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General observation


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To clarify, I have never done chems of any sort except for the odd snort of poppers, not even tried weed/grass/marijuana.

However I have gradually worked my way through the stories in this forum and whilst I found some to be OTT (yes know it is fiction), I have found others to be as hot as hell and lost a few loads accordingly.

BUT generally I found the further back I went, that a lot of the older stories did not end which left me hanging wondering what the fuck was going to happen next.

So have the older stories had chapters dropped due to what - age maybe? Or have the authors just chosen to end their stories that way (suppose we will never have an answer to that question).

But it has been an enjoyable hot journey (in most cases) reading the authors "babies".

Thank you to you all

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Guest grubbysubby
55 minutes ago, Sfmike64 said:

Writing a story can be difficult...sometimes you just run out of ideas or time.....

Agreed - sometimes you just run out of steam!

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With all due respect for your observation, why not try your hand--so to speak--at writing?  Writing is definitely not for the timid nor is it for the lazy which I am confident that you are neither since you raise a valid point.  I've made my own contributions and strongly believe that anyone can produce a solid, enticing, and exciting tale or tales.

To the end that older stories were left unfinished, I have never found a story unfinished.  Tales that get to be aged and left open-ended get "completed" in my own mind.  I design my own ending for each.  Why waste a good set of words when I can mentally finish the story and bring it to a happy ending.

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