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Desenstizing creams


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Does anyone (top or bottom) know if those creams like Anal Ease deaden any feel for the top as well as the bottom?  I have a couple newer top buddies that like to fuck for longer than I can comfortably handle it (but I'd never ask them to stop even if I cum first), but I definitely don't want to desensitize the top's cock at the same time.  It would defeat the purpose, plus if I were the top it would piss me off having my dick go numb!!  I'm not even sure I want that as the bottom, but up for trying it with a "long-lasting" buddy if it's not going to effect his hardon and ability to load me up :) 

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I agree with the

12 hours ago, FelchingPisser said:

Yes, they do.  I have even felt my tongue 'deaden' when the bottom has pre-lubed with it and I don't know it.

Total agree. I'm mostly a bottom but I have a few guys that I'll flip with. It took me a while to figure it out that they were using it. I thought they were just extra tight and cutting off the circulation a bit, thus reducing the sensation in my dick. 

To be honest, it just made me try to fuck harder and deeper so I'd imagine they probably got it worse than if they hadn't used the stuff.

I think it also depends on how much they use and the amount of time between using it and it coming into contact with your dick.

In fairness, I've never used the stuff as a bottom. My suggestions though....

1- Have a nice strong drink before sex....it can go a long way in relaxing you a bit.

2 - strategic use of poppers. I never use them until I've suffered through the initial penetration and am enjoying the cock. I want them to enhance the experience, not be something that I mentally/physically need in order to relax.

3 - Don't cum! Lol...It can be hard, I know. Nowadays I cum multiple times while I'm getting fucked but that really used to be a deal breaker for me.


Good luck!!!!!!!!

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