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Note: Parts of this story are quite true, although the names and locations have been changed.

Part One:

A bit about myself, I grew up in the Deep South in a very religious household. The day that I turned 18 I came out to my parents (making damn sure there was no chance of a trip to the "pray the gay away " camp). My father, being a deacon in the Baptist Church and a pillar of the community promptly told me to leave. Fortunately, my grandparents were more understanding and allowed me to stay with them until I finished high school. It was during this four month period that I made my first trip to Atlanta and managed to get into a gay bar with a fake ID. Now mind you, this was before the internet was around (1994) commonly, so simply finding a gay bar was a challenge, much less driving three hours each way to go to one. But my rock hard teen dick thought I was up to the task. I managed to convince my grandparents that I was going to see some cousins in another area of the state and left for Atlanta right after school that Friday in February.

When I got to Atlanta at 7 that evening it took me another hour to find the bar I was looking for (the name starts with an "E"). I had no idea what to expect, which when I got there wasn't much considering that it was only 8 on a Friday night, but I presented my ID to the doorman, who I'm sure knew was fake, and was let in. I finally worked up enough courage to ask for a beer and then asked the bartender about the crowd. Looking me up and down, he replied "Should be busy later," and left it at that. That "later" never seemed to come. Bored out of my mind, I struck up a conversation with an older gentleman who quickly figured out that I was new meat and totally innocent. He convinced me to wait, and gruffly told me to quit looking at guys directly into their eyes unless I planned on going home with them later. So I waited, and sure enough about 11 the place started to get packed. I was like a kid in a candy shop! So many hot guys, like nothing I had ever experienced before, many of them in leather. I scanned the scene, and two guys, prolly not much older really caught my eyes. They were wearing leather head to toe, both were about my size at 6'2 and around 200 pounds. But holy fuck, it was clear they were built like a brick shit house. Working up my courage, and aided by the few beers I'd had, I walked over to talk to them.

The dark haired guy was named Rocky and the blonde was Alex. They were both city boys from Atlanta and were intrigued by this innocent looking Alabama farm kid. We exchanged small talk, and noticing that I was out of beer, Alex asked if I wanted another. Five minutes later he shows up with not only three beers for us, but shots as well. Coming from a dry county, and from a family that never even had liquor in the house, this was really going to put me over the top, but I partook anyhow. After a bit, Rocky looked at me and asked if I wanted to hit the dance floor. I answered back with something about "not knowing how." I didn't want to be the dead weight, so I decided to go outside to the patio for some air. Not five minutes later, they were both out with me. " I'm just nervous, since this is the first time I've ever been in a gay bar" I explained. "You're not 21 either, are you?" Asked Rocky. I affirmed that his assumption was correct. "Here, I have something that will help you to relax" he said, handing me an ecstasy pill. Not knowing what it was, and being so nervous and naive, I took the whole thing.

Suddenly, the lights were going up and I realized it must be closing time. Fuck, where had the time gone? I was experiencing feeling like I never had before, every touch sent shivers through me. Then that little voice in the back of my head went, "Oh shit, I am fucked up, I have no hotel room, and what the fuck am I gonna do?" So, I ran up to Rocky and Alex, both of whom quickly surmised that the farm kid needed somewhere to stay for the night. Little did I know this had been the plan for them all along. "Sure, you can crash with us, but we have to make a stop on the way home first." Not much I could do but agree. We walked to their car, with both assuring me that my truck would be fine over night, and left. While Alex drove, Rocky offered me a few hits off of a joint to help me calm down a bit from the E. We drove for what seemed like forever in my warped drug-hazed mind, but it was in reality no more that fifteen minutes and stopped at a rather large house. "Wanna come with us, or sit out in the cold?" Rocky asked. I decided to come in. Damn, this place was nice...I sat with Alex in the living room while Rocky went with the guy, who was pretty damn hot to be old enough to be my father. A few minutes later Rocky came back with the guy, nodded to Alex and we left.

