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Ever see pictures of yourself as a 20-something, and thought "I can't believe I was ever that young?"? I do that but I also add a "You knew NOTHING back then." as well.  I really did not have a single clue when was I was 23. I'd just graduated and moved to a big city. I was gay and had my first sexual encounter with a man two months ago. He was in my technical writing class. We shyly met up for beers a few times before either of us made a move. It was safe sex all the way and not that big of a  thrill. I figured we were boyfriends at that point, but we weren't. Not in his mind, anyway. I thought he was a jerk, but he was just being honest. I'd grown up my whole life thinking that gay couples followed the same path to marriage that straight people did. I'd be Joanie and find my Chachi. It would happen naturally and with no effort. It was and is confusing and painful when I got rejected. The lesson I took from the whole experience with Rico was that gay guys just fooled around and never really 'dated'. Talk about a bitter pill to swallow. I placed a single red rose on the grave of my romantic thoughts and decided to just go and have fun. 

I made fast friends with a girl at work. She was a chubby gal with a golden heart and a wicked sense of humor. We were always talking and laughing. I was about to confess my sexuality to her when she stopped me and said,"I know." She shrugged. "I seem to have a knack for picking gay guys."

"You're the first straight person I've ever wanted to tell, Theresa." My family might not ever find out if I could help it.

"I think that Brian guy in your department is gay too, but he's hiding behind Jesus."

"Really? You have to teach me how to spot them."

"It'll come naturally. You probably just need to go out more. I always have a blast at gay bars. You should come with me to "The Edge". My step-brother is a DJ there and I know everybody." I'd heard of the place. It was technically gay. but so hip and trendy that the young heteros had found it. 

"They'd never let me in there."

"I'm your golden ticket, baby! We may have to go shopping first. You dress like your mom buys all your clothes. No offense." Mom actually did.

"Oh. OK."

"Your hair isn't so bad. The scruffy, messy look is hot now. Would you let me add a blonde streak or two?" Would I? Oh what the hell. Theresa was my fairy fagmother. "Want to come over and smoke a bowl with me after work, have a 'happy hour'?" She later arrived at my door my door with a legal pad.

"What's that? Your dream journal?"

"No, Funny Boy. I need to look at your wardrobe and make notes of what you need to get...which I'm guessing is a lot." She waddled straight to my bedroom and started going through my stuff. I stood there like a charity case while she looked and took notes. "Shoes is at the top of the list. You need something besides loafers and gym shoes. Boots, maybe. And some black jeans. We basically can't use anything you have. We need to hit the mall...and a few vintage stores. You need some funk, some edge."

We got stoned and watched some old science fiction movie. 

"And my hair?.."

"Oh, I'll handle that myself. I think I'm changing my mind about the blonde streak, though. We can wait until later for that. I'm going to turn you into a new Matt."

That whole next week, we shopped for me. I normally just found shit in my size and bought it. Theresa made me try everything on so she could judge it. I was getting sick of her voice after a few days. We went to thrift stores and scary little consignment shops. I only had two credit cards and we killed one of them totally. I hated being so helpless when it came to fashion. I hoped that aspect of my gayness will emerge at some point. By Friday, I was so far beyond prepared that it was almost like we'd already gone out.  I arrived at Theresa's apartment sometime after 8 PM. She made me come to her place because that was where she kept all the 'final touches' I'd need. I would only let her put a minimal amount of makeup on me, but let her have final say on the hair. She fussed over me and made little adjustments and then I was a finished product. I looked like a crazy convict dressed to attend a hip private school. I thought I looked ready to go trick-or-treating, but just thanked her for all her efforts. 

"Ready to go?"

"Are you kidding? Nobody goes out this early! Let's stay here and have a few drinks...just be careful how you sit...and don't touch your face or your hair. I'll bring lip gloss with me. Settle your nerves a little, you'll sweat all my hard work away. We drank some gin and tonics and talked about everything in the world. She wanted to know if I could dance.

"Not really. I dance by myself at home sometimes...but not to the kind of music you'd like."

"Just don't be stiff. Move your hips a little or you'll look like a sixth-grader. If I thought you could handle it, I'd give you a little pill. We'll see. What kind of guy do you like?"

"Cute, hot, casual. Sexy."

"I can't guarantee there will be much 'casualness' at The Edge. Everybody there seems to love drama, but you never know. I just don't want you to get all depressed if Mr. Right isn't there tonight."

"I don't believe in love. I tried to once, but I just got hurt. I'm just going out with my best friend for a few drinks."

