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Stalking People On Fb


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Does any of you have a guy or guys that he really likes and he checks everyday their profile, watch their photos and jerk off with them? Is it normal? Should he delete their photos if he saved them? Or it's a type of porn too?

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You should never post a photo online that you don't want copied because it can always happen. 


I'm not sure if you are asking because you are stalking or being stalked.

If you are following some guy, just make sure you are not getting obsessive. As long as it is just beat-off inspiration, I think you are ok. 

If someone if following you and making you uncomfortable, you should just block him. 

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I will sometimes find a porn star who I am a fan of on Facebook under his real name so I follow or friend them if I see that is something they are cool with usually by checking out to see what kind of friends they have etc.. Once I follow or friend them then they are in my feed but I don't check thier profile daily, if I did start to do that I would probably be thinking that I needed to stop because it's kind of creepy to do that and if you add the jerking off to the mix and the guy is a non porn star that makes it even a bit creepier.  Just message them or approach them and try and get a dialogue going so maybe you can meet otherwise you're being a creepy stalker or stalked by one.

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If someone visits my profile regularly, but never says anything, I usually just block them. Problem solved. I get the impression that many younger people are not so hung up on their privacy, but I think if people really understood just how much living your life out so openly on the internet could come back to haunt you, they would exercise a bit more caution. There are some things about you that people who you don't know and trust should never know. Ever.

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