When we got to their place, a rather cramped apartment, they threw some porn on the TV on got comfortable. I was a bit nervous to say the least... Sensing my nervousness, Alex asked if I wanted to smoke another joint. Nodding to him, he handed me a whole joint and told me to relax. After four or five hits and ten minutes had gone by, I was stoned off my ass. Both Alex and Rocky were jerking their cocks by this point. Rocky was a nice eight inches and average thickness, but holy shit, Alex was a solid ten inches and as thick as a beer can. I couldn't keep my eyes off them. "Boy seems to like cock" Alex said to Rocky, "Yeh, but does he know what to do with one?" Rocky responded. Rocky told me to get down and give him head. I did the best I could, but there was no way I could blow him and not gag, but damnit, I wanted that cock so bad. "Should we get him the special boy medicine?" I heard Alex say, "Fuck yeh, I think this pig is eager to learn." Rocky responded. Rocky told me to stand up and a minute later Alex returned with a glass pipe. Rocky told me that some guys who are just starting out sometimes need some help to reach their potential. "Do you want some help?" "Sure," I responded. "Hold the stem and when you see some smoke coming from the hole start to inhale on the pipe, and I want you to take four big hits." I nodded with eager anticipation. After the third hit I felt like every hair on my body was standing on end. By the time I exhaled the fourth hit, I was in heaven. Rocky and Alex sat back down, both stroking their cocks slowly, with some nice beads of pre-cum leaking out. Rocky motioned for me to come back over and get between his legs, which I eagerly did. "Now get back down and slobber on that cock like you fucking mean it," he said. I went straight for the root, non-stop. Seconds later it dawned on me that I was deep throating another dude balls deep and loving it. About five minutes later I heard Alex say that he thought I was ready for more. "Get up and follow Alex," which I reluctantly did. I was sort of surprised at how fast I had taken to cock sucking, but didn't realize how fucked up I was, nor that I was about to get a lot more fucked up. Alex led me to the bathroom and showed me how to use the enema kit, "I don't want no shit on my cock, bro" and told me to holler when the bag was empty. After 3 clean outs, the bag was empty and so was I, so I hollered for Alex to come back. I was expecting a towel but instead he brought a half gallon of syrupy golden brown liquid and refilled the bag. "On your knees" he told me. Quickly complying, I felt the nozzle going much deeper in me than I had gone before. "Gonna run this whole bag into ya bro, gonna feel a slight burn, but it'll help ya get ready for later. Don't let it out until I tell ya." With that he opened the clamp and walked out. Holy shit was I getting uncomfortable from the burn and the fullness. Then, like a ton of bricks hit me I was sweating like I was in a desert and fuck I was feeling even better than before if that was even possible. A few minutes later, both Rocky and Alex returned. "Holy fuck, that is one fucked up pig boy," said Rocky. I was so spun I couldn't see straight. Alex removed the nozzle, "Stand up and push that out," he said. Standing wasn't going to happen without some serious help. Both guys got me up and I pushed the chem piss out while Alex reloaded the bag with water. This time Rocky stayed with me and helped to get the chem piss cleaned out. He handed me a jock, "really oughta cover that shriveled boy clit ya got there up." That was when I realized my dick was literally the smallest I think I had ever seen it. Normally, hard it was a solid seven inches, but he'll tonight, go all nights, it had gone on vacation.

On the way to their bedroom, Rocky explained to me that sometimes when a guy takes medicine to overcome his fears, it puts his dick to sleep, "But don't worry, you won't need it anyway." I crawled into bed while Alex and Rocky watched. Alex put some extra pillows under my head and crawled behind me, "Give me your ankles," he said. Rocky lined his cock up to my hole, and with nothing but some spit for lube, was balls deep in an instant. I was in pain, but loving every minute of it. He was patient and took his time, taking a good half hour to nut in my formerly virgin ass. Alex wasn't, he used Rocky's cum for lube and rammed it home as hard and fast as he could. It only took him five minutes or so to nut. Looking up at Rocky, he said, "I think the boy has some potential for dad," "Oh hell yeh" was Rock's reply. I had no idea what they were talking about. I was too mesmerized by the constant leakage of my cock. Rocky looked down, saw me playing with and grabbed my hand. "Let it leak, that's all a t dick is good for anyway, and besides its hot" he said. Grabbing a butt plug, Alex plugged me and they left me to rest for a bit.

