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Differences between US and UK lingo


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I got to thinking, there are a lot of cool UK barebackers on here, and I've been wondering, what are the differences in lingo between the US and the UK when it comes to sex?

As George Bernard Shaw said, we are two nations divided by a common language.

Easy ones that come to mind:

Ass (USA)

Arse (UK)

What else?

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Spunk is a traditional British word ( perhaps less common in the U.S. ). Hiney isn't used in the British Isles and fanny means a ( female ) cunt/vagina here. Americans who start talking about fannies in the U.K. might get some shocked reactions, but most Brits realise that it means arse/ass in the U.S. The most common British terms for testicles are balls or bollocks. Nads ( short for gonads ) is common here too. I guess nuts is more common in America. Bollocks is derived from "ballocks" - literally small balls. The original ballocks or ballicks pronunciation is common in Northern Ireland. Pish is the traditional word for piss in northern Britain and Ireland. Shite is the traditional word for shit in northern Britain and Ireland. I guess shit is standard in the U.S. Bum is a common and inoffensive word for arse here.

If I can think of any more I'll let you know.

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Yes POZseedNbreed. It's odd that some sex words are seen as more offensive than others. Other common or historical British names for cock arranged in rough order of offensiveness are: winkle, cod, willy, John Thomas, yard, charley, lad, trouser snake, todger/tadger,dick and cock. Cod and yard haven't been used much since 1900, but cod gave rise to the term "cod piece" - a usually padded piece of genital covering that protruded through the tunic of medieval men. Henry VIII's portraits feature some obviously padded ones. The names of childhood such as "winkle" seem to cause least offence socially.

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Other common British names for cock are: prick, tool and member ( although member is rather old fashioned now ). "Family jewels" is a term for the cock & balls together. For those who are interested, a google image search on Henry VIII should bring up portraits which feature his padded cod piece protruding from between his thighs.

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There are alot of 'English' words the brits use that should have a common meaning with the yanks but don't.

I can look at a British news paper and not understand the headlines. I think.... "mmm, I understand each individual word but when combined, the headline makes no sense.

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Thanks, sub-cumhole for the Brit/American synonyms. I used to have a British fb who was always "spunking up my arse".

Some other terms I remember: shag, shagging (UK) = fuck, fucking (US)

snog = kiss/hug

wick = dick

He also liked to call me his "towrag" which I think meant something like "cumdump". Sub-cumhole, can you help translate?

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To sub-cumhole: Thx for the Brit meaning of toe rag, and the correct spelling. That makes sense to me. In our role playing, I have always been his slave, so maybe he meant it in the sense that I was his "bootlicker" or more endearingly "cock cleaner".

After he would breed me, he'd order me to clean his cock which I lovingly did. I'm pretty sure he called me a "toe rag" some of those times which I took to mean "cumdump". He probably meant "cock cleaner" . Again, two countries divided by a common language.

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It's not just sexual terms that can mar communication. Brits are fond of referring to someone as "sorted" - which I gather is roughly a way of saying "has a good head on his shoulders". There are other personality terms like this that can really throw off international personal ads.

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Another one is 'tosser' or 'tossing off' someone. In the U.S. it's more about eating ass, but a tosser is the same as a wanker in the UK... someone jerking off or jerking someone off, plus the non-literal meanings like 'tossing each other off' as in celebrating too early and too casually.

There's also "taking the piss" or 'taking the piss out of (someone)" which is making fun of (not always in a nice way) or insulting someone.

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