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Owned and Trained by Mr. X


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Phoenix in Ashes

The room was painted white. The one and only window was bricked up with cinder blocks and also painted white. There were two short U-shaped fluorescent lights on the ceiling on each side of the room. The room itself, no more than a skinny closet, measured four by twelve, room enough for a single bed that Ash was on, a chair next to it, and an IV drip. You might make the mistake thinking that the room was larger. A two-way glass on the side opposite Ash's bed lined the wall might be the cause. Mr. X's room was on the other side, a room much larger. From there Mr. X could, day or night (for the fluorescent lights were never turned off), observe Ash, see if he was awake, how his state of mind was, if he was clawing again at his groin.

Ash was doing it again. His hands, like twigs, scratched at his crotch. His head tossed from side to side in delirium. Mr. X burst into the room and once again strapped his weak arms down to the side of the bed. He'd kept him in a twilight sleep, an opioid bath dripping in to the IV next to Ash's head, for weeks now. The castrated boy hadn't spoken since the operation, only when his arms were unstrapped did some latent sense memory draw his hands to body parts that were now gone. He'd moaned and cried out not knowing where he was, if he was waking up inside a nightmare, or if this was an ever-present, lasting nightmare he could not escape.

The buckles clasped. Mr. X increased the opiate drip a touch and Ash seemed to settle back down with only an spasmodic thrashing on the bed. "It has to accept it is an it now," said Mr. X to Ash. "It is a butterfly that is now a caterpillar. My own mother and father would say you are now pure. I think you are better than pure, you're defiled. Like myself, you will never to get into the kingdom of heaven." Like many other times over the last couple of weeks when he would come in and calm Ash, adjusting the dosage in his IV according to the patient's mood and temperament, once Ash settled he'd open the boy's robe and begin eating his vagina.

In his half-alert state, at war with his rational mind, Ash looked forward in his own perverse, drugged-up way to this routine. It was either this or staring for meaningless hours up at the two fluorescent lights in the ceiling. He'd feel the split tongue enter his slit, licking the walls, starting at the base of his cunt and ending what was ostensibly the remainder of the nerve cluster of his cockhead, now his clit. Mr. X would take extra care stimulating his clit, flick it with tongue, wrapping it in his forked tongue, pinching and prodding it with his large, coarse fingers, whatever and however long it took to get Ash to climax. He wanted to get him to enjoy his new sex organ. Ash's half-conscious body would fight against the pleasurable sensation of Mr. X eating his pussy, resist the urge to relax and open his legs and let Mr. X orally penetrate him as deep as he knew Mr. X could. He put up a raging battle against Mr. X's desire to normalize his situation, no matter how much pleasure Mr. X inflicted between his legs.

Mr. X felt up the strapped down body. He let Ash's brown public hair grow back, most of it anyway. He loved to get out his razor and carve new patterns in his bush. Today he shaved it back so there was just a thin line like an exclamation point above Ash's new pussy. He hadn't gotten Ash to cum yet but was far from frustrated. This was edging time. Time was a valuable partner and on his side. "I hoped to trust you by now," sighed Mr. X diddling his twat, "but I see I cannot. It needs to take care of the gift I've given it. Your opening, if I left it alone, could grow together. Today we start using more practical measures."

Mr. X withdrew a small child's tooth brush from his lab coat. He greased up the handle and showed it to Ash. The boy's eyes drooped. He only was aware of shapes and shadows. Mr. X rubbed the small, hard handle against the boy's cuntlips. He did not force it in but instead began rubbing the end from the base of the slit to the tender clit atop. After fifteen minutes, slowly Ash relaxed his legs. The drug assisted, but he was mostly seduced through steady rhythm Mr. X employed. Up till now only his captor's tongue had worked on his cunt, now a more substantial and insistent object was being offered. His resistance to the object was actually working against him. He tried to push it away with his hips, which only served to open the feathery skin. Mr. X was rubbing the small object against him, teasing him. It gradually slipped in against the fight Ash was putting up. The more Ash fought the more ground Mr. X was able to gain. The further Mr. X penetrated the more pleasure Ash received. Yes, it hurt, but the discomfort was proportional to the increased euphoria Ash was experiencing. By the end of the fourth inch, the toothbrush bristles rubbed painfully against Ash's new clit. The first time he felt it he let out a loud gasp of breath, almost waking him to full state of alertness. Mr. X backed off a bit but was pleased to see Ash instinctively searching again for it, thrusting his pelvis out so he might experience this erotic pain again. Mr. X himself was aroused seeing the battle ebbing and flowing over Ash's face: resisting the pleasure and torture he was experience in his new organ and the emerging slut he could be if he gave himself over to it.