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Alex and Rocky left me plugged and in bed for maybe five minutes alone. They came back in, "Want some water, pig?" "Yes" I responded and was handed a bottle of water. They wanted to find out a bit more about me and a game of fifty questions started. Mostly about my background and what plans I had after I graduated high school. My plan had been to attend college, but with my folks kicking me out, that probably wasn't an option. I found out that both Alex and Rocky were engineering graduate students in Atlanta. "I think you may have some potential," Rocky said. Even in my fucked up state, I got interested really fast. Alex piped up, " Let's see what we can do to help ya out on the college thing. We know people that might be interested." After that we went back into the living room and continued to watch some really hot porn of various types. Both guys watched my reaction to the various fetishes involved, almost as if they were studying me. Sometime later, they both took turns fucking me and then I was given a heavy dose of G to knock me out.

Sometime late in the afternoon I came around. Both Rocky and Alex were laying on the couch watching TV. " when ya gotta be back home?" Rocky asked. "I need to be back by tomorrow afternoon at the latest, so I need to be gone by noon tomorrow for sure". Both guys lit up with smiles. "Whatcha think of last night?" Alex asked. "It was fucking mind blowing." Alex shot back that tonight I could have a few drinks, maybe a joint, but no more. I had no idea at the time, hut I was still pretty high. One look in the mirror confirmed that, as my eyes still looked like saucers. Coming back into the living room, Rocky told me that I had some serious potential and that my laid back, humble attitude was a big plus. That night we went out again, but got back early and only fooled around a bit since I had to go home the next day. The next morning we got some food and exchanged numbers before retrieving my truck. With that, I was ready to head home. "Ya coming back next weekend lil bro?" Asked Alex. I said that I would call them on Thursday night and let them know. "Well, ya better. We should have an answer for your future plans by then." I got in my truck and left what had been the most eventful event in my lifetime up until then. On the way home I kept wondering about Rocky and Alex having matching biohazard tattoos with a date above it and the word "Brother" under it. Being young and naive, I just assumed it was a college frat thing. Little did I know that I would have a matching (except for the date) tattoo in less than four months.

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Part Two

The following Thursday I called the number they had given me from a pay phone on the way home from school. I couldn't have a long distance call showing up on my grandparents phone bill. I got right through to Alex and told him that I would be there tomorrow night. "Great! Sort of figured you would find a way to get here". He then gave me their address and told me to be there by 7. The next night I arrived with fifteen minutes to spare. Rocky let me in. "We have a surprise for ya. Tonight you get to meet our dad." I looked at him in a funny way, since Alex and Rocky don't look a thing alike, " Why do I want to meet your folks?" Rocky looked at me and started to laugh, "He's not our real dad, but we do share the same DNA." I just looked at him sort of puzzled and figured I must have missed something when I was sleeping through 10th grade biology class. A few minutes later Alex arrived and announced that we had better get showered or we were gonna be late. Both Alex and Rocky showered together, then Rocky came for me as Alex again hung the enema bag. "Better be good and clean for tonight lil bro, Dad can put you through some paces." With that, they left and I got ready.

