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Prince Albert


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Why not ask your questions publicly? No need for embarrassment: everyone has to start somewhere and one person's obvious mystifies another. In other words, the only stupid question is the one you didn't ask. And it's pretty much guaranteed that you'll find other guys have been wondering about exactly the same thing, so you'd be doing them a favour...

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Healing period really depends on how well you treat it;  I can't stress enough that aftercare is important when it's your cock on the line.  I bled for a few days afterwards, though oddly not the day I got it.  Was about a week and a half to two weeks before I started jerking off again, and three months before I stuck it in someone.  My piercer assured me that a single month would have been enough if I was willing to wear a rubber.

I haven't worn a rubber with it, so I can't tell you whether or not it breaks them, but I imagine that they're compatible just fine.

It's about as rough as you are;  If you're gentle, you're not gunna be hurting anyone.  If you're rough, well-  It's definitely gunna help you.




Overall however, the healing period wasn't that bad, and I'd suggest a PA to anyone, top or bottom.  I love it.

Edited by 420SubCub
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I am also uncut, and have no problem getting the PA, or with it since I got it.  my skin is rather loose though.  if you have a very tight foreskin when soft you may have an issue, but the right jewlery will probably help that.  the one issue my buddy, who is cut, had when we got them was with the hollow tube they insert into the urethra to direct the needle when they do the piercing.  he had never played with sounding or the like, and hated the sensation of the metal tube going in.  I had no problem with it as I had done some sound play before.


I was out of JO action for aobut 2 weeks, Oral for about a month or so, and didn't fuck for 2 months.  The guidelines they gave when I got it said no fucking for 3 weeks, but talking to others, they had reccomened 6 weeks to 2 months before fucking.  I went of rthe longer time just to be safe.  I will warn you, the first couple of days, you may bleed.  our Piercer gave us some minipads(feminie Hygene ones), and I brought condoms to place over to prevent blood spots on my pants.


depending on the type of jewlery you end up using, it should not cause anal tears or the like.  Captured ball rings are definatley bottom friendly, and give a nice stimulation.  Horseshoes with barbed ends would probably do some tearing up, but I am still on the starter captured ball ring.  as far as condoms, all my fucks are bareback, so no idea if it would tear a condom, but I would think that I would not have a issue with my jewlery, and only Barbed end stuff would tear them up.


Hope that this long winded message has helped, and if you have any other questions, let me know.

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As with any piercing, there are different levels of 'healed'. With my PA, I waited two weeks before wanking off. It was about a week and a half before all bleeding stopped after tinkling.

Most piercings take 1-2 weeks to stop bleeding and scabbing over, 1 month-ish to form delicate initial top layer skin, then 3 months to a year for full, final healing. Blood flow, hydration, good diet for healing helps. The penis has a lot of blood that flows through it, so it does heal fairly quickly.

But for a couple months, even if all seems to heal quickly, treat your penis like your baby. Minimize tearing and scarring, and long-term things are a lot better, especially if you want to stretch.

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One very key Thing is.. drink plenty water. You Need to dilate your Urine. I had a condom over mine the first night in case it bled.. it didn't, wanked off 2 days later, had it stretched for the first time in 6 weeks and have mostly fucked raw ever since. Keeping it clean during the healing is essential.

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The pain of the actual act of piercing is there, but it's nothing compared to having your tits pierced. I'm told I cried out as the needle went through, but if I did it was more out of surprise. While my partner at the time bled profusely (we had them a day apart - he wasn't amused by my asking if this meant an end to all those years of PMT), I had minimal bleeding and jerked off in the bath less than 24 hours later. The position of the vein in your cock are what leads to a successful PA: my partner bled so badly because he had a vein too close to where the piercer needed to go, while mine ended up a little too shallow for my liking - I no longer wear it, but that's because of other reasons.

You'll discover for yourself how dilute your piss needs to be: it varies from person to person. Although I had an easy first few days, mine healed comparatively slowly. Once I was ready to go I had no problems with condoms or going raw, progressing eventually to a 4mm gauge ring which is about as large as suits my dick (as I side note I wear my original ring and my partner's as tit-rings). Personally I've always been more concerned about the damage a PA can do to teeth rather than inside the ass.

Try wearing a reasonably tight fitting jock in bed to help save yourself from rolling over the wrong way.

Beware of hard water: limescale can collect on your PA and can hurt if it takes you by surprise: learn to take it out yourself and if you're in a hard water area, steep it overnight in white vinegar before rinsing it well. The reason I don't wear mine any more is that I have kidney problems which prevent me absorbing vitamins and minerals, so my piss is pretty much dilute calcium carbonate: I can take a new ring to needing the limescale cleaning within a week...

Thanks for asking in public: it's a safe bet that a large number of people with less nerve than you have benefitted from the advice offered here.

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