He undid his lab coat and stroked the naked flesh waiting beneath. He only had to hold the small rod in place and Ash did the rest. The thrill of using his groin in a way he was completely unaccustomed to, but quickly learning to enjoy, made Mr. X leak a stream of precum. Ash soon gyrated on the tool, trying to get it in deeper, to rub his clit harder against bristles. Mr. X had the strongest desire to get rid of the small rod and rape the boy, but he knew Ash wasn't yet healed and would rip his sutures and he'd have to start again. Beside this therapy was ongoing and far from tedious, required him to continually visit his patient, hardening and deepening his pussy to eventually serve anyone, no matter the size or roughness. As Ash fucked himself, writhing now like a whore on Mr. X's instrument, Mr. X spewed out another stream of semen splashing over the patient's chest and face. Ash continued to rock until his body, too, shook in a climax of absolute pleasure. Mr. X continued to brush the soft bristles against the clit long after the pleasure diminished. Now the pleasure turned to over-stimulation causing Ash to fight his bindings, to rock his hips to try to expel the foreign object, clawing at the sheets under his arm restraints, begging his captor to stop.

This was Mr. X's most enjoyable portion of his visits. He could keep this part up for hours.


Another week passed, and as much as he'd prefer to play with his drugged up castrated boy he knew it was better to begin flushing his system. The kid owed thousands, and the interest, just during this first month of convalescence, had doubled what was overdue to the Colombian connections. A month ago he and Sebastian had orders to have him whacked and liquidate what they could. Their surprise was that he came to them on his own accord not knowing the den he was entering. Those few hours they spent with him made them change plans. He was smart and useful, a good fuck, and could make them more money in films and as a favorite to their more selective clients. Sebastian sold the bimmer and took the proceeds back with him to Bogotá to put a down payment on some of Ash's debt. The alternative, Mr. X and Sebastian calculated, would be to take the loss but that would mean a hit not just on Ash, but Dr. and Mrs., his two sisters, and Ce-ce, the family Pekingese. A lot of carnage and, in the end, what did that give them? Besides, his vaginoplasty operation netted a nice initial coin from the men who'd observed, and interest in whoring him out once he healed made him and Sebastian realize they'd get back all their money and then some.

Over the past week he'd started decreasing the dosage which caused Ash to become more lucid but also caused a lot of vomiting the first few days. While emptying out one of the buckets, Ash's first coherent words were "Where Sebastian?"

Mr. X is certainly demonic but he's also human, and prone to jealously. The question, with him holding a bucket of Ash's puke, irked him. "Covering up your shit."

Ash focused his eyes around the room, stopping at Mr. X, then looked down at his robe. "What did you do to me?" Ash wanted to reach his groin but was bound to the sides of the bed. Tears welled up in his face as he rocked his hips against his robe and felt the absence. Cramps seized his belly and he bent over the side of the bed to puke, while Mr. X quickly put the slop bucket under his face. Ash retched for a good ten minutes while Mr. X waited in the chair.

"Tell me when you finish. You need to get you up and moving today. Too long recuperating in bed. I need you to be stronger. Be more than just pussy-boy." Ash wiped the slime off his lips on the side of the bed.

He looked up into Mr. X's immobile face. "Are you going to let me go?"

"Not like you are. Right now you are full of hatred and thirst for revenge. I understand this. Believe me I understand. But you boo-hoo all day, think this is the worst thing that ever happened. You are a spoiled idiot. This is blessing, you owe us and we have made do so I don't kill you and family and family pet. Your pizdá was small price for what you owe me."

"Small price?" Ash cried out incredulously.

Mr. X fingered Ash's boy cunt. "This will make you more money that your pitiful dealing ever could. You sell only to college boys. I sell you to powerful men. Like Zola's whore of Paris, San Francisco will be hurling itself at your cunt." Mr. X pulled out an adult toothbrush. "If I take off binding, do you know what you will do with this?" Ash focused on it and nodded obediently. "Show me." Mr. X released one of his arm restraints.