We arrived at Dad's house exactly at 8. It was the same house they had taken me to the week previous. It being much earlier, a young guy, not much older than myself answered the door. Something didn't seem exactly right about him I noted mentally, but being polite I went in with Rocky and Alex. We were escorted to Dad's office. "Boys, you did well" bellowed a beefy fortyish daddy type from his chair behind the largest desk I'd ever seen. "Boys, ya'll go downstairs and get everything ready while the boy and I have a talk." Rocky and Alex left the room, as did the funny looking assistant. I was now all alone with a guy who I literally wanted to worship, but he was all business. He shuffled some papers around, and startled me when he knew my name, "Cheyenne, I see you have done fairly well in school, you come from a decent, yet religiously misguided family, is that correct?" Startled, I just nodded. "I know you have better manners than that, boy. You come from a good family in Alabama. You will address me as Sir." "Yessir" I replied. " I have had you investigated over the past week to see if you might be a suitable match for our family here. It does seem that you would be a good match." "What do you mean by your family, Sir?" "Well, I help out deserving young guys such as yourself in exchange for a few minor things, such as sex and some occasional low level drug dealing at the bars." " I don't want to become a whore or a drug dealer, Sir." "It's not exactly like you think, you would basically service myself, some select friends, and so far as the dealing goes, I have so many connections with the DA's office you will never be arrested." Still nervous about it, he told me about how well his family has done. Dad is the president of the largest bank in Georgia and has business connections in every field. He told me that right now he had 4 boys currently in college and that they lived in two pairs here in the city. "If you accept, you will probably live with Rocky and Alex, although I will have to get a bigger apartment for the three of you. But there's no pressure. You have until at least June to make a decision. If you accept I can promise you that you'll graduate and get whatever job you want." "I have a total of twenty boys in my family, with four in college and the other sixteen in excellent positions around the city, one is even starting to have boys of his own." With that, the conversation ended and the funny looking guy reappeared and escorted me downstairs to where Rocky and Alex were. "Lil bro, you're gonna have the night of your life tonight, so get ready. Jump in the shower and use the attachment to clean out again,band then put these on" handing me a jock strap.

I did as I was told, and when I came out of the bathroom I followed the voices. The hallway opened up to a room that had stuff that I couldn't even describe. In the middle hung two slings (I learned what they were really fast). Rocky and Alex were talking to Dad --about me and what they had observed when we had watched porn the weekend before. They could tell I was nervous, so Alex grabbed that familiar glass pipe again and told me to take a few hits. Just as I did I saw four syringes produced. Rocky looked at me with an evil grin, "Buddy, if you like the smoke, you're gonna love a slam. Now get in the chair." Now I was truly nervous. A tourniquet was wrapped around my left biceps and Dad grabbed a syringe with a black mark on it. "I think he'll like a full quarter for the first time, boys." With that I felt a pinch, looked down and could see red in the barrel and then holy fucking shit....

More to come...

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Any ideas where you want this to go guys? I have my own ideas, but willing to entertain others.... This is my first attempt at doing this, so patience and advice are appreciated!


Any ideas where you want this to go guys? I have my own ideas, but willing to entertain others.... This is my first attempt at doing this, so patience and advice are appreciated!

You're doing great so far.


Any ideas where you want this to go guys? I have my own ideas, but willing to entertain others.... This is my first attempt at doing this, so patience and advice are appreciated!

Great story ! Please keep it going, as for ideas - how about a chastity cage for Cheyenne, so they keep him permanently horny between sessions ? That should keep him in a sub frame of mind, until he gets his tattoo.........


Wow! The slam took me from zero to sixty in less than five seconds flat. After I got done coughing, I had the most intense desire to be fucked in all my life. All that I could manage to utter was "fuck yeh" over and over. Rocky helped me out out the chair and into the sling, while Alex was turning on TVs with porn on around the room. Instinctively, I reached down to grab my dick, but Dad grabbed my hands and used restraints to cuff both to the chains holding the sling up, saying "Boy, there is only my dick around this house, and if I choose, more. But, it's my choice, not yours. Tonight I'm gonna show you how much you'll love your cunt." Then, looking at Rocky, Dad said, "Grab me a bag and a suitable plug for your baby bro." Quickly complying, Rocky brought over the bag with the clear crystals, some lube, and a solid three inch black butt plug. "I think he can take this" he told Dad. Dad lubed up the plug and wiped some of the crystals on it, then began to work it slowly into my hole. Fuck did it burn, but Rocky stood beside me, tweaking my nips and telling me that everything will be good and that the plug was to help me relax for what would come later. "Wanna see something?" He asked. Nodding, which was about all I could manage after the slam and now even more being slowly worked into my hole, Rocky walked up to me and pulled his jock off to the side. Covering his dick was a cage of some sort. I looked puzzled. "It's a chastity cage, all of Dad's boys wear them when they are here. Only Dad and who he chooses are allowed to not wear one in his presence. Notice the keys on the chain around his neck? Those are for the cages that Alex and I have on right now. Since you're here, Dad will probably unlock of us tonight, but not both. I suspect you will have one before the weekend is out." With that he grinned and walked off to join Alex at the table where the syringes were. Just as he did, my cunt gave up its resistance and Dad got the plug in. Now I was plugged, high as a kite, and cuffed to a sling. My life was changing, and clearly for the better.

