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i need some help.


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to make a long story short.

my parents kicked me out of the house my i lent them money and they still owe me $4600. they say they don't have the money. and I want it before I go but I already found a place that i can't pass up.

im in new jersey. moving to ny.

any help would be great.

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Take them to judge judy, seriously though I had an ex who ripped me off and I contacted the show and the producers called me back that was enough to get him to pay me back. How those shows work is you get your money regardless of the case outcome it is basically payment for doing the show if you didn't win.

If you don't want to be on TV take them to small claims court. If they are gonna kick you out for being gay then you should use the law and system to get what your owed. Two can play at that game.

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Here (NL) we have something similar like Judge Judy (which I have seen) called "De Rijdende Rechter". Best translated as "The Mobile Judge". I always wonder if shows like this are scripted or not. Who would like to see his/her face for all to see on TV when you know you were in the wrong?

To Barebackfaggot: isn't there some sort of legal institution that can help you getting your money back? Of course you would have to have proof you actually lent the money to them, and proof you didn't get it back. This being a family issue there probably is no paperwork except maybe bank transfer details.

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Nothing ruins relationships faster than money. As a general rule, I don't lend money. And if I do, I don't lend more than I can afford to lose. An even better ploy when people ask you for money is to not give them what they asked for - make it a much smaller amount and say it's a gift.

Anyone can fall on hard times but if people fuck up their own finances, they really don't care about yours.

As these are your parents, I am almost inclined to tell you to turn the other cheek and chalk this one up to experience. Sometimes the best revenge is to continue to do well.

But that being said, if you want to take them to court, do so. Don't let me discourage you. Just understand that a court case is only going to further harm your relationship with them.

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