"You're not fooling me, Babe. I've tried to build a wall around my heart several times...and it crumbled over and over again."

"I just want to have a good time."

"OK. That's do-able. Let's go."

There's no way I could describe this club that would give you the surreal impression I had when we walked in. I grabbed Theresa's hand out of panic. It was so loud and so confusing. She drug me over to a wall of mirrors and spoke into my ear. "Stay here. I'll get us a couple of drinks. Don't look so scared. Act bored if you can." I thought about the staff meetings we had at work each week -- where nothing important was ever discussed. I tried to act like I was listening to my manager talk about profits and losses or some shit. It helped me relax enough to scan the crowd. Everybody had gone through as much of a grooming ritual as I had...probably more. Perfect, pretty people. They all seemed to be having the time of their lives, throwing their heads back in laughter and kissing one another's cheeks. It seemed fake somehow. Nobody appeared to be alone. Just me....until Theresa came back with two tall drinks that were an alarming shade of blue.

"I ordered vodka tonics, but I don't think he heard me right."

"It's so goddamn loud in here. And I think this the same song that was playing when we walked in."

"Nope. It's just not your taste. Don't hold your breath waiting for some grunge or college rock."

"No kidding. Can we move somewhere quieter?"

"Sorry. It only gets louder after this. They have like fifty speakers around here. I want to move us closer to the dance floor so you pick up some tips. We're going to dance eventually." It did get noisier as worked our way through the crowd. We leaned against a railing and watched the throng of dancers. I'd look like a fool out there. I saw a guy that looked so familiar. I knew him from somewhere...no...wait. He looked like somebody famous. I guess I was staring too much because he noticed. We made eye contact. I smiled too eagerly. 

"I see you like the cute ones," Theresa said in my ear. "You have good taste."

"Doesn't he look like that one actor...the one from that movie?" 

"Could you be any more vague???" Maybe this electric blue drink was affecting me more than I thought. "He's a pretty good dancer. If he asks you out on the dance floor, just mirror him."

"I'm not dancing tonight. One more of these drinks and I will be barely able to walk." The songs never ended...they all mixed together with no seams. How did you know when to stop?

"I see some guys I know. Will you be OK here for awhile?"

"Yeah. Where are the bathrooms? I need to go."

"Directly behind you. I'll just be a few minutes." I carried my drink into the bathroom and put the glass on top of the urinal. I couldn't dare get piss on these pants or Theresa would kill me.  I was walking out just as that guy was walking in. 

"Hi. Do you know who you look like?" I was so stupid. He got nervous and looked at himself in the mirror and patted down his hair with one hand.

"Oh God. Who?"

"Kevin Costner." He really did. A young Kevin Costner. 

"Oh. Wow. No way are you serious. Is it your birthday today?"

"No. Why?"

"You're drinking a Windex. That's what people who are celebrating or want to get really drunk have."

"My friend got it for me. I think it was a mistake."

"Theresa? I doubt it was a mistake." He had a beautiful smile and nice skin. "I know who she is, but we don't know each other." We left the  men's room and emerged back into the crowd. I knew the song that was playing. It was that one about boys who like girls who like girls who like -- . Decent tune. He urged me out onto the dance floor. Oh God. I left my drink somewhere. I guess I'd had enough of it to not stress out about my dance abilities. It was natural and fun. At some point I saw Theresa watching us. Kevin Costner  put his hands on each side of my hips and pulled me a little closer. His eyes were intense. Blazing. "Don't go falling in love," I told myself.

After a the song changed, I motioned for us to please leave. I was going to introduce him to Theresa, but I didn't know his actual name and he didn't know mine. 

"I'm Matt, by the way."

"I'm Lloyd." OK. Cool. I introduced him to my girl pal, and he was thrilled to meet her. Theresa's eyes were judging and making mental notes as she smiled pleasantly.  She'd give me the scoop when we were alone. 

"Nice to meet you, Lloyd. Are you here with anybody?"

"Just my roommate. I don't know where he went."

"So he's just a roommate...not a live-in lover?" Goddamn her bluntness. 

"Hell no! Carl and I share rent and nothing else. He's kind of a bastard, but you can meet him if you want." I almost said there was no need, but Theresa quickly agreed. 

"So what's his name?"

"Carl. He's a jerk, but usually good at staking out one of the few tables they have here." Sure enough, there he was at an empty table. Something about him was so striking. Tall, dark hair and pale in an almost unhealthy way. His long bony fingers were gripping a craft beer I'd never tried. Lloyd introduced us and we all settled in a circle. I offered to get us another round and Lloyd volunteered to help me. The place was getting crowded and the music was even louder which made idle chit-chat pretty difficult. We tried to shout our drink orders at the bartender and he mostly got it right. I made sure to be extra careful that I wouldn't spill something on somebody's perfect outfit. 