Dad walked over and Alex, Rocky, and Dad prepped to slam their syringes. Dad went first, and as he did, both Rocky and Alex knelt before him taking turns on his cock. As the slam hit Dad, his dick grew to an impressive ten inches helped along by the two hot stud boys who were worshipping his manhood. As his rush subsided, Dad told Alex to stand, "Tonight, we need two tops, so I am going to unlock you" and with that took one of the keys and removed Alex's cage. Alex grabbed his slam, "Rocky, you know what to do" Dad said. Rocky moved over and began to worship Alex's cock. As it grew to its full potential, Alex repeated the same procedure as Dad. But for some reason, neither really coughed, they just got this evil look. Finally Rocky was allowed to do his slam. As he rushed I noticed that his jock was getting pretty wet with pre cum. "Rocky, join you lil bro in the sling" Dad ordered. He jumped right in. Dad walked up to me, slowly began to remove the plug. Damn, I felt an emptiness when it came out, but that was replaced by Alex's tongue as Dad watched and smiled. That was when I knew that I would become one of his boys.

More to come...

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As Alex ate my cunt, Dad watched and carefully gauged my reactions. Then, without warning, he looked at Alex, " Go take care of your brother over there, he looks like he needs it." I looked over and Rocky was mesmerized by the porn with a huge fucking dildo that he was working in and out of his cunt. His jock was soaked through with pre cum as his caged cock leaked like a sieve, just as my uncaged, but shriveled cock was doing. Dad lined up in front of me, looked me in the eyes, and said, " Ready for me to mark my territory, boy?" "Yessir" I enthusiastically replied. Rubbing his cockhead against my hole, our eyes locked, Dad slowly slipped in about half way. Then he took two fingers, wiped some of my pre cum from my cock, wiped it onto his spit covered cock and slammed his daddy meat balls deep. I was in heaven. Glancing over, I saw Alex brutally grab the dildo from Rocky's hand, pulled it out with one fell swoop, and slammed his cock in as deep as it would go. Rocky just moaned as his eyes trolled back. "You like that, don't ya bro?" Rocky just whimpered a feeble "Oh yeh" in response. The fucking went on for both of us for a good hour or more, then Dad went rigid, "You want my seed, son?" I looked him dead in the eyes and nodded. Dad began to thrust harder, had this possessed look about him, but never broke eye contact. Suddenly he began to shout "Fuck boy, you're taking my seed" over and over. After a minute he just stopped and pulled out. Grabbing the plug that he had taken out of me earlier, he reached for the now familiar bag and added some more shards. "No Sir, I think I am high enough" I told him. "Not nearly high enough for what I have planned for ya, son" and with that he slammed the plug straight in and walked off to join Rocky and Alex.

