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love having my scrotum inflated with saline. makes my cocklet disappear and become more of an oversized clit.  Almost a form of chastity, makes it hard to jack off.  Makes me feel owned, the top modifying me to please himself, making me focus more on my cunt and the hole that i am, and a freak sub bottom.

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Daddy’s Cuntboy Part 9 

I watched Daddy walk towards us.  Holding the shard packed pipe, he lit it up and took some hits.  “Get cuntboy’s jock off puppy,” Daddy smiled handing him a knife.  “No need to release his restraints, he’s got plenty of ‘em. ”   

“MMMMM...” puppy moaned... flashing an evil grin, he pulled on my straining wet pouch and cut the straps at bottom... releasing my cock and balls.  “Shit yeah!!” I yelled feeling my balls hit my pumped up cunt lips.  I moaned.  My hungry cunt lips pulsed...attempting to suck them inside of me.  Exhaling a cloud, Daddy chuckled... I saw that smile... a new thought had entered his mind...and he gave me a wink.  I bucked...  “Careful cuntboy,” puppy ordered, holding the knife to the waistband and cut it off me.  Puppy wiped the remnants of my jockstrap on my body... soaking up my sweat and dropped it on my pecs.  Immediately, I looked back up to the mirror.  There I was, even more exposed with no jockstrap... Puppy grabbed hold of my cock and balls, moving them aside, completely revealing my cunt.  As Daddy cranked up the bottom half of the sling, I studied my cunt lips... the first guiche ring now partially obscured by the puffiness the rosebud pumper had created.  “Looks good cuntboy,” puppy said approvingly.  “I got four years on you... but damn..” 

“Fucking spun out cuntboy...” Daddy grinned, putting the newly repacked pipe to my lips and fired up the torch.  I inhaled deeply, keeping my eyes locked on Daddy.  “Give it to me, cuntboy...” Daddy ordered.  “Feed me thoses thick white clouds...”  I groaned, seeing the white trail escaping my mouth and snaking into his... he kissed me.  Dropping on all fours, puppy yelled, “AWWW FUCK...” and arched his back exposing his thick cunt lips.  Pulling away from me, Daddy smiled, “Shit yeah...” and walked over to puppy handing him the pipe and torch.  “Light up puppy...” Daddy laughed.  After puppy took a few hits, Daddy fell to one knee and pulled those beautiful dripping cunt lips to his mouth... blowing the smoke into his wet dripping cunt. Feeling the warmth of the cloud fill his cunt, puppy gasped.   

Rising, Daddy grabbed the pipe and torch.  “Have some more cuntboy...” Daddy ordered... holding it to my waiting mouth.  Satisfied after I took a few more hits, Daddy set down the pipe.  Staring at sweat soaked jockstrap, Daddy sneered, “Puppy! COME!”  as he pointed down to the floor directly in front of him.  Reaching Daddy, puppy moaned, his head bent forward and began worshipping the black leather boots in front of him.  “SIT!” Daddy commanded...puppy sat back on his haunches.  ”Shit yeah!” I exclaimed... seeing my alpha lost in total control by Daddy.  “Good boy.” Placing the leash on puppy’s collar, Daddy patted his head and grabbed the yellow jockstrap and pushed it into puppy’s mouth.  “There ya go boy, taste your cuntboy’.”  Growling, puppy bit down on the wet material and turned to me... showing me that, although he was my alpha, we were both Daddy’s property.  “Fucking cunt!  I yelled, acknowledging I was nothing but a cunt to Daddy and puppy. 

