuck me again because it felt so good the night before, and it was just as good the second time. All in all it was one of the hottest sex sessions I have had in years.

Now in regards to PrEP. He kinda seems like a dont ask dont tell kind of guy. The first time we hooked up i told him i was neg, and recently tested. He said that he was too, but it didnt seem very convincing. Also the first time we met we were just planning to mess around and yet he ended up wanting me to fuck him, never said a word about a condom and specifically told me to nut in him. So I have my doubts as to his "neg" status. That being said I took my Truvada first thing in the AM just like always when i was with him that morning. :-)

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