I could feel the now familiar burn and started to sweat profusely again. I was watching Alex fucking Rocky. Dad was over there tweaking Alex's nips. "Cum for me boy" Dad ordered Alex. Immediately Alex went rigid and it was clear he was blasting jets into Rocky just as Dad had ordered. Even in my drug induced haze I thought that was amazing that Alex could cum on command. "Pull out boy, and lap that seed up." Dad ordered Alex. Alex knelt down and began to lap at Rocky's cunt like a dog at a food dish. Rocky obliged him by pushing as much out as he could. Then Alex came up and gave Dad a big cummy kiss. " I love the taste of my boys" Dad said as he shot a glance over at me. Then, out of nowhere, the odd looking guy reappeared. He had a bowl of ice water. Dad looked at Alex, "You know what to do..." Alex didn't have to be to twice. He took his magnificent dick and put it in the ice water to shrivel it down, which was almost instantly. Then the cage was replaced on his now soft cock. The odd looking guy came over to me after Dad had whispered something into his ear. I was unruffled and helped out of the sling, but the plug was left in place. I was brought over to join Rocky, Alex, and Dad. The funny looking guy had brought down water for us and I drank rather greedily, not realizing how thirsty I had become. Rocky suddenly announced to the group that he had to piss. Dad looked at Alex, "Grab me a catheter and one of those special plugs." Alex wondered off to grab something from the other side of the room. "No Dad, please not that," implored Rocky. Dad looked at him, " Around here we don't waste, now get back in that sling for a second." Alex reappeared with a catheter and a very large plug that had a hole on the end that you insert with a tube running from it. Dad took the plug from Alex and handed Alex the key to Rocky's cage. Alex removed the cage, lubed the catheter and slowly began to insert it up Rocky's cock through the split in the front of his now removed cage. Suddenly, a little spurt of piss flew out. Alex clamped off the catheter and reattached the cage over Rocky's cock. Meanwhile, Dad had lubed up the funny looking plug and had added a few shards for good measure. It was much larger than the one that was in me. Dad inserted the plug slowly into Rocky who was moaning like a bitch in heat. Looking at me, Dad said, "Recycling is good for ya. His piss is loaded with chess, and no matter how much he might fight it, Rocky knows he is gonna be a lot higher in less than five minutes. Probably so high that he won't be able to stand for a while." Just then, Rocky's cunt gave way and the plug slipped right in. Alex had already grabbed a pair of cuffs and cuffed Rocky's hands so that he couldn't remove the plug. Dad connected the catheter to the tube coming from the plug and then opened the clamp. As Alex and Dad were talking about some bench that Dad wanted, I watched as Rocky began to sweat and then his eyes just glazed over as he breathed really hard and stared almost hypnotically at the porn that was playing.

Alex wondered off to get the bench that him and Dad had been talking about. I looked at Dad, "Is Rocky gonna be okay and what's going on with him?" Dad replied, " Rocky has a beautiful cock, but I need more of my boys to be good cunt boys. His piss is running right into his cunt right now as fast as he is making it. That piss has a shit ton of the medicine that I gave all of ya'll in the syringes, so he is getting higher and higher as it absorbs into his gut." "Well, I really need to piss too, but it don't want to be plugged like that" I replied. "Don't worry son, that's more advanced training for him to learn pleasure from his cunt. Maybe you'll get there one day. But in the meantime, piss into this bag." Handing me a plastic bag with a tube attached, I took the bag and moved my jock over and started to piss. Holy shit! I must have pissed a half gallon of brownish-yellow foul smelling chem piss. "Smell it" Dad ordered. I did... It reeked. Taking the bag from me, Dad closed off the catheter snaking from Rocky's cock cage. He disconnected the hose from the catheter to the plug and attached the hose to the one coming from the bag I had just filled. Rocky was so out of it all he could do was shake his head and mouth the word "no" but it was to no avail. Dad even sprinkled a few crystals into the bag and then open the clamp. My piss was no flooding Rocky's gut. Dad handed the bag to me and told me to hold it high while it emptied into Rocky as he went over by Alex and the strange looking bench he had brought over and set between the slings. After talking to Alex for a minute, Dad came back over to me and took the now empty piss bag out of my hand. He removed the tube from the bag and reattached the catheter from Rocky's cock, then reopened the clamp. Rocky was so spun he was damn near paralyzed. Dad ordered me to go over by Alex at the bench.