“COME!...” Daddy pulled on the leash and led puppy next to my legs.  “SIT!...” Daddy walked over to the shelves and puppy began to whimper.  I couldn’t understand...puppy had never acted like this before.  Daddy reached over to one of the tubs of lube stacked on the shelf...only this one had a black X on it...and took a handful.  He turned...holding a black silicone puppy tail. His left hand, smeared in the lube, held the 8” plug...fingers wrapped around the narrow base as his right hand moved up and down the foot-long upright tail.  As Daddy neared, a muffled growl came from puppy... “PRESENT CUNT!” Daddy demanded as he bent down and began working puppy’s cunt lips.  “GRRRR!” puppy growled, feeling Daddy’s lubed up hand stretching out his cunt lips allowing the plug easy access to his cunt.  Slapping my alpha’s ass, Daddy pushed the plug in and puppy yelped.  Turning around, puppy instinctually remained on his hands and knees...or should I say paws... his throbbing cunt lips causing his tail to wag.  His entire body posture had changed... his back arched... legs slightly spread due to the plug now pushing against the walls of his cunt.  Puppy stared me down with those pitch black pupils, tightly grasping my jock in his teeth... saliva dripping from his chin. “That lube’s full of crystal cuntboy,” Daddy explained, “puppy goes into his own head when he feels that burn in his cunt.”   I lay there taking in the sight... my alpha had transformed into a fucking animal! 

Ordering puppy to stay, Daddy stood between my legs.  Pulling my ball sack and gently squeezing, he smiled. “The first time I saw your balls, I knew what I wanted for you.”  I moaned... my sack was always a source of pride.  My balls hung down low... my left ball dangled below my cockhead as the right gently rested on the left one.  I remember strutting through the locker room in high school.  The guys would try not to look but I would catch them sneaking a quick look...some of them a bit longer than others...  Releasing my sack, Daddy pulled over a metal stand and hung a saline bag on it, “Don’t worry cuntboy, you’re not the first I’ve done this on,” he reassure me, “You’ll be fine... more than fine. Your sack is perfect.  I’ve got a couple of 250ml bags of saline and we’ll see how it goes after the first.”  After putting on gloves, Daddy tore open the packaging of a swab.  Lifting my sack, Daddy gently began massaging my balls.  “Aww shit!,” I moaned as I felt the coolness of the antiseptic against the skin of my sack.  He smiled... releasing the flow lock on the IV tube, clearing the line and needle of any air.  Stopping the flow, Daddy looked at me, “Ready cuntboy?  Ready for some fucking bull balls?”  “Do it Daddy!” I begged, “Fucking do it!” I inhaled as the needle entered my sack above my balls.  Securing it, he released the needle and resumed the flow.  After a moment, I noticed a dull burning sensation inside my sack.  I groaned... not from any pain... but from knowing that I was evolving...   

Taking off the gloves, Daddy tossed them into the garbage.  “Relax cuntboy and let the saline do its job,” Daddy told me as he handed me the pipe for another hit.  Taking the pipe, Daddy walked over to the bed and settled back against the headboard.  Daddy took another hit as he held his cock, “Puppy come!”  Immediately, puppy scrambled over... tail wagging wildly...and jumped between Daddy’s legs.  “Who’s a good boy?!” Daddy laughed, “Release!” as he playfully held puppy’s face and pulled the yellow pouch out of his mouth.  Holding the soaked material, Daddy grabbed puppy’s jock pouch and shoved the yellow mass inside... creating an even bigger bulge.  Pushing puppy’s mouth onto his hard cock, Daddy playfully asked, “Whadda think boy?  You want a fucking huge sack too?” Puppy barked.  ”Fuck yeah!“ I responded for my alpha... imagining myself worshipping puppy’s massive sack.  Grabbing his head, Daddy pushed puppy down to his balls, “With all this talk of balls... work on mine for a while boy.”  Puppy moaned as his tongue began lapping on Daddy’s full balls.  “Fuck yeah... lap up that sweaty crotch.” Daddy moaned, “You like that don’t you?  Yeah... fucking pup pig...” Puppy went wild... 

As I watched puppy servicing Daddy, I’d occasionally look up... watching the fluid draining from the bag through the tube and into my sack...  At first, I couldn’t tell the difference, but after a bit, it began to show.  The feeling of increasing weight, pressure and size was indescribable!  My sack began to expand.  Once I could feel my sack stretching, I couldn’t take my eyes off it.  After a while, I growled as I witnessed my sack had grown to the size of a baseball.  My balls still hung down due to my low hangers but now they were engulfed in pool of saline forming a large hanging mass.  Seeing the results, Daddy remarked, “Fuck yeah... cuntboy... I think that’s good for now.  Whadda ya think puppy?  You like cuntboy’s new look?” Daddy teased as he left the bed, leading puppy by his leash and stood between my knees admiring his handiwork.  Daddy held my sack examining it... playing with the weight and feel as he removed the needle.    