Theresa and Carl didn't seem to have much to talk about so I was glad to be back.  I got the sense she didn't like Carl because she focused on Lloyd.

"Do you work or are you a student?" 

"Both. I'm a waiter at Mazzio's and also a student at Kinney Art Institute. I work with glass mostly."

"Like glass-blowing?" She was smirking on the inside. I liked drawing and cartooning, but I went to college in order to get some kind of career and some kind of life. A degree in glassblowing didn't seem like something a motivated young man would want. Maybe his family was rich. I asked Carl what he did for a living...

"I work at the same place as Lloyd, but I'm the manager. I gave college about a month before I moved on. I've done some modeling, a few movies."

"Really? Like what? Have I seen you in something?"

"Oh, forget it," Lloyd chimed in. "He won't give any details, which makes me think it was porn." Both Carl and Theresa gave me a quick look, curious as to what my reaction would be.

"Hey...whatever pays the bills. Does anybody have a cigarette?" Nobody did. I really felt the urge for one. "I'll go buy some. Is there a machine here." Carl stood up.

"Yeah. I'll show you where it is. I need one too." I followed his thin frame through the crowd. 

"Do you come here a lot, Carl?"

"No. Almost never. Lloyd comes here all the time --looking for his soul mate."

"There's no such thing. If there was, he wouldn't be here." Carl flashed me a bright smile full of perfect teeth. 

"He's just a kid...like you. But he's still Linus waiting for The Great Pumpkin." We found the cigarette machine and I pumped in a few bills. I didn't have matches. Shit. 

"You don't have a light, do you?"

"No. But they have matchbooks at the little bar near the door. C'mon." Once we got there, Carl reached into a mason jar and pulled out several of them. And found a pen. He lit the smokes for us as we settled down on the two empty stools left. "Let's do a shot before we go back...give your fag hag a chance to learn all she can about Lloyd." I watched his prominent adam's apple move up and down his throat as he puffed away. 

"So...seriously....did you do porno movies?" He didn't even blink.

"Yeah. They were trashy and from a small studio never's ever heard of. It was in San Diego. I was okay-looking and have a big dick -- and did everything."

"You're still very good-looking, Carl. Why did you stop?"

"I caught AIDS. Most dudes in porn have it, but I never once tried to hide it. I mean, why lie?" Dear God. Part of me wanted to think I didn't hear him correctly over the loud music. But, no. 

"Does Lloyd know?"

"Probably he's guessed. Nobody in my family or at the restaurant knows. I don't lie if someone asks, but I also don't tell many people.  Just certain cool guys...like you."

"I'm so not cool, Carl. I never dress like this normally. But thanks."

"We should probably get back to the table or they'll think we were doing something. Here..." He handed me two matchbooks and the pen.

"What do I need these for now?"

"Write your phone number on the inside and give it to Lloyd. He'll ask for it later anyway. On the other one write your number and your email ... for me."

I followed his instructions and gave him his while I put the one for Lloyd in my front pocket. 

"I guess we should go, Carl."

We got back to the table and saw the suspicious faces of Theresa and Lloyd. Curiosity mixed with a bit of anger. Luckily, Carl made it all better.

"We had to look forever to find matches. What did we miss?" 

Theresa relaxed and announced she was going to become a dyke. "Men don't want me, but I've gotten a few glances from lesbians. Sex is sex, right?"

"Yeah...and that's really all there is."

She leaned over to Lloyd. "He doesn't mean that...he's trying to convince himself that love isn't possible." 

"I hope it is," Lloyd said, looking right into my eyes. His knee touched mine while  Carl's hand was on my other knee. I thought my head would explode. Theresa stood up and asked Carl to dance with her so Lloyd and I could be alone for a little while. They left and there I was with this adorable guy who believed in love. He smiled at me.

"Do you work on weekends?" 

"Yeah. Carl goes in before they open, but I don't have yo be there until 11 AM. What do you do?"

"Advertising and printing. That's how I know Theresa."

"Oh yeah...she already told me that. I'm pretty buzzed right now. I don't think she likes me too much."

"She's just sexually-frustrated -- like the rest of the world."

"She for sure doesn't like Carl...told me that almost right away."