This bench was weird looking. It looked like a weight bench in that it was inclined at a 45 degree angle for the back, but the base that you would sit on was more like a toilet seat. The bench also had a cross beam about 2/3 of the way up. The whole thing was attached to cables that allowed it to be raised or lowered. "Climb aboard" Alex instructed. Having no clue what this was for I agreed. Dad walked up and mumbled something to Alex who then walked off. Dad strapped my arms to the cross beams, my legs to the sides, and shoved a small leather covered pillow under my head. "Now we are going to see just how suitable you are to becoming one of my boys. My problem is that you boys are trained to fuck with your cock, when in reality, I need you to be able to use your cunt. That's the mistake I made with Rocky. I let him to continue to use his cock way too much and now he needs remedial lessons, as you can see he is getting now." I was terrified and had no clue what was gonna happen. Dad got up and walked over to a switch on the wall. Activating it, I was raised a good three feet off the floor. "I'm gonna give you the best time of your life if you'll let me tonight and I will be able to see if you're going to be a suitable match. You're gonna take my fist, boy."

"Did you get what I needed?" Dad asked Alex. With a grin, Alex showed Dad a full syringe and a small brown bottle whith a devilish grin. "Good, now grab me the lube and a chair." Alex set the syringe and the bottle on a small table next to me and quickly grabbed a can of vegetable shortening and a chair. Dad sat down in the chair and removed my plug, which was much smaller than his hands. Alex grabbed the small brown bottle and moved around behind me. Dad put some lube on his hands and started to work his fingers into my cunt. One by one they slowly slipped in. "Damn, you're tight boy" was all that he kept saying. Sometimes Dad would look at Alex and nod. When he did the small brown bottle was brought down in front of my nose and I was told to inhale deeply. This only made my cunt relax more which Dad took full advantage of. Then we hit an impasse; my hole just wasn't willing to open up enough to accommodate his hand. "Grab me the bag" he ordered Alex. Alex grabbed the bag and dad dipped his lube covered fingers in. Then he put those fingers back in my hole. The burn was intense, but I opened up a bit more. Still not enough. "Guess that we're gonna have to go with the nuclear option" Dad said to Alex. "Boy, this is gonna be intense, but you gotta stay with me. You are about to be slammed with half a gram. You're going to be as spun as Rocky over there, but just ride with it. After you cough I am going to put my hand all the way into ya. You might cum, you might piss, but just go with it." Alex already had the tourniquet around my right bicep. He slipped the vein with alcohol. "Look at me" Dad ordered. I looked away from the needle. My arm had already been freed from the cuffs. Raise your arm Dad ordered! I did, and my chest heaved, I coughed so hard I thought my lungs were going to come out of my chest. All of a sudden my tiny t dick started blasting piss all over Dad. All I could do was mutter gibberish. Then I felt it. Like I was taking a huge shit, but backwards. It only took about a minute, but my hungry cunt had swallowed Dad's hand completely. Alex held the small brown bottle under my nose again as Dad worked my cunt. All of a sudden, I felt uncontrollable spasms in my cunt. Fuck! I was cumming... And hard too! I couldn't believe my soft cock was blowing cum like a geyser. "Looks like ya'll found the perfect bro" Dad said to Alex. "The boy won't need much training, that's for sure." Alex responded. Dad continued to fist fuck me for quite some time. Toward the end, his hands got tired and Alex took his place wrecking my cunt. Dad returned a few minuted later with a catheter and a large plug like Rocky had. "Wasn't planning on using this tonight, but I think he is ready" Dad said. Alex concurred and took his hand out. The bench was lowered, I was taken off and strapped back into the sling next to the spun out Rocky. The catheter and plug were inserted into me, just as into Rocky, only that my plug had a three way attachment. One was connected to my catheter, the other two to the two bags Dad and Alex had been filling over night. All three were attached and the valves opened. The intense burning started again, but this time it was followed by being full as hell. Now I knew why Rocky didn't like this, but like him, I was too spun to object. Alex and Dad left us and went upstairs.

