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Wow, this story just gets better and better, love the chastity ! Please keep going, looking forward to when the boy converts, and earns his tattoo :-)

Edited by deepfix

I love your story, buddy! Each chapter has gotten me off at least a couple of times. Thanks a lot and I really hope you'll continue telling that awesome tale!

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Part Three: A long two weeks and back to Atlanta

I climbed back into my truck for the at least three hour drive home. Fuck, I thought, this cock cage is not gonna be fun. All the way home it rubbed and pulled and pressed in a rather uncomfortable way. But, I made it home safe and sound, finished up my homework, and ate with my unsuspecting grandparents. That night sleeping was the worst. Damn, my dick kept getting hard every time I fell asleep and then I would awake in excruciating pain. Somehow, I made it through the night. It was the same every night of that first week, I'd fall asleep and within an hour, be wide awake again with spikes in my dick. Thankfully, nothing eventful happened at school, and damn was I glad that ninth grade gym class was behind me. Explaining the cage wouldn't have been easy.

Every night I slept with the plug in. Hell, by the end of the week, I sort of felt odd to even lay in bed without it in. I would come home, do chores (it's a farm, there are always chores...), eat and then go grab a shower before my cunt exercises. Even though I only had to do them every other night with the dildo, I was pretty much shoving it in every night. I mean damn, it was about the only sexual excitement I was gonna get, right? After homework and my exercises I headed straight to bed and shoved the plug in. On the Saturday night after I had been locked six days, something totally different happened. My grandparents had gone out to eat, and I was home alone and horny. Riding the dildo as usual, I felt like I had a sudden urge to piss. Sort of odd since I had just pissed before I started, so I didn't stop. Within minutes, the most intense orgasm I'd ever had suddenly rushed over me in waves! It was almost like every nerve in my body was tingling. Fuck jerking off, this was a thousand times better. I looked down, my soft cock was still securely locked away. Now I knew it was all worth it. Dad wanted another son, one that looked like a stud jock top to the world, but inside he craved cock shoved in his cunt, just hoping to get that total body orgasm. I knew then and there that my days of mindlessly jerking off were over. Only a cock in my cunt would satisfy me now.

The next day I made it to a pay phone. It was Sunday, and although my grandparents were at church, they weren't too pushy if I was. I called Alex, "Bro, I had the most intense experience last night," I almost shouted into the phone. I explained to him what had happened. "Damn lil bro, that was faster than Dad and I had expected," Alex replied, "I don't know if Dad explained this to ya or not, but I'm gonna give you the whole story. What is happening to you is called 'cunting' and Rocky is going through it too. It's a hard process, but Dad loves a sweet ass that he can plow all night and not have to worry about you blowing your load and losing interest. I'm the same way. But, sad to say, poor Rocky hasn't had an orgasm yet like that. His cock just drips non stop. You're lucky its happened so fast." Alex continued to explain to me about what I was going through, and that the night time hard ons would slowly subside now too. But, he ended with a warning, "After today, don't use the dildo. Let's have you all horned up and ready for Dad next week with a big load in your balls," with that we hung up and I went home. Damn, now my only sexual outlet was basically gone for a week.

I was an irritated mess that whole week. No dildo, no jerking off, just that damn butt plug. Honestly, it had already stretched me so much that I could slide it right in, no problem. Alex was right, the night time hard-ons did start to wane. By Friday, it dawned on me that I hadn't been hard in at least a day, which was a record for me. I couldn't wait until that night when I would be heading back to Atlanta to be with Dad and my brothers. Finally, the last school bell of the day rang and I was off!

I got to Atlanta about 6 that evening. "You good and horned up Cheyenne?" Alex asked. "Fuck yeh. My damn dock is soaked through with pre cum already." "Well, let's get you cleaned up and ready to go. Dad's got a surprise for ya tonight." I headed for the shower. Rocky was just finishing up, shaving the last of his proud bro hair stubble off, and had a nice fucking hard on with a glistening bead of pre cum on the tip, but we both ignored it. We had to, since it was part of the 'cunting' process. He grabbed done ice water and grimaced as he plunged his dick in. Less than thirty seconds later, it was shriveled up. "Give me that fucking cock cage," he growled, clearly not happy about wearing it. But, he knew as well as I that Dad's word was the law. I handed him the cage just as Alex walked in. He relocked Rocky and then, after I was undressed, he unlocked me, "You got five minutes in there. Don't tough your cock except to wash it. I'll be back to help you shave since you're so new to it. We don't want to miss any spots." With that, he turned around and walked out. Five minutes later, I was out of the shower and clean everywhere. Alex then helped me shave, and just line Rocky, I got fucking hard as a rock. Erections are worse than useless when you can't do anything about them, not even wipe the string of pre cum hanging off. Just as Rocky had done, Alex plunged my rock hard dick into the ice water and thirty seconds later I was a limp as I could get. We reattached the cage and I got dressed. Less than five minutes later we were in the car and headed for Dad's house.