Daddy began undoing my wrist restraints, “OK cuntboy, time for you to see the results.” he said tossing another yellow swimmer jock on my pecs and released my ankles.  I slowly climbed off the sling... feeling the motion of my heavy sack swinging between my legs and hitting my thighs.  Glancing over to the corner mirror, I let out a long breath.  “Go on cuntboy,” Daddy encouraged, “Take a look at yourself.”  I walked over to the mirror, getting a full-length view of myself.  I spread my legs and began to swing my pendulous balls around.  I growled...amazed at what I had become.  I felt the weight of the saline pulling my sack even further away from my body and I was hypnotized... I couldn’t look away.   

There I was!  Daddy’s cuntboy... I scooped up my balls in both hands... feeling the weight and girth.  I wanted this... “Thank you Daddy!” I groaned... looking at his face reflected in the mirror.  “Get that jock on cuntboy.” Daddy laughed.  Stepping into the jockstrap, I watched the yellow material stretch to its limits as I pulled the waistband up over my huge bulge.  I stood there examining myself in the mirror... my full pouch nestled in my cupped hands. The pouch now barely concealed my cock...let alone my entire sack.  I turned around... seeing Daddy standing there... taking me in... I smiled. 

“DROP CUNTBOY!” Daddy yelled.  I hesitated for a bit from the change in his demeanor, but I went down on all fours and turned around... presenting my cunt.  “Good cuntboy...” Daddy smiled, “Your instincts are kicking in... but you’re still hesitating.”  In this position, I could see myself in the mirror... Daddy standing, arms crossed and legs spread, next to puppy with the leash in his hand behind me.  Then I caught sight of my yellow bulge hanging between my legs... my hips moved causing the pouch to swing.  

“Let’s go boy,” Daddy ordered, leading puppy.  Hearing Daddy’s gravelly voice, I snapped out of it and watched Daddy bring puppy right beside me.  “RELEASE!” Daddy commanded and puppy let the soaked yellow jock out of his mouth...dropping it on the floor.  “CUNTBOY, TAKE THAT JOCK...FUCKING TAKE IT!” Daddy yelled.  I immediately grabbed it with my mouth, knowing I didn’t have permission to get up.  My lips began pulling in the material and I inhaled as much as I could...tasting the fluids that it had absorbed and holding it in my teeth.  The taste was fantastic...a mixture of my body’s sweat and puppy’s saliva.  I started to suck on it, swallowing the moisture.  Satisfied, Daddy released puppy’s leash and grabbed the knife.  Holding the red waistband, Daddy cut the band and straps...the red jock dropped to the floor... releasing puppy’s pulsing cock from its confines.  “What do ya think cuntboy? You like my dog...” Daddy teased.  All I could do was let out a loud moan as my hips started rocking back and forth... offering my cunt. 

“SIK ‘em, puppy!” Daddy ordered... puppy scrambled to my cunt and began lapping.  A loud moan escaped his mouth as he fed on my cunt juices.  I pushed back... wanting to feel his tongue inside my cunt.  Daddy stood there... intensely watching his raging pup consume my cunt.  Suddenly, I felt puppy’s paws on my back... his forelimbs locked around my shoulders...  He took hold of the nape of my neck with his teeth as I felt his cockhead at my cunt.  I grunted... trying not to release the jockstrap in my mouth.  I felt the total weight of my alpha on top of me.  “Looks like you’re about to be cunted,” Daddy laughed.  In one fell swoop, puppy thrust his cock into my dripping cunt as his jaws kept me pinned.  I bucked... trying to take every inch of that cock inside me.  “Fucking good boys,” Daddy muttered as he took in the sight of my assault...watching the sweat pouring from our bodies.  I had never been fucked like this before... it was primal.  The pounding of my cunt continued as the wet slapping sound of puppy’s torso against my back filled the room.  I could feel this tit rings and harness roughly rubbing against my back.  My cunt lips milked puppy’s fat cock... until I felt it begin to tense.  My cunt muscles instinctively clenched, holding onto the throbbing cock as I felt a warm rush of cum feeding me.  “AWWW FUUUCK!” puppy exclaimed as he fell on my back.  We remained like that for awhile...almost as if we were knotted... Grabbing his cock, Daddy released a stream of piss onto puppy’s face, “DISMOUNT!” he yelled.   