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Probably 8 hours later Alex came down to get Rocky and I. Both of us were dehydrated as fuck, but otherwise okay. Looking out the kitchen window, I realized it was really late afternoon. Dad came in and said that we had had enough, "And Cheyenne has to be in good shape by tomorrow, so no more medicine. In fact, get him some vitamins and sports drinks so he can crash." Alex got everything that was needed, and by nightfall I was crashing hard, as was Rocky. I didn't feel the greatest, but Dad sent for me by way of the strange servant guy. I followed him into Dad's office. "So, do you want to become one of my sons?" He asked. "Sure, but what are the steps?" Was my simple reply. "Well, you still have a few months of high school to finish, and clearly you can't be coming here every weekend. There is a six month pledgeship before I decide for sure if you're going to become part of the family." I told him that I was sure that I wanted to try it, so we cut a deal. First, I was to come to Atlanta once per month and be with him and his boys, second, I was to spend spring break there, and finally, I was to be fitted with a chastity cage and was not to engage in any sexual activity other than with him or the boys. It sounded like a good deal to me, so I agreed. "One last thing," he said, " you will become HIV positive" during your pledge period. All of my boys are positive and so am I. You will earn the biohazard tattoo before you fully join." I was dumbfounded. Why on Earth would I want a deadly and incurable disease. He saw the look on my face, "Boy, it's how we bond. All of my boys have my DNA in them and you will too. In fact, you might already. If you get a sudden flu in the next few weeks, call Rocky or Alex, they'll know what to do." He dug around his desk and finally found the papers he was looking for. "Here is a contact list for me and everyone of my sons. If we shake on this, tomorrow morning before you leave, Rocky and Alex will take you to shop where you will be measured and get your cock cage put on. The key will stay with me here in Atlanta. It will be about two sizes too small to emphasize that your cunt is your primary sex organ and that your dick only causes you discomfort." I was about to shake with him, "Oh, and two last things, notice that Rocky and Alex have no body hair. I expect yours to be off tonight, especially around that tight cunt of yours and get some jock straps. I don't want to see your caged dick anymore than I have to. Secondly, and most important: I see that you have noticed Jason. He is the servant here. I am sure that you have noticed that he is somewhat different, almost feminine. He was one of my boys a few years ago, but he started selling drugs to guys he didn't know, which almost got us busted, and was also having sex outside of the family. He was given two choices: either repay all the money I had spent on him, including his college tuition, or loose his balls. He chose to give me his balls and now works here as my servant." I was taken aback! This man meant business for sure. Bit, seeing no other way to go to college, and fuck did I enjoy the sex, I shook his hand. I was now a pledge.

That evening, I went back to Rocky and Alex's apartment. They helped me shave all of my proud boy hair off. By the time they were done I was as smooth as a baby. I looked at Alex, "how do you guys stay so big" I asked. Alex looked at me, "We are in the gym, with Dad's other boys five or six days a week, plus we use steroids. You will too once your pledge period is up. It makes you so fucking horny that Rocky and I have been fucking each other every night for five years. But, that's about to change as Dad wants Rocky to become more of a bottom, so he is gonna be kept locked just like you until he changes." With that he helped me wash off the last of my body hair, and asked, "Lil bro, ya wanna cum one last time before tomorrow morning?" "Sure" And with that, he summoned Rocky in to give me a blow job. Here I was, an 18 year old kid getting a blow job from a cock locked 23 year old stud. It only took me a few minutes to cum and we went to bed.

The next morning, we got up and had a passable breakfast of leftover pizza. Then we went to the shop that Dad had mentioned the day before. The guy behind the counter knew exactly what we were there for, and took us straight to the back. I was measured and in less than five minutes I was wearing a stainless steel cock cage, that just as Dad had promised, was too small. It even had sharp points in it to make it even more uncomfortable if you can believe that. We then went into the front and a butt plug and dildo were retrieved for me by Rocky and Alex. "Dad said you are to fuck yourself with this at least every other night, and sleep with this plug in every night" Rocky said. With that, we left the store. No money ever changed hands, but I'm sure that it was billed to Dad. As I got in my truck to head home, Alex said " the next two weeks are gonna be the hardest. After that the cage will be second nature to ya." Fuck, I was going to go through a two week withdrawal period from jacking off, something I'd done twice a day nearly every day for the last seven years and I wasn't going to be back to see my brothers until the period was over. This was going to suck like hell. But, I got in the truck and made the three hour drive home.

End of part two. Will continue with part three.

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