Ash fixed his eyes on Mr. X, taking the brush. He opened his robe seeing the smooth mound and felt his pussy with his hand for the first time. It was a shock that was difficult to take in. His head fell back and he closed his eyes. It was like he was feeling someone else. Instead of something that flowed from him, there was a new presence of something that flowed into him. It was something he couldn't wrap his mind around but his fingers didn't lie, nor did the sexual excitement he felt when a finger slid inside him. He tried inserting the base into his cuntlips. They were dry and stuck together. "Would you lube me, Sir?" He spread his legs a little to entice Mr. X.

Mr. X appreciated the obsequiousness of the castrated boy. He bent over and began kissing the wound, slowly separating the lips to add saliva to the vagina's walls. He was sucking on the clit gingerly, brushing Ash's thighs lightly to get him used to submitting like he would from now on.

With a clenched iron fist Ash raised the brush aloft and with all his might drove the object down toward Mr. X's neck. Mr. X sensing some movement started to rise, so when Ash landed the blow instead of penetrating his neck, it hit Mr. X deep in his back. The man roared, maimed, thrashed around to reach the object sticking in his back. Ash pushed him off the bed while Mr. X flailed on the ground grabbing at the object, snapped it in two, managing to leave half of it lodged behind his shoulder blade. He twitched in fury, one hand trying to dig it out, the other hand grabbing at Ash. Ash quickly leaned over and unleashed his other arm and legs. He wrapped the robe around himself and hobbled to the door. Mr. X grabbed one of his legs but Ash kicked him off, then booted him in the face with his heal for good measure. He got to the door, opened it, discovered the outside had a lock. Mr. X saw what Ash was attempting and in spite of his raging pain, leapt toward the door. Ash leaned with all his weight against the door, locked it, and felt a loud thud bang against the door.

He scanned around, found himself in a small hallway, one door leading to Mr. X's room, one to a toilet and a third to the outside. The door to the outside was locked. He limped into Mr. X's room and started searching for keys. A desk, a single bed, a closet, and the one-mirror showing Mr. X bashing the door. With each ram, the injured man exploded with fury.

There was a window that looked out to the alley. It was barred. He raised the window and yelled for help. His cry echoed among the bricks and garage doors. An alley cat jumped off a trash can, a squirming rat in its mouth. He ran over to the desk, rifled through the drawers, found only files with papers, his name among them. His address, his parents, sisters, acquaintances. He put it back. On the back of the closet door hung Mr. X's long leather coat. He jerked it off its hook. The right pocket jingled. He felt inside and extracted a large ring of keys. He threw down the jacket and rushed to the outside door. He tried one key after another. Next to him he heard the cracking of the hinges. Mr. X was hollering in a foreign tongue, ramming the door repeatedly. Then suddenly he went quiet. Ash doubled down speedily trying the remaining keys. The final key worked the lock. He was free! An explosion of shattering glass exploded behind him. As he opened the door and ran out, he looked back to witness a chair and raining glass fall into Mr. X's room, then saw Mr. X climbed out, hands bleeding where glass remained in the frame. "Stop!" Mr. X yelled. In bare feet and thin robe, Ash skipped and sprinted down the hall. "Stop!" bellowed Mr. X.

He was almost to the top of the staircase, when Sebastian appeared. He ran straight into him, and Sebastian took a step back then grabbed him by his shoulders. The boy was startled like he'd seen a ghost. Sebastian, hair slicked back, wearing an expensive business suit, eyes once again slits of suspicion, held him forcefully. The boy heaved a heavy sigh, breathless. He hung his head in defeat.

Sebastian broke into his gold tooth crooked smile. "You give me such a big welcome home. I missed you too, mi amigo hermoso," Sebastian said, pulling Ash into him, embracing him in an inescapable hug. 


Edited by asslikker
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Fuck this is getting more interesting and strangely hot with each chapter! 

I have one request/question. Is there a way to find out what this new "cunt" looks like? What does a total removal of his dick and balls do for his new pleasure? How is he able to take any size cock in his new cunt? Where does it bottom out inside? Are there porn vids? 

Curiosity killed the cat...pun intended ?

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As per discussion with the admin, rawTOP, this thread is closed. Once the claim was made that the events were actual not fiction, this thread moved into an area that could expose the site to legal action and blacklisting by sponsors. 

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