We arrived at Dad's house and went in. There were several other hot guys there. "Looks like my baby boy has made it back fine," he said. I responded with an enthusiastic, "Yessir!" Rocky grabbed us some beers and we joined the group upstairs. There were two other guys about Alex and Rocky's age, roughly early to mid twenties. Their names were Jaden and Mark, and both became Dad's sons about the same time as Alex and Rocky. From the bulges in the jeans I could already tell that this was gonna be an interesting night. After finishing our beers, Dad wanted Rocky and I to shower again, which we did and then come downstairs ready to play. I was more than excited.

When appeared downstairs there were a three other guys, all their thirties. From the biohazard tattoos they had, just like Rocky and Alex, it was clear that I was getting to meet more of the family. The dungeon was a bit different than it had been just two weeks ago. Tonight there was only one sling and the fisting bench. Nothing else. I was led up to the sling wearing nothing but a jock and my cage, then strapped in firmly. Dad announced, "Tonight we are going to fill Cheyenne with our DNA and fist it it to make it take. No loads go into Rocky except by my order. Cheyenne will get all of our toxic loads and the loads of your brothers that will get here later. Rocky is undergoing the 'cunting' process, so I want him fist fucked hard, brought to the edge, and left begging for more. Grab the medicine, son." Which Jaden quickly did. Both of us were to be slammed with a half gram to get us fucked up out of our minds. Dad took the syringe, looked me lovingly in the eyes, and said, "Welcome to the family," as he slowly unloaded the full half gram into me. Just before it hit, I glanced over to see Alex slamming Rocky. Fuck I felt the cough and then the burn! It started in my chest, then went down to my cunt, and seemed to exit out of my caged dick. "Damn, the boy can cum from just a slam!" Dad shouted. I had no idea at the time, but I'd just blown a load all over the place. Jaden got the key from Dad and unlocked me, " With that big of a slam, he ain't gonna get hard anyhow," and proceeded to slurp my cum up. He was right, the combination of the T and the training made me focus on one thing only -- getting fucked by my Dad and my brothers, taking as much poz cum in my cunt as I could.

That night Dad started off the fucking, and by the end of the night I had gotten a load from all twenty of my brothers. Everyone of them looked me straight into the eyes as they dumped their toxic loads in me. Sometime, hours later as my last brother had fucked me, sans Rocky, I looked over as I heard a loud groan. "Fuck yeh, oh yeh, that feels fucking amazing in my cunt..." Rocky was almost screaming. His eyes rolled back and just as they did, cum started to run out of his cage. Marc, who had been fisting Rocky quickly wiped it into his hand, came over by my and started to work Rocky's cum into me as well. Then Alex said, "Time to make this DNA take" and grabbed some j lube to begin working his hand into me deep. He used very little for two reasons. First, he wanted to tear me a bit so I'd bleed, and second, with over twenty loads in me, I sure as fuck didn't need much lube. "Yeh lil bro, you got a nice sloppy cunt. Too bad Dad had to go to bed early because of his meeting tomorrow. He would love this. Nice, I see some blood. Gonna be a long two weeks for ya this time, being sick and all." After he got done, Jayden handed me two pills, shoved a huge plug in my cunt, and helped me to get down. He took me upstairs and I looked at him confused, " Why are we heading to Dad's bedroom?" "Lil bro, the weekend of your initiation, you get to sleep with Dad." When we got to Dad's bed, he helped me crawl in and the gave me a sot of something. It was almost daylight outside. When whatever it was hit me, I was totally out.

When I awoke, it was mid afternoon. Dad had already come home from his meeting and my dick was locked back up.

More to come...

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It'll probably be later this week before I get much more done on this... But I think there should be a lot more since I have a 4 day weekend!

