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Hemorrhoids... Help!

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Around 4 months ago, I got extremely constipated, it lasted nearly a month. I didn't want to take laxatives because I think that was what created my problem, as I was abusing them because of my frequent bottoming (which was a first in my life, as I used to bottom every blue moon). So, when I stopped using them, my system was too dependent on them, and stopped working. I used to drink tons of water, eat lots of fiber, but nothing helped. I didn't go to a doctor because I need to be dying in order to go to one, and as terrible and painful as it was, I used to take small shits, so I knew I was not going to "explode".


All of that, the hard constrictions and such, led to the development of internal hemorrhoids in my lower rectum, just at the tip of the anus. It's not a whole bunch nor are too swelled up, but it's traumatic. I barely bottom, since then, I have only taken dick up my ass with condoms, as for the top to not feel it. 


I have tried a few things, but nothing has worked. I have just waited to see if they disappear by themselves. I know this is a problem many bottoms face. So I'd really appreciate any insight, any remedy that really works. Thanks.

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Go to a colon rectal surgeon and ask him to band it.  He places a rubber band like item around it cutting off the blood supply and it will fall off without any pain in about seven days.  This is done in the doctor's office and is a very inexpensive/non invasive procedure.  A month from now you will never know you had a hemorrhoid.

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I had a hemorrhoid once. You need to visit a GP or someone to prescribe meds to you. Hemorrhoids can 'go away' completely. Also, hemorrhoid are normal in the sense that they're not caused by an STD. So having sex with condoms won't do anything good for the hemorrhoid. Pretend as if though you're about to die and go meet a GP. It really shouldn't be that expensive.

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Thanks for your suggestions. I'm still drinking lots of water and eating lots of fiber, that way, at least, they don't swell more, as taking a shit is easy, i don't have to push hard. I'm weird in many ways, I'd eventually go to a doctor if necessary, but I don't feel comfortable having a doctor working in my ass, even though I have no problem giving it to uneducated/complete strangers. I went to one when I was in HS, so this is my second time with hemorrhoids, that time was reallyyy nasty, huge bulged veins both externally and internally, I was extremely freaked out as I was so young, thought it was cancer. he prescribed a cream that was a miracle, got rid of them really fast. I will check for Prep H and try some other otc remedies first. 

Edited by verstoplatin
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I would like to recommend two products. Go to www.forcesofnatureusa.com. They have homeopathic solutions. There are two products that I have used and am still using. I have a history of hemoroids and fissures (tears). For the hemorroids try their solution just for that problem Use it daily even after your symptoms have cleared up. The same is true for fissures. Every day. Lots of fiber powder and drink lots of water every day. I'll bet you see improvement.

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You can get this problem healed or fixed asap. If you don't chances are the hemorrhoid will get worse and "bulgy" again. Remember that a hemorrhoid is the product of trauma to the veins in the anal canal. You can get these INSIDE, too. If you're eating foods, chances are you're aggravating the hemorrhoid when you take a shit because some force is exerted by the anal muscles. Hence, the hemorrhoid will be affected too. If you're still having sex, you're exacerbating the situation. Deal with this problem NOW because it WILL get worse if you don't do so- especially since you've chosen to continue having sex. The sooner you get it over with, the better. If you go any later than you should, it will take you a considerable amount of time to get rid of something that can be dealt with in 2 weeks (rather than a month or so).

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I'm weird in many ways, I'd eventually go to a doctor if necessary, but I don't feel comfortable having a doctor working in my ass, even though I have no problem giving it to uneducated/complete strangers. 


That's not so weird: a bad experience at a young age can colour your perception of the whole thing. I had exceptionally bad dentists as a kid, one of whom my brother and I independently (as in we only discussed it forty years after the fact) was very probably a paedophile. That set up a fear of dentistry such that A few years ago I had a full mouth clearance (no, I don't take them out to suck cock, not even for ready cash). Similarly I feel somewhat awkward about a doctor poking around inside my ass, though I did embarrass the poor straight guy who had to explain what a colonoscopy was. I let him get to the second sphincter before telling him that so far he hadn't said anything I hadn't done for fun. Joke with doctors: some can take it, others can't. Trust the ones who laugh...

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"Opportunistic infection" is a new phrase in having to get used to.

A few weeks ago, I had a certain brand of fast food pizza that left me with both an upset stomach and constipation. Consequently I developed a hemorrhoid and, I'm guessing, an anal tear that became badly infected.

I've been dealing with it for the better part of 3 weeks, thinking I could control/fix it myself.

I did everything from salt water soaks to salt water sprays (using my cleaning kit) to putting neosporin and prep h on it. All to no avail.

Finally went to the doctor this past Thursday for treatment and got some antibiotics to control the infection. Hoping that I won't require surgery to fix the tear.

I have dealt with hemorrhoids from time to time but never like this. Hoping to never go through it again

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