"Don't know. He can be damn unlikable at times. She sure adores you, though." I wondered what her thoughts about both of these guys were. I handed him the matchbook with my number right then because I knew I'd forget about it otherwise. He beamed.

"Here they come. Be sure to call me sometime, Lloyd."

Theresa was sweaty while Carl looked powder-dry. "Okay. I think I've burned off enough calories to justify a trip to White Castle on the way home." So I guess the evening was coming to a close. I was getting sleepy anyway. "Have a cigarette now, Matt. You can't smoke in my car." I took out one from the pack and gave one to Carl. He lit mine first and stared right into my eyes as he did it. I stared back. Aware that I was too obviously attracted to him, I turned around and gave Lloyd a wink. He smiled.

"Both my mom and dad smoke, but I never have. It looks like fun -- wish I could join you." He was so sweet. Carl's hand was on my thigh, under the table. I could be sly too...I put my hand on his as Lloyd and Theresa sat there, oblivious. "We need to go too. Carl has to wake up early and I've had too much alcohol." He hadn't. really.

"Theresa and I will meet you two out front in a minute so you two can say 'good bye'." Carl drilled his dark eyes into mine. I'd watch any crappy porn movie with him in it. We had a shared secret of desire, and that was better than any feelings of love. Lloyd was cute, but he didn't have his roommate's magnetism. We stood right outside the entrance and it felt painfully awkward. He was a good guy...I could see us going to dinner or to see a movie or a walk in the park. That, of course, would probably end up being a waste of time before the year was over.  I wish he wasn't so shy because I am too. If he would just be a little more aggressive. 

"It was so nice to meet you, Matt. Did I say that already?" Did he? I don't remember because I'd been so into Carl the whole night. I suck as a person.

"It was great meeting you too, Lloyd." We kissed for about three seconds. It didn't do much for me, didn't make my heart beat faster or anything. "Call me sometime."

"Oh. I will. I'll call you tomorrow. Do you have plans for the weekend?"  

"No. Wanna come here again?"

"Not at all. Let's just chill out at my place. Carl will be out all evening. I'll cook dinner and we can watch a movie." 

'Sounds good," I said just as Theresa and Carl came through the door. She looked eager to leave. Carl nodded and said good bye. There was nothing hidden in his gesture.

Theresa and I walked through the parking lot. "Well, I guess tonight was a big success for you, Matt. Two guys have their eye on you."

"Lloyd does, maybe. We might get together tomorrow. He even wants to cook for me."

She sighed. "He is very date-able. I can totally picture the two of you together, but..."

"But what?"

"I got to spend time alone with each of them. That Carl guy is trouble and there's just something unwholesome about him. Lloyd is cute and polite, but kind of a dud. He's mostly boring."

"Yeah. He'd make a good husband for somebody. I just didn't feel anything for him except a little affection."  We got inside her car and sat for a minute. "I did, however, find Carl very intriguing."

"I was afraid of that...and I think Lloyd did too when you both left us for so long. And I can see why you'd be drawn to him. He's got that bad boy, Damien thing going on. Did you do anything with him?"

"No! We looked around for matches and...talked a little."

"Did he give you any coke? I'm sorry, but I got a drug vibe from him. I'm no baptist or anything...I just don't want you falling for this guy."

"I already told you that I'm never going to 'fall' for anybody. The last time I thought I was in love, I got hurt." We got to my apartment building. 

"Hurt! Pffttt. Let's compare a list of hurts sometime. You're talking to someone who was called "Bratty Fatty" all through grade school...and even worse things after that." I shut up because I knew there were degrees of pain that everyone has gone through at some point in their lives. We barely said our good nights and she left. I wasn't really drunk, but I couldn't wait to crawl in bed.

I slept later than I usually do on Saturday mornings. This was the time of week when I got cleaning and shopping done, but all I wanted to do now was drink coffee and think. I got dressed  and had no sooner put my shoes on when the phone rang. It was only 10 AM. 


"Matt? Hi! It's Lloyd. I didn't wake you did I?" 

"Uh...no. Hi. What's up?"

"Not much...I'm just getting ready for work. I'm off at 5, though. Short day. Want to come over tonight?"

"Sure. Want to bring anything."

"Nope. I got everything here. Except cigarettes...bring some if you want to smoke." He gave me the address and I wrote it down. 

I went to check my computer. I'd given Carl my email address, and secretly hoped he had sent me something. Anything. He had...early, early this morning.