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Dad walked in to the room very quickly and gingerly looked me over. "Last night was your meet and greet with the family. Tonight I'm gonna show my baby boy how much I love him." He turned around and left, but within minutes Jason the servant came in. " I'm going to help you get ready for tonight. First we need to get you fed." With that, we went into the kitchen where he had some fruit and juice ready. Fuck, after last night I just needed to eat something, anything really. While I ate, Jason gave me a really nice back message. That really got the kinks from last night out. Then I noticed that hat I was only in my jock. I decided to look for my clothes, but couldn't find them anywhere. "Jason, have you seen my clothes?" "Yeh, they're in the wash. Dad doesn't really want you wearing more of a jock here anyhow." So, I just sat back down and finished eating. After that, I just went back to bed as I was still tired from the night before.

I never really fell asleep, just sort of laid there and watched TV. Jason tended to my every need. I was thinking to myself, damn this is a good life. Asking Jason where Rocky and Alex and the other guys were, "They headed home this morning. Dad is pretty proud of Rocky since he has his first anal orgasm last night. But, you know, they don't live here. Come on, we need to start getting you ready." I followed Jason into the bathroom. He had already drawn a hot bath for me. "Get in, let's get you cleaned up". So I undressed and climbed in, but as I did so, I couldn't take me eyes off of Jason. I had never really been drawn to more feminine guys, but damn he was beautiful in an exotic way. He slowly, almost seductively undressed. But when he got totally undressed, he had no cock cage on his small shriveled peanut size cock over what was clearly a scar where his balls had been. "How do you get away without having a cage?" I wondered. "I don't need one. Without my balls I make no testosterone, so I don't get hard. Sometimes Dad or one of your brothers will fuck me, but not much happens with my dick. I just dribble a bit. Once a year, Dad allows me to have a shot of short acting testosterone to get hard and jerk off. He always does it on the anniversary of his unbanning me as a reminder of what I lost." He reached around and unlocked my cock. Slowly, I started to get hard, but it wasn't instant like it would have been in the past. "Looks like your body is slowly getting used to the cunting" he said, " you will eventually crave only anal orgasms and get hard only when Dad commands it. See, you're only slowly getting half hard now." Damn, he was right. But, I sort of figured that he didn't take the cage off for an educational lesson. Soon enough, the razor appeared, and within minutes the only hair on my body was on my legs and my head. Jason had shaved the rest of it off.

"Now it's time for you to get clean on the inside" Jason said while grabbing a towel for himself and pulling the drain plug on the tub. Then he grabbed a cup of ice water to shrivel my half inflated cock so that he could put the cage back on, but instead of the cage I had been wearing, Jason grabbed a new, smaller one. "It's to help you forget to associate sexual pleasure from your cock. This one is so small that you can't even rub in it. If it makes you feel better though, Rocky is getting the same thing today too." With that he put the cage on, stuffing my cock in. Sure enough, it was uncomfortable as fuck. Then, Jason turned around and left me to do the internal cleaning. When I was done, I put on the clean jock he had left me. With the old cage, the jock clearly showed my caged dick under it, with this new cage it looked like I was as fixed as Jason...except that I had a full course of testosterone flowing through my body (although not as much as most of my juiced up bros) and that meant that I had some serious needs. Then I went back and hung out with Jason for a bit, mostly making small talk and waiting for Dad.

Soon enough, the phone rang. It was Dad sending for me. Jason told me to head for his bedroom, which I did. When I got to Dad's room, he was laying back, blowing a few clouds, watching some hot porn, and jacking his enormous cock. My eyes immediately fixed on his cock. "Calm down Cheyenne, you're going to get it soon enough. Tonight is not about primal pig sex. Tonight is showing a Dad's love for his boy. We are going to go slow and easy. After what you have already done, it will seem pretty basic." I climbed in bed next to Dad. I could feel his strong arms pull me in next to his immense hairy chest. It was a total contrast to my hairless body. He just chewed on my ear, grabbing my nips, which felt almost like an electric arc every time he did. He passed the pipe to me, "Have some, but take it easy. Remember you have to go home tomorrow." Pretty soon, Dad was munching on my hairless cunt like it was a five course meal. By the time Dad slid his cock into me later that night, my cunt was so loose and sloppy from his munching that it just felt right and amazing at the same time. We must have fucked for five or six hours, but I had barely hit the pipe, and certainly no slams. During the whole time Dad had not even touched the front of my jock. He totally ignored my locked up boy cock, but damn, his huge cock inside of me more than made up for it. After he had came for the third time that evening, he pulled out and rolled over, digging aimlessly in a side table drawer. He rolled back over, handing me a toothbrush. "Shove that into your cunt and scrub until it bleeds. Do it for Daddy. Show Dad how eager you are to have his DNA in you." I did as he asked, and it didn't take long before I was showing more than a little pink. Dad eagerly watched me the whole time, slowly getting rock hard again. After I handed him back the toothbrush, Dad said, "That's how most of your brothers were pozzed. With that very brush." Then he slammed his hard cock back into me balls deep. This time he didn't hold back, but fucked me mercilessly. I was moaning like a bitch in heat, and pretty soon, I felt that "gotta pee" feeling again, which was soon flowed by another anal orgasm. I soaked the front of my jock through. Dad just looked and grinned, " Seems like my boy likes Dad's cock." He slammed into me hard and was flooding my guts with his toxic seed for a fourth time. After that, we curled up and fell asleep. The next day I had to be up and ready to head home.