Climbing off me, puppy took a final lap of my cunt, returned to his position next to me and moved his piss covered face to mine.  Taking a bite of the jock in my mouth, he grunted and began pulling it into his mouth as I released it.  “Cuntboy...” Daddy sighed as he held my chin, pulling my face to him.  Looking up into his eyes, he smiled and placed the red jockstrap gently into my mouth.  I moaned.  ”Look,” Daddy said gently and stood back pointing towards the mirror.  Puppy and I stared ahead into the mirror.  There I was... a collared cuntboy next to my alpha... his red jockstrap in my mouth with the yellow piping of my harness securely around my hard pecs and collar serving as the background.  I took in puppy in his red piped collar.  He was my opposite...yellow jockstrap in his mouth and the red piped harness presenting his full pecs.   

As we stared into the mirror... Daddy approached us, two leashes in hand.  He fastened them to our collars leading us to the bed.  “You first puppy, present cunt.” Daddy patted the bed.  Puppy quickly jumped on, cunt towards the headboard with tail wagging.  Snapping on a pair of black latex gloves, Daddy climbed on and motioned me to join them.  Settling in, Daddy’s left hand began to work my cunt.  I arched my back, giving him more access as a couple of slick fingers pushed past my cunt lips pushing a gob of lube into my cunt.  Without warning, a burning sensation filled my cunt.  Daddy laughed, “X marks the spot cuntboy.”  My cunt was throbbing… Even when I slammed, my cunt’s hunger had never been like this.  I wanted to yell out... beg for my cunt to be filled... stretched out!  Daddy continued playing with my cunt until he suddenly stopped.  I tensed.  I didn’t want it to end.  I whimpered.  “Relax cuntboy.” Daddy reassured me as he held the base of puppy’s tail with his right hand.  Suddenly, puppy let out a yelp... dropping the yellow jock on the rubber sheet as Daddy pulled the large plug out of his cunt.  Feeling his cunt lips slowly contract, puppy immediately went for the jock and took it back into his mouth.   

Daddy began working both our cunts... my mind totally concentrating on the instinctual hunger emanating from my cunt... the longing to be filled.  I pushed back.  My cunt lips began sucking on Daddy’s fingers.  Already loosened by puppy’s pounding, I felt Daddy’s four fingers enter me as his thumb worked its way around my cunt lips.  Feeling puppy’s sweat slicked body against me, I growled... knowing that he was experiencing the same thing I was.  Then, with a slow steady push, our cunts stretched and accepted our Daddy’s fists inside us.  “FUUCK YEAH!” Daddy growled claiming his property.  Pulling his right fist out of puppy, Daddy grabbed the lube and coated the arm invading my cunt.  Turning his wrist, he went in deeper and held his fist there.  I tensed... Slowly twisting his wrist again, Daddy pulled out... stretching my cunt lips and his fist exited my cunt.  I whimpered loudly... the hunger took over and I pushed back... my cunt seeking Daddy’s fist.  “Easy cuntboy,” Daddy laughed.  His lubed up left hand slapped my cunt lips.  He scooped up more lube and proceeded to slick up his right arm...now filling puppy’s cunt.   Quickly, he returned to my cunt. 