   Hello Matthew Kenneth Harkner:  hee hee. I did an internet search for you and didn't find anything scandalous. Shame. But I saw your company profile and almost didn't recognize you...you     looked so all-American and innocent. Just kidding. I don't mind that at all. Just makes you more fun to corrupt. Lloyd talked endlessly about you and your big date tonight. Have fun. He's a       good kid, but I wish you had met me first. I think you and I excite each other more. I think you think it too. I'm sending you some jpegs of me from my studio days as well as some that are       more recent. Enjoy and reply after you've seen everything.

I opened the file eagerly. 

pic #1: just a portrait shot with the name 'Houston Briggs" superimposed over his shoulders. It was copyrighted 'Raw Nerves, Inc.'

pic #2: a full nude body shot of him sporting a giant boner (I'd guess it was over nine inches long)

pic #3: a video still of some anonymous mouth wide open with Houston pissing in it

pic #4: another video still of him fucking some blonde guy from behind

pic #5: a close-up of his soft uncut dick with a visible '+' tattoo just above the trace of pubes

pic #6: a shot of his hard dick with watery cum running down the shaft

Damn! I had the urgent need to look at them all over again...and again. I needed to have a cigarette in the worst way. I went to the kitchen window and smoked while I thought of all the things I wanted to say in my reply. My heart was beating fast from the coffee and the nicotine and the lust. I wanted to jerk off right away. It didn't take long to come. I wouldn't remember until much later that this was the only time I'd ever masturbated in the kitchen. OK. I had to send a response and I was much calmer now. 

   Thanks, man! You are incredibly hot! Do you have any tapes of your movies? I'd love to watch every single one. From beginning to end. Yes, I think there is something between us, but I'm an           honorable man, and Lloyd and I have plans tonight as you know. It would hurt his feelings if I said "I'm into your roommate. Bye." I'd never do that. Visit my dreams sometime. ;)   Matt

I needed to call Theresa. We'd left on bad terms last night. I sometimes got too involved with my little life, that I sometimes didn't pay attention to my words. Of course she had known  about pain.  It takes a special kind of bad luck to be a chubby kid and grow up on a hog farm. I didn't ever see her as fat because I adored her so much, but I bet it was hard for her to navigate romance. 


"Hi, Hon. Can I buy you some lunch?"

"Sure. I got up early this morning to go join a gym, but I never made it out the front door. I don't own anything to wear to one of those places."

"We'll go shopping after we eat. 'The Krab Kitchen'?" 

"Fancy! You must feel really guilty. I shouldn't have gotten mad last night and snapped at you. Pick me up around noon."

So we ate and killed a few hours at the mall with no talk of love or hidden hurts or men. It was a nice afternoon, but I was sorry when it ended because that meant I had to fill the remaining time before my date with Lloyd. I wish I was excited, walking on clouds. But I was so very earthbound. Carl wouldn't be there. I'd be barely able to breathe if I was scheduled to meet up  with or even just see him. He hadn't emailed me back. Damn. I took a shower and groomed. I didn't fuss much with what to wear. I just put on what I'd wear if a relative came to visit. It was past 5 now and he was probably showering and primping too. I had almost two hours to kill so I just sat on the floor and played Nintendo. New video games had gotten way too complicated for me  and so I played old stuff like "Tetris" pr "Super Mario Brothers". I'd bought a smallish bottle of rum while out with Theresa. Time for a sip or two. 

I left the house a bit before 7. The place wasn't that far. I almost wish it was fifty miles or more away. I didn't want to be so near all this mess. It was a small house with a tidy lawn and some ornamental trees. OK. Let's get this over with. At least I'd remembered to bring cigarettes. Lloyd met me on the front porch with a wide smile. 

"You are right on time! Dinner is still cooking. Want some wine?"

I tried my best to look happy and relaxed. "Yeah. Sure. Whatever you're making smells really good." He brought me a glass of wine and an ashtray.Thank God. I needed a smoke in the worst way. The wine was pretty tasty. I sat on the sofa and took in the decor. It had to be all Lloyd's taste because it was basic and grandma-ish. If Carl had lived here alone, the walls would be red or black and there'd be weird shit on the walls. If I was really into this guy, I would have waited to smoke -- possibly all night. As it was, though....

"Did you have any trouble finding the house?"

"Not at all. Where's Carl tonight?"

"Working. He won't be home until way late. What did you think of him?" Oh, man. I had to choose my words carefully. He refilled my glass because I'd been sipping too rapidly. 

"He was nice. My friend Theresa didn't like him much."

"But you did, right? You thought he was hot?" Oh God.

"Well...he's attractive. So are you."

