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PAP Smear

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Recently i went to a new Dr. who specializes in LGBT clientele....During the conversation he asked my sexual preference, told him I am Gay, he asked do i bottom or top..I told him im a bottom...he then recommended that I get a PAP Smear...has anyone else experienced this? I thought PAP Smear's were for women...

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12 hours ago, headnurse20 said:

That's ridiculous. A pap smear is when they collect cervical cells to screen for cervical cancer. 

Not ridiculous at all. Anal pap smears are the male equivalent to women pap smears. We all get HPV when we get fucked raw and it can develop into cancer in some rare cases. With anal pap smears they can easily asses if there are any precancerous cells in there or not. 

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On 7/13/2018 at 3:05 PM, PozCubBtm said:

Recently i went to a new Dr. who specializes in LGBT clientele....During the conversation he asked my sexual preference, told him I am Gay, he asked do i bottom or top..I told him im a bottom...he then recommended that I get a PAP Smear...has anyone else experienced this? I thought PAP Smear's were for women...

There's the cervix pap smears for women, and there's the anal pap smear for men who get it up the butt. When we get fucked raw we universally get infected with HPV. It goes away on its own usually, but in some rare cases it stays in your ass and can turn into cancer. Anal pap smears are an easy an effective way to check what's the state of the cells that the swab scrapes off from your butt. If results are abnormal, you are usually refered to do an HRA, a High Resolution Anascopy where they take a look at the inside of your anal area with more care and maybe they do biopsies to do pathology. By all means, do this test. 

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  • 1 month later...
On 7/15/2018 at 3:55 AM, rawfuckr said:

There's the cervix pap smears for women, and there's the anal pap smear for men who get it up the butt. When we get fucked raw we universally get infected with HPV. It goes away on its own usually, but in some rare cases it stays in your ass and can turn into cancer. Anal pap smears are an easy an effective way to check what's the state of the cells that the swab scrapes off from your butt. If results are abnormal, you are usually refered to do an HRA, a High Resolution Anascopy where they take a look at the inside of your anal area with more care and maybe they do biopsies to do pathology. By all means, do this test. 

more info:



I have anal Pap smears annually because I have HVP from bottoming. My last one had a few non-cancerous cells and required a biopsy to remove them and to ensure they do not become cancerous. It’s very important to do this to prevent anal cancer! 

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  • 3 years later...
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I get them regularly as well.  Similar situtation as above...my sexual health doctor did a whole thing my first visit about sexual preferences and what-not.  I was a bit embarrassed talking about this (it was a lady doctor, and I'm not exactly accustomed to going into this type of stuff with women, being a gay man and all).  But after that, this has become a regular occurrence for me as well.  Haven't had anything found so far, but it's important to keep tabs on it - especially as I get older.  

By all means, if you're offered a pap smear...do it.  Better to know and have something done about it, then find out about it much later when it's a more serious issue.

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  • 2 months later...

I asked my Dr. about it a couple of years ago and he said he didn't know anything about them. He told me that he would ask the resident gynecologist about it and get back to me later. Found out after a couple days that, while male pap smears are a thing, they don't actually do that at my clinic. Turned out my issue was just a hemorrhoid, and it cleared up after using proctosol for a week. I realize that I'm going to have to get a pap smear eventually, though I'm not sure where to go or how to even get a referral.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/6/2022 at 5:05 PM, BttmH said:

I asked my Dr. about it a couple of years ago and he said he didn't know anything about them. He told me that he would ask the resident gynecologist about it and get back to me later. Found out after a couple days that, while male pap smears are a thing, they don't actually do that at my clinic. Turned out my issue was just a hemorrhoid, and it cleared up after using proctosol for a week. I realize that I'm going to have to get a pap smear eventually, though I'm not sure where to go or how to even get a referral.

Yearly anal pap smears at your primary care physician is now standard of care for gay men who have receptive condomless anal sex. It's just a cottom swab up your ass, once a year, and can save a lot of trouble down the road. I understand most doctor practices are completely ignorant of this matter (they may not have many gay patients) so until it's standard we all have to make the extra effort to inform people this is important.

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  • 6 months later...

I just wanted to bring this to more attention. I got my anal PAP 3 months ago - but unfortunately had to get a high resolution anoscopy. Required me to travel to the big city to get this done. 

They were able to find two precancerous lesions. Honestly, I was shocked I had precancerous cells. I’m young (30 yo), healthy male. 

I would suggest that on your next visit, please ask your doctor about Anal PAP! It doesn’t hurt. 

[think before following links] https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/treatment-tests-and-therapies/anoscopy-high-resolution-anoscopy

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My doctor has me get both anal swabs and throat swabs done every six months as part of the routine testing for STD's. I wasn't aware of it myself but learned about it after he had explained it to me. He also told me that there are some diseases that show up in those areas before they hit the blood or before you develop symptoms. He also told me that some people can have an STD and have no symptoms for a while, but that these tests can detect it before it shows itself.

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I’m a definite proponent of all guys having this procedure done. My Dr. orders this test every time I come in for health screening….not only does it find things early, treat problems before they become serious, but it feels good having it done. My Dr. is a very handsome man. Love dropping my pants and undies, bend over and expose my hole for him to swab. Especially love it when he fingers me to check my prostate and interior of my ass for bumps and lesions. So far, my anal paps have come out with good results. 

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On 7/14/2018 at 1:05 AM, PozCubBtm said:

he then recommended that I get a PAP Smear...has anyone else experienced this?

Hi! I had troubles with HPV for several years. Make that Smear! There are high and low risc HPV. Good to know if you have HPV and if so— which strains. You should also think of the vaccine. It doesn’t protect you from the HPV strain(s) you already have (if so) but from all the others. And there exist several high risc that might cause cancer.


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