As if we were now in sync, my alpha and I mett the forward movement of Daddy’s fists and impaled ourselves on Daddy’s arms.  I hesitated as my cunt lips slid over Daddy’s wrist since I hadn’t taken any further but the hunger overcame me.  Then I felt it... Daddy’s hand expanded and began to push against my cunt walls.  I pushed further... feeling my cunt lips wrap around Daddy’s forearm.  “Easy boy...breathe...” Daddy chuckled. “You’re still in training.”  I wanted to continue... but he was right.  I stopped about two inches past his wrist and took in the feeling.   Daddy began fucking us... in and out... the rhythm increasing.   Sweat pouring, Daddy yelled “FUCKING BEAUTIFUL!”  admiring the sight of his sweat covered boys taking his fists... their heads up... backs arched... the slurping sounds of our chem lubed cunts filling the room.   

And then it happened... a throb emanated from deep in my cunt... arching my back, my cunt lips grasped Daddy’s arm.  “GRRRRRRR!” I moaned as I felt my cock shooting a jet of cum... filling my jock pouch.  I fucking had my first anal orgasm!  As the orgasm subsided, I leant into puppy’s body... feeling him continue fucking himself on Daddy’s right arm.  Suddenly, his body tensed. I knew what was coming... I moved my body harder against his... wanting to feel him come and he spasmed.  “Good boys,” Daddy said... extending his hands inside our cunts and began massaging.  “Go ahead and toss those jocks boys and get comfortable.”  We shook our heads... tossing the jocks off the bed our sweat rained down on the sheet.  “Follow me cuntboy,” puppy grinned and kissed me.  I watched as puppy leaned to right side... lifting his left leg over Daddy’s arm and fell onto his back.  He smiled at me... spreading his legs to show me Daddy’s arm was still inside him.  I nodded and lifted my right leg.  As it went over Daddy’s arm, he leaned forward and kissed my inner thigh.  “Fuck...” I moaned... I  turned over onto my back.  I turned to puppy and he motioned for me to look up.  I was amazed... there we were...my alpha and I with our Daddy’s arms inside us.  It felt so natural...

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Fuck hot .....lucky Cuntboy and Puppy....loving the big saline balls....for sure he needs then even bigger and heavier ;))  Awesome, cant wait for the next chapter

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Guest fickbardd

Fuck! That’s so hot!

Would love to get huge cunt lips like him. Any good pump recommendations?


Daddy’s Cuntboy Part 10 

The three of us relaxed for a bit... puppy and I connected to our Daddy as he gently massaged our cunts.  I glanced up at puppy’s image in the mirror... I studied his body... his massive defined pecs and ripped abs... a fucking alpha male... but, at the same time, his purpose was to serve the man who now controlled our cunts.  I smiled...   

As I watched puppy, I felt a jolt of pleasure in my entire body.  The movements in my cunt intensified, and my cunt walls throbbed in pleasure from the stimulation of Daddy’s outstretched fingers.  With each throb, the vibrations rippled across my entire body.  I began bucking... moaning every time my ball sack hit Daddy’s wrist... I was overwhelmed, lost in the moment and time seemed to stop... My eyes locked onto puppy’s.  “Shit yeah, cuntboy,” puppy growled, “ride that wrist... take it!  Fucking cuntboy!”  I continued fucking myself on Daddy’s wrist until I felt Daddy’s fingers begin collapsing inside my cunt and the outward pressure on my cunt lips began.  “AWWW FUCK!” puppy moaned as Daddy released his hold on us.  With an unspoken command, puppy displayed his cunt to me... positioning it at my lips.  “Cuntboy, LICK!” Daddy commanded and I began to feed... my tongue digging deep into puppy’s swollen juicy cunt, exploring the saturated walls of his chemmed up cunt... and fed on my alpha.  Feeling Daddy rise from the bed, puppy and I separated.   

