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At what age did you first ejaculate?

Guest Porthos

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I actually had no interest in playing with my dick until one random day when I was 11. I guess I was horny without knowing what that means cause I had never felt this urge before this moment. I was feeling a certain kind of way and got onto my brother's bed on my knees and just started to piss on his comforter. It felt exciting and fun and naughty. I guess one thing led to another and I instinctively started playing with my dick until all of a sudden I felt myself ejaculate. Not piss, but cum. I had no idea what it was. But I knew I wanted to keep doing it.


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I had my first orgasm when I was 4 or 5. I got in trouble at daycare because I would rub myself off on the floor, and they had to teach me never do that shit. After that I would do it mostly watching TV by myself or in bed. I don't remember the exact age, maybe 11 or 12, but I went home after a family vacation where I couldn't get off at all. Like 4 days of no playing. The moment I got to my room alone, I got off and completely filled my underwear with cum. I was like what the fuck is this??

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  • 2 months later...
11 minutes ago, Willing said:

And still can't stop👄

My cousins dog was licking my little weiner and it went off, he enjoyed it and so did I, I let him lick my mouth out , don't know if anyone  reading this has had a dog lick your mouth out, but its so hot and their tongue is so long,  licking on my tonsils  is hot, and yes was a "cock" er spaniel,  lol

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I was probability 11 or 12 when I had my first wet dream. I thought I'd wet in my sleep. but it was sticky. This went on for several years until 15 or so when I was playing with myself and was started feeling real good and suddenly ejaculated on my stomach. That started me jacking off any time I could get time by myself. I still didn't know much about sex, but it felt real good.

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I remember playing with my cock when I was around 5 or 6 and feeling intense waves coursing through my body. I didn't know what was happening, but I did know it had something to do with my penis. 

Jump to being ten and discovering porn, I started rubbing myself, just knowing my cock was central to the best feeling possible. I'd always stop before cumming, almost afraid of what would happen.

At twelve I was in the bathroom jerking off, sensing something incredible and intense was going to happen, but instead of stopping, I kept going and shot my load all over the floor. I had no idea what had just happened, and I was scared for a while. However, I was instantly addicted to the rush an orgasm brings, and I've been jerking off at least twice a day ever since. 

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I owe it all to my 13 year old friend I had when I was 8. He got me started by making me swallow him , I was 8 and so under his control,  it was his hut on the powerline he and his dad built,  we all went to church together and always ended up back at waynes house after church.  On Sunday morning I'd ask my parents. Are we going to the Johnsons after church? If they said yes I knew wayne would have me and his younger sister in the hut 🛖 

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I had my first orgasms when I was about 11. I had started jacking off by then and, sitting at the back of the classroom,  I and a couple of friends used to jack off under the desks during lessons. I didn't start producing cum until I was about 13.

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