Going to Atlanta became an every other weekend trip for the rest of my senior year, but as April gave into May, I was still testing negative. "No son of mine is gonna reject my DNA" Dad said. By mid-May, I was getting concerned that I might be part of that 1% who don't seroconvert, no matter what. On my mid-May visit, I asked Alex if there was anything else I could do. My Dad and my brothers had been fucking me every other weekend, with dozens of toxic loads every time, and still nothing after months. If I wasn't poz by summer, there was a good chance that I might not be admitted to the family. "There is something that you can do, but it's pretty drastic. I'll talk to Dad, and if he approves, we will do it tonight." Alex said. That night I was expecting an evening of profligate pig sex, but when I got cleaned up and into the basement, no one other than Rocky was there. " Come with me, we are heading upstairs." And I followed, more out of curiosity than anything. We went into Dad's bedroom. There was Dad, Alex, Rocky, Jason, and myself in the room. Everyone but me looked serious. "Have you had any drugs, Cheyenne?" Dad asked. I responded that I had not, which was the truth, as I wasn't going to lie to Dad and possibly end up like Jason.

"We have dumped gallons of toxic cum in your cunt, son. Nothing seems to take. You have to make a decision as to whether you really want to be part of this family. Tonight you will either become poz or leave here forever. Do you understand?" Dad asked of me. I nodded, but wasn't really sure of what he meant. "Jason, go sit down next to Cheyenne. Cheyenne, I'm not sure if you know this, but all of us are on meds of some type to control out HIV. Not enough to have us shooting blanks, also known as undetectable, but none of us have a super high viral load. The exception here is Jason. As part of his unmanning, he also went off of meds. He has the most toxic viral load around. But, I'm not going to give him testosterone and have him get pleasure from his dick by fucking you. Besides, it would be an insult to you to have a eunuch fuck you. What we are going to do is use this syringe to remove 2 cc of his toxic blood from a vein and hand you the syringe. If you want to be part of this family, you will, on your own volition, take the blood and slam it into your own vein." I just nodded. Shit just got serious for sure. But, he carried Dad's DNA just like my brothers. I looked over as the syringe slowly filled with the crimson blood.

Dad handed my the syringe while Rocky tied a tourniquet above my left elbow so that my veins shot out. I just stared at it for a second, and then shakily, I took the needle and slammed the blood. Dad and both brothers grinned ear to ear. Jason just sat there. I didn't feel any different. I got up and walked around. "Head for the basement boys, we gotta milk that neg seed out of Cheyenne for the last time." When we all got down there, Dad removed my jock and cage from my dick, but left Rocky and Alex's on. He gave me a shot in my dick and I was instantly hard as fuck. Then Dad slammed me and told me to start fucking my brothers, with just one caveat. I was to pull out and dump my seed on the floor, which is where he though neg seed belonged. I dumped seven loads on the floor that night before my dick went down and Dad locked my cock back up. "Hope you enjoyed that boy. The next time your cock sees any action will be when you bring a neg boy home that is acceptable to become your brother and y'all move into your own apartment, where you can fuck all you want, so long as he takes my DNA."

The next weekend I felt awful, had a fever of 100 constantly, and generally felt like shit. It didn't really matter, since Dad and most of my brothers were in Chicago for IML. I did call Alex and told him what was going on. "Congrats lil bro, sounds like you're going to earn your tattoo pretty soon." I just stayed in bed and was miserable, although I did drag my ass to school since it was the last week of my senior year. After about a week, I felt better, and on my next trip to Atlanta, which as the first of June, Dad took me to get and HIV test. The outcome was a foregone conclusion. I had slammed 2 cc of of poz blood with a viral load of over 2 million. Probably a bit of overkill. The test was positive.

More to come...Cheyenne gets his tattoo, begins his college career, moves to Atlanta, and lures an unsuspecting jock to become his little brother....

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  • 2 weeks later...

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