"You fucking love being a cuntboy, don’t you?” Daddy smiled.  "Fuck yeah!" I answered contentedly as the lube and cunt juices dripped from my chin. "It’s what I live for now... complete submission. I love it when you and puppy use and control me!"  He nodded and motioned me off the bed.  I dropped to the floor onto all fours and he fastened a yellow leash to my collar.  I moaned as he held it if front of me and I began to drool.  “This is now yours cuntboy and puppy...this one is yours.,” Daddy chuckled as he produced a red version and puppy dropped next to me.  Fastening red leash, Daddy led us both to the large “X” shaped cross near the opposite wall and released puppy, leaving him to observe.  Releasing my leash, Daddy stood me up against the cross, nudging my feet apart until they were positioned with the lower half of the X.   Kneeling in front of me, he attached my ankles to the bottoms of the cross making sure I could not move my feet.  My legs were spread widely but not too uncomfortable that I wouldn’t be able to remain there for an extended period.  As Daddy rose, he slid his hands up my torso... examining my body... sending shivers throughout my body.  He lifted my arms and pushed them back against the upper half of the cross and restrained my wrists... securing me to the cross.  I groaned as the musk of his pits hit my nostrils.  I couldn’t move.  I stood there, my back against the cross section of the cross’ timbers... cunt exposed from behind.  My pecs and saline infused pouch pushing out.  Daddy returned to puppy’s side.  Studying me, Daddy’s head tilted.  “Take a look at our cuntboy, puppy,” Daddy commanded as he leant down into puppy’s ear and whispered.   Puppy rose.  

“On second thought cuntboy, I want that ball sack of yours bigger.” Daddy announced and I began moaning... My desperation showing, I struggled... He stood there... his booted legs spread, his ringed tits sparkling on his tautly harnessed pecs.  My mouth opened as my eyes settled in on his thick dripping cock...  I saw puppy walk into my line of sight... cutting off my jockstrap, puppy held my ball sack... feeling its weight.  He smiled and began to swab the antiseptic.   Daddy walked up behind him, ready to continue my infusion.  “Please! Fucking pump it up!” I begged, feeling the needle enter my sack again.  Daddy released the saline allowing for a slow release and the slight burning returned.  I trembled... I was strapped to the cross...  a totally different feeling than being in the sling.   Daddy held my face, “Relax cuntboy. Feel your sack expanding... This is what you have become... a reflection of my desires.”  He turned and walked to puppy. 

Daddy moved to puppy’s waiting mouth and rested his cockhead on the outstretched tongue.  As soon as he felt the veined cock, puppy engulfed it deep into his mouth.  “Good boy,” Daddy growled as puppy began breathing through his nose... feeling his throat contract around the thick cock shaft.  Daddy withdrew his cock from its warm host.  “Drink boy!” Daddy ordered.  A strong yellow stream of chem piss came rushing from Daddy’s piss slit and puppy began guzzling.  “Take it fucker!” Daddy encouraged as he took a step back and the stream of piss arched into puppy’s open mouth... the gulping increased as Daddy continued to empty his bladder into puppy’s gullet.  I kept watching... my throat muscles contracting, reliving my role as their urinal.  The torrent subsiding, Daddy took a step towards puppy... shaking the last drops off his cock... “That’s it boy... clean Daddy’s cock.”   Daddy smiled down at puppy and attached his leash.  “Stay...”  he ordered as walked past me to the wall.   

Suddenly, a bright light shone on me... bright enough to keep me from seeing the rest of the dungeon.  “OK cuntboy, relax and concentrate on that sack.” Daddy chuckled as he moved in front of me.  With the light, all I could see was the black outline of his body.  Suddenly, all went black... and I panicked.  “Relax cuntboy...” Daddy tried to calm me as he tightened the blindfold leaving me completely blind.  “Deep breaths, cuntboy...” Taking deep breaths, I tried to calm down... feeling Daddy’s hands on my pecs.  “That’s my cuntboy,” Daddy praised me... preparing me for the next step.  Then I felt it...Daddy inserting a pair of industrial ear plugs into my ears.  My sight and hearing were cut off and I felt Daddy embrace me with his strong arms.  I kept taking deep breaths concentrating on Daddy’s embrace until I began to relax.  Feeling that I was safe, Daddy slowly released me and inserted the pipe into my mouth.  Feeling the heat emanating from the torch on the pipe, I inhaled... the warmth of the cloud filling my lungs.  Again, the pipe met my lips...  After a few, not knowing what was happening, I went into my own headspace... remembering my first session with Daddy and puppy... everything that had come after that first night.  “FUCCCK!” I hissed, as the chems renewed the rush and I realized that I was now just a fucking object in the dungeon... put on display as my body was being transformed for my Daddy’s pleasure...  