"Relax, Matt. This happens every time he and I go out together. Every guy I meet and talk to ends up lusting after Carl. It's the pheromones he gives off or something. I should just go by myself from now on, but we've been friends since we were kids."

"I came over tonight to see YOU, Lloyd. I thought we hit it off last night and I wanted to see you again." The oven dinged.

"The lasagna is done. I have to let it sit for a few minutes now. Want some more wine? What kind of movies do you like?"  He got up and walked to the kitchen where I couldn't see him, but we could still hear each other.

"I like horror movies mostly."

"Oh. Not me. I just can't handle scary stuff." This would never work.  "I don't even own a single horror movie. Look over at the shelf next to the TV and see if there's something there you'd like to see." He messed around in the kitchen as I looked through his collection. He seemed to have almost everything Tom Cruise had ever been in. I wasn't a fan of that midget. I settled on 'Mommie Dearest' because, even though it was bad, it was a lot of fun to watch. Lloyd brought out plates of steaming hot lasagna and some bread sticks and set it on the coffee table in front of us. He went back to get silverware, napkins and more wine. "Oh, good choice! We love that movie."

"You know...I've never seen an actual movie Joan Crawford was in. I keep meaning to,"

"I have. She's epic." The food was good, but I was still a little full from all the snow crab legs I had for lunch. I ate enough to be polite, but finally had to stop. 

"It was so good, but I guess I ate too much at lunch. I'm full."

"No worries. I'll send some home with you to eat tomorrow. Carl doesn't eat much either, which is why he's so skinny." At least I still had room for more wine. 

"Want some help cleaning up?"

"No. I'll just throw everything in the dishwasher and deal with it later." After he left the couch, I lit up a cigarette. I'd seen this movie too many times. We were at the part where Chrsitina Crawford wouldn't eat the rare steak she was served. "What the HELL??," Lloyd said loudly. "Carl just came home. He wasn't supposed to come back until after midnight...at the earliest. Fuck!" I was excited and scared. I would see the living person behind the porn pics I'd just looked at this morning. And then there he was, grimacing and limping.

"Hi. Matt. Sorry to interrupt your evening. I'll just go straight to my bedroom and close the door." Lloyd looked very pissed-off.

"What happened? I thought you worked until closing."

"Brenda spilled some grease in the kitchen and I slipped in it. I might have broken my ankle." My little brother had broken his ankle as a kid when he fell out of our tree house. They had to do surgery even. 

"Lloyd and I will take you to the E.R." 

"Hell NO. I'm not spending Saturday night in a waiting room with a bunch of dying people. I'll see how it is in the morning. Enjoy your evening, fellows."

"No. Sit down and take your shoe off."

"Oh God no!," Lloyd said with a laugh,"nobody wants to smell or see those hobo feet."

"Shut up, bitch. He's trying to help." He looked down at me as I knelt on the floor in front of him. He put one foot up on the ottoman and asked me to unlace his dress shoes for him.  I carefully removed his left shoe and sock. There wasn't a bad smell at all, but his foot was  big, sort of ugly and his nails probably should have trimmed a few weeks ago, but his ankle looked normal and not all injured. No swelling or bruising that I could see. 

"It doesn't see broken, Carl. Can you move it sideways of up and down?"

"No. I don't want to try because it'll hurt too much."  I touched parts of the ankle  and asked if he felt pain. 

"I think you might just have a sprain...or a tiny fracture at worst."

The room got quiet. "Well, thanks, Dr. Matt."

I felt stupid just being on the floor so I got up and went back to where I was sitting.  Lloyd refilled our glasses and asked Carl if he wanted some.

"Just bring me the bottle. I've got another bottle down in the crisper drawer." The energy in the room felt weird, but we all sipped and watched the end of the movie. Then it get even more strange and quiet. 

Carl looked over at Lloyd. "He has a good heart. I think Matt's too nice a guy for us."  Us?

"I told you. He thinks you're hot, though." It felt like there was a secret that I wasn't being let in on. 

"Yeah...but I am not feeling good about this now. Tell him."


"What's going on?" I felt my face get hot with embarrassment. I was somehow feeling like a fool.

"We lied to you about some things...and left out information. Carl and I have been a couple for several years -- and we're both HIV+. But we're into lots of kinky stuff and love to play with strangers. Since I'm more approachable than he is and he's more attractive, I find young guys to bring home for him...and me. The clueless ones are the easiest." No way was this really happening to me.

"So I looked like an idiot to you?" I was angry and scared at the same time. 'I'm a fool, now??!"

