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[Tiger Milner] It actually happened. I got fired today/


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I guess I have to live life with an edge. I always knew their was a chance someone might find my blog or my videos at work. I took down most of the ones that showed my face 7 months ago. Today I got fired. Someone knows.

I feel like I've been punched in the gut.

But I'll be ok. I need to get back in my studio. I'm not meant for the corporate world. I've got project I need to finish. And my new video camera.


Fuck them. You can't own me for $75K a year. I'm fucking Tiger Milner.


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Did they say your porn was the reason you were fired or are you just guessing that's the reason?

What sort of job was it?

Guess you need to find a more accepting place to work. I know Dawson was a chemist or lab geek or something and his employer knew and was fine with it. They didn't think it had any bearing on his work. And that's in conservative Boston! You'll find something, but that's a huge bummer.

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The official reason was that they were "eliminating" my position. They gave me separation agreement that pays me for a while if I don't sue. They actually said that. They specifically said it had nothing to with my performance. I haven't read it yet and wouldn't sign it. I need to see a lawyer but they said I have 21 days to accept their offer. I've known something was up. There were rumors suddenly. And it was really odd that people I knew at work but didn't work with suddenly started popping into my office just wanting to chat. It was a corporate visual display design manager position. I was worried when I had to make 4 presentations at the company's annual Sales meeting. I had to speak to a few hundred people who work all over the country. Otherwise, I tried to lay pretty low.

I'll land on my feet. I made a living as an artist and doing freelance display work for 12 years before taking this job. I really took it for the money and especially the insurance coverage.

I'll think about that tomorrow.

I get alot of traffic on my blog. Maybe it's time to make it something more serious. I fucking hate the 8-5 life anyway.

Did they say your porn was the reason you were fired or are you just guessing that's the reason?

What sort of job was it?

Guess you need to find a more accepting place to work. I know Dawson was a chemist or lab geek or something and his employer knew and was fine with it. They didn't think it had any bearing on his work. And that's in conservative Boston! You'll find something, but that's a huge bummer.

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Just take good lawyer and know ur rights.... If they want u to sign quickly.... It means something fishy is going on and that u can sue...don't get small minded pricks get away with it! It's not a crime to be a slut.... Even in the US! As long as u do ur job it shouldn't be an issue how u choose to lead ur life.. At work everyone knows I'm a slut.... Never made secret of it.... On the contrary.... I'm more respected for it and I get the unofficial wink from higher management guys who r straight...

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Just take good lawyer and know ur rights.... If they want u to sign quickly.... It means something fishy is going on and that u can sue...don't get small minded pricks get away with it! It's not a crime to be a slut.... Even in the US! As long as u do ur job it shouldn't be an issue how u choose to lead ur life.. At work everyone knows I'm a slut.... Never made secret of it.... On the contrary.... I'm more respected for it and I get the unofficial wink from higher management guys who r straight...

Severance agreements are pretty standard. They have every right to eliminate or outsource your job. So unless you have an airtight case it's probably best to sign, take the money and move on. There are cases where signing isn't the right thing to do, but they tend to have different circumstances (like someone I know who was fired for being a whistleblower - he made millions when he sued his company).

Very nice fuckhole pic of u by the way....


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Wow! What a pic. They don't deserve to get to kiss that hot sexy ass. I am with Rawtop though. Unless you can find something to connect your dismissal with the porn, it is going to be difficult. By all means consult an attorney though to see how binding the agreement is if you find there is actually a different set of circumstances than what you are being told. Ask the company what references you will receive? Even though you think you don't need them now since you do not wish to pursue a corporate job, they may come in handy and it is good to burn no bridges. Hang in there. I'll bet you better things are around the corner. Did I mentions what a hot ass you have?

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Severance agreements are pretty standard. They have every right to eliminate or outsource your job. So unless you have an airtight case it's probably best to sign, take the money and move on. There are cases where signing isn't the right thing to do, but they tend to have different circumstances (like someone I know who was fired for being a whistleblower - he made millions when he sued his company).


A friend of mine just went through this. A lawyer is usually a good idea. He ended up with a much better severance package.

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Hey, you've always been cool to me. Real sorry to hear that. I say weigh your options, see what seems like the best course to take where you'll get as much money as possible, and see it through. I wouldn't waste a ton of time on the issue because the sooner you get busy moving on, the sooner you'll find a job doing something better, and hopefully with more acceptance. In the meantime, you should think about posting that picture of your fuckhole on your blog, so any nosy ass motherfuckers who might've ratted you out know what you think of them. Fuck 'em.

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Thanks for all the supportive comments and private emails. I really appreciate it. I heard from a former colleague today asking for my website address. Lol Seems she heard about it but not the name. I'm sure it's blocked at work anyway. I never signed on from there.

I'm spending a few days on a ranch in West Texas just to chill and get some lovin from my man who is struggling with lung cancer. It is actually helping me keep perspective. And I really had been wanting to spend some time with him. I have to get home in few days before my house turns into a frat house. My son and daughter will notice I'm gone any day now.

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