I didn’t know how long I was like that.  It could have been a few minutes... but it felt like a lifetime.  I couldn’t see what was happening but I could feel the pressure and weight increasing between my legs. My sack began to ache from the stretched-out skin... I began worrying that my sack would burst.  “Daddy... please!” I whimpered.   All of a sudden, Daddy removed my blindfold and instinctively squinted, trying to avoid the spotlights.  I slowly opened my eyes, noticing that the room was only enveloped a red hue and my eyes began to adjust.  I gazed on my smiling Daddy.  “Welcome back cuntboy,” Daddy greeted me as he took out the earplugs.  Removing the needle, Daddy chuckled and released me from the cross, “So how does it feel?”  Stepping away from the cross, my legs moved together.  “AWWW FUCK!” I exclaimed as I felt my huge sack slide forward as my body leaned back to balance myself.  I let out a soft groan.   “SHIT YEAH! CUNTBOY! TAKE A FUCKING LOOK AT YOURSELF!” I heard puppy yell... calling me over to the mirror.  I made my way to puppy... no, I waddled... the mound between my legs forcing me legs apart...bow legged.  My mouth dropped and stared in disbelief.  There I was... a fucking freak!  I stood there amazed... seeing a melon sized ball sack hanging down low... the skin stretched taut.  “FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!” I kept repeating... knowing that deep inside, I had always wanted this.  I had jacked off so many times in high school... fantasizing about walking into the showers... dropping to my knees as my full balls hung down... offering myself to every cock. 

I turned to Daddy.  “Please Daddy,” I begged. “Fuck me!”   Daddy just smiled and walked towards me... his engorged cock leading him to his cuntboy.  I dropped on all fours... my knees extended allowing my sack to hang freely and I offered him my cunt... Daddy moved behind me positioning himself between my outstretched legs, rubbing his hands up and down my back.  “Fucking beautiful cuntboy.  Tell me what you want.”… I moaned...  “Please!” I continued. “Feed my cunt!”...  as my cunt lips ached to take Daddy’s fat cock inside me.  Daddy took a hit long hit from the pipe as he spread my cunt lips wide.  Drawing a second hit, Daddy blew the chem cloud into my cunt.  My body spasmed... feeling my Daddy’s tongue against my hungry cunt.  Daddy darted his tongue in and out... chewing my cunt lips and shoving his tongue in as deep as he could.  I was in my own world... my cock leaking onto my engorged balls.  My cunt lips quivered as I felt Daddy’s cock press up against them.  Without warning, he plunged his entire shaft deep inside my cunt hitting my prostate.  “FUCK!” I yelled as Daddy grabbed the back of harness, pulling me up to his chest, and began to pound my cunt.   My head began to swim.  “Take Daddy’s cock cuntboy! Fucking whore!” he yelled... driving deeper into me with every thrust.  I let go a chem induced rant, “Fuck yeah Daddy... fuck your meth whore... fucking need cock... fucking cunt!“  He kept up the hard fucking and pounding of my prostate until I started to cum... causing my cunt lips to grasp and tightened around his shaft.  With a final deep, hard thrust, Daddy plunged his cock all the way in and let out a torrent of hot cum... coating the inside of my cunt.  “Fuck yeah!” I moaned contentedly.  Pulling out, Daddy slapped my ass and stood in front of me, presenting his dripping cock.   “Clean, cuntboy.” he ordered... without hesitation, I took his cock into my mouth... tasting the mixture of cunt slime as I obeyed my Daddy’s command.  Satisfied, Daddy patted my head and walked away.  “Now put on that jockstrap,” he ordered... pointing to the yellow jock on tossed against the mirrored wall.  “When it’s on... back on the floor.” 