"Not at all, Matt. A little naive, maybe, but you're definitely not a fool. If we thought that about you, Carl would still have a broken ankle and I'd be trying to get you in my bed...and then you'd sneak into his room."

"I can't believe this shit! You two ought to be in prison!"

"Probably," said Carl. "But I saw how caring you were now and how concerned. Nobody has ever been that way with me....not even that jack-off sitting next to you."

Lloyd was in crisis mode. "We can all be friends and just party for a while. Or you can go home and we'll never bug you again."

"I'm a little too buzzed to drive." I was taking stock of the situation. What was I going to do next? I'd let them guess and be in the dark for a minute.

"You can crash on the couch. It's a great sleeping couch...and we won't come near you. We both work early tomorrow anyway.

I had the power now. I could take over the narrative at this point. I hated admitting to myself that I was wildly turned on, but wanted to hide it a little longer. "Put another movie in and let's finish the wine." I lit up a cigarette and let them wonder what I was planning.  I guess the fact that I didn't leave in a huff was already pretty telling. Lloyd shrugged and started scouting for something to watch.

"Carl? Do you have any horror movies in your bedroom? Matt likes those." Carl scooted away and returned a few minutes later with a tape. 

"I found something he might like more," he said with a grin. Of course it was one of his old porn videos. 

"Wow, he's really pushing his luck," I thought.

"Oh Lord, Carl. Not that one. It's so cheap-looking and plus the sound sucks. Get the one where you're the limo driver."

"No. This is the important one. Remember?"

"Oh yeah. I forgot."  The opening music was a terrible electronic version of every porn theme you've ever heard. At the time, though, I'd never seen a gay porn video until right at that moment. I tried so desperately to keep cool, but waves of embarrassment washed over me. It was called something really lame like 'Firm On the Farm'. And there was Houston Briggs (Carl) wearing a cowboy hat and jeans with no shirt. He was carrying a bale of hay and he was supposed to look sweaty, but it was obviously body oil of some sort. Younger Carl was bulkier and more tan than the current version. As much as I tried to seem casual, I'm sure my eyes were open very wide. So in comes another actor who I guess was supposed to be the boss farmer.

"Lex Colton. He looks so butch in this, but he was a major queen." I looked over at at Carl who had taken his other shoe and sock off and untucked his shirt. "Not a nice guy either. He would have made a great top, but he always refused. Bottoms make more money than tops." I would have guessed it to be the other way around.  There was dialog, but you couldn't really make out what they were saying because the audio was so crappy. And then Houston was naked and stroking his huge boner. Lex sucked it and seemed to really enjoy it. It was sloppy in a hot sort of way. At the end of the scene, the boss got huge wads of cum sprayed on his face. Wow. 

"That's a fake shot. I really did cum on him, but it didn't 'read' on film. So they had him kneel there again while somebody off camera shot a squirt gun full of egg whites at his face. I wasn't even there that day." Carl made a few more comments about the scene, but I remember being profoundly disappointed that the huge blob of sperm wasn't real.  Carl came over and sat on the other side of me and took control of the remote. "We need to fast-forward a little. All the dudes in it were so bad and most of them have probably O.D'd  by now. OK. Watch this next scene carefully...it's one of the few times I ever bottomed. What can I say? -- rent was due." 

I paid careful attention. There had to be a reason he'd said it was 'important'. A really large darker-skinned man approached Houston outside of a barn. He was shirtless as well. 

"That's Aldo. He told me was Puerto Rican. We ended up dating a little after the movie was over." On screen,they traded blow jobs and then Aldo fucked him from behind. No condom, but lots of lubricant from somewhere. It was hot, but got monotonous after a few minutes. "This scene was short over the course of two hours because he kept losing his woody. But wait a few seconds. It was a close-up shot of Aldo's bare ass pumping vigorously into Houston. He was a vocal top and never stopped 'shit' and 'fuck'. "Right there! See how he pauses and squeezes his ass together? And then just keeps going? He'd already shot his load inside of me, but then a few minutes later, he claims he can't cum and is losing his boner. The director told him to take a break." Wow. I was having a hard time wrapping my brain around all of this. "Not many poz guys get the moment they were bugged on tape."


























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Now I’m sitting here with a roaring hard on slick with spit and precum waiting for the next part of the story. Love it.

  • 1 month later...
On 12/1/2017 at 8:42 AM, swrdswlr said:

Now I’m sitting here with a roaring hard on slick with spit and precum waiting for the next part of the story. Love it.

When leaving such a post as this, you are expected to also provide visual aids!! LOL


My IMMEDIATE reaction to part 1, OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think that since Toon chose to make this a 2 parter, I will put my initial comments from part 1 here as well. Yes, some of my thoughts will be on a personal note and the person will know why. I apologize if it bores others reading these.

I am almost always the 1st or 2nd to reply to any of Toon's posted stories. I apologize for being soooooooo late with this. He knows why and I hope he understands. I think he does.

This so far has thrown me back into the beginning of my very favorite decade, the 80's. I graduated HS in 82. All you twinks are probably wondering what life was like way back then. Well, this so far is the true epitome' of some of my experiences. Grew up in a very, very small rural Alabama town. Had 3 red lights (still only has 3). So, my "exposure" to the gay world was almost nill to say the least. My best friends were the 4 only other gay people I knew of in the entire county. They were all older but not but by 3 or 4 years. And, as per Toon's description, my 1st "love" tore me up emotionally! I thought that since he had kissed me a few times and fucked me, that we were well on our way to coupledom (there was NO marriage back then).  Even though he was 10 yrs my senior, married, with 2 kids, I just knew that, somehow, that would work itself out and we would grow old together, fucking our brains out with no one the wiser. 2 years later, when I finally allowed the truth to set in (he had started seeing our chemistry professor from Jr college-now that's a hum dinger of a story in itself), I was beyond devastated!! I never knew a person's heart could hurt so bad and you still be alive! I cried almost constantly. Family thought I was suicidal but had no idea why (and I was, just too damn chicken to follow thru). When I could finally put "rational" thought together, I was convinced that love was a joke word that some asshole had invented as a cruel, hurtful joke. It was merely a fallacy and could not exist in the real world.

Back to Unforseen. The Edge. Almost exactly describes one of my favorite clubs in Birmingham. B'ham is 100 miles from my hometown but close enough to go and come in a night, a long night, but. Back then, I had to have a fake ID to get into clubs. Yes twinks, there really was such a thing as "fake IDs". You had to order them from ads in magazines. Mostly comic books actually. You sent them your recent pic and then you waited forty forevers watching the mail so no one would get said mail except you. I am positive that in reality, the ID was easily known to doormen as fake but, who is going to turn away a (then) hot little 16 year old new meat??? I got in everywhere I went. You would work for a couple hours on your appearance for the night. Don't believe me? Look up some old American Bandstand clips on YT from the early 80's. God it was GREAT then!! Actually meeting other humans in person! Dancing to impress as well as to have fun! Interacting face-to-face with "potentials" and "props". OMG!!!! Yes, I would re-live those days again in a nanosecond! 

What's astonishing to me is that here Toon seems to have thiefted a few memories of mine right from the vaults of my youth. I too had several nights out when I would have one guy flirting, touching, on one side while another was doing the same on the other! I even swapped numbers (on matchbook covers no less) right under the noses of others. One night, I was out, got up the courage to give this GOD my number, got a napkin and pen from a bartender, name and number and bar, I followed him to the restroom. It was wicked hot and throw in dancing to nearly every song, most of us guys were literally soaking wet. As he starts to come out of the restroom, I handed him the napkin. What does he do? Wipes his forehead and throws it on the floor!!!!!!!!!!!!! I grabbed him and said, "asshole, my name and number was on there" and walked away. Well, I did stay a second long enough to see the hurt in his eyes. I got several "apology" drinks sent via bartenders the rest of the night and as me and my friends were leaving (yes, I had "picked up" a guy), he followed me outside and gave me a napkin with his info and apology. Guess what? We were together almost 4 years. I even moved from Bham to Tuscaloosa so we could live together.

Toon threw in an incredible twist here and I was NOT expecting this at all. SHOCKER!!!! Having Carl and Lloyd be a couple!!!! DAMN!!! Never occurred to me and what a great, unprecedented surprise. At first, I am really hurt for Matt. I can so easily (as Toon makes me do)put myself into Matt's person, so, I can see and feel what Matt feels! Drunk or not, I am pretty sure I would have kicked someone's ass good and left. With plans of somehow making sure everyone in town would have known they "strategy"!!! But, taking a moment to assess the situation, back in my youth of the 80's, I think I would have played along. The chance at bedding TWO hot men, either separate or better, as a 3-way!!!! Oh hell yeah. Now, I would do it definitely but for a totally different reason! Double my chances of getting pozzed!!! I hope at least Carl is unmedicated, better still, BOTH be unmedicated.

Toon, 1-4-3!!!! and I am LOVING where you have brought us and I am looking forward to hitting over to part 2!!!!

Never forget!!!!

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