I grabbed the jockstrap and quickly rose to put it on.  The feeling was incredible... the massive weight of the sack pulling on my groin caused me to slightly hunch over as I pulled it on.  “Fuck” I mumbled, trying to adjust myself.  I stood there staring... the waistband barely covering my cockhead... my exposed cock shaft extending from my groin.  I smiled... knowing that it would last for a while.  I wasn’t going anywhere.  Noticing puppy crawling to me, I turned and dropped to my knees to greet my alpha.  I sat back, my ass cheeks resting on the heels of my feet and adjusted my legs to allow my sack to hang free...  Holding it in both of my hands, I proudly presented it to him.  Drawing closer, puppy’s hands began examining the obscene mass and grunted an approval as he began licking along the length of my exposed shaft.  My hips bucked and my cock sprung from its confines.  “Take it puppy...Piss...I gotta piss,” I pleaded... the pressure on bladder hitting me... Puppy held my cock in his mouth and nodded... giving me permission to release a torrent of chem piss into my alpha’s waiting mouth.  “MMMMMM...” I growled... knowing puppy hardly took my piss... I was his urinal... 

After having his fill of my piss, puppy sat back, mimicking my position, our knees touching.  I took in the sight of my alpha... his hard pecs rising and falling.  My gaze moved downward seeing his sculpted torso until my eyes landed on his full pouch.  It wasn’t pumped like mine... no modifications... his was the product of exceptional genes.  “My cuntboy,” puppy sighed and leaned forward... Taking my right tit in his mouth, he began chewing.  “Harder!” I begged... grabbing his head and pushing it deeper into my chest.  “HARDER!”  My body began to shake... feeling the pleasure of my tit connect to my cunt... Releasing my tit, puppy began devouring me... tongues clashing, our hands exploring every bit of each other’s body.  I couldn’t get enough of my alpha... I needed him to fuck me and I flipped... presenting my cunt.  Letting out a loud growl, “HUNGRY CUNT!” puppy shoved his cock into me and pulled me up... my back against his pecs feeling his uncut cock fill my cunt.   

We stayed like that for a bit... until I saw our reflection in the mirror... My head exploded, “HOLY FUCK!” I yelled... pulling myself away from puppy and looked down at my right tit... the ring was gone.   I freaked out... trying to look for it.  Immediately realizing what he had done, puppy grabbed hold of me.  “It’s ok cuntboy... it’s ok.”  I stared down at my bloody tit... shaking my head... I couldn’t believe what had just happened.  “Relax cuntboy...” puppy, examining my tit, tried to calm me down.  I looked at Daddy, trying to understand what had happened... he came, stood behind me and held my shoulders.   I stared, opened mouthed, into puppy’s dilated eyes.  Suddenly... puppy groaned and went for my tit... his tongue lapping up my blood...  “FUUCK!” I growled... I was so fuckin spun that I didn’t care anymore...  I just sat there... feeling my alpha feeding on my bloody tit.  “Shit yeah...” Daddy groaned.  Falling to his knees behind me, he lifted my hips, pushing his shaft in to the hilt.  “Fucking cunt...”  and I rode Daddy’s cock as puppy sat back.  “Cunt,” puppy smiled and rose with an evil grin.  Leaning over me, he let out a red tinged trail of spit.  I moaned, immediately swallowing the offering that my alpha offered.  “Now me,” Daddy ordered and puppy moved to him... repeating the ritual with our Daddy.   

We were complete... My body was the vessel of their essences, their cum and piss.  My life force... my blood... had been accepted into their bodies, 

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Lucky cuntboy and Puppy....fuck loving the way this story develops and especially his balls sack getting even bigger and heavier and increasing the focus on his ever more greedy cunt...

looking forward to the next;)

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Guest takingdeepanal
  On 10/8/2019 at 1:27 AM, Oak828 said:

More! Love drinking my own chem piss... would love a dom daddy to shoot his up my ass and down my throat


I love to wallow in a top's chempiss like the meThed-up piG that I am ...

  On 11/17/2019 at 3:13 PM, satyrbtm said:

love having my scrotum inflated with saline. makes my cocklet disappear and become more of an oversized clit.  Almost a form of chastity, makes it hard to jack off.  Makes me feel owned, the top modifying me to please himself, making me focus more on my cunt and the hole that i am, and a freak sub bottom.





I have been thinking of doing it - needing advice - Help - doing it